Source: src/js/views/portals/editor/PortalEditorView.js

function(_, $, Backbone, Portal, PortalImage, Filters, EditorView, SignInView,
  PortEditorSectionsView, ImageEdit, LoadingTemplate, Template,
  portalEditorSubmitMessageTemplate, LoginTemplate){

  * @class PortalEditorView
  * @classdesc A view of a form for creating and editing DataONE Portal documents
  * @classcategory Views/Portals/Editor
  * @name PortalEditorView
  * @extends EditorView
  * @constructs
  var PortalEditorView = EditorView.extend(
    /** @lends PortalEditorView.prototype */{

    * The type of View this is
    * @type {string}
    type: "PortalEditor",

    * The short name OR pid for the portal
    * @type {string}
    portalIdentifier: "",

    * The PortalModel that is being edited
    * @type {Portal}
    model: undefined,

    * The currently active editor section. e.g. Data, Metrics, Settings, etc.
    * @type {string}
    activeSectionLabel: "",

    * When a new portal is being created, this is the label of the section that will be active when the editor first renders
    * @type {string}
    newPortalActiveSectionLabel: (MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalDefaults") ? MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalDefaults").newPortalActiveSectionLabel : "") || "Settings",

    * References to templates for this view. HTML files are converted to Underscore.js templates
    template: _.template(Template),
    loadingTemplate: _.template(LoadingTemplate),
    loginTemplate: _.template(LoginTemplate),
    // Over-ride the default editor submit message template (which is currently
    // used by the metadata editor) with the portal editor version
    editorSubmitMessageTemplate: _.template(portalEditorSubmitMessageTemplate),

    * An array of Backbone Views that are contained in this view.
    * @type {Backbone.View[]}
    subviews: [],

    * A reference to the PortEditorSectionsView for this instance of the PortEditorView
    * @type {PortEditorSectionsView}
    sectionsView: null,

    * The text to use in the editor submit button
    * @type {string}
    submitButtonText: "Save",

    * A jQuery selector for the element that the PortEditorSectionsView should be inserted into
    * @type {string}
    portEditSectionsContainer: ".port-editor-sections-container",

    * A jQuery selector for the element that the portal logo image uploader
    * should be inserted into
    * @type {string}
    portEditLogoContainer: ".logo-editor-container",

    * A jQuery selector for links to view this portal
    * @type {string}
    viewPortalLinks: ".view-portal-link",

    * A temporary name to use for portals when they are first created but don't have a label yet.
    * This name should only be used in views, and never set on the model so it doesn't risk getting
    * serialized and saved.
    * @type {string}
    newPortalTempName: "new",

    * The events this view will listen to and the associated function to call.
    * This view will inherit events from the parent class, EditorView.
    * @type {Object}
    events: _.extend(, {
      "focusout .basic-text"                  : "updateBasicText",
      "click .section-links-toggle-container" : "toggleSectionLinks"

    * Is executed when a new PortalEditorView is created
    * @param {Object} options - A literal object with options to pass to the view
    initialize: function(options){, options);

      //Reset arrays and objects set on this View, otherwise they will be shared across intances, causing errors
      this.subviews = new Array();
      this.sectionsView = null;

      if(typeof options == "object"){
        // initializing the PortalEditorView properties
        this.portalIdentifier = options.portalIdentifier ? options.portalIdentifier : undefined;
        this.activeSectionLabel = options.activeSectionLabel || "";


    * Renders the PortalEditorView
    render: function(){

      //Execute the superclass render() function, which will add some basic Editor functionality;


      // Display a spinner to indicate loading until model is created.
        msg: "Retrieving portal details..."

      //Create the model

      // An existing portal should have a portalIdentifier already set
      // from the router, that does not equal the newPortalTempName ("new"),
      // plus a seriesId or label set during createModel()
      if (
        (this.model.get("seriesId") || this.model.get("label"))
        (this.portalIdentifier && this.portalIdentifier != this.newPortalTempName)
          var view = this;

          this.listenToOnce(this.model, "change:isAuthorized", function(){

            if (this.model.get("isAuthorized")) {
              // When an existing model has been synced render the results
              view.stopListening(view.model, "sync", view.renderPortalEditor);
              view.listenToOnce(view.model, "sync", view.renderPortalEditor);

              // If the portal model already exists - fetch it.

              // Listens to the focus event on the window to detect when a user
              // switches back to this browser tab from somewhere else
              // When a user checks back, we want to check for log-in status

              // Determine the length of time until the user's current token expires
              // Asks to sign in in case of time out
            else {
              // generate error message
              var msg = MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalEditNotAuthEditMessage");

              //Show the not authorized error message
              MetacatUI.appView.showAlert(msg, "alert-error non-fixed", this.$el);

          // Check if the user is Authorized to edit the portal
      //If there is no portal identifier given, this is a new portal.
      else {

        // if the user is not signed in, display the sign in view
        if ( MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("tokenChecked") && !MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn")) {

          //Check the user's quota to create a new Portal
          this.listenToOnce(MetacatUI.appUserModel, "change:isAuthorizedCreatePortal", function(){

            if( MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("isAuthorizedCreatePortal") ){
              // Start new portals on the settings tab
              this.activeSectionLabel = this.newPortalActiveSectionLabel;

              // Render the default model if the portal is new
              //If the user doesn't have quota left, display this message
              if( MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("portalQuota") == 0 ){
                var errorMessage = MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalEditNoQuotaMessage");
              //Otherwise, display a more generic error message
                var errorMessage = MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalEditNotAuthCreateMessage");

              //Hide the loading icon

              //Show the error message
              MetacatUI.appView.showAlert(errorMessage, "alert-error non-fixed", this.$el);

            //Reset the isAuthorizedCreatePortal attribute
            MetacatUI.appUserModel.set("isAuthorizedCreatePortal", null);


          //If the user authentication hasn't been checked yet, then wait for it
          if ( !MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("tokenChecked") ) {
            this.listenTo(MetacatUI.appUserModel, "change:tokenChecked", function(){
              if( MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn") ){
                //Check if this user is authorized to create a new portal
              //If the user is not logged in, show the sign in buttons
              else if( !MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn") ){
          //If the user is logged in,
          else if( MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn") ){
            //Check if this user is authorized to create a new portal
          //If the user is not logged in, show the sign in buttons
          else if( !MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn") ){


      return this;

    * Renders the portal editor view once the portal view is created
    renderPortalEditor: function() {

      var view = this;

      //Check if this is a plus portal
      if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("dataonePlusPreviewMode")){
        var sourceMN = this.model.get("datasource");

        //Check if the portal source node is from the active alt repo OR is
        // configured as a Plus portal.
        if( !this.model.isNew() &&
            (typeof sourceMN != "string" ||
            (sourceMN != MetacatUI.appModel.get("defaultAlternateRepositoryId") &&
                         { datasource: sourceMN, seriesId: this.model.get("seriesId") }))) ){

            //Get the name of the source member node
            var sourceMNName = "original data repository",
                mnURL        = "";
            if( typeof sourceMN == "string" ){
              var sourceMNObject = MetacatUI.nodeModel.getMember(sourceMN);
              if( sourceMNObject ){
                sourceMNName =;

                //If there is a baseURL string
                if( sourceMNObject.baseURL ){
                  //Parse out the origin of the baseURL string. We want to crop out the /metacat/d1/mn parts.
                  mnURL = sourceMNObject.baseURL.substring(0, sourceMNObject.baseURL.lastIndexOf(".")) +
                                                           sourceMNObject.baseURL.indexOf("/", sourceMNObject.baseURL.lastIndexOf(".")));

            //Show a message that the portal can be found on the repository website.
            var message = $(document.createElement("h3")).addClass("center stripe");
            message.text("The " + this.model.get("name") + " " + MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermSingular") +
                      " can be edited in the ");

              message.append( $(document.createElement("a"))
                                .attr("href", mnURL)
                                .attr("target", "_blank")
                                .text(sourceMNName) );



      // Add the template to the view and give the body the "Editor" class
        name: this.model.get("name"),
        submitButtonText: this.submitButtonText,
        primaryColor: this.model.get("primaryColor"),
        secondaryColor: this.model.get("secondaryColor"),
        accentColor: this.model.get("accentColor"),
        primaryColorTransparent: this.model.get("primaryColorTransparent"),
        secondaryColorTransparent: this.model.get("secondaryColorTransparent"),
        accentColorTransparent: this.model.get("accentColorTransparent")

      //Render the editor controls

      //Hide the Save controls

      //Remove the rendering class from the body element

      // On mobile where the section-links-toggle-container is set to fixed,
      // hide the portal navigation element when user scrolls down,
      // show again when the user scrolls up.
      MetacatUI.appView.prevScrollpos = window.pageYOffset;
      $(window).scroll(_.throttle(view.handleScroll, 400));

      // Functions to perform when the window is resized
      var onResize = function(){
        // Auto-resize the portal title
        // Ensure that the menu is always shown when switching from mobile to full width
      $( window ).resize(_.throttle(onResize, 400));

      // Auto-resize the height of the portal title field on user-input and on
      // window resize events.
      this.$("textarea.portal-title").each(function () { = '0px'; // note: textfield MUST have a min-height set = (this.scrollHeight) + 'px';
      }).on('input windowResize', function () { = '0px'; // note: textfield MUST have a min-height set = (this.scrollHeight) + 'px';

      // Get the portal identifier
      // or set it to a default value in the case that it's a new portal
      var portalIdentifier = this.portalIdentifier;
        portalIdentifier = this.newPortalTempName;

      //Create a view for the editor sections
      this.sectionsView = new PortEditorSectionsView({
        model: this.model,
        activeSectionLabel: this.activeSectionLabel,
        newPortalTempName: this.newPortalTempName

      //Save the PortEditorSectionsView as a subview

      //Attach a reference to this view
      this.sectionsView.editorView = this;

      //Add the view element to this view

      //Render the sections view

      //If this portal is a free trial DataONE Plus portal, then display some messaging

      //Show the required fields for this editor

      // Insert the logo editor

      // When the collection definition is changed, show the Save button
      var definition = this.model.get("definition"),
          definitionEvents = "update change";
      this.stopListening(definition, definitionEvents);
      this.listenTo(definition, definitionEvents, function(model, record){
        // Don't show the controls for the addition of an empty filter model, or the
        // controls will show right away when we add a new blank query rule
        if(record && record.changes && record.changes.added && record.changes.added.length){
          if(record.changes.added[0].isEmpty && record.changes.added[0].isEmpty()){

      // On mobile, hide section tabs a moment after page loads so
      // users notice where they are
      setTimeout(function () {
      }, 700);

      //Show a link to view the portal, if it is not a new portal
      if( !this.model.isNew() ){
        var viewURL = MetacatUI.root + "/" + MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermPlural") +"/" + portalIdentifier;
        //Update the view URL in any other portal view links
        this.$(this.viewPortalLinks).attr("href", viewURL).show();
        //Remove the href attribute and hide the link
        this.$(this.viewPortalLinks).attr("href", "").hide();


    * Create a PortalModel object
    createModel: function(){

      // Look up the portal document seriesId by its registered name if given
      if ( this.portalIdentifier && this.portalIdentifier != this.newPortalTempName) {

        // Create a new portal model with the identifier
        this.model = new Portal({
          label: this.portalIdentifier,
          edit: true

        // Save the original label in case a user changes it. During URL
        // validation, the original label will always be shown as available.
        // TODO: if user navigates to portal using a SID or PID, we will need
        // to get the matching label and then save it to the model
        this.model.set("originalLabel", this.portalIdentifier);

      // Otherwise, create a new portal
      } else {

        // Create a new, default portal model
        this.model = new Portal({
          //Set the isNew attribute so the model will execute certain functions when a Portal is new
          isNew: true,
          rightsHolder: MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("username"),
          isAuthorized_read: true,
          isAuthorized_write: true,
          isAuthorized_changePermission: true,
          edit: true


      // set listeners on the new model

     * The authorizeUser function checks if the current user is authorized
     * to edit the given PortalModel. If not, a message is displayed and
     * the view doesn't render anything else.
     * If the user isn't logged in at all, don't check for authorization and
     * display a message and login button.
     authorizeUser: function() {

       //If the user authentication hasn't been checked yet, wait for it to finish.
       if( !MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("tokenChecked") ){
         this.listenToOnce(MetacatUI.appUserModel, "change:tokenChecked", this.authorizeUser);
       //If the user authentication has been checked and they are not logged in, then display the Sign In buttons
       else if ( MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("tokenChecked") && !MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn") ){

        //Remove the loading message

        // show the sign in view


         //If the seriesId hasn't been found yet, but we have the label
         if( !this.model.get("seriesId") && !this.model.get("latestVersion") && this.model.get("label") ){
           //When the seriesId or latest pid is found, come back to this function
           this.listenToOnce(this.model, "change:seriesId",    this.authorizeUser);
           this.listenToOnce(this.model, "latestVersionFound", this.authorizeUser);

           //If the portal isn't found, display a 404 message
           this.listenToOnce(this.model, "notFound", this.showNotFound);

           //Get the seriesId or latest pid
           //Remove the listeners for the seriesId and latest pid
           this.stopListening(this.model, "change:seriesId",    this.authorizeUser);
           this.stopListening(this.model, "latestVersionFound", this.authorizeUser);

         // checking for the write Permission


     * Hides the loading
    hideLoading: function() {

      // Find the loading object and remove it.
      if (this.$el.find(".loading")) {

     * toggleSectionLinks - show or hide the section links. Used for the
     * mobile/small screen view of the portal.
    toggleSectionLinks: function(e){
        // Don't close the menu if the user clicked the dropdown for the rename/delete menu,
        // or something within that menu. Also do not close when the user clicked to update
        // the tab name in a content editable element.
        if(e &&{
            $(".section-menu-link").length ||
            $(".dropdown-menu").length ||
            $("contentEditable") == "true"
        var tabs = this.$("#portal-section-tabs");
        // Only toggle the section links on mobile. On mobile, the
        // ".show-sections-toggle" is visible.
        // If not on mobile, the section tabs should always be visible
        } else {
      } catch(e){
        console.error("Failed to toggle section links, error message: " + e);

     * renderLogoEditor - Creates a new PortalImage model for the portal logo if
     *  one doesn't exist already, then inserts an ImageEdit view into the
     *  portEditLogoContainer.
    renderLogoEditor: function() {

      try {
        // If the portal has no logo, add the default model for one
          this.model.set("logo", new PortalImage({
              label: "logo",
              nodeName: "logo"
        // Add the image view (incl. uploader) for the portal logo
        this.logoEdit = new ImageEdit({
          model: this.model.get("logo"),
          imageUploadInstructions: "Drag & drop a logo or click to upload",
          imageWidth: 100,
          imageHeight: 100,
          minWidth: 64,
          minHeight: 64,
          maxHeight: 300,
          maxWidth: 300,
          nameLabel: false,
          urlLabel: false,
          imageTagName: "img",
          removeButton: false
        this.logoEdit.editorView = this;

        this.listenTo(this.model.get("logo"), "change", this.showControls);

      } catch (e) {
        console.error("Logo editor view could not be rendered. Error message: " + e);

     * When a simple text input field loses focus, the corresponding model
     * attribute is updated with the value from the input field
     *  @param {Event} [e] - The focusout event
    updateBasicText: function(e){

      if(!e) return false;

      //Get the category, new value, and model
      var category = $("data-category"),
      value = $(,
      model = $("model") || this.model;

      //We can't update anything without a category
      if(!category) return false;

      //Clean up the value string so it's valid for XML
      value = this.model.cleanXMLText(value);

      //If the value is an empty string,
      if( typeof value == "string" && !value.length ){
        //Remove the value from the input
      //If the value is only spaces,
      else if( typeof value == "string" && !value.trim().length ){
        //Remove the value from the input
        //Update the model as if this is an empty string
        value = "";

      //Get the current value
      var currentValue = model.get(category);

      //Insert the new value into the array
      if( Array.isArray(currentValue) ){

        //Find the position this text input is in
        var position = $(
                          .index( $( );

        //Set the value in that position in the array
        currentValue[position] = value;

        //Set the changed array on this model
        model.set(category, currentValue);
        model.trigger("change:" + category);

      //Update the model if the current value is a string
      else if(typeof currentValue == "string" || !currentValue){
        model.set(category, value);
        model.trigger("change:" + category);

      //TODO: Add another blank text input (write addBasicText function)
      // if($(".new") && value != '' && category != "title"){
      //   $("new");
      //   this.addBasicText(e);
      // }


     * When the object is saved successfully, tell the user.
     * @param {object} savedObject - the object that was successfully saved
    saveSuccess: function(savedObject){

      var identifier = this.model.get("label") || this.model.get("seriesId") || this.model.get("id"),
          viewURL    = MetacatUI.root + "/"+ MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermPlural") +"/" + identifier;

      var message = this.editorSubmitMessageTemplate({
            messageText: "Your changes have been submitted.",
            viewURL: viewURL,
            buttonText: "View your " + MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermSingular")

      MetacatUI.appView.showAlert(message, "alert-success", this.$el, null, {remove: true});

      //Update the view URL in any other portal view links
      this.$(this.viewPortalLinks).attr("href", viewURL).show();



      // Update the path in case the user selected a new portal label

      // Reset the original label (note: this MUST occur AFTER updatePath())
      this.model.set("originalLabel", this.model.get("label"));


    * When the Portal model has been flagged as invalid, show the validation error messages
    showValidation: function(){

      //First clear all the error messaging

      var errors = this.model.validationError;

      _.each(errors, function(errorMsg, category){
        var categoryEls = this.$("[data-category='" + category + "']");

        //The label category is unique, because it is duplicated in the PortalImage, which can cause bugs
        if( category == "label" ){
          categoryEls = this.$(".change-label-container [data-category='label']");
          var settingsView = _.findWhere(this.sectionsView.subviews, {type: "PortEditorSettings"});
          //Show the "change label" elements so the validation will appear

        //Get the elements that have views attached to them
        var elsWithViews = _.filter(categoryEls, function(el){
            return ( $(el).data("view") &&
                $(el).data("view").showValidation &&
                !$(el).data("view").isNew );

        //If at least one element of this category has a view,
          //Use the view's showValidation function, if it exists.
          _.each(elsWithViews, function(el){
            var view = $(el).data("view");

            if( view && view.showValidation ){
          //Show the validation message
          this.showValidationMessage(categoryEls, errorMsg);

      }, this);

        MetacatUI.appView.showAlert("Provide the content flagged below before submitting.",
              remove: true

        //Hide the saving styling


    * Shows a validation error message and adds error styling to the given elements
    * @param {jQuery} elements - The elements to add error styling and messaging to
    * @param {string} errorMsg - The error message to display
    showValidationMessage: function(elements, errorMsg){
      //Show the error message

      //Add the error class to inputs
      var inputs = elements.filter("textarea, input").addClass("error");

      //Show the validation message in the portal sections
      if( this.sectionsView ){


    * Removes all the validation error styling and messaging from this view
    removeValidation: function(){;
      this.$(".section-link-container.error, input.error, textarea.error").removeClass("error");

    * Show Sign In buttons
    showSignIn: function(){

      // Messsage if the user is trying to edit an existing portal
      var title = "Sign in with your ORCID to edit this portal"
      // Message to create a portal if the portal is new
      if (this.model.get("isNew")) {
        title = "<strong>You're one step away from the portal builder</strong><br>Start by signing in with your ORCID"

        title: title,
        portalInfoLink: MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalInfoURL"),
        portalImageSrc: MetacatUI.root + "/img/portals/portal-data-page-example.png",
        altText: "Screen shot of a portal data page for a climate research lab. The page shows a search bar, customized filters, and a map of the the geographic area the data covers."


    * The DataONE Plus Subscription if fetched from Bookkeeper and the status of the
    * Subscription is rendered on the page.
    * Subviews in this view should have their own renderSubscriptionInfo() function
    * that inserts subscription details into the subview.
    renderSubscriptionInfo: function(){
      if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("enableBookkeeperServices") ){

        if( MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn") && MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("dataoneSubscription") ){
          //Show the free trial message for this portal, if the subscription is in a free trial
          var subscription = MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("dataoneSubscription"),
              isFreeTrial  = false;

          //If the Subscription is in free trial mode
          if( subscription && subscription.isTrialing() ){

            if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("dataonePlusPreviewMode") ){
              //If this portal is not in the configured list of Plus portals
              var trialExceptions = MetacatUI.appModel.get("dataonePlusPreviewPortals");
              isFreeTrial = !_.findWhere(trialExceptions, { seriesId: this.model.get("seriesId") });
              isFreeTrial = true;

            if( isFreeTrial ){
              //Show a free trial message in the editor footer
              var freeTrialMessage = "This " + MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermSingular") + " is a free preview of " + MetacatUI.appModel.get("dataonePlusName");
              var messageEl = $(document.createElement("span"))
                                .prepend( $(document.createElement("i")).addClass("dataone-plus-icon-container") );

              // Update the label element to randomly generated label
              // And disable the input
              var labelEL = $('.label-input-text');

              //When the Portal Model label is changed, update the input
              this.listenTo(this.model, "change:label", function(){

              labelEL.attr("disabled", "disabled");
              //Remove the "Change URL" button that toggles the label input

              // Show edit label message if the edit button is disabled
              var editLabelMessage = "Create a custom " + MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermSingular") + " name for the URL when your free preview of " +
                                      "<i class='dataone-plus-icon-container'></i>" + MetacatUI.appModel.get("dataonePlusName") + " ends.";
              var messageContainer = this.$(".label-container .notification").html(editLabelMessage).addClass("free-trial");

              if( !":visible") ){
                messageContainer.detach().appendTo( this.$(".change-label-container") );

              //Insert the DataONE Plus icon
              var viewRef = this;
              require(["text!templates/dataonePlusIcon.html"], function(iconTemplate){

            this.listenTo( MetacatUI.appUserModel, "change:dataoneSubscription", this.renderSubscriptionInfo );


    * @inheritdoc
    isAccessPolicyEditEnabled: function(){

      if( !MetacatUI.appModel.get("allowAccessPolicyChanges") ){
        return false;

      if( !MetacatUI.appModel.get("allowAccessPolicyChangesPortals") ){
        return false;

      let limitedTo = MetacatUI.appModel.get("allowAccessPolicyChangesPortalsForSubjects");
      if( Array.isArray(limitedTo) && limitedTo.length ){

        return _.intersection(limitedTo, MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("allIdentitiesAndGroups")).length > 0;

        return true;


     * If the given portal doesn't exist, display a Not Found message.
    showNotFound: function(){


      var notFoundMessage = $(document.createElement("p")).text("The " + MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermSingular") + " ");
      notFoundMessage.append( $(document.createElement("span")).text(this.model.get("label") || this.portalIdentifier) )
                     .append( $(document.createElement("span")).text(" doesn't exist.") );

      MetacatUI.appView.showAlert(notFoundMessage, "alert-error non-fixed", this.$el, undefined, { remove: true });

    * This function is called whenever the window is scrolled.
    handleScroll: function() {

        try {

          var menu = $(".section-links-toggle-container")[0],
            editorFooter = this.$("#editor-footer")[0],
            editorFooterHeight = editorFooter ? editorFooter.offsetHeight : 0,
            menuHeight = menu ? menu.offsetHeight : 0,
            hiddenHeight = (menuHeight * -1) + editorFooterHeight,
            currentScrollPos = window.pageYOffset;

          if(MetacatUI.appView.prevScrollpos >= currentScrollPos) {
            // when scrolling upward
   = editorFooterHeight + "px";
          } else {
            // when scrolling downward
   = hiddenHeight + "px";
          MetacatUI.appView.prevScrollpos = currentScrollPos;

        } catch (error) {
          console.log("There was an error adjusting menu position on scroll. Error details: " + error);


     * @inheritdoc
    onClose: function(){

      //Call the superclass onClose() function;

      //Remove the Portal class from the body element

      //Remove the scroll and resize listener

      //Close and remove all of the subviews
      _.invoke(this.subviews, "onClose");
      _.invoke(this.subviews, "remove");
      //Reset the subviews array
      this.subviews = new Array();

      //Reset the sectionsView reference
      this.sectionsView = null;


  return PortalEditorView;
