Source: src/js/views/queryBuilder/QueryRuleView.js

], function (
) {
   * @class QueryRuleView
   * @classdesc A view that provides an UI for a user to construct a single filter that
   * is part of a complex query
   * @classcategory Views/QueryBuilder
   * @screenshot views/QueryRuleView.png
   * @extends Backbone.View
   * @constructor
   * @since 2.14.0
  return Backbone.View.extend(
    /** @lends QueryRuleView.prototype */
       * The type of View this is
       * @type {string}
      type: "QueryRule",

       * The HTML class names for this view element
       * @type {string}
      className: "query-rule",

       * The class to add to the rule number and other information on the left
       * @type {string}
      ruleInfoClass: "rule-info",

       * The class to add to the field select element
       * @type {string}
      fieldsClass: "field",

       * The class to add to the operator select element
       * @type {string}
      operatorClass: "operator",

       * The class to add to the value select element
       * @type {string}
      valuesClass: "value",

       * The class to add to the element that a user should click to remove a rule.
       * @type {string}
      removeClass: "remove-rule",

       * An ID for the element that a user should click to remove a rule. A unique ID
       * will be appended to this ID, and the ID will be added to the template.
       * @type {string}
      removeRuleID: "remove-rule-",

       * The maximum number of levels of nested Rule Groups (i.e. nested FilterGroup
       * models) that a user is permitted to build in the Query Builder that contains
       * this rule. This value should be passed to the rule by the parent Query Builder.
       * This value minus one will be passed on to any child Query Builders (those that
       * render nested FilterGroup models).
       * @type {number}
       * @since 2.17.0
      nestedLevelsAllowed: 1,

       * An array of hex color codes used to help distinguish between different rules.
       * If this is a nested Query Rule, and the rule should inherit its colour from
       * the parent Query Rule, then set ruleColorPalette to "inherit".
       * @type {string[]|string}
      ruleColorPalette: [

       * Search index fields to exclude in the metadata field selector
       * @type {string[]}
      excludeFields: [],

       * Query fields to exclude in the metadata field selector for any Query Rules that
       * are in nested Query Builders (i.e. in nested Filter Groups). This is a list of
       * field names that exist in the query service index (i.e. Solr), but which should
       * be hidden in nested Query Builders
       * @type {string[]}
      nestedExcludeFields: [],

       * A single Filter model that is part of a Filters collection, such as the
       * definition filters for a Collection or Portal or the filters for a Search
       * model. The Filter model must be part of a Filters collection (i.e. there must
       * be a model.collection property)
       * @type {Filter|BooleanFilter|NumericFilter|DateFilter|FilterGroup}
      model: undefined,

       * A function that creates and returns the Backbone events object.
       * @return {Object} Returns a Backbone events object
      events: function () {
        var events = {};
        var removeID = "#" + this.removeRuleID + this.cid;
        events["click " + removeID] = "removeSelf";
        events["mouseover " + removeID] = "previewRemove";
        events["mouseout " + removeID] = "previewRemove";
        return events;

       * A list of additional fields which are not retrieved from the query API, but
       * which should be added to the list of options. This can be used to add
       * abstracted fields which are a combination of multiple query fields, or to add a
       * duplicate field that has a different label. These special fields are passed on
       * to {@link QueryFieldSelectView#addFields}.
       * @type {SpecialField[]}
       * @since 2.15.0
      specialFields: [
          name: "documents-special-field",
          fields: ["documents"],
          label: "Contains Data Files",
            "Limit results to packages that include data files. Without" +
            " this rule, results may include packages with metadata but no data.",
          category: "General",
          values: ["*"],
          name: "year-data-collection",
          fields: ["beginDate", "endDate"],
          label: "Year of Data Collection",
            "The temporal range of content described by the metadata",
          category: "Dates",

       * An operator option is an object that lists the properties of one of the
       * operators that will be displayed to the user in the Query Rule "operator"
       * dropdown list. The operator properties are used to pre-select the correct
       * operator based on attributes in the associated
       * {@link Filter#defaults Filter model}, as well as to update the Filter model
       * when a user selects a new operator. Operators can set the exclude and
       * matchSubstring properties of the model, and sometimes the values as well.
       * Either the types property OR the fields property must be set, not both.
       * @typedef {Object} OperatorOption
       * @property {string} label - The label to display to the user
       * @property {string} icon - An icon that represents the operator
       * @property {boolean} matchSubstring - Whether the matchSubstring attribute is
       * true or false in the filter model that matches this operator
       * @property {boolean} exclude - Whether the exclude attribute is true or false in
       * the filter model that matches this operator
       * @property {boolean} hasMax - Whether the filter model that matches this
       * operator must have a max attribute
       * @property {boolean} hasMin - Whether the filter model that matches this
       * operator must have a min attribute
       * @property {string[]} values - For this operator to work as desired, the values
       * that should be set in the filter (e.g. ["true"] for the operator "is true")
       * @property {string[]} [types] - The node names of the filters that this operator
       * is used for (e.g. "filter", "booleanFilter")
       * @property {string[]} [fields] - The query field names of the filters that this
       * operator is used for. If this is used for a
       * {@link QueryRuleView#specialFields special field}, then list the special field
       * name (id), and not the real query field names. If this fields property is set,
       * then the types property will be ignored. (i.e. fields is more specific than
       * types.)

       * The list of operators that will be available in the dropdown list that connects
       * the query fields to the values. Each operator must be unique.
       * @type {OperatorOption[]}
      operatorOptions: [
          label: "is true",
            "The data package includes data files (and not only metadata)",
          icon: "ok-circle",
          matchSubstring: false,
          exclude: false,
          values: ["*"],
          fields: ["documents-special-field"],
          label: "is false",
            "The data package only contains metadata; it contains no data files.",
          icon: "ban-circle",
          matchSubstring: false,
          exclude: true,
          values: ["*"],
          fields: ["documents-special-field"],
          label: "equals",
            "The text in the metadata field is an exact match to the" +
            " selected value",
          icon: "equal",
          matchSubstring: false,
          exclude: false,
          types: ["filter"],
          label: "does not equal",
            "The text in the metadata field is anything except an exact" +
            " match to the selected value",
          icon: "not-equal",
          matchSubstring: false,
          exclude: true,
          types: ["filter"],
          label: "contains",
            "The text in the metadata field matches or contains the words" +
            " or phrase selected",
          icon: "ok-circle",
          matchSubstring: true,
          exclude: false,
          types: ["filter"],
          label: "does not contain",
            "The words or phrase selected are not contained within the" +
            " metadata field",
          icon: "ban-circle",
          matchSubstring: true,
          exclude: true,
          types: ["filter"],
          label: "is empty",
          description: "The metadata field contains no text or value",
          icon: "circle-blank",
          matchSubstring: false,
          exclude: true,
          values: ["*"],
          types: ["filter"],
          label: "is not empty",
          description: "The metadata field is filled in with any text at all",
          icon: "circle",
          matchSubstring: false,
          exclude: false,
          values: ["*"],
          types: ["filter"],
          label: "is true",
          description: "The metadata field is set to true",
          icon: "ok-circle",
          matchSubstring: false,
          exclude: false,
          values: [true],
          types: ["booleanFilter"],
          label: "is false",
          description: "The metadata field is set to false",
          icon: "ban-circle",
          matchSubstring: false,
          exclude: false,
          values: [false],
          types: ["booleanFilter"],
          label: "is between",
            "The metadata field is a value between the range selected" +
            " (inclusive of both values)",
          icon: "resize-horizontal",
          matchSubstring: false,
          exclude: false,
          hasMin: true,
          hasMax: true,
          types: ["numericFilter", "dateFilter"],
          label: "is less than or equal to",
            "The metadata field is a number less than the value selected",
          icon: "less-than-or-eq",
          matchSubstring: false,
          exclude: false,
          hasMin: false,
          hasMax: true,
          types: ["numericFilter"],
          label: "is greater than or equal to",
            "The metadata field is a number greater than the value selected",
          icon: "greater-than-or-eq",
          matchSubstring: false,
          exclude: false,
          hasMin: true,
          hasMax: false,
          types: ["numericFilter"],
          label: "is exactly",
          description: "The metadata field exactly equals the value selected",
          icon: "equal",
          matchSubstring: false,
          exclude: false,
          hasMin: false,
          hasMax: false,
          types: ["numericFilter"],
        // TODO: The dateFilter model & view need to be updated for these to work:
        // {
        //   label: "is during or before", icon: "less-than-or-eq", matchSubstring:
        //   false, exclude: false, hasMin: false, hasMax: true, types: ["dateFilter"]
        // },
        // {
        //   label: "is during or after", icon: "greater-than", matchSubstring: false,
        //   exclude: false, hasMin: true, hasMax: false, types: ["dateFilter"]
        // },
        // {
        //   label: "is in the year", icon: "equal", matchSubstring: false, exclude:
        //   false, hasMin: false, hasMax: false, types: ["dateFilter"]
        // }

       * The third input in each Query Rule is where the user enters a value, minimum,
       * or maximum for the filter model. Different types of values are appropriate for
       * different solr query fields, and so we display different interfaces depending
       * on the type and category of the selected query fields. A Value Input Option
       * object defines a of interface to show for a given type and category.
       * @typedef {Object} ValueInputOption
       * @property {string[]} filterTypes - An array of one or more filter types that
       * are allowed for this interface.  If none are provided then any filter type is
       * allowed. Filter types are one of the four keys defined in
       * {@link QueryField#filterTypesMap}.
       * @property {string[]} categories - An array of one or more categories that are
       * allowed for this interface. These strings must exactly match the categories
       * provided in QueryField.categoriesMap(). If none are provided then any category
       * is allowed.
       * @property {string[]} queryFields - Specific names of fields that are allowed in
       * this interface. If none are provided, then any query fields are allowed that
       * match the other properties. If this value select should be used for a
       * {@link QueryRuleView#specialFields special field}, then use the name (id) of
       * the special field, not the actual query fields that it represents.
       * @property {string} label - If the interface does not include a label (e.g.
       * number filter), include a string to display here.
       * @property {function} uiFunction - A function that returns the UI view to use
       * with all appropriate options set. The function will be called with this view as
       * the context.

       * This list defines which type of value input to show depending on filter type,
       * category, and query fields. The value input options are ordered from *most*
       * specific to *least*, since the first match will be selected. The filter model
       * must match either the queryFields, or both the filterTypes AND the categories
       * for a UI to be selected.
       * @type {ValueInputOption[]}
      valueSelectUImap: [
        // serviceCoupling field
          queryFields: ["serviceCoupling"],
          uiFunction: function () {
            return new SearchableSelect({
              options: [
                  label: "tight",
                    "Tight coupled service work only on the data described" +
                    " by this metadata document.",
                  label: "mixed",
                    "Mixed coupling means service works on data described" +
                    " by this metadata document but may work on other data.",
                  label: "loose",
                    "Loose coupling means service works on any data.",
              allowMulti: true,
              allowAdditions: false,
              inputLabel: "Select a coupling",
              selected: this.model.get("values"),
              separatorText: this.model.get("operator"),
        // Metadata format IDs
          queryFields: ["formatId"],
          uiFunction: function () {
            return new ObjectFormatSelect({
              selected: this.model.get("values"),
              separatorText: this.model.get("operator"),
        // Semantic annotation picker
          queryFields: ["sem_annotation"],
          uiFunction: function () {
            // A bioportalAPIKey is required for the Annotation Filter UI
            if (MetacatUI.appModel.get("bioportalAPIKey")) {
              return new AnnotationFilter({
                selected: this.model.get("values").slice(),
                separatorText: this.model.get("operator"),
                multiselect: true,
                inputLabel: "Type a value",
              // If there's no API key, render the default UI (the last in this list)
            } else {
              return this.valueSelectUImap.slice(-1)[0];
        // User/Organization account ID lookup
          queryFields: [
          uiFunction: function () {
            return new AccountSelect({
              selected: this.model.get("values"),
              separatorText: this.model.get("operator"),
        // Repository picker for fields that need a member node ID
          filterTypes: ["filter"],
          queryFields: [
          uiFunction: function () {
            return new NodeSelect({
              selected: this.model.get("values"),
              separatorText: this.model.get("operator"),
        // Any numeric fields don't fit one of the above options
          filterTypes: ["numericFilter"],
          label: "Choose a value",
          uiFunction: function () {
            return new NumericFilterView({
              model: this.model,
              showButton: false,
              separatorText: this.model.get("operator"),
        // Any date fields that don't fit one of the above options
          filterTypes: ["dateFilter"],
          label: "Choose a year",
          uiFunction: function () {
            return new DateFilterView({
              model: this.model,
              separatorText: this.model.get("operator"),
        // The last is the default value selection UI
          uiFunction: function () {
            return new SearchableSelect({
              options: [],
              allowMulti: true,
              allowAdditions: true,
              inputLabel: "Type a value",
              selected: this.model.get("values"),
              separatorText: this.model.get("operator"),

       * Creates a new QueryRuleView
       * @param {Object} options - A literal object with options to pass to the view
      initialize: function (options) {
        try {
          // Get all the options and apply them to this view
          if (typeof options == "object") {
            var optionKeys = Object.keys(options);
              function (key, i) {
                this[key] = options[key];

          // If no model is provided in the options, we cannot render this view. A
          // filter model cannot be created, because it must be part of a collection.
          if (!this.model || !this.model.collection) {
              "error: A Filter model that's part of a Filters collection" +
                " is required to initialize a Query Rule view.",

          // The model may be removed during the save process if it's empty. Remove this
          // Rule Group view when that happens.
          this.stopListening(this.model, "remove");
          this.listenTo(this.model, "remove", function () {
        } catch (e) {
            "Failed to initialize a Query Builder View, error message:",

       * render - Render the view
       * @return {QueryRule}  Returns the view
      render: function () {
        try {
          // Add the Rule number.
          // TODO: Also add the number of datasets related to rule
          this.stopListening(this.model.collection, "remove");
          this.listenTo(this.model.collection, "remove", this.updateRuleInfo);
          // Nested rules should also listen for changes in Filters of their parent Rule
          if (this.parentRule) {
            this.stopListening(this.parentRule.model.collection, "remove");

          // The remove button is needed for both FilterGroups and other Filter models

          // Render nested filter group views as another Query Builder.
          if (this.model.type == "FilterGroup") {

            // We must initialize a QueryBuilderView using the inline require syntax to
            // avoid the problem of circular dependencies. QueryRuleView requires
            // QueryBuilderView, and QueryBuilderView requires QueryRuleView. For more
            // info, see
            var QueryBuilderView = require("views/queryBuilder/QueryBuilderView");

            // The default
            nestedLevelsAllowed = 1;
            // If we are adding a query builer, then it is a nested level. Subtract one
            // from the total levels allowed.
            if (typeof this.nestedLevelsAllowed == "number") {
              nestedLevelsAllowed = this.nestedLevelsAllowed - 1;

            // If there is a special list of fields to exclude in nested Query Builders
            // (i.e. in nested FilterGroup models), then pass this list on as the
            // excludeFields list in the child QueryBuilder
            var excludeFields = this.excludeFields;
            if (
              this.nestedExcludeFields &&
            ) {
              excludeFields = this.nestedExcludeFields;

            // Insert QueryRuleView
            var ruleGroup = new QueryBuilderView({
              filterGroup: this.model,
              // Nested Query Rules have the same color as their parent rule
              ruleColorPalette: "inherit",
              excludeFields: excludeFields,
              specialFields: this.specialFields,
              parentRule: this,
              nestedLevelsAllowed: nestedLevelsAllowed,
          } else {
            // For any other filter type... Add a metadata selector field whether the
            // rule is new or has already been created

            // Operator field and value field Add an operator input only for already
            // existing filters (For new filters, a metadata field needs to be selected
            // first)
            if (this.model.get("fields") && this.model.get("fields").length) {

          return this;
        } catch (e) {
            "Error rendering the query Rule View, error message: ",

       * Insert container for the color-coded rule numbering.
      addRuleInfo: function () {
        try {
          this.$indexEl = $(document.createElement("span"));
          this.$ruleInfoEl = $(document.createElement("div")).addClass(

        } catch (error) {
            "Error adding rule info container for a Query Rule, details: " +

       * Selects a color from the
       * {@link QueryRuleView#ruleColorPalette rule colour palette array}, given an
       * index. If the index is greater than the length of the palette, then the palette
       * is effectively repeated until long enough (i.e. colours will be recycled). If
       * no index in provided, the first colour in the palette will be selected.
       * @param  {number} [index=0] - The position of the rule within the Filters
       * collection.
       * @param  {string} [defaultColor="#57b39c"] - A default colour to use in case
       * there is problem with this function (hex color code beginning with '#').
       * @return {string} - Returns a hex color code string
      getPaletteColor: function (index = 0, defaultColor = "#57b39c") {
        try {
          // Allow the rule to inherit it's color from the parent rule within which it's
          // nested
          if (this.ruleColorPalette == "inherit") {
            return null;
          if (!this.ruleColorPalette || !this.ruleColorPalette.length) {
            return defaultColor;
          var numCols = this.ruleColorPalette.length;
          if (index + 1 > numCols) {
            var n = Math.floor(index / numCols);
            index = index - numCols * n;
          return this.ruleColorPalette[index];
        } catch (error) {
            "Error getting a color for a Query Rule, using the default colour" +
              " instead. Error details: " +
          return defaultColor;

       * Adds or updates the color-coded Query Rule information displayed to the user.
       * This needs to be run when rules are added or removed. Rule information includes
       * the rule number, but may one day also display information such as the number of
       * results that there are for this individual rule.
      updateRuleInfo: function () {
        try {
          // Rules are numbered in the order in which they appear in the Filters
          // collection, excluding any invisible filter models. Rules nested in Rule
          // Groups (within Filter Models) get numbered 3A, 3B, etc.
          var letter = "";
          var index = "";
          // If this is a filter model nested in a filter group
          if (this.parentRule) {
            index = this.parentRule.ruleNumber;
            var letterIndex = this.model.collection.visibleIndexOf(this.model);
            if (typeof letterIndex === "number") {
              letter = String.fromCharCode(94 + letterIndex + 3).toUpperCase();
            // For top-level filter models
          } else {
            index = this.model.collection.visibleIndexOf(this.model);

          if (typeof index == "number") {
            index = index + 1;

          var ruleNumber = index + letter;

          // Set the rule number of the parent view to be accessed by any nested child
          // rules
          this.ruleNumber = ruleNumber;

          // if(this.model.type == "FilterGroup")
          if (ruleNumber && ruleNumber.length) {
            this.$indexEl.text("Rule " + ruleNumber);
          } else {
          var color = this.getPaletteColor(index);
          if (color) {
  "--rule-color", color);
        } catch (error) {
            "Error updating the rule numbering for a Query Rule. Details: " +

       * addRemoveButton - Create and insert the button to remove the Query Rule
      addRemoveButton: function () {
        try {
          var removeButton = $(
            "<i id='" +
              this.removeRuleID +
              this.cid +
              "' class='" +
              this.removeClass +
              " icon icon-remove' title='Remove this Query Rule'></i>",
        } catch (e) {
            "Failed to create a remove button for a Query Rule, error details: " +

       * Determines whether the filter model that this rule renders matches one of the
       * {@link QueryRuleView#specialFields special fields} set on this view. If it
       * does, returns the first special field object that matches. For a filter model
       * to match to one of the special fields, it must contain all of the fields listed
       * in the special field's "fields" property. If the special field has an array set
       * for "values", then the model's values must also exactly match the special
       * field's values.
       * @param  {string[]} [fields] - Optionally set a list of query fields to search
       * with. If not set, then the fields that are set on the view's filter model are
       * used.
       * @returns {SpecialField|null} - The matching special field, or null if no match
       * was found.
       * @since 2.15.0
      getSpecialField: function (fields) {
        // Get information about the filter model (or used the fields passed to this
        // function)
        var selectedFields = fields || this.model.get("fields");
        var selectedFields = _.clone(selectedFields);
        var selectedValues = this.model.get("values");

        if (!this.specialFields || !Array.isArray(this.specialFields)) {
          return null;

        var matchingSpecialField = _.find(
          function (specialField) {
            var fieldsMatch = false,
              mustMatchValues = false,
              valuesMatch = false;

            // If *all* the fields in the fields array are present in the list
            // of fields that the special field represents, then count this as a match.
            var commonFields = _.intersection(
            if (commonFields.length === specialField.fields.length) {
              fieldsMatch = true;

            // The selected value must *exactly match* if one is set in the special
            // field
            if (specialField.values) {
              mustMatchValues = true;
              valuesMatch = _.isEqual(specialField.values, selectedValues);

            return (
              fieldsMatch &&
              (!mustMatchValues || (mustMatchValues && valuesMatch))

        // If this model matches one of the special fields, render it differently
        return matchingSpecialField || null;

       * Takes a list of query field names, checks if the model matches any of the
       * special fields, and if it does, returns the list of fields with the actual
       * field names replaced with the
       * {@link QueryRuleView#specialFields special field name}. This function is the
       * opposite of {@link QueryRuleView#convertFromSpecialFields}
       * @param  {string[]} fields - The list of field names to convert
       * @returns {string[]} - The converted list of field names. If there were no
       * special fields detected, or if there's an error, then then the field names are
       * returned unchanged.
       * @param {string[]} fields - The list of fields to convert to special fields, if
       * the model matches any of the special field objects
       * @returns {string[]} - Returns the list of fields with actual query field names
       * replaced with special field names, if any match
       * @since 2.15.0
      convertToSpecialFields: function (fields) {
        try {
          var fields = _.clone(fields);

          // Insert the special field name at the same position as the associated
          // query fields that we will remove
          var replaceWithSpecialField = function (fields, specialField) {
            if (specialField) {
              position = _.findIndex(
                function (selectedField) {
                  return specialField.fields.includes(selectedField);
              fields.splice(position, 0,;
              fields = _.difference(fields, specialField.fields);
            return fields;

          // If the user selected a special field, make sure we convert those first
          if (this.selectedSpecialFields && this.selectedSpecialFields.length) {
            this.selectedSpecialFields.forEach(function (specialFiend) {
              fields = replaceWithSpecialField(fields, specialFiend);
            }, this);

          // Search for remaining special fields given the fields and model values
          var matchingSpecialField = this.getSpecialField(fields);

          // There may be more than one special field in the list of fields...
          while (matchingSpecialField !== null) {
            fields = replaceWithSpecialField(fields, matchingSpecialField);
            // Check if there are more special fields remaining
            matchingSpecialField = this.getSpecialField(fields);

          return fields;
        } catch (error) {
            "Error converting query field names to special field names in" +
              " a Query Rule View. Returning the list of fields unchanged." +
              " Error details : " +
          return fields;

       * Takes a list of query field names and checks if it contains any of the
       * {@link QueryRuleView#specialFields special field names}. Returns the list with
       * the special field names replaced with the actual field names that those special
       * fields represent. Stores the name of each special field name removed in an
       * array set on the view's selectedSpecialFields property. selectedSpecialFields
       * is cleared each time this function runs. This function is the opposite of
       * {@link QueryRuleView#convertToSpecialFields}
       * @param  {string[]} fields] - The list of field names to convert
       * @returns {string[]} - The converted list of field names. If there were no
       * special fields detected, or if there's an error, then then the field names are
       * returned unchanged.
       * @param {string[]} fields - The list of fields to convert to actual query
       * service index fields
       * @returns {string[]} - Returns the list of fields with any special field
       * replaced with real fields from the query service index
       * @since 2.15.0
      convertFromSpecialFields: function (fields) {
        try {
          this.selectedSpecialFields = [];
          if (this.specialFields) {
            this.specialFields.forEach(function (specialField) {
              var index = fields.indexOf(;
              if (index >= 0) {
                // Keep a record that the user selected a special field (useful in the
                // case that the special field is just a duplicate of another field)
                  [index, 1].concat(specialField.fields),
            }, this);
          return fields;
        } catch (error) {
            "Error converting special query fields to query fields that" +
              " exist in the index in a Query Rule View. Returning the fields" +
              " unchanged. Error details: " +
          return fields;

       * Create and insert an input that allows the user to select a metadata field to
       * query
      addFieldSelect: function () {
        try {
          // Check whether the filter model set on this view contains query fields
          // and values that match one of the special rules. If it does,
          // convert the list of field names to special field to pass on to the
          // Query Field Select View.
          var selectedFields = _.clone(this.model.get("fields"));
          var selectedFields = this.convertToSpecialFields(selectedFields);

          this.fieldSelect = new QueryFieldSelect({
            selected: selectedFields,
            excludeFields: this.excludeFields,
            addFields: this.specialFields,
            separatorText: this.model.get("fieldsOperator"),

          // Update the model when the fieldsOperator changes
          this.stopListening(this.fieldSelect, "separatorChanged");
            function (newOperator) {
              this.model.set("fieldsOperator", newOperator);
          // Update model when the selected fields change
          this.stopListening(this.fieldSelect, "changeSelection");
        } catch (e) {
            "Error adding a metadata selector input in the Query Rule" +
              " View, error message:",

       * handleFieldChange - Called when the Query Field Select View triggers a change
       * event. Updates the model with the new fields, and if required,
       * 1) converts the filter model to a different type based on the types of fields
       *    selected, 2) updates the operator select and the value select
       * @param  {string[]} newFields The list of new query fields that were selected
      handleFieldChange: function (newFields) {
        try {
          // Uncomment the following chunk to clear operator & values when the field
          // input is cleared.
          // if(!newFields || newFields.length === 0 || newFields[0] === ""){
          //   if(this.operatorSelect){
          //     this.operatorSelect.changeSelection([""]);
          //   }
          //   this.model.set("fields", this.model.defaults().fields);
          //   return
          // }

          // Get the selected operator before the field changed
          var opBefore = this.getSelectedOperator();

          // If any of the new fields are special fields, replace them with the
          // actual query fields before setting them in the model...
          newFields = this.convertFromSpecialFields(newFields);

          // Get the current type of filter and required type given the newly selected
          // fields
          var typeBefore = this.model.get("nodeName"),
            typeAfter = MetacatUI.queryFields.getRequiredFilterType(newFields);

          // If the type has changed, then replace the model with one of the correct
          // type, update the value and operator inputs, and do nothing else
          if (typeBefore != typeAfter) {
            this.model = this.model.collection.replaceModel(this.model, {
              filterType: typeAfter,
              fields: newFields,

          // If the filter model type is the same, and the operator options are the same
          // for the selected fields, then update the model
          this.model.set("fields", newFields);

          // Get the selected operator now that we've updated the model with new fields
          var opAfter = this.getSelectedOperator();

          // Add an empty operator input field, if there isn't one
          if (!this.operatorSelect) {
            // If the operator options have changed, refresh the operator input
          } else if (opAfter !== opBefore) {
            // Make sure that we overwrite any values that don't apply to the new options.

          // Refresh the value select in case a different value input is required for
          // the new fields
          if (this.valueSelect) {
        } catch (e) {
            "Failed to handle query field change in the Query Rule View," +
              " error message: " +

       * Create and insert an input field where the user can select an operator for the
       * given rule. Operators will vary depending on filter model type.
       * @param {string} selectedOperator - optional. The label of an operator to
       * pre-select. Set to an empty string to render an empty operator selector.
      addOperatorSelect: function (selectedOperator) {
        try {
          var view = this;
          var operatorError = false;

          var options = this.getOperatorOptions();

          // Identify the selected operator for existing models
          if (typeof selectedOperator !== "string") {
            selectedOperator = this.getSelectedOperator();
            // If there was no operator found, then this is probably an unsupported
            // combination of exclude + matchSubstring + filterType
            if (selectedOperator === "") {
              operatorError = true;

          if (selectedOperator === "") {
            selectedOperator = [];
          } else {
            selectedOperator = [selectedOperator];

          this.operatorSelect = new SearchableSelect({
            options: options,
            allowMulti: false,
            inputLabel: "Select an operator",
            clearable: false,
            placeholderText: "Select an operator",
            selected: selectedOperator,

          if (operatorError) {
            view.listenToOnce(view.operatorSelect, "postRender", function () {
                "Please select a valid operator",


          // Update model when the values change
          this.stopListening(this.operatorSelect, "changeSelection");
        } catch (e) {
            "Error adding an operator selector input in the Query Rule " +
              "View, error message:",

       * handleOperatorChange - When the operator selection is changed, update the model
       * and re-set the value UI when required
       * @param  {string[]} newOperatorLabel The new operator label within an array,
       * e.g. ["is greater than"]
      handleOperatorChange: function (newOperatorLabel) {
        try {
          var view = this;

          if (!newOperatorLabel || newOperatorLabel[0] == "") {
            var modelDefaults = this.model.defaults();
              min: modelDefaults.min,
              max: modelDefaults.max,
              values: modelDefaults.values,

          // Get the properties of the newly selected operator. The newOperatorLabel
          // will be an array with one value. Select only from the available options,
          // since there may be multiple options with the same label in
          // this.operatorOptions.
          var options = this.getOperatorOptions();
          var operator = _.findWhere(options, { label: newOperatorLabel[0] });

          // Gather  information about which values are currently set on the model, and
          // which are required
          var // Type
            type = view.model.get("nodeName"),
            isNumeric = ["dateFilter", "numericFilter"].includes(type),
            isRange = operator.hasMin && operator.hasMax,
            // Values
            modelValues = this.model.get("values"),
            modelHasValues = modelValues
              ? modelValues && modelValues.length
              : false,
            modelFirstValue = modelHasValues ? modelValues[0] : null,
            modelValueInt = parseInt(modelFirstValue)
              ? parseInt(modelFirstValue)
              : null,
            needsValue =
              isNumeric &&
              !modelValueInt &&
              !operator.hasMin &&
            // Min
            modelMin = this.model.get("min"),
            modelHasMin = modelMin === 0 || modelMin,
            needsMin = operator.hasMin && !modelHasMin,
            // Max
            modelMax = this.model.get("max"),
            modelHasMax = modelMax === 0 || modelMax,
            needsMax = operator.hasMax && !modelHasMax;

          // Some operator options include a specific value to be set on the model. For
          // example, "is not empty", should set the model value to the "*" wildcard.
          // For operators with these specific value requirements, update the filter
          // model value and remove the value select input.
          if (operator.values && operator.values.length) {
            this.model.set("values", operator.values);
            // If the operator does not have a default value, then ensure that there is
            // a value select available.
          } else {
            if (!this.valueSelect) {
              this.model.set("values", view.model.defaults().values);

          // Update the model with true or false for matchSubstring and exclude
          ["matchSubstring", "exclude"].forEach((prop, i) => {
            if (typeof operator[prop] !== "undefined") {
              view.model.set(prop, operator[prop]);
            } else {
              view.model.set(prop, view.model.defaults()[prop]);

          // Set min & max values as required by the operator
          // TODO - test this strategy with dates...

          // Add a minimum value if one is needed
          if (needsMin) {
            // Search for the min in the values, then in the max
            if (modelValueInt || modelValueInt === 0) {
              this.model.set("min", modelValueInt);
            } else if (modelHasMax) {
              this.model.set("min", modelMax);
            } else {
              this.model.set("min", 0);

          // Add a maximum value if one is needed
          if (needsMax) {
            // Search for the min in the values, then in the max
            if (modelValueInt || modelValueInt === 0) {
              this.model.set("max", modelValueInt);
            } else if (modelHasMin) {
              this.model.set("max", modelMin);
            } else {
              this.model.set("max", 0);

          // Add a value if one is needed
          if (needsValue) {
            if (modelHasMin) {
              this.model.set("values", [modelMin]);
            } else if (modelHasMax) {
              this.model.set("values", [modelMax]);
            } else {
              this.model.set("values", [0]);

          // Remove the minimum and max if they should not be included in the filter
          if (modelHasMax && !operator.hasMax) {
            this.model.set("max", this.model.defaults().max);
          if (modelHasMin && !operator.hasMin) {
            this.model.set("min", this.model.defaults().min);

          if (isRange) {
            this.model.set("range", true);
          } else {
            if (isNumeric) {
              this.model.set("range", false);
            } else {

          // If the operator changed for a numeric or date field, reset the value
          // select. This way it can change from a range to a single value input if
          // needed.
          if (isNumeric) {
        } catch (e) {
            "Failed to handle the operator selection in a Query Rule " +
              "view, error message: " +

       * Get a list of {@link QueryRuleView#operatorOptions operatorOptions} that are
       * allowed for this view's filter model
       * @param  {string[]} [fields] - Optional list of fields to use instead of the
       * fields set on this view's Filter model
       * @since 2.15.0
      getOperatorOptions: function (fields) {
        try {
          // Check which type of rule this is (boolean, numeric, text, date)
          var type = this.model.get("nodeName");

          // If this rule contains a special field, replace the real query field names
          // with the special field names for the purpose of selecting operator options
          var fields = fields || this.model.get("fields");
          var fields = _.clone(fields);
          var fields = this.convertToSpecialFields(fields);

          // Get the list of options for a user to select from based on field name.
          // All of the rule's fields must be contained within the operator option's
          // list of allowed fields for it to be a match.
          var options = _.filter(this.operatorOptions, function (option) {
            if (option.fields) {
              return _.every(fields, function (fieldName) {
                return option.fields.includes(fieldName);

          // Get the list of options for a user to select from based on type, if there
          // were none that matched based on field names
          if (!options || !options.length) {
            options = _.filter(
              function (option) {
                if (option.types) {
                  return option.types.includes(type);

          return options;
        } catch (error) {
            "Error getting operator options in a Query Rule View, " +
              "Error details: " +

       * getSelectedOperator - Based on values set on the model, get the label to show
       * in the "operator" filed of the Query Rule
       * @return {string} The operator label
      getSelectedOperator: function () {
        try {
          // This view
          var view = this,
            // The options that we will filter down
            options = this.operatorOptions,
            // The user-facing operator label that we will return
            selectedOperator = "";

          // --- Filter 1 - Filter options by type --- //

          // Reduce list of options to only  those that apply to the current filter type
          var type = view.model.get("nodeName");
          var options = this.getOperatorOptions();

          // --- Filter 2 - filter by 'matchSubstring', 'exclude', 'min', 'max' --- //

          // Create the conditions based on the model
          var conditions = _.pick(

          var isNumeric = ["dateFilter", "numericFilter"].includes(type);

          if (!conditions.min && conditions.min !== 0) {
            if (isNumeric) {
              conditions.hasMin = false;
          } else if (isNumeric) {
            conditions.hasMin = true;
          if (!conditions.max && conditions.max !== 0) {
            if (isNumeric) {
              conditions.hasMax = false;
          } else if (isNumeric) {
            conditions.hasMax = true;

          delete conditions.min;
          delete conditions.max;

          var options = _.where(options, conditions);

          // --- Filter 3 - filter based on the value, if there's > 1 option --- //

          if (options.length > 1) {
            // Model values that determine the user-facing operator eg ["*"], [true],
            // [false]
            var specialValues = _.compact(
                _.pluck(this.operatorOptions, "values"),
              specialValues = => JSON.stringify(val)),
              specialValues = _.uniq(specialValues);

            options = options.filter(function (option) {
              var modelValsStringified = JSON.stringify(
              if (specialValues.includes(modelValsStringified)) {
                if (JSON.stringify(option.values) === modelValsStringified) {
                  return true;
              } else {
                if (!option.values) {
                  return true;
          // --- Return value --- //

          if (options.length === 1) {
            selectedOperator = options[0].label;

          return selectedOperator;
        } catch (e) {
            "Failed to select an operator in the Query Rule View, error" +
              " message: " +

       * getCategory - Given an array of query fields, get the user-facing category that
       * these fields belong to. If there are fields from multiple categories, then a
       * default "Text" category is returned.
       * @param  {string[]} fields An array of query (Solr) fields
       * @return {string} The label for the category that the given fields belong to
      getCategory: function (fields) {
        try {
          var categories = [],
            // When fields is empty or are different types
            defaultCategory = "Text";

          if (!fields || fields.length === 0 || fields[0] === "") {
            return defaultCategory;

          fields.forEach((field, i) => {
            // Get the category of the field from the matching filter model in the Query
            // Fields Collection
            var fieldModel = MetacatUI.queryFields.findWhere({ name: field });

          // Test of all the fields are of the same type
          var allEqual = categories.every((val, i, arr) => val === arr[0]);

          if (allEqual) {
            return categories[0];
          } else {
            return defaultCategory;
        } catch (e) {
            "Failed to detect the category for a group of filters in the" +
              " Query Rule View, error message: " +

       * Create and insert an input field where the user can provide a search value
      addValueSelect: function () {
        try {
          var view = this;
          (fields = this.model.get("fields")),
            (filterType = MetacatUI.queryFields.getRequiredFilterType(fields)),
            (category = this.getCategory(fields)),
            (interfaces = this.valueSelectUImap),
            (label = "");

          // To help guide users to create valid queries, the type of value field will
          // vary based on the type of field (i.e. filter nodeName), and the operator
          // selected.

          // Some user-facing operators (e.g. "is true") don't require a value to be set
          var selectedOperator = _.findWhere(this.operatorOptions, {
            label: this.getSelectedOperator(),
          if (selectedOperator) {
            if (selectedOperator.values && selectedOperator.values.length) {

          // Find the appropriate UI to use the the value select field. Find the first
          // match in the valueSelectUImap according to the filter type and the
          // categories associated with the metadata field.
          var interfaceProperties = _.find(
            function (thisInterface) {
              var typesMatch = true,
                categoriesMatch = true,
                namesMatch = true;
              if (
                thisInterface.queryFields &&
              ) {
                fields.forEach((field, i) => {
                  if (thisInterface.queryFields.includes(field) === false) {
                    namesMatch = false;
              if (
                thisInterface.filterTypes &&
              ) {
                typesMatch = thisInterface.filterTypes.includes(filterType);
              if (thisInterface.categories && thisInterface.categories.length) {
                categoriesMatch = thisInterface.categories.includes(category);
              return typesMatch && categoriesMatch && namesMatch;

          this.valueSelect =;
          if (interfaceProperties.label && interfaceProperties.label.length) {
            label = $(
              "<p class='subtle searchable-select-label'>" +
                interfaceProperties.label +

          // Append and render the chosen value selector
          if (label) {

          // Make sure the listeners set below are not set multiple times
            "changeSelection inputFocus separatorChanged",

          // Update model when the values change - note that the date & numeric filter
          // views do not trigger a 'changeSelection' event, (because they are not based
          // on a SearchSelect View) but update the models directly

          // Update the model when the operator changes
            function (newOperator) {
              this.model.set("operator", newOperator);

          // Show a message that reminds the user that capitalization matters when they
          // are typing a value for a field that is case-sensitive.
          this.listenTo(view.valueSelect, "inputFocus", function (event) {
            var fields = this.model.get("fields");
            var isCaseSensitive = _.some(fields, function (field) {
              return MetacatUI.queryFields.findWhere({
                name: field,
                caseSensitive: true,
            if (isCaseSensitive) {
              var fieldsText = "The field";
              if (fields.length > 1) {
                fieldsText = "At least one of the fields";
              var message =
                "<i class='icon-lightbulb icon-on-left'></i> <b>Hint:</b> " +
                fieldsText +
                " you selected is case-sensitive. Capitalization matters here.";
                (type = "info"),
                (removeOnChange = false),
            } else {

          // Set the value to the value provided if there was one. Then validateValue()
        } catch (e) {
            "Error adding a search value input in the Query Rule View," +
              " error message:",

       * handleValueChange - Called when the select values for rule are changed. Updates
       * the model.
       * @param  {string[]} newValues The new values that were selected
      handleValueChange: function (newValues) {
        try {
          // TODO: validate values

          // Don't add empty values to the model
          newValues = _.reject(newValues, function (val) {
            return val === "";
          this.model.set("values", newValues);
        } catch (e) {
            "Failed to handle a change in select values in the Query Ryle" +
              " View, error message: " +

      // /**
      //  * Ensure the value entered is valid, given the metadata field selected.
      //  * If it's not, show an error. If it is, remove the error if there was one.
      //  *
      //  * @return {type}  description
      //    */
      // validateValue: function() {// TODO
      // },

       * Remove one of the three input fields from the rule
       * @param  {string} inputType Which of the inputs to remove? "field", "operator",
       * or "value"
      removeInput: function (inputType) {
        try {
          // TODO - what, if any, model updates should happen here?
          switch (inputType) {
            case "value":
              if (this.valueSelect) {
                  "changeSelection inputFocus",
                this.valueSelect = null;
            case "operator":
              if (this.operatorSelect) {
                this.stopListening(this.operatorSelect, "changeSelection");
                this.operatorSelect = null;
            case "field":
              if (this.fieldSelect) {
                this.stopListening(this.fieldSelect, "changeSelection");
                this.fieldSelect = null;
                "Must specify either value, operator, or field in the" +
                  " removeInput function in the Query Rule View",
        } catch (e) {
            "Error removing an input from the Query Rule View, error" +
              " message:",

       * Indicate to the user that the rule will be removed when they hover over the
       * remove button.
      previewRemove: function (e) {
        try {
          var normalOpacity = 1.0,
            previewOpacity = 0.2,
            speed = 175;

          var removeEl =;
          var subElements = this.$el.children().not(removeEl);

          if (e.type === "mouseover") {
            subElements.fadeTo(speed, previewOpacity);
            $(removeEl).fadeTo(speed, normalOpacity);
          if (e.type === "mouseout") {
            subElements.fadeTo(speed, normalOpacity);
            $(removeEl).fadeTo(speed, previewOpacity);
        } catch (error) {
            "Error showing a preview of the removal of a Query Rule View," +
              " details: " +

       * removeSelf - When the delete button is clicked, remove this entire View and
       * associated model
      removeSelf: function () {
        try {
          $("body .popover").remove();
          $("body .tooltip").remove();
          if (this.model && this.model.collection) {
        } catch (error) {
          console.log("Error removing a Query Rule View, details: " + error);