Set parties

The address, creator, contact, and associatedParty classes can easily be created using functions from the EML package. However it is often easier to just edit this through the webform.

To add people, with their addresses, you need to add addresses as their own object class, which you then add to the contact, creator, or associatedParty classes.

NCEASadd <- eml$address( 
                deliveryPoint = "735 State St #300", 
                city = "Santa Barbara", 
                administrativeArea = 'CA', 
                postalCode = '93101')

Here, we use eml_creator() to set our data set creator.

JC_creator <- eml$creator(individualName = list(givenName = "Jeanette", 
                                                surName = "Clark"), 
                          organization = "NCEAS", 
                          electronicMailAddress = "", 
                          phone = "123-456-7890", 
                          userId = "",
                          address = NCEASadd)
doc$dataset$creator <- JC_creator

Similarly, we can set a single contact or multiple. In this case, there are two, so we set doc$dataset$contact as a list containing both of them.

JC_contact <- eml$contact(individualName = list(givenName = "Jeanette", 
                                                surName = "Clark"), 
                          organization = "NCEAS", 
                          electronicMailAddress = "", 
                          phone = "123-456-7890",  
                          userId = "",id = eml$userId(directory = eml$dir)
                          address = NCEASadd)

JG_contact <- eml$contact(individualName = list(givenName = "Jesse", 
                                                surName = "Goldstein"), 
                          organization = "NCEAS", 
                          electronicMailAddress = "", 
                          phone = "123-456-7890",  
                          userId = "",
                          address = NCEASadd)

doc$dataset$contact <- list(JC_contact, JG_contact)

Finally, the associatedPartys are set. Note that associatedPartys MUST have a role defined, unlike creator or contact.

JG_ap <- eml$associatedParty(individualName = list(givenName = "Jesse", 
                                                   surName = "Goldstein"),
                             organization = "NCEAS", 
                             email = "",
                             electronicMailAddress = "123-456-7890",  
                             address = NCEASadd, 
                             userId = "",
                             role = "metadataProvider")
doc$dataset$associatedParty <- JG_ap