Recover failed submissions

A submission may result in an error when the EML cannot be validated through EML::eml_validate, preventing it from being written to an indicated path. This usually occurs when the metacatUI detects a submission error and uploads the EML as a data object instead of text. When this happens, arcticdatautils::recover_failed_submission can be used to retrieve the original EML file. The function removes the error message to get a valid EML document.

For the example below, pid is the metadata pid containing the failed submission. The path parameter indicates where you want to write the recovered EML version to on your server’s local working directory.

path <- "path/to/save/eml.xml"

pid <- "your_metadata_pid"

arcticdatautils::recover_failed_submission(adc, pid, path)

The output of this function is a valid EML file written to your chosen path. After recovering the document, make sure to set the rights and access to the correct submitter.

Note that arcticdatautils::recover_failed_submission may not always work. Its functionality depends on the error message since they can vary.