Helm Install on Kubernetes (Local or Remote)

As a simpler alternative to deploying in traditional server environments, MetacatUI can be installed on a Kubernetes cluster, using Helm to simplify deployment. This facilitates evaluation or development, either on a local machine, or on a remote Kubernetes cluster.

(For more background information, see Appendix 1: Brief Overview of Images, Containers, Kubernetes and Helm, below)


You will need helm, docker and kubectl already installed and running on your local machine, along with access to a Kubernetes cluster.

The steps are the same for installing on either a local Machine or on a remote cluster:

Step 1. Install the Helm chart

a. Easiest: using a specific release version from GitHub (e.g. v1.0.2 - see “Recent tagged image versions” on GitHub to find the latest).

helm install mcui oci://ghcr.io/nceas/charts/metacatui --version 1.0.2

b. Alternatively, if you want to deploy from the latest source code, you can clone the repository from GitHub and use the latest helm chart to install:

⚠️ CAUTION: Not an official release - do not use in production

# clone the repo, cd to it, and check out the develop branch
git clone https://github.com/NCEAS/metacatui.git
cd metacatui
git switch develop

# helm install with the local path to the helm chart
helm install mcui ./helm

Step 2. Start Port forwarding

This will map port 80 of the K8s deployment to port 8080 on your local machine. Do this in a separate terminal window, so you can leave it running:

# Assumes your deployment is named 'mcui', but you can check with `kubectl get services`
kubectl port-forward service/mcui-metacatui 8080:80

After waiting a few seconds for the release to get up and running, use your browser to view MetacatUI at http://localhost:8080/, where you should see MetacatUI using the KNB theme.

NOTE: You have not yet provided details of an existing Metacat back-end for MetacatUI to contact, so you will therefore see an error message on the search page, saying Something went wrong while getting the list of datasets - this is expected, and can be ignored. However, if you want to resolve this…

Step 3. Override Some Configuration Values

Create a file (named my-values.yaml), and add the following content. Helm will use these values to override the corresponding ones in the default values.yaml. The rest will remain unchanged:

  metacatUiThemeName: "arctic"
  metacatExternalBaseUrl: "https://dev.nceas.ucsb.edu/"
  metacatAppContext: "knb"
  d1ClientCnUrl: "https://cn-stage.test.dataone.org/cn"

Step 4. Upgrade the Release, with the New Values:

helm upgrade mcui  -f my-values.yaml  oci://ghcr.io/nceas/charts/metacatui --version 1.0.2
# or if deploying from the local repo, use ./helm instead of oci://... and --version (see Step 1)

Ensure port-forwarding is still running (see Step 2), and you should simply be able to refresh your browser to see the updated version at http://localhost:8080/. You should now see MetacatUI using the Arctic Data Center theme, and the search page should be populated with test data from https://dev.nceas.ucsb.edu/

TIP: the upgrade command should restart the metacatui pod, if settings have changed since the previous release. However, sometimes this may not work as expected, and you may need to delete the pod manually, thus prompting K8s to re-create it with the new settings.

You can check the status of the pods with kubectl get pods:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mcui-metacatui-557545c55-tk7wg     1/1     Running   0          3m24s

If the AGE does not reflect your most-recent helm upgrade, you may need to delete the pod with kubectl delete pod <podname>:

kubectl delete pod mcui-metacatui-557545c55-tk7wg    ## copy your pod name from above

…and then monitor the new pod startup using kubectl get pods again, until you see READY change from 0/1 to 1/1.

Alternatively, instead of using helm upgrade, you can delete the release with helm delete mcui, and then re-install it with the original helm install command.


NOTE: Complete documentation for configuring the Helm chart can be found in the Helm README file, and within the comments in the values.yaml file.

The Helm chart supports the following different configuration options:

Setting or Overriding MetacatUI’s config.js values

See the AppConfig documentation for all the available MetacatUI config options.

NOTE: There are a few specific values (such as the theme, root, baseUrl etc) which must NOT be set in the appConfig: section of values.yaml, but should instead be set in the global: section (and with different names, e.g. metacatUiThemeName, metacatUiWebRoot, metacatExternalBaseUrl etc.). Please see the related comments in the values.yaml file for specific details.

Using a Custom Theme

Development on Localhost

You can set up the chart to use your own copy of the MetacatUI source files on your local machine, thus allowing you to edit the source files, and have changes be immediately visible in the browser. See the Helm README section on “Development on Localhost” for details.

Appendix 1: Brief Overview of Images, Containers, Kubernetes and Helm

Helm is a package manager that uses pre-configured “Helm charts” to simplify deployment of containerized applications to a Kubernetes cluster.

Images and Containers

An image is essentially a blueprint or template that defines how to create a new container. Think of it like a recipe book - just as a recipe tells you how to make a specific dish, an image provides the instructions for creating a container with a specific set of characteristics, such as which software packages are installed.

A container is the actual instance of an image that’s running and executing code. It’s a lightweight, portable, and isolated execution environment that packages an application and its dependencies together, allowing consistent deployment across different computing platforms and environments. Once you create a container from an image, it can run independently and be managed separately. Containers can be run on any machine that has the container runtime installed, regardless of the underlying operating system or hardware.

Docker is an example of an open-source platform for developing, shipping, and running these images and containers. Many images are available on Docker Hub, a public registry for Docker images.

Simple example of running a container on a local machine:

Ensure you already installed Rancher Desktop - see Prerequisites, above - and then type docker run hello-world to run the example “hello-world” container, and you should see the following:

$ docker run hello-world
Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/hello-world
c9c5fd25a1bd: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:d715f14f9eca81473d9112df50457893aa4d099adeb4729f679006bf5ea12407
Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest

Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

To generate this message, Docker took the following steps:
 1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon.
 2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub.
 3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the
    executable that produces the output you are currently reading.
 4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it
    to your terminal.

(Also see “Foundations of Docker” at docker.com - skip downloading docker desktop, if you already have Rancher Desktop installed.)


Kubernetes is an open-source tool that helps you run and manage multiple containers together efficiently, deployed across a cluster of worker machines called nodes. It takes care of deploying, scaling, and keeping your containerized applications running smoothly, allowing you to focus on building or using your software, rather than dealing with infrastructure complexities. Kubernetes is also known as “K8s” (the “8” representing the number of letters between the “K” and the “s”)

Key Features

(Also see “Learn Kubernetes Basics” at kubernetes.io)

While Kubernetes greatly simplifies deployment, many manual steps may still be required in order to deploy and manage applications, especially those with many components. This is where Helm comes in…


Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes. It uses pre-configured packages called “Helm charts” to provide a consistent and repeatable method of packaging, configuring, deploying and upgrading complex applications, often with zero downtime. (You can think of it as the K8s equivalent of Homebrew, apt, or WinGet.)

Many ready-made charts are publicly available in various Helm Repositories. Examples include:

Basic Helm Commands

# install a chart
helm install <releasename> <chartname>

# makes changes on the fly, often with zero downtime, and increments the release version
helm upgrade <releasename> <chartname>

# delete a release
helm delete <releasename>

(Also see the Helm Documentation)

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