Source: src/js/views/portals/editor/PortEditorSectionsView.js

function(_, $, Backbone, Sortable, Portal, PortalSection,
          PortEditorSectionView, PortEditorSettingsView, PortEditorDataView,
          Template, MetricsSectionTemplate, SectionLinkTemplate,

  * @class PortEditorSectionsView
  * @classdesc A view of one or more Portal Editor sections
  * @classcategory Views/Portals/Editor
  * @extends Backbone.View
  * @constructor
  var PortEditorSectionsView = Backbone.View.extend(
    /** @lends PortEditorSectionsView.prototype */{

    * The type of View this is
    * @type {string}
    type: "PortEditorSections",

    * The HTML tag name for this view's element
    * @type {string}
    tagName: "div",

    * The HTML classes to use for this view's element
    * @type {string}
    className: "port-editor-sections",

    * The PortalModel that is being edited
    * @type {Portal}
    model: undefined,

    * A reference to the currently active editor section. e.g. Data, Metrics, Settings, etc.
    * @type {PortEditorSectionView}
    activeSection: undefined,

    * The name of the active section when the view is first loaded. This is retrieved from the router/URL
    * @type {string}
    activeSectionLabel: undefined,

    * The unique labels for each section in this Portal
    * @type {string[]}
    sectionLabels: [],

    * The subviews contained within this view to be removed with onClose
    * @type {Array}
    subviews: new Array(),

    * A reference to the PortalEditorView
    * @type {PortalEditorView}
    editorView: undefined,

    * References to templates for this view. HTML files are converted to Underscore.js templates
    @type {Underscore.Template}
    template: _.template(Template),
    @type {Underscore.Template}
    sectionLinkTemplate: _.template(SectionLinkTemplate),
    @type {Underscore.Template}
    metricsSectionTemplate: _.template(MetricsSectionTemplate),

    * A jQuery selector for the elements that are links to the individual sections
    * @type {string}
    sectionLinks: ".portal-section-link",
    * A jQuery selector for the element that the section links should be inserted into
    * @type {string}
    sectionLinksContainer: ".section-links-container",
    * A jQuery selector for the element that a single section link will be inserted into
    * @type {string}
    sectionLinkContainer: ".section-link-container",
    * A jQuery selector for the element that the editor sections should be inserted into
    * @type {string}
    sectionsContainer: ".sections-container",

    * A jQuery selector for the section elements
    * @type {string}
    sectionEls: ".port-editor-section",

    * A selector for link or tab elements that the user is allowed to re-order,
    * starting from the sectionLinksContainer
    * @type {string}
    sortableLinksSelector: ">li:not(.unsortable)",

    * A class name for the handles on tabs that the user can drag to re-order
    * @type {string}
    handleClass: "handle",

    * A label for the section used to add a new page
    * @type {string}
    addPageLabel: "AddPage",

    * Flag to add section name to URL. Enabled by default.
    * @type {boolean}
    displaySectionInUrl: true,

    * @borrows PortalEditorView.newPortalTempName as newPortalTempName
    newPortalTempName: "",

    * The events this view will listen to and the associated function to call.
    * @type {Object}
    events: {
      "click .rename-section" : "renameSection",
      "dblclick .portal-section-link": "renameSection",
      "click .show-section"   : "showSection",
      "click .portal-section-link"   : "handleSwitchSection",
      "focusout .portal-section-link[contenteditable=true]" : "updateName",
      "click .cancelled-section-removal" : "closePopovers",
      "click .confirmed-section-removal" : "removeSection",
      // both keyup and keydown events are needed for limitLabelLength function
      "keyup .portal-section-link[contenteditable=true]"    : "limitLabelInput",
      "keydown .portal-section-link[contenteditable=true]"  : "limitLabelInput",
      "click #link-to-data"                                 :  "navigateToData"

    * Creates a new PortEditorSectionsView
    * @constructs PortEditorSectionsView
    * @param {Object} options - A literal object with options to pass to the view
    initialize: function(options){
      //Reset arrays and objects set on this View, otherwise they will be shared across intances, causing errors
      this.subviews = new Array();
      this.editorView = null;

      // Get all the options and apply them to this view
      if (options) {
          var optionKeys = Object.keys(options);
          _.each(optionKeys, function(key, i) {
              this[key] = options[key];
          }, this);

    * Renders the PortEditorSectionsView
    render: function(){

      //Insert the template into the view

      //Render the Data section

      //Render the Metrics section

      //Render the Add Section tab

      //Render the Settings

      //Render a Section View for each content section in the Portal

      // Disable the delete/hide section option if there is only one section

      var view = this,
          linksContainer = view.el.querySelector(view.sectionLinksContainer),
          sortableLinksSelector = view.sortableLinksSelector,
          sortableLinks = view.el.querySelectorAll(view.sectionLinksContainer + view.sortableLinksSelector),
          sortableLinksArray =, 0),
          pageOrder = this.model.get("pageOrder");

      // Arrange tabs in the order the user has pre-selected
      try {
        if(pageOrder && pageOrder.length){
          // sort the links according the pageOrder
            var aName = $(a).data("section-name");
            var bName = $(b).data("section-name");
            var aIndex = pageOrder.indexOf(aName);
            var bIndex = pageOrder.indexOf(bName);
            // If the label can't be found in the list of labels, place it at the end
            if(bIndex === -1){
              return +1
            if(aIndex === -1){
              return -1
            // Sort backwards because we use prepend
            return bIndex - aIndex;
          // Rearrange the links in the DOM
          for (i = 0; i < sortableLinksArray.length; ++i) {
            // Use preprend so that Settings and AddPage tabs remain last in list
      } catch (error) {
        console.log("Error re-arranging tabs according to the pageOrder option. Error message: " + error)

      // Initialize user-controlled tab re-ordering
      var sortable = Sortable.create(linksContainer, {
        direction: 'horizontal',
        easing: "cubic-bezier(1, 0, 0, 1)",
        animation: 200,
        // Only tabs that have an element with this class will be draggable
        handle: "." + view.handleClass,
        draggable: sortableLinksSelector,
        // When the tab order is changed, update the portal model option with new order
        onUpdate: function (evt) {

      // Switch to the active section, if there is one
      if( this.activeSectionLabel ){
        this.activeSection = this.getSectionByLabel(this.activeSectionLabel);

        //Switch to the active section

        //Reset the active section label, since it is only used during the initial rendering
        this.activeSectionLabel = undefined;

        //Switch to the default section

    * Render a section for adding a new section
    renderAddSection: function(){

      //Create a unique label for this section and save it

      // Add a "Add section" button/tab
      var addSectionView = new PortEditorSectionView({
        model: this.model,
        uniqueSectionLabel: this.addPageLabel,
        sectionType: "addpage",
        editorView: this.editorView

        .attr("id", this.addPageLabel);

      //Add the section element to this view

      //Render the section view

      // Add the tab to the tab navigation

      // Replace the name "AddSection" with fontawsome "+" icon
      this.$el.find( this.sectionLinkContainer + "[data-section-name='" + this.addPageLabel + "'] a")
              .html("<i class='icon icon-plus'></i>")
              .attr("title", "Add a new page");

      // When a sectionOption is clicked in the addSectionView subview,
      // the "addNewSection" event is triggered.
      this.listenTo(addSectionView, "addNewSection", this.addSection);

      //Add the view to the subviews array


    * Render all sections in the editor for each content section in the Portal
    renderContentSections: function(){

      // Get the sections from the Portal
      var sections = this.model.get("sections");

      // Render each markdown (aka "freeform") section already in the PortalModel
      _.each(sections, function(section){

            //Render the content section
      }, this);


    * Render a single markdown section in the editor (sectionView + link)
    * @param {PortalSectionModel} section - The section to render
    * @param {boolean} isNew - If true, this section will be rendered as a section that was just added by the user
    renderContentSection: function(section, isNew){


        if( typeof isNew == "undefined" || isNew == null) {
          var isNew = false;


          // Create and render and markdown section view
          var sectionView = new PortEditorMdSectionView({
            model: section

          // Pass the portal editor view onto the section
          sectionView.editorView = this.editorView;

          //Create a unique label for this section and save it
          var uniqueLabel = this.getUniqueSectionLabel(section);

          //Set the unique section label for this view
          sectionView.uniqueSectionLabel = uniqueLabel;


          //Attach the editor view to this view
          sectionView.editorView = this.editorView;

          sectionView.$el.attr("id", uniqueLabel);

          //Insert the PortEditorMdSectionView element into this view

          //Render the PortEditorMdSectionView

          // Add the tab to the tab navigation
          this.addSectionLink(sectionView, ["Rename", "Delete"], isNew);

          // Add the sections to the list of subviews



    * Renders a Data section in this view
    renderDataSection: function(){



        // Render a PortEditorDataView and corresponding tab
        var dataView = new PortEditorDataView({
          model: this.model,
          uniqueSectionLabel: "Data",
          editorView: this.editorView

        //Save a reference to this view
        this.dataView = dataView;

        //Add the view to the page

        //Render the PortEditorDataView

        //Create the menu options for the Data section link
        var menuOptions = [];
        if( this.model.get("hideData") === true ){

        // Add the tab to the tab navigation
        this.addSectionLink(dataView, menuOptions);

        //When the Data section has been hidden or shown, update the section link
        this.stopListening(this.model, "change:hideData");
        this.listenTo(this.model, "change:hideData", function(){
          //Create the menu options for the Data section link
          var menuOptions = [];
          if( this.model.get("hideData") === true ){

          this.updateSectionLink(dataView, menuOptions);

        // Add the data section to the list of subviews

    * Renders the Metrics section of the editor
    renderMetricsSection: function(){

      // Render a PortEditorSectionView for the Metrics section if metrics is set
      // to show, and the view hasn't already been rendered.
      if(this.model.get("hideMetrics") !== true && !this.metricsView){

        //Create a unique label for this section and save it

        //Create a section view
        this.metricsView = new PortEditorSectionView({
          model: this.model,
          uniqueSectionLabel: "Metrics",
          template: this.metricsSectionTemplate,
          sectionType: "metrics",
          editorView: this.editorView

        this.metricsView.$el.attr("id", "Metrics");

        //Render the view

        // Insert the metrics illustration

        // Add the data section to the list of subviews

      //If the metrics aren't hidden AND the metrics view was created already, then show it
      else if( this.model.get("hideMetrics") !== true && this.metricsView ){

          view: this.metricsView,
          model: this.model


      //When the metrics section has been toggled, remove or add the link


     * navigateToData - Navigate to the data tab.
    navigateToData: function(){

    * Adds or removes the metrics link depending on the 'hideMetrics' option in
    * the model.
    toggleMetricsLink: function(){

        // Need a metrics view to exist already if metrics is set to show
      /*  if(!this.metricsView && !this.model.get("hideMetrics") === true){
        //If hideMetrics has been set to true, remove the link
        if( this.model.get("hideMetrics") === true ){
        // Otherwise add it
        } else {
          this.addSectionLink(this.metricsView, ["Delete"]);

    * Renders the Settings section of the editor
    renderSettings: function(){

      //Create a unique label for this section and save it

      //Create a PortEditorSettingsView
      var settingsView = new PortEditorSettingsView({
        model: this.model,
        uniqueSectionLabel: "Settings"

      settingsView.editorView = this.editorView;

      //Add the Settings view to the page

      //Render the PortEditorSettingsView

      //Create and add a section link

      // Add the data section to the list of subviews


     * Update the window location path with the active section name
     * @param {boolean} [showSectionLabel] - If true, the editor section label will be added to the path
    updatePath: function(showSectionLabel){

      //Get the current portal label
      var label         = this.model.get("label") || "",
      //Get the last-saved portal label
          originalLabel = this.model.get("originalLabel") || "",
      //Get the current path from the window location
          pathName      = decodeURIComponent(window.location.pathname)
                          // remove trailing forward slash if one exists in path
                          .replace(/\/$/, "");

      // Add or replace the label part of the path with the new label.
      // pathRE matches "/label/section", where the "/section" part is optional
      var pathRE = new RegExp("\\/(" + label + "|" + originalLabel + ")(\\/[^\\/]*)?$", "i");
      newPathName = pathName.replace(pathRE, "");

      //If there is a label, add it to the new path.
      // (there will always be a label unless this is a new portal)
      if( label ){
        newPathName += "/" + label;

      //If there is an active section, and the showSectionLabel parameter is true, add the section label to the path.
      if( showSectionLabel && this.activeSection ){
        newPathName += "/" + this.activeSection.uniqueSectionLabel;

      //If the path has changed, navigate to the new path, which creates a record in the browser history
      if( pathName != newPathName ){
        // Update the window location
        MetacatUI.uiRouter.navigate( newPathName, {
          trigger: false


    * Returns the section view that has a label matching the one given.
    * @param {string} label - The label for the section
    * @return {PortEditorSectionView|false} - Returns false if a matching section view isn't found
    getSectionByLabel: function(label){

      //If no label is given, exit

      //Find the section view whose unique label matches the given label. Case-insensitive matching.
      return _.find( this.subviews, function(view){
        if( typeof view.uniqueSectionLabel == "string" ){
          return view.uniqueSectionLabel.toLowerCase() == label.toLowerCase();
          return false;

    * Returns the section view that has a label matching the one given.
    * @param {PortalSectionModel} section - The section model
    * @return {PortEditorSectionView|false} - Returns false if a matching section view isn't found
    getSectionByModel: function(section){

      //If no section is given, exit

      //Find the section view whose unique label matches the given label. Case-insensitive matching.
      return _.findWhere( this.subviews, { model: section });

    * Creates and returns a unique label for the given section. This label is just used in the view,
    * because portal sections can have duplicate labels. But unique labels need to be used for navigation in the view.
    * @param {PortEditorSection} sectionModel - The section for which to create a unique label
    * @return {string} The unique label string
    getUniqueSectionLabel: function(sectionModel){
      //Get the label for this section
      var sectionLabel = sectionModel.get("label").replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g, "").replace(/ /g, "-"),
          unalteredLabel = sectionLabel,
          sectionLabels = this.sectionLabels || [],
          i = 2;

      //Concatenate a number to the label if this one already exists
      while( sectionLabels.includes(sectionLabel) ){
        sectionLabel = unalteredLabel + i;

      return sectionLabel;

    * Manually switch to a section subview by making the tab and tab panel active.
    * Navigation between sections is usually handled automatically by the Bootstrap
    * library, but a manual switch may be necessary sometimes
    * @param {PortEditorSectionView} [sectionView] - The section view to switch to. If not given, defaults to the activeSection set on the view.
    switchSection: function(sectionView){

      //Create a flag for whether the section label should be shown in the URL
      var showSectionLabelInURL = true;

      // If no section view is given, use the active section in the view.
      if( !sectionView ){
        //Use the sectionView set already
        if( this.activeSection ){
          var sectionView = this.activeSection;
        //Or find the section view by name, which may have been passed through the URL
        else if( this.activeSectionLabel ){
          var sectionView = this.getSectionByLabel(this.activeSectionLabel);

      //If no section view was indicated, just default to the first visible one
      if( !sectionView ){
        var sectionView = this.$(this.sectionLinkContainer + ":not(.removing)").first().data("view");

        //If we are defaulting to the first section, don't show the section label in the URL
        showSectionLabelInURL = false;

        //If there are no section views on the page at all, exit now
        if( !sectionView ){

      // Update the activeSection set on the view
      this.activeSection = sectionView;

      // Activate the section content
      this.$(this.sectionEls).each(function(i, contentEl){
        if($(contentEl).data("view") == sectionView){
        } else {
          // make sure no other sections are active

      // Activate the link to the content
      this.$(this.sectionLinkContainer).each(function(i, linkEl){
        if( $(linkEl).data("view") == sectionView ){
        } else {
          // make sure no other sections are active

      //Never show the section label in the URL, since it messes with the back/forward browser navigation. See #1364
      showSectionLabelInURL = false;
      //Update the location path


    * When a section link has been clicked, switch to that section
    * @param {Event} e - The click event on the section link
    handleSwitchSection: function(e){


      // Make sure any markdown editor toolbar modals are closed
      // (otherwise they persist in new tab)

      // Make sure any markdown editor toolbar modals are closed
      // (otherwise they persist in new tab)

      var sectionView = $("view");

      if( sectionView ){
        // If the user clicks a link and is not near the top of the page
        // (i.e. on mobile), scroll to the top of the section content.
        // Otherwise it might look like the page hasn't changed
        if(window.pageYOffset > $("#editor-body").offset().top){


    * Add a link to the given editor section
    * @param {PortEditorSectionView} sectionView - The view to add a link to
    * @param {string[]} menuOptions - An array of menu options for this section. e.g. Rename, Delete
    * @param {boolean} isFocused - A boolean flag to enable focus on new section link
    addSectionLink: function(sectionView, menuOptions, isFocused){


        if (typeof isFocused != "boolean") {
          var isFocused = false;

        var view = this;

        var newLink = this.createSectionLink(sectionView, menuOptions);
        var isMarkdownSection = $(newLink).data("view").type == "PortEditorMdSection"

        // Make the tab hidden to start
          .css('white-space', 'nowrap');

          .css('transition', 'opacity 0.1s');

        // Find the "+" link to help determine the order in which we should add links
        var addSectionEl = this.$(this.sectionLinksContainer)
                               .find(this.sectionLinkContainer + "[data-section-name='" + this.addPageLabel + "']")[0];

        // If the new link is for a markdown section and there's no user-defined page
        // order, then insert the markdown sections before the data and metrics section
        // (this is the default order when there is no page ordering).
          isMarkdownSection &&
          (!view.model.get("pageOrder") || !view.model.get("pageOrder").length)
          // Find the last markdown section in the list of links
          var currentLinks = this.$(this.sectionLinksContainer).find(this.sectionLinkContainer);
          var i =, function (li) {
            return $(li).data("view") ? $(li).data("view").type : "";
          var lastMdSection = currentLinks[i];
          // Append the new link after the last markdown section, or add it first.
          if (lastMdSection) {
          } else {
        // If there is already some user-defined page ordering, or if not a markdown
        // section and not the Settings section, and if there is already a "+" link, add
        // new link before the "+" link
        } else if (addSectionEl && sectionView.uniqueSectionLabel != "Settings"){
        // If the new link is "Settings", or there's no "+" link yet, insert new link last.
        } else {

        // If this is a newly added markdown section, highlight the section name and make
        // it content editable. Currently only markdown sections labels are editable.
        if (isFocused && isMarkdownSection) {
          var newSectionLink = $(newLink).children(".portal-section-link");
          newSectionLink.attr("contenteditable", true);

          //Select the text of the link
          if (window.getSelection && window.document.createRange) {
            var selection = window.getSelection();
            var range = window.document.createRange();
          } else if (window.document.body.createTextRange) {
            range = window.document.body.createTextRange();

        // Animate the link to full width / opacity
            'max-width': "500px",
            overflow: "hidden",
            opacity: 1
          }, {
          duration: 300,
          complete: function(){
      catch(e) {
        console.error("Could not add a new section link. Error message: "+ e);


     * toggleRemoveSectionOption - Disables the hide and remove option from
     * section link if it's the only section left. Re-enables the remove/hide
     * link when a new section is added. Called on initial render and each time
     * a section is added, removed, shown, or hidden.
    toggleRemoveSectionOption: function(){
      try {

        // Determine the number of pages (sections + metrics + data)
        var totalPages         = this.model.get("sections").length +
                                  !this.model.get("hideMetrics") +
            removeSectionLinks = this.$(this.sectionLinkContainer)

        // If there's just one section, hide the delete and hide option on last
        // remaining section link
        if(totalPages == 1){


              placement: "bottom",
              trigger: "hover",
              title: "At least one displayed page is required. To remove this page, first add or show another page."

        // If there are 2 sections, re-show the delete or hide options.
        } else if(totalPages == 2){


        // If there are three or more pages, nothing needs to be changed.
        } else {

      } catch (e) {
        console.log("Failure to show/hide the remove section option. Error message: " + e);

    * Add a link to the given editor section
    * @param {PortEditorSectionView} sectionView - The view to add a link to
    * @param {string[]} menuOptions - An array of menu options for this section. e.g. Rename, Delete
    * @return {Element}
    createSectionLink: function(sectionView, menuOptions){

      var classes = "";
      if( Array.isArray(menuOptions) && menuOptions.includes("Show") ){
        classes = "hidden-section";

      // Do not allow dragging/sorting of the Settings or Add Page sections
      var sortable = true;
      if(["addpage", "settings"].includes(sectionView.sectionType)){
        sortable = false;

      //Create a section link
      var sectionLink = $(this.sectionLinkTemplate({
        menuOptions: menuOptions || [],
        uniqueLabel: sectionView.uniqueSectionLabel,
        sectionLabel: PortalSection.prototype.isPrototypeOf(sectionView.model) ?
                      sectionView.model.get("label") : sectionView.uniqueSectionLabel,
        sectionURL: this.model.get("label") + "/" + sectionView.uniqueSectionLabel,
        sectionType: sectionView.sectionType,
        classes: classes,
        handleClass: this.handleClass,
        sortable: sortable

      //Attach the section model to the link{
        model: sectionView.model,
        view:  sectionView

      if( sectionView.sectionType == "freeform" && menuOptions.includes("Delete") ){
        var content = $(document.createElement("div"))
                        .append(  $(document.createElement("div"))
                                    .append( $(document.createElement("p"))
                                               .text("Deleting this page will premanently remove it from this " +
                                                     MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermSingular") + ".") ),
                                    .append( $(document.createElement("button"))
                                               .addClass("btn cancelled-section-removal")
                                               .text("No, keep page"),
                                               .addClass("btn btn-danger confirmed-section-removal")
                                               .text("Yes, delete page")));

        // Create a popover with the confirmation buttons
          html            : true,
          placement       : 'right',
          title           : 'Delete this page?',
          content         : content,
          container       : sectionLink,
          trigger         : "click"

      return sectionLink[0];

    * Add a link to the given editor section
    * @param {PortEditorSectionView} sectionView - The view to add a link to
    * @param {string[]} menuOptions - An array of menu options for this section. e.g. Rename, Delete
    updateSectionLink: function(sectionView, menuOptions){

      //Create a new link to the section
      var sectionLink = this.createSectionLink(sectionView, menuOptions);

      //Replace the existing link
      this.$(this.sectionLinksContainer).children().each(function(i, link){
        if( $(link).data("view") == sectionView ){

    * Remove the link to the given section view
    * @param {View} sectionView - The view to remove the link to
    removeSectionLink: function(sectionView){

      // Switch to the default section the user is deleting the active section
      if (sectionView == this.activeSection){


        var view = this;
        //Find the section link associated with this section view
        this.$(this.sectionLinksContainer).children().each(function(i, link){
          if( $(link).data("view") == sectionView ){

            //Remove the menu link

            //Destroy any popovers

            //Hide the section name link with an animation
            $(link).animate({width: "0px", overflow: "hidden"}, {
              duration: 300,
              complete: function(){
                // If there's a page order option set on the model, update it
                var pageOrder = view.model.get("pageOrder");
                if(pageOrder && pageOrder.length){

    * Adds a section and tab to this view and the PortalModel
    * @param {string} sectionType - The type of section to add
    addSection: function(sectionType){


        //Create a new section to the Portal model

        if(typeof sectionType == "string"){

          switch( sectionType.toLowerCase() ){
            case "data":
            case "metrics":
            case "freeform":
              // Set up page ordering if it isn't already. This allows us to add a new
              // freeform page at the end of the list of tabs, instead of before Data and
              // Metrics (the default before page ordering was enabled).
              var pageOrder = this.model.get("pageOrder");
              if (!pageOrder || !pageOrder.length) {
              // Get the section model that was just added
              var newestSection = this.model.get("sections")[this.model.get("sections").length-1];
              //Render the content section view for it
              this.renderContentSection(newestSection, true);
              //Switch to that new view
              this.switchSection( this.getSectionByModel(newestSection) );
            case "members":
              // TODO
              // this.switchSection(this.getSectionByLabel("Members"));

          // If the section we just added is now one of two sections, re-enable
          // the hide/delete button on the other section link.


          // Add the item to the the pageOrder option on the model, if it exists
          var pageOrder = this.model.get("pageOrder");
          if(pageOrder && pageOrder.length){


    * Removes a section and its tab from this view and the PortalModel.
    * At least one of the parameters is required, but not both
    * @param {Event} [e] - (optional) The click event on the Remove button
    * @param {Element|jQuery} [sectionLink] - The link element of the section to be removed.
    removeSection: function(e, sectionLink){

        if( !sectionLink || !sectionLink.length ) {

          var clickedEl = $(;

          //Get the PortalSection model for this remove button
          var sectionLink = clickedEl.parents(this.sectionLinkContainer).first();

          //Exit if no section link was found
          if( !sectionLink || !sectionLink.length ){

        //Get the section model and view
        var sectionModel        ="model"),
            sectionView         ="view"),
            sectionType         ="section-type"),
            uniqueSectionLabel  = sectionView.uniqueSectionLabel,
            sectionLabelIndex   = this.sectionLabels.indexOf(uniqueSectionLabel);

        if( PortalSection.prototype.isPrototypeOf(sectionModel) ){
          // Remove this section from the Portal
          // Remove the section label from the list of unique section labels
          if(sectionLabelIndex > -1){
            this.sectionLabels.splice(sectionLabelIndex, 1);
          //Remove this section type from the model

        try {

          //If no section view was found, exit now
          if( !sectionView  ){

          //If this is not the Data section, remove the view, since Data sections can only be hidden
          if( sectionType.toLowerCase() != "data" ){
            // remove the sectionView

            // remove the section view from the subviews array
            this.subviews.splice($.inArray(sectionView, this.subviews), 1);

            //Remove the view from the page

            //Reset the active section, if the one that was removed is currently active
            if( this.activeSection == sectionView ){
              this.activeSection = undefined;

              //Switch to the default section

        } catch (error) {

        // If the section just removed was the second-to-last section, disable
        // the hide/delete button on the last section link.


        MetacatUI.appView.showAlert("The section could not be deleted. (" + e.message + ")", "alert-error");


    * Shows a previously-hidden section
    * @param {Event} [e] - (optional) The click event on the Show button
    showSection: function(e){


        //Get the PortalSection model for this show button
        var sectionLink = $(,
            section ="model");

        //If this section is not a PortalSection model, get the section type
        if( !PortalSection.prototype.isPrototypeOf(section) ){
          section ="section-type");

        //If no section was found, exit now
        if( !section ){

        //Mark this section as shown

        // If the section we're now showing is now one of two sections, re-enable
        // the hide/delete button on the other section link.

        MetacatUI.appView.showAlert("The section could not be shown. (" + e.message + ")", "alert-error");


    * Renames a section in the tab in this view and in the PortalSectionModel
    * @param {Event} [e] - (optional) The click event on the Rename button
    renameSection: function(e){
      try {
        //Get the PortalSection model for this rename button
        var sectionLink = $(,
            targetLink = sectionLink.children(this.sectionLinks),
            section ="model");

        // double-click events
        if (e.type === "dblclick") {
          // Continue editing tab-name on double click only for markdown sections
          if($(sectionLink).data("view").type != "PortEditorMdSection"){

        // make the text editable
        targetLink.attr("contenteditable", true);

        // add focus to the text

        //Select the text of the link
        if (window.getSelection && window.document.createRange) {
            var selection = window.getSelection();
            var range = window.document.createRange();
            range.selectNodeContents( targetLink[0] );
        } else if (window.document.body.createTextRange) {
            range = window.document.body.createTextRange();
            range.moveToElementText( targetLink[0] );

      } catch (error) {


     * Stops user from entering more than 50 characters, and shows a message
     * if user tries to exceed the limit. Also stops a user from entering
     * RETURN or TAB characters, and instead re-directs to updateName().
     * In the case of the TAB key, the focus moves to the title field.
     * @param {Event} e - The keyup or keydown event when the user types in the portal-section-link field
    limitLabelInput: function(e){


        // Character limit for the labels
        var limit = 50;
        var currentLabel = $(;

        // If the RETURN key is pressed
        if(e.which == 13){
          // Don't allow character to be entered
          // Update name and exit function

        // If the TAB key is pressed
        if(e.which == 9){
          // Don't allow character to be entered
          // Update name, change focus to title, and exit function

        // Keys that a user can use as normal, even if character limit is met
        var allowedKeys = [
          8,  // DELETE
          35, // END
          36, // HOME
          37, // LEFT
          38, // UP
          39, // RIGHT
          40, // DOWN
          46,  // DEL
          17   // CTRL

        // Stop addition of more characters and show message
          // If at or greater than limit and
          currentLabel.length >= limit &&
          // key isn't a special key and
          !allowedKeys.includes(e.which) &&
          // cmd key isn't held down and
          !e.metaKey &&
          // user doesn't have some of the text selected
          // Don't allow character to be entered
          // Add a tooltip if one doesn't exist yet
              placement: "top",
              trigger: "manual",
              title: "Limit of " + limit + " characters or fewer"
          // Show the tooltip
        // If under the character limit, proceed as normal.
        } else {
          // Make sure there's no tooltip showing.
        "Error limiting user input in label field, error message: " + error


     * Update the section label
     * @param e The event triggering this method
    updateName: function(e) {

      // Remove tooltip incase one was set by limitLabelInput function

      try {
        //Get the PortalSection model for this rename button
        var sectionLink   =   $(,
            targetLink    =   sectionLink.find(this.sectionLinks),
            sectionModel  ="model"),
            sectionView   ="view"),
            // Clean up the typed in name so it's valid for XML
            oldLabel      =   sectionModel.get("label"),
            newLabel      =   this.model.cleanXMLText(targetLink.text().trim()),
            pageOrder     =   this.model.get("pageOrder");

        // Remove the content editable attribute
        targetLink.attr("contenteditable", false);

        // If this section is an object of PortalSection model, update the label.
        if( sectionModel && PortalSection.prototype.isPrototypeOf(sectionModel) ){
          // update the label on the model
          sectionModel.set("label", newLabel);
        else {
          // TODO: handle the case for non-markdown sections

        // Update the name set on the link element, since it's used for setting the pageOrder option"section-name", newLabel);

        // Update the name in the pageOrder option, if it exists
        if(pageOrder && pageOrder.length){

        // Update the array of unique section labels

        // Get the position of the unique label in the list
        var indexIDs = this.sectionLabels.indexOf(sectionView.uniqueSectionLabel),
            newUniqueLabel = "";

        // Remove the old unique label so when we create a new unique label,
        // we don't consider the label that we're replacing in determining uniqueness
        if(indexIDs > -1){
          this.sectionLabels.splice(indexIDs, 1);
          newUniqueLabel = this.getUniqueSectionLabel(sectionModel);
          this.sectionLabels.splice(indexIDs, 0, newUniqueLabel)
        } else {
          newUniqueLabel = this.getUniqueSectionLabel(sectionModel);

        // Update the label set on the view
        sectionView.uniqueSectionLabel = newUniqueLabel;

      } catch (error) {

     * Using the "section-name" data attribute set on each section link,
     * and the order that the links are displayed in the DOM, update the
     * pageOrder option in the portal model.
    updatePageOrder: function(){
      try {
        var view = this;
        // Get the links as they are ordered in the UI
        var links = view.el.querySelectorAll(view.sectionLinksContainer + view.sortableLinksSelector),
        pageOrder = [];
        _.each(links, function(link){
          // Use the value set on section-name to re-order pages
          var label = $(link).data("section-name");
          if(label){ pageOrder.push(label) }
        view.model.set("pageOrder", pageOrder);
      } catch (error) {
        console.log("Error updating the portal page order, message: " + error)

    * Add a new unique label to the list of unique section labels
    * (used the ensure that tab links and anchors are unique,
    * otherwise, tab switching does not work)
    updateSectionLabelsList: function(newLabel){
      try {
        if( !this.sectionLabels ){
          this.sectionLabels = [];
      } catch (error) {
        console.log("Error updating the list of unique section labels. Error message: " + error)

    * Shows a validation error message and adds error styling to the given elements
    * @param {jQuery} elements - The elements to add error styling and messaging to
    showValidation: function(elements){
        //Get the parent elements that have ids set
        var sectionEls = elements.parents(this.sectionEls);

        //See if there is a matching section link
        for(var i=0; i<sectionEls.length; i++){

          //Get the section view attached to the section element
          var sectionView ="view");

          //If a section view was found,
          if( sectionView ){
            //Find the section link that links to this section view
            var matchingLink = _.find($(this.sectionLinkContainer), function(link){
              return $(link).data("view") == sectionView;

            //Add the error class and display the error icon
            if( matchingLink ){
              //Exit the loop
        console.error("Error showing validation message: ", e);

    * Closes all the popovers in this view
    closePopovers: function(){

     * This function is called when the app navigates away from this view.
     * Any clean-up or housekeeping happens at this time.
    onClose: function() {
        //Remove each subview from the DOM and remove listeners
        _.invoke(this.subviews, "remove");

        this.subviews = new Array();

        //Remove the reference to the EditorView
        this.editorView = null;


  return PortEditorSectionsView;
