Data Team Reference Guide
Code Snippets
File paths
Remote files vs. local files
File path shortcuts
Metacat version
Resources for R
Edit data packages
datapack Background
Navigating data packages
Data Objects
Create a new data package
Upload new data files
Upload the package
Update packages with datapack
Get the package
Update the metadata
Modify the data files
Publish update
Add a pre-generated identifier to the EML
Edit sysmeta
Identifiers and sysmeta
Additional resources
Obsolescence chain
Set DataONE nodes
Staging (Test) nodes
Production nodes
Set rights and access
My profile
Show indexing status
Preserve folder structures
Download the zip file to datateam
Re-upload the contents to the Arctic Data Center
Example with multiple ZIP files
Update a package with a new data object
Publish update
Update an object
Explore EML
Access specific elements
Navigate through EML
Understand the EML schema
Edit EML
Edit an EML element
Edit EML with strings
Edit EML with the “EML” package
Edit EML with objects
Edit attributeLists
Edit attributes
Edit custom units
Edit factors
Finalize attributeList
Edit custom units
Edit dataTables
Edit otherEntities
Remove otherEntities
Create otherEntities
Semantic annotations
How annotations are used
How to add an annotation
Dataset Annotations
Edit spatial data
Reading Spatial Files
Format text in EML
Series Identifier (SID)
Adding a SID to a package
Updating the child packages of a parent package with a SID
Updating the metadata of a package with a SID
Set coverages
Set multiple coverages
Special coverages
Set methods
Adding sampling info to methods section
Set parties
Set physical
Set the project section
Use references
Example with parties
Example with attributes
PI correspondence
Email templates
Initial email template
Comment templates based on what is missing
Final email templates
Additional email templates
PI FAQ email templates
Good Examples of data packages
Final Checklist
Special Datasets
System Metadata
General EML
DataTable / OtherEntity / SpatialVectors
Geographic region
Check EML Version
SFTP Files
Updated datasets
Initial review checklist
Large file transfer
Globus Endpoint
Navigate RT
Front page
All tickets
Example ticket
New data submission
Replicate Datasets
Cloning the packages
Miscellaneous file types
Convert Excel file to CSV
Datalogger files
Reorganize files on the server
Rename file based on file path
Unzip files
Zip shapefiles
Scan rar files
Spatial data
Wrangle data
Clean column names
Fix Excel dates
Solr queries
Construct a query
Query Solr via a browser
Query Solr via R
Use facets
Use stats
Example Solr queries
Find everything
Query a wildcard expression
Query multiple fields
Query by formatType
Query pids by a specific submitter
Query pids with special characters
Query multiple conditions within one field
Query for latest versions only
Use NOT in a query
Query a coordinating node
Query for EMLs that document a specific data pid
Query for files uploaded during a specific time
Use facets
More resources
ADC web submissions
Add physicals to submissions
Assess attributes
List submissions to the Arctic Data Center
Recover failed submissions
Data Portals
Customizing Data Portals
My portals
Creating Data Filters
Set Access Permissions
Advanced portal customizations
Updating portals
Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO) submissions
Dataset Level Annotations
Portal updates
Using arcticdatautils
Create a resource map using arcticdatautils
Get package and EML
Publish an object
Reorder entities
Nesting Data
Nesting a data package
Add children to an existing parent
Create a new parent package
Large Dataset Method
Example Dataset
Uploading files to
Instructions for uploading files to
Moving files within
Understanding the contents of a large data submission
Creating representative entities
Moving files to web-accessible location
Adding Markdown link to abstract in EML
NCEAS Data Team Reference Guide
Edit data packages