All lessons provided by NCEAS and collaborators here on GitHub.
Lessons by Day
Day 1: Mon Jul 10
Course Overview
Networks and Servers
Unix Command Line
Thinking Preferences
R Markdown and R studio
Day 2: Tue Jul 11
Version control: git basics
Version control: remote collaboration with git and GitHub
Version control: branches and merge conflicts
Version control: Rstudio and git
The message box
Day 3: Wed Jul 12
Unix tools
Bash shell scripts
R Review & Assessment
Data management and repositories
Data publishing
Day 4: Thu Jul 13
Ecological metadata
Open data
Data liberation - Web scraping
Data liberation - Text mining
Regular expressions
Day 5: Fri Jul 14
Facilitation techniques
Data wrangling: Tidyverse
Data Munging
Day 6: Mon Jul 17
Meta analysis intro
Meta analysis I
Meta analysis II
Meta analysis III
Meta analysis IV
Meta analysis V
Day 7: Tue Jul 18
Good enough data modeling
Start SQL with PostgresQL
SQL and database access in R
Day 8: Wed Jul 19
Data wrangling
Creating R Functions
Creating R packages
Testing R code
Day 9: Thu Jul 20
Publishing Data
Reproducible Papers with RMarkdown
Day 10: Fri Jul 21
Day 11: Mon Jul 24
GIS and geopspatial concepts
Intro to spatial data concepts
QGIS - an open alternative to ArcGIS
Plot & manage raster and vector data in R
Publishing maps to the web in R
Publication ready maps in R
(R scripts examples)
Day 12: Tue Jul 25
Getting started with spatial analysis in R
NetCDF and HDF5
Day 13: Wed Jul 26
Dataviz and Interactive Tools
Submodule: ggplot2
Submodule: Shiny
Perfunctory Python
Day 14: Thu Jul 27
Parallel Computing in R
Open Science
Day 15: Fri Jul 28
Group Presentations