Identify and list your search tool or resource. This is an evolving landscape and sensitivity is important. Best practices include the following attributes.
a. document all search instances and record total number of returned hits
b. explore search term sensitivity and synonyms in detail
c. test >1 bibliometric resource
d. do not add publications ‘by hand’ or haphazardly
e. do check select publications (seminal and/or top cited) to calibrate search terms
f. use abstract surveys to ensure you are capturing the correct set of literature
g. do a search for key key terms by meta-analysis, review, and systematic review to avoid re-inventing the wheel or to ensure you are on the right track
h. review boolean operators in searching
To document search process, at the minimum generate an ‘evidence matrix’. The evidence matrix as a synthesis tool was formally pioneered by the evidence-based synthesis expert for public health Joseph Lau. It has changed significant, but it a form of summary table highlighting frequencies of search terms to illuminate the frequency of the conjunction of ideas.
Within a contemporary workflow in R, the most facile representation is a table, and there are many excellent packages suitable for tables.
A search for reearch on positive interactions and the niche in deserts.
The niche is a powerful concept in ecology and at times not entirely coupled to local interactions between species. Herein, we review the capacity for these positive plant interactions to expand the niche of subdominant species. We synthesized the available literature using a formalized systematic review by using the Web of Science and associated terms with niche, positive interactions in plants such as facilitation, and deserts.
#Search terms####
search.terms <- read_csv("data/search.terms.csv")
total.lit <- search.terms %>% filter(search != "final")
## # A tibble: 6 x 4
## search terms hits hits.2017
## <chr> <chr> <int> <int>
## 1 1 plant facilitat* niche* arid* 47 50
## 2 2 plant facilitat* niche* desert* 32 31
## 3 3 nurse plant* niche* arid 16 19
## 4 4 nurse plant* niche* desert 11 11
## 5 5 positive interact* niche* desert* 21 21
## 6 6 positive interact* niche* arid* 29 35
totals <- sum(total.lit$hits)
## [1] 156
final.list <- 53
## [1] 103
#We did the first search for this term set in 2016 then repeated anew in 2017. Luckily, we documented the search in R, repeated very rapidly, and were able to detect differences within the domain for primary publications.
Select a topic and explore search terms, concept conjuction, and contrast at least two bibliometric resources. Note, there are also two R packages associated with data scraping the Web of Science - bibliometrix and also selenium. The former in particular is an excellent tool if you expect to do numerous scrapes of Scopus or the Web of Science.
Here is an excellent example of alt-viz.
If you repeat a search set > 3-6 months later, it is best to match hits to ensure you contrasting the exact same publication sets. Here is some code associated with matching DOIs.
Here is an excellent publication turning the search into 10 clear considerations.
An alternative to DT::datatable