An object that contains the configuration for this MetacatUI application.
These values are set directly on the AppModel when it is initialized and can be accessed
from anywhere in the application through the AppModel. (e.g. `MetacatUI.appModel.get("attribute")`` )
- Source:
accessPolicyName :string
The user-facing name for editing the Access Policy. This is displayed as the header of the AccessPolicyView, for example
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
accessRuleOptionNames :object
Name |
Type |
Description | |
The user-facing name of the "read" access in Access Rules |
accessRuleOptionNames.write |
The user-facing name of the "write" access in Access Rules |
accessRuleOptionNames.changePermission |
The user-facing name of the "changePermission" access in Access Rules |
- Since:
- Source:
read: "Can view",
write: "Can edit",
changePermission: "Is owner"
accessRuleOptions :object
Name |
Type |
Description | |
If true, users will be able to give others read access to their DataONE objects |
accessRuleOptions.write |
If true, users will be able to give others write access to their DataONE objects |
accessRuleOptions.changePermission |
If true, users will be able to give others changePermission access to their DataONE objects |
- Since:
- Default Value:
- {
read: true,
write: true,
changePermission: true
- Source:
read: true,
write: true,
changePermission: false
// This example would enable users to edit the read and write access to files,
// but not change ownership, in the Access Policy View.
accountsMapsUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE mapIdentity() API
This URL is constructed dynamically once the
AppModel is initialized.
- Source:
accountsUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE Identity API
This URL is constructed dynamically once the
AppModel is initialized.
- Source:
activeAlternateRepositoryId :string
The node identifier of the alternate repository that is used for fetching and saving DataONEObjects.
this attribute is dynamically set by MetacatUI to keep track of the currently active alt repo.
To specify a repository that should be active by default, set
- Since:
- Source:
allowAccessPolicyChanges :boolean
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
allowAccessPolicyChangesDatasets :boolean
If true, users can change the AccessPolicy for their datasets only.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
allowAccessPolicyChangesDatasetsForSubjects :boolean
Limit dataset Access policy editing to only a defined list of people or groups.
To let everyone edit access policies for their own objects, keep this as an empty array
and make sure
AppConfig#allowAccessPolicyChangesDatasets is set to `true`
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
allowAccessPolicyChangesPortals :boolean
If true, users can change the AccessPolicy for their portals only.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
allowAccessPolicyChangesPortalsForSubjects :boolean
Limit portal Access policy editing to only a defined list of people or groups.
To let everyone edit access policies for their own objects, keep this as an empty array
and make sure
AppConfig#allowAccessPolicyChangesPortals is set to `true`
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
allowChangeRightsHolder :boolean
If false, users will not be able to change the rightsHolder of a resource in the AccessPolicyView
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
alternateRepositories :Array.<object>
A list of alternate repositories to use for fetching and saving DataONEObjects.
In the AppConfig, this is an array of NodeModel#members attributes, in JSON form.
These are the same attributes retireved from the Node Info document, via the d1/mn/v2/node API.
The only required attributes are name, identifier, and baseURL.
- Since:
- Source:
name: "Metacat MN",
identifier: "urn:node:METACAT",
baseURL: ""
archivedContentIsIndexed :boolean
If true, then archived content is available in the search index.
Set to false if this MetacatUI is using a Metacat version before 2.10.0
- Default Value:
- Source:
authServiceUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE isAuthorized() API. This URL is contructed dynamically when the
AppModel is initialized. Only override this if you are an advanced user and have a reason to!
- Source:
baseUrl :string
The base URL for the repository. This only needs to be changed if the repository
is hosted at a different origin than the MetacatUI origin. This URL is used to contruct all
of the DataONE REST API URLs. If you are testing MetacatUI against a development repository
at an external location, this is where you would set that external repository URL.
- Default Value:
- window.location.origin || (window.location.protocol + "//" +
- Source:
batchSizeFetch :number
Whether to batch fetch requests to the DataONE API. This is an experimental feature
and should be used with caution. If set to a number greater than 0, MetacatUI will
batch requests to the DataONE API and send them in groups of this size. This can
improve performance when making many requests to the DataONE API, but can also
cause issues if the requests are too large or if the DataONE API is not able to
handle the batched requests.
Currently, this feature is only used in the DataPackageModel when fetching the
list of DataONE member models.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
batchSizeUpload :number
Whether to batch uploads to the DataONE API. This is an experimental feature
and should be used with caution. If set to a number greater than 0, MetacatUI will
batch uploads to the DataONE API and send them in groups of this size. This can
improve performance when uploading many files to the DataONE API, but can also
cause issues if the requests are too large or if the DataONE API is not able to
handle the batched requests.
Currently, this feature is only used in the DataPackageModel when uploading files
to the DataONE API.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
bingMapsKey :string
Your Access Token for the Bing Maps Imagery API, which can be retrieved from Required if any Cesium layers use imagery
directly from Bing.
- Since:
- Source:
bioportalAPIKey :string
Semantic annotation configuration
Include your Bioportal api key to show ontology information for metadata annotations
- Source:
bioportalApiBaseUrl :string
The Bioportal REST API URL, which is used for looking up ontology information
- Since:
- Default Value:
- ""
- Source:
- See:
Make use of the Bioontology model to cache the results of Bioportal API calls
- Deprecated:
- Source:
bioportalOntologies :Array.<{label: string, ontology: string, subTree: string, icon: string}>
The list of Bioportal ontologies that are available for searching &
labeling data in the repository. These are the ontologies that will
be displayed in the bioontology browser, and the ontologies that a
user can search within when querying data with the sem_annotation
field. Set a subTree property to limit the ontology to a particular
class. For the full list of possible ontologies, see the Bioportal
Array.<{label: string, ontology: string, subTree: string, icon: string}>
- Since:
- Source:
bioportalSearchUrl :string
The Bioportal REST API URL, which is set dynamically only if a bioportalAPIKey is configured
- Deprecated:
- Source:
bookkeeperBaseUrl :string
The base URL for the DataONE Bookkeeper services, which manage the DataONE membership plans, such as
Hosted Repositories and Plus.
See for more info on this service.
- Since:
- Source:
bookkeeperCustomersUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE Bookkeeper Customers API, e.g. listCustomers(), getCustomer(), createCustomer(), etc.
This full URL is contructed using AppModel#bookkeeperBaseUrl when the AppModel is initialized.
- Since:
- Source:
bookkeeperQuotasUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE Bookkeeper Quota API, e.g. listQuotas(), getQuota(), createQuota(), etc.
This full URL is contructed using AppModel#bookkeeperBaseUrl when the AppModel is initialized.
- Since:
- Source:
bookkeeperSubscriptionsUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE Bookkeeper Subscriptions API, e.g. listSubscriptions(), fetchSubscription(), createSubscription(), etc.
This full URL is contructed using AppModel#bookkeeperBaseUrl when the AppModel is initialized.
- Since:
- Source:
bookkeeperUsagesUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE Bookkeeper Usages API, e.g. listUsages(), getUsage(), createUsage(), etc.
This full URL is contructed using AppModel#bookkeeperBaseUrl when the AppModel is initialized.
- Since:
- Source:
catalogSearchMapOptions :MapConfig
The default options for the Cesium map used in the
CatalogSearchView for searching the data
catalog. Add custom layers, a default home position (for example, zoom into your area of research),
and enable/disable map widgets. See
MapConfig for the full suite of options. Keep the `CesiumGeohash`
layer here in order to show the search results in the map as geohash boxes. Use any satellite imagery
layer of your choice, such as a self-hosted imagery layer or hosted on Cesium Ion.
- Since:
- Source:
cesiumToken :string
- Since:
- Source:
checkTokenUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE echoCredentials() API
This URL is constructed dynamically once the
AppModel is initialized.
- Source:
collectionQueryExcludeFields :Array.<string>
The metadata fields to hide when a user is creating a collection definition using
the Query Builder View displayed in the portal builder on the data page, or
anywhere else the EditCollectionView is displayed. Strings listed here should
exactly match the 'name' for each field provided by the DataONE search index API
(i.e. should match the Solr field).
- Source:
["sem_annotated_by", "mediaType"]
collectionQuerySpecialFields :Array.<SpecialField>
A list of additional fields which are not retrieved from the query API (i.e. are
not Solr fields), but which should be added to the list of options the user can
select from when building a query in the EditCollectionView. This can be used to
add abstracted fields which are a combination of multiple query fields, or to add
a duplicate field that has a different label.
- Since:
- Source:
context :string
The directory that metacat is installed in at the `baseUrl`. For example, if you
have metacat installed in the tomcat webapps directory as `metacat`, then this should be set
to "/metacat". Or if you renamed the metacat webapp to `catalog`, then it should be `/catalog`.
- Default Value:
- Source:
In the editor, sometimes it is useful to have guided questions for the Methods section
in addition to the generic numbered method steps. These custom methods are defined here
as an array of literal objects that define each custom Methods question. Custom methods
are serialized to the EML as regular method steps, but with an unchangeable title, defined here,
in order to identify them.
- Since:
- Source:
d1CNBaseUrl :string
The base URL of the DataONE Coordinating Node (CN). CHange this if you
are testing a deployment in a development environment.
- Default Value:
- Source:
d1CNService :string
The URL fragment for the DataONE Coordinating Node (CN) API.
- Default Value:
- Source:
d1LogServiceUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE log service. This service has been replaced with the DataONE metrics service
(which has not been publicly released), so this configuration will be deprecated in the future.
This URL is constructed dynamically upon AppModel intialization.
- Deprecated:
- Source:
d1Service :string
The URL fragment for the DataONE Member Node (MN) API.
- Default Value:
- Source:
dashboardUrl :string
The Whole Tale endpoint
- Default Value:
- ''
- Source:
dataCatalogMap :string
- Deprecated:
- Default Value:
- Source:
dataPackageFiltering :boolean
Set this option to true to display the filtering button for data package table
- Since:
- Source:
dataPackageSorting :boolean
Set this option to true to display the sorting button for data package table
- Since:
- Source:
dataSensitivityInfoURL :string
The URL of a webpage that shows more information about Data Sensitivity and DataTags. This will be used
for links in help text throughout the app, such as next to Data Sensitivity questions in the dataset editor.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
dataoneCitationsUrl :string
DataONE Citation reporting endpoint url
- Source:
dataonePlusName :string
The name of the DataONE Plus membership plan, which is used in messaging throughout the UI.
This is only used if the enableBookkeeperServices setting is set to true.
- Default Value:
- Source:
dataoneSearchUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE Search MetacatUI. This only needs to be changed
if you want to point to a development environment.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- ""
- Source:
datasetMapFillColor :string
The bounding box fill color to use in the Google Static Map images on the dataset landing pages.
If you don't want to fill in the bounding boxes with a color, set this to null or undefined.
Specify the color either as a 24-bit (example: color=0xFFFFCC) or 32-bit hexadecimal value
(example: color=0xFFFFCCFF), or from the set: black, brown, green, purple, yellow, blue, gray, orange, red, white.
For more information, see the Google Statis Maps API docs:
- Since:
- Default Value:
- "0xFFFF0033" (light yellow)
- Source:
datasetMapPathColor :string
The bounding box path color to use in the Google Static Map images on the dataset landing pages.
Specify the color either as a 24-bit (example: color=0xFFFFCC) or 32-bit hexadecimal value
(example: color=0xFFFFCCFF), or from the set: black, brown, green, purple, yellow, blue, gray, orange, red, white.
For more information, see the Google Statis Maps API docs:
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
defaultAccessPolicy :Array.<object>
The default
AccessPolicy set on new objects uploaded to the repository.
Each literal object here gets set directly on an
AccessRule model.
See the
AccessRule list of default attributes for options on what to set here.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- [{
subject: "public",
read: true
- Source:
- See:
subject: "public",
read: true
// This example would assign public access to all new objects created in MetacatUI.
defaultAlternateRepositoryId :string
The node identifier of the alternate repository that should be used for fetching and saving DataONEObjects.
Since there can be multiple alternate repositories configured, this attribute can be used to specify which
one is actively in use.
- Since:
- Source:
- Source:
defaultSearchFields :Array.<string>
The document fields to return when conducting a search. This is the list of fields returned by the main catalog search view.
- Since:
- Source:
["id", "title", "obsoletedBy"]
defaultSearchFilters :Array.<string>
The search filters that will be displayed in the search views. Add or remove
filter names from this array to show or hide them. See "example" to see all the
filter options.
- Default Value:
- ["all", "attribute", "documents", "creator", "dataYear", "pubYear", "id", "taxon", "spatial", "isPrivate"]
- Source:
["all", "annotation", "attribute", "dataSource", "documents", "creator", "dataYear", "pubYear", "id", "taxon", "spatial"]
description :string
The default page description.
- Since:
- Source:
disableQueryPOSTs :boolean
If set to false, some parts of the app will send POST HTTP requests to the
Solr search index via the `/query/solr` DataONE API.
Set this configuration to true if using Metacat 2.10.2 or earlier
- Source:
If true, displays the WholeTale "Analyze" button on the dataset landing page
- Default Value:
- Source:
displayDatasetCitationMetric :boolean
- Default Value:
- Source:
displayDatasetControls :boolean
If true, displays various buttons on the dataset landing page for dataset owners
- Default Value:
- Source:
displayDatasetDownloadMetric :boolean
- Default Value:
- Source:
If true, displays the "Edit" button on the dataset landing page
- Default Value:
- Source:
displayDatasetMetrics :boolean
Metrics flag for the Dataset Landing Page
Enable this flag to enable metrics display
- Default Value:
- Source:
- Default Value:
- Source:
displayDatasetQualityMetric :boolean
If true, displays the metadata assessment metrics on the dataset landing page
- Default Value:
- Source:
displayDatasetViewMetric :boolean
- Default Value:
- Source:
Show or hide the Download button in the search result rows
- Default Value:
- Source:
displayMetricModals :boolean
If true, displays the datasets metric modal windows on the dataset landing page
Turn off all dataset metrics displays using the
- Default Value:
- Source:
If true, displays the citation registration tool on the dataset landing page
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
displayRepoLogosInSearchResults :boolean
Show or hide the source repository logo in the search result rows
- Default Value:
- Source:
displayRightsHolderInAccessPolicy :boolean
If false, the rightsHolder of a resource will not be displayed in the AccessPolicyView.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
An array of science metadata format IDs that are editable in MetacatUI.
Metadata documents with these format IDs will have an Edit button and will be
editable in the Editor Views.
This should only be changed if you have extended MetacatUI to edit a new format,
or if you want to disable editing of a specific format ID.
- Default Value:
- [
- Source:
editorSaveButtonText :string
The text of the Save button in the dataset editor.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
editorSaveErrorMsg :string
This error message is displayed when the Editor encounters an error saving
- Source:
editorSaveErrorMsgWithDraft :string
This error message is displayed when the Editor encounters an error saving, and a plain-text draft is saved instead
- Source:
editorSchemaLocation :string
- Since:
- Default Value:
- ""
- Source:
The format ID the dataset editor serializes new EML as
- Since:
- Default Value:
- ""
- Source:
The e-mail address that people should contact when they need help with
submitting datasets, resolving error messages, etc.
- Default Value:
- Source:
emlEditorRequiredFields :object
A list of all the required fields in the EML Editor.
Any field set to `true` will prevent the user from saving the Editor until a value has been given
Any EML field not supported in this list cannot be required.
Name |
Type |
Description |
abstract |
Default: true |
alternateIdentifier |
Default: false |
dataSensitivity |
Default: false |
funding |
Default: false |
generalTaxonomicCoverage |
Default: false |
taxonCoverage |
Default: false. If true, at least one taxonomic rank and value will be required. |
geoCoverage |
Default: false. If true, at least one geographic coverage description and point/bounding box will be required. |
intellectualRights |
Default: true |
keywordSets |
Default: false. If true, at least one keyword will be required. |
methods |
Default: false. If true, at least one method step will be required. |
samplingDescription |
Default: false |
studyExtentDescription |
Default: false |
temporalCoverage |
Default: false. If true, at least a beginDate will be required. |
title |
Default: true. EML documents always require a title. Only set this to false if you are extending MetacatUI to ensure a title another way. |
- Default Value:
- {
abstract: true,
alternateIdentifier: false,
funding: false,
dataSensitivity: false,
generalTaxonomicCoverage: false,
taxonCoverage: false,
geoCoverage: false,
intellectualRights: true,
keywordSets: false,
methods: false,
samplingDescription: false,
studyExtentDescription: false,
temporalCoverage: false,
title: true
- Source:
abstract: true,
alternateIdentifier: false,
funding: false,
dataSensitivity: true,
generalTaxonomicCoverage: false,
taxonCoverage: false,
geoCoverage: false,
intellectualRights: true,
keywordSets: false,
methods: false,
samplingDescription: false,
studyExtentDescription: false,
temporalCoverage: false,
title: true,
contact: true,
principalInvestigator: true
emlEditorRequiredFields_EMLParty :object
A list of required fields for each EMLParty (People) in the dataset editor.
This is a literal object where the keys are the EML Party type (e.g. creator, principalInvestigator) EMLParty.partytypes
and the values are arrays of field names.
By default, EMLPartys are *always* required to have an individual's name, position name, or organization name.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
contact: ["email"],
creator: ["email", "address", "phone"]
principalInvestigator: ["organizationName"]
emlKeywordThesauri :Array.<object>
A list of keyword thesauri options for the user to choose from in the EML Editor.
A "None" option will also always display.
Name |
Type |
Description |
label |
A readable and short label for the keyword thesaurus that is displayed in the UI |
thesaurus |
The exact keyword thesaurus name that will be saved in the EML |
- Since:
- Default Value:
- [{
label: "GCMD",
thesaurus: "NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)"
- Source:
label: "GCMD",
thesaurus: "NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)"
emlSystem :string
The text to use for the eml system attribute. The system attribute
indicates the data management system within which an identifier is in
scope and therefore unique. This is typically a URL (Uniform Resource
Locator) that indicates a data management system. All identifiers that
share a system must be unique. In other words, if the same identifier
is used in two locations with identical systems, then by definition the
objects at which they point are in fact the same object.
- Since:
- Source:
enableBookkeeperServices :boolean
Enable or disable the DataONE Bookkeeper services. If enabled, Portal Views will use the DataONE Plus
paid features for active subscriptions. If disabled, the Portal Views will assume
all portals are in inactive/free, and will only render free features.
- Since:
- Source:
enableCILogonSignIn :boolean
If true, users can sign in using CILogon as the identity provider.
ORCID is the only recommended identity provider. CILogon may be deprecated
in the future.
- Default Value:
- Source:
enableCesium :boolean
If enabled (by setting to true), Cesium maps will be used in the interface.
If a
AppConfig#cesiumToken is not provided, Cesium features will be disabled.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
enableCreatePortals :boolean
Set to false to prevent ANYONE from creating a new portal.
- Default Value:
- Source:
enableDataSensitivityInEditor :boolean
If true, questions related to Data Sensitivity will be shown in the EML Editor.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
enableLdapSignIn :boolean
Enable DataONE LDAP authentication. If true, users can sign in from an LDAP account that is in the DataONE CN LDAP directory.
This is not recommended, as DataONE is moving towards supporting only ORCID logins for users.
This LDAP authentication is separate from the File-based authentication for the Metacat Admin interface.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
enableMeasurementTypeView :boolean
Enable or disable showing the MeasurementTypeView in the Editor's
attribute modal dialog. The AppModel#bioportalAPIKey must be set to a valid Bioportal
API key for the ontology tree widget to work.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
enableMonitorStatus :boolean
If false, the /monitor/status (the service that returns the status of various DataONE services) will not be used.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
enablePublishDOI :boolean
If true, users can see a "Publish" button in the MetadataView, which makes the metadata
document public and gives it a DOI identifier.
If false, the button will be hidden completely.
- Default Value:
- Source:
enablePublishDOIForSubjects :Array.<string>
A list of users or groups who exclusively will be able to see and use the "Publish" button,
which makes the metadata document public and gives it a DOI identifier.
Anyone not in this list will not be able to see the Publish button.
`enablePublishDOI` must be set to `true` for this to take effect.
- Source:
enableSolrJoins :boolean
If set to true, some parts of the app will use the Solr Join Query syntax
when sending queries to the `/query/solr` DataONE API.
If this is not enabled, then some parts of the UI may not work if a query has too
many characters or has too many boolean clauses. This impacts the "Metrics" tabs of portals/collections,
at least.
The Solr Join Query Parser as added in Solr 4.0.0-ALPHA (I believe!):
About the Solr Join Query Parser:
WARNING: At some point, MetacatUI will deprecate this configuration and will REQUIRE Solr Join Queries
- Source:
enableUserProfileSettings :boolean
Enable or disable the user settings view. If enabled, users will see a list of
changeable settings - name, email, groups, portals, etc.
- Default Value:
- Source:
enableUserProfiles :boolean
Enable or disable the user profiles. If enabled, users will see a "My profile" link
and can view their datasets, metrics on those datasets, their groups, etc.
- Default Value:
- Source:
fileDownloadTimeout :number
The timeout in milliseconds for file downloads. If set to anything
other than a number greater than 0, the file download will not
timeout (i.e. it will wait indefinitely for the file to download).
- Since:
- Source:
The URL for the DataONE Formats API. This URL is contructed dynamically when the
AppModel is initialized. Only override this if you are an advanced user and have a reason to!
- Source:
The URL fragment for the DataONE Formats API. This is combined with the AppConfig#formatsServiceUrl
- Default Value:
- Source:
googleAnalyticsKey :string
Your Google Analytics API key, which is used to send page view and custom events
to the Google Analytics service.
This service is optional in MetacatUI.
Sign up for Google Analytics services at
- Default Value:
- Source:
grantsUrl :string
The URL for the NSF Award API, which can be used by the
to look up award information for the dataset editor or other views. The
URL must point to a proxy that can make requests to the NSF Award API,
since it does not support CORS.
- Default Value:
- "/"
- Source:
groupsUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE Groups API
This URL is constructed dynamically once the
AppModel is initialized.
- Source:
hiddenSubjectsInAccessPolicy :Array.<string>
A list of group subjects that will be hidden in the AccessPolicy view to
everyone except those in the group. This is useful for preventing users from
removing repository administrative groups from access policies.
- Since:
- Source:
hideIsPartOfFilter :boolean
The isPartOf filter is added to all new portals built in the Portal
Builder automatically. It is required for dataset owners to include
their dataset in a specific portal collection. By default, this filter
is hidden. Set to false to make this filter visible.
- Source:
hideMetricsWhen :object
Hide metrics display for SolrResult models that match the given properties.
Properties can be functions, which are given the SolrResult model value as a parameter.
Turn off all dataset metrics displays using the
- Source:
formatId: "eml://",
isPublic: true,
dateUploaded: function(date){
return new Date(date) < new Date('1995-12-17T03:24:00');
// This example would hide metrics for any objects that are:
// EML 2.1.1 OR public OR were uploaded before 12/17/1995.
Hide or show the report Citation button in the dataset landing page.
- Default Value:
- Source:
hideSummaryCitationsChart :boolean
Hide or show the aggregated citations chart in the StatsView.
These charts are only available for DataONE Plus members or Hosted Repositories.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
hideSummaryDownloadsChart :boolean
Hide or show the aggregated downloads chart in the StatsView
These charts are only available for DataONE Plus members or Hosted Repositories.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
Hide or show the aggregated metadata assessment chart in the StatsView
These charts are only available for DataONE Plus members or Hosted Repositories.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
hideSummaryViewsChart :boolean
Hide or show the aggregated views chart in the StatsView
These charts are only available for DataONE Plus members or Hosted Repositories.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
inheritAccessPolicy :boolean
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
isCN :boolean
If true, this MetacatUI instance is pointing to a CN rather than a MN.
This attribute is set during the AppModel initialization, based on the other configured attributes.
- Source:
isJSONLDEnabled :boolean
If true, the dataset landing pages and data catalog view will
generate JSONLD and insert it into the page.
If there is a JSONLD template for the app, it will also be
inserted. This is useful for search engines and other web crawlers.
- Default Value:
- Source:
limitPortalsToSubjects :Array.<string>
Limits only the following people or groups to create new portals. If this is left as an empty array,
then any logged-in user can create a portal.
- Source:
mapKey :string
Your Google Maps API key, which is used to display interactive maps on the search
views and static maps on dataset landing pages.
If a Google Maps API key is not specified, the maps will be omitted from the interface.
The Google Maps API key also controls the showViewfinder feature on a Map
and should have the Geocoding API and Places API enabled in order to
function properly.
Sign up for Google Maps services at
- Default Value:
- Source:
maxDownloadSize :number
The maximum dataset .zip file size, in bytes, that a user can download.
Datasets whose total size are larger than this maximum will show a disabled
"Download All" button, and users will be directed to download files individually.
This is useful for preventing the Metacat package service from getting overloaded.
- Default Value:
- Source:
mdqAggregatedSuiteIds :Array.<string>
Metadata Assessment Suite IDs for the aggregated assessment charts
- Default Value:
- Source:
mdqAggregatedSuiteLabels :Array.<string>
Metadata Assessment Suite labels for the aggregated assessment charts
- Default Value:
- Source:
mdqBaseUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE metadata assessment service
- Default Value:
- ""
- Source:
The metadata formats for which to display metadata assessment reports
- Default Value:
- ["eml*", "https://eml*", "*isotc211*"]
- Source:
mdqSuiteIds :Array.<string>
Metadata Assessment Suite IDs for the dataset assessment reports.
- Default Value:
- Source:
mdqSuiteLabels :Array.<string>
Metadata Assessment Suite labels for the dataset assessment reports
- Default Value:
- Source:
The URL for the DataONE system metadata API. This URL is contructed dynamically when the
AppModel is initialized. Only override this if you are an advanced user and have a reason to!
- Source:
The URL for the Metacat API. The Metacat API has been deprecated and is kept here
for compatability with Metacat repositories that are using the old x509 certificate
authentication mechanism. This is deprecated since authentication is now done via
the DataONE Portal service using auth tokens. (Using the
This URL is contructed dynamically when the AppModel is initialized.
Only override this if you are an advanced user and have a reason to!
- Source:
metricsForwardCollectionQuery :boolean
Forwards collection Query to Metrics Service if enabled
- Default Value:
- Source:
metricsUrl :string
Metrics endpoint url
- Source:
monitorStatusUrl :string
The URL for the service that returns the status of various DataONE services.
The only supported status so far is the search index queue -- the number of
objects that are waiting to be indexed in the Solr search index.
This URL is contructed dynamically when the
AppModel is initialized. Only override this if you are an advanced user and have a reason to!
- Since:
- Source:
nodeId :string
The node identifier for this repository. This is set dynamically by retrieving the
DataONE Coordinating Node document and finding this repository in the Node list.
If this repository is not registered with DataONE, then set this node id by copying
the node id from your node info at
- Default Value:
- Source:
nodeServiceUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE listNodes() API. This URL is contructed dynamically when the
AppModel is initialized. Only override this if you are an advanced user and have a reason to!
- Source:
objectServiceUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE system metadata API. This URL is contructed dynamically when the
AppModel is initialized. Only override this if you are an advanced user and have a reason to!
- Source:
orcidBaseUrl :string
The base URL for the ORCID REST services
- Default Value:
- Source:
orcidSearchUrl :string
The URL for the ORCID search API, which can be used to search for information
about people using their ORCID, email, name, etc.
This URL is constructed dynamically once the
AppModel is initialized.
- Source:
The packageFormat is the identifier for the version of bagit used when downloading data packages. The format should
not contain any additional characters after, for example a backslash.
For hierarchical dowloads, use application%2Fbagit-1.0
- Default Value:
- "application%2Fbagit-1.0"
- Source:
packageServiceUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE getPackage() API. This URL is contructed dynamically when the
AppModel is initialized. Only override this if you are an advanced user and have a reason to!
- Source:
pendingMapsUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE Pending Maps API
This URL is constructed dynamically once the
AppModel is initialized.
- Source:
portalDefaults :object
The default values to use in portals. Default sections are applied when a portal is new.
Default images are used in new freeform pages in the portal builder.
The default colors are used when colors haven't been saved to the portal document.
Colors can be hex codes, rgb codes, or any other form supported by browsers in CSS
Name |
Type |
Description |
sections |
The default sections for a new portal. Each object within the section array can have a title property and a label property |
label |
The name of the section that will appear in the tab |
title |
A longer title for the section that will appear in the section header |
newPortalActiveSectionLabel |
When a user start the portal builder for a brand new portal, the label for the section that the builder should start on. Can be set to "Data", "Metrics", "Settings", or one of the labels from the default sections described above. |
sectionImageIdentifiers |
A list of image pids to use as default images for new markdown sections |
primaryColor |
The color that is used most frequently in the portal view |
secondaryColor |
The color that is used second-most frequently in the portal view |
accentColor |
The color that is rarely used in portal views as an accent color |
primaryColorTransparent |
An rgba() version of the primaryColor that is semi-transparent |
secondaryColorTransparent |
An rgba() version of the secondaryColor that is semi-transparent |
accentColorTransparent |
An rgba() version of the accentColor that is semi-transparent |
- Since:
- Source:
sections: [
{ label: "About",
title: "About our project"
{ label: "Publications",
title: "Selected publications by our lab group"
newPortalActiveSectionLabel: "About",
sectionImageIdentifiers: ["urn:uuid:d2f31a83-debf-4d78-bef7-6abe20962581", "urn:uuid:6ad37acd-d0ac-4142-9f42-e5f05ff55564", "urn:uuid:0b6be09f-2e6f-4e7b-a83c-2823495f9608", "urn:uuid:5b4e0347-07ed-4580-b039-6c4df57ed801", "urn:uuid:0cf62da9-a099-440e-9c1e-595a55c0d60d"],
primaryColor: "#16acc0",
primaryColorTransparent: "rgba(22, 172, 192, .7)",
secondaryColor: "#EED268",
secondaryColorTransparent: "rgba(238, 210, 104, .7)",
accentColor: "#0f5058",
accentColorTransparent: "rgba(15, 80, 88, .7)"
portalEditNoQuotaMessage :string
This message will display when a user tries to create a new portal when they have exceeded their DataONE portal quota
- Source:
portalEditNotAuthCreateMessage :string
This message will display when a user tries to create a new Portal in the PortalEditor
when they are not associated with a whitelisted subject in the `limitPortalsToSubjects` list
- Source:
portalEditNotAuthEditMessage :string
This message will display when a user tries to access the Portal Editor for a portal
for which they do not have write permission.
- Source:
portalEditSaveErrorMsg :string
This message will display when there is any non-specific error during the save process of the PortalEditor.
- Source:
portalEditorRequiredFields :object
The list of fields that should be required in the portal editor.
Set individual properties to `true` to require them in the portal editor.
Name |
Type |
Description |
label |
Default: true |
name |
Default: true |
description |
Default: false |
sectionTitle |
Default: true |
sectionIntroduction |
Default: false |
logo |
Default: false |
- Source:
The format ID the portal editor serializes a new portal document as
- Since:
- Default Value:
- ""
- Source:
portalInfoURL :string
A URL of a webpage for people to learn more about portals. If no URL is provided,
links to more info about portals will be omitted.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
portalLabelBlockList :Array.<string>
A list of portals labels that no one should be able to create portals with
- Since:
- Source:
portalLimit :number
Limit users to a certain number of portals. This limit will be ignored if
is set to true, because the limit will be enforced by Bookkeeper Quotas instead.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
portalSearchFiltersInfoURL :string
The URL for a webpage where people can learn more about custom portal search
filters. If no URL is provided, links to more info about portals will be omitted.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
portalTermPlural :string
The user-facing term for portals in lower-case and in plural form.
e.g. "portals". This allows for portal terms with irregular plurals.
- Default Value:
- Source:
portalTermSingular :string
The user-facing term for portals in lower-case and in singular form.
e.g. "portal"
- Default Value:
- Source:
publishServiceUrl :string
The URL for the Metacat Publish service. This URL is contructed dynamically when the
AppModel is initialized. Only override this if you are an advanced user and have a reason to!
- Source:
queryIdentifierFields :Array.<string>
The names of the query fields that use an object identifier as a value. Filter
models that use one of these fields are handled specially when building query
strings - they are OR'ed at the end of queries. They are also given an "OR"
operator and fieldsOperator attribute when parsed.
- Since:
- Source:
The name of the query fields that specify latitude. Filter models that these
fields are handled specially, since they must be a float value and have a
pre-determined minRange and maxRange (-90 to 90).
- Source:
The name of the query fields that specify longitude. Filter models that these
fields are handled specially, since they must be a float value and have a
pre-determined minRange and maxRange (-180 to 180).
- Source:
querySemanticFields :Array.<string>
The names of the query fields that may require special treatment in the
UI. For example, upgrade the view for a Filter from a FilterView to
a SemanticFilterView or to block certain UIBuilders in FilterEditorView
that don't make sense for a semantic field.
- Since:
- Source:
queryServiceUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE query API. This URL is contructed dynamically when the
AppModel is initialized. Only override this if you are an advanced user and have a reason to!
- Source:
A list of taxa to show in the Taxa Quick Add section of the EML editor.
This can be used to expedite entry of taxa that are common in the
repository's domain. The quickAddTaxa is a list of objects, each
defining a separate dropdown interface. This way, common taxa can
be grouped together.
Alternative, provide a SID for a JSON data object that is stored in the
repository. The JSON must be in the same format as required for this
configuration option.
- Since:
- Source:
label: "Bats"
placeholder: "Select one or more bats",
taxa: [ ... ]
label: "Birds"
placeholder: "Select one or more birds",
taxa: [ ... ]
randomLabelNumericLength :number
The length of random portal label generated during preview/trial mode of DataONE Plus
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
repositoryName :string
The name of this repository. This is used throughout the interface in different
messages and page content.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
reserveServiceUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE reserveIdentifier() API. This URL is contructed dynamically when the
AppModel is initialized. Only override this if you are an advanced user and have a reason to!
- Source:
searchMapTileHue :string
The hue/color of the tiles drawn on the map when searching for data.
This should be a three-digit hue degree between 0 and 360. (Try
This is set on the
Map model when it is initialized.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
- Deprecated:
- Source:
showAnnotationIndicator :boolean
Set this option to true to display the annotation icon in search result rows when a dataset has an annotation
- Source:
showDatasetPublicToggle :boolean
If true, the public/private toggle will be displayed in the Sharing Options for datasets.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
showDatasetPublicToggleForSubjects :Array.<string>
The public/private toggle will be displayed in the Sharing Options for datasets for only
the given users or groups. To display the public/private toggle for everyone,
set `showDatasetPublicToggle` to true and keep this array empty.
- Since:
- Source:
showMyPortals :boolean
Set to false to hide the display of "My Portals", which shows the user's current portals
- Default Value:
- Source:
showPortalPublicToggle :boolean
If true, the public/private toggle will be displayed in the Sharing Options for portals.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
showPortalPublicToggleForSubjects :Array.<string>
The public/private toggle will be displayed in the Sharing Options for portals for only
the given users or groups. To display the public/private toggle for everyone,
set `showPortalPublicToggle` to true and keep this array empty.
- Since:
- Source:
showSignInHelp :boolean
If true, users will see a page with sign-in troubleshooting tips
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
showWholeTaleFeatures :Boolean
Enable to show Whole Tale features
- Default Value:
- Source:
signInUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE Sign In API using CILogon as the identity provider
This URL is constructed dynamically once the
AppModel is initialized.
- Source:
signInUrlLdap :string
The URL for the DataONE Sign In API using LDAP as the identity provider
This URL is constructed dynamically once the
AppModel is initialized.
- Source:
signInUrlOrcid :string
The URL for the DataONE Sign In API using ORCID as the identity provider
This URL is constructed dynamically once the
AppModel is initialized.
- Source:
signOutUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE Sign Out API
This URL is constructed dynamically once the
AppModel is initialized.
- Source:
taleEnvironments :Array.<string>
The WholeTale environments that are exposed on the dataset landing pages
- Default Value:
- ["RStudio", "Jupyter Notebook"]
- Source:
temporaryMessage :string
Add a message that will display during a certain time period. This is useful when
displaying a warning message about planned outages/maintenance, or alert users to other
important information.
If this attribute is left blank, no message will display, even if there is a start and end time specified.
If there are is no start or end time specified, this message will display until you remove it here.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
temporaryMessageClasses :string
Additional HTML classes to give the temporary message element. Use these to style the message.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
temporaryMessageContainer :string
A jQuery selector for the element that the temporary message will be displayed in.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
temporaryMessageEndTime :Date
If there is a temporaryMessage specified, it will display before this end time.
Remember that Dates are in GMT time!
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
new Date(1594818000000)
temporaryMessageIncludeEmail :boolean
If true, the temporary message will include a "Need help? Email us at..." email link
at the end of the message. The email address will be set to
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
temporaryMessageStartTime :Date
If there is a temporaryMessage specified, it will display after this start time.
Remember that Dates are in GMT time!
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
new Date(1594818000000)
theme :string
The theme name to use
- Default Value:
- Source:
title :string
The default page title.
- Source:
tokenUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE Token API using ORCID as the identity provider
This URL is constructed dynamically once the
AppModel is initialized.
- Source:
trustedContentSources :Array.<string>
A list of trusted content sources from which MetacatUI can safely
embed external content. This property is used to define URLs or URL
patterns that are considered secure for embedding content in
iframes, especially when rendering user-generated Markdown content.
Each source in the list can include wildcards (`*`) to match any
subdomain or path. For example, `"https://**"` matches
any subdomain of `` over HTTPS, and `"**"`
matches any URL containing ``.
Set to an empty array or a falsy value to disable all embedded content.
- Since:
- Source:
unsupportedBrowsers :Array.<RegExp>
A list of unsupported User-Agent regular expressions for browsers that will not work well with MetacatUI.
A warning message will display on the page for anyone using one of these browsers.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- [/(?:\b(MS)?IE\s+|\bTrident\/7\.0;.*\s+rv:)(\d+)/]
- Source:
useDeprecatedDataCatalogView :boolean
As of 2.22.0, the
DataCatalogView is being soft-deprecated and replaced with the new
To give MetacatUI operators time to transition to the new
CatalogSearchView, this configuration option can be
enabled (by setting to `true`) and will tell MetacatUI to use the legacy
DataCatalogView. It is highly suggested
that MetacatUI operators switch to supporting the new
CatalogSearchView as soon as possible as the legacy
will be fully deprecated and removed in the future.
- Since:
- Default Value:
- Source:
useNSFAwardAPI :boolean
If true, parts of the UI (most notably, "funding" field in the dataset editor)
may look up NSF Award information
- Default Value:
- Source:
viewServiceUrl :string
The URL for the DataONE View API. This URL is contructed dynamically when the
AppModel is initialized. Only override this if you are an advanced user and have a reason to!
- Source:
Type Definitions
Configuration options for a drop down list of taxa.
Name |
Type |
Description |
label |
The label for the dropdown menu |
placeholder |
The placeholder text for the input field |
taxa |
The list of taxa to show in the dropdown menu |
- Since:
- Source:
label: "Primates",
placeholder: "Select one or more primates",
taxa: [
commonName: "Bonobo",
taxonRankName: "Species",
taxonRankValue: "Pan paniscus",
taxonId: {
provider: "ncbi",
value: "9597"
commonName: "Chimpanzee",