Source: src/js/views/portals/editor/PortEditorMdSectionView.js

function(_, $, Backbone, PortalSectionModel, PortalImage, ImageUploader, MarkdownEditor, PortEditorSectionView, ImageEdit, Template){

  * @class PortEditorMdSectionView
  * @classdesc A section of the Portal Editor for adding/editing a Markdown page to a Portal
  * @classcategory Views/Portals/Editor
  * @extends PortEditorSectionView
  * @constructor
  var PortEditorMdSectionView = PortEditorSectionView.extend(
    /** @lends PortEditorMdSectionView.prototype */{

    * The type of View this is
    * @type {string}
    * @readonly
    type: "PortEditorMdSection",

    * The HTML classes to use for this view's element
    * @type {string}
    className: PortEditorSectionView.prototype.className + " port-editor-md",

    * The HTML attributes to set on this view's element
    * @type {object}
    attributes: {
      "data-category": "sections"

    * The PortalSectionModel that is being edited
    * @type {PortalSection}
    model: undefined,

    * References to templates for this view. HTML files are converted to Underscore.js templates
    * @type {Underscore.Template}
    template: _.template(Template),

    * A jQuery selector for the element that will contain the ImageUploader view
    * @type {string}
    imageUploaderContainer: ".portal-display-image",

    * A jQuery selector for the element that will contain the markdown section
    * title text
    * @type {string}
    titleEl: ".title",

    * A jQuery selector for the element that will contain the markdown section
    * introduction text
    * @type {string}
    introEl: ".introduction",

    * A jQuery selector for the element that will contain the markdown editor
    * @type {string}
    markdownEditorContainer: ".markdown-editor-container",

    * A reference to the PortalEditorView
    * @type {PortalEditorView}
    editorView: undefined,

    * The type of section view this is
    * @type {string}
    * @readonly
    sectionType: "freeform",

    * The events this view will listen to and the associated function to call.
    * @type {Object}
    events: {

    * Is executed when a new PortEditorMdSectionView is created
    * @param {Object} options - A literal object with options to pass to the view
    initialize: function(options){

      //Call the superclass initialize() function
      //Passing the parameters to the super class constructor


    * Renders this view
    render: function(){


        //Attach this view to the view Element
        this.$"view", this);

        * PortalVizSection models aren't editable yet, so show a message and exit.
        * @todo Create a PortalVizSectionView for PortalVizSection models, rather than
        * checking the section type here. */
        if( this.model.type == "PortalVizSection" ){

          MetacatUI.appView.showAlert("You're all set! A Fluid Earth Viewer data visualization will appear here.",


        // Insert the template into the view
          title: this.model.get("title"),
          titlePlaceholder: "Add a page title",
          introduction: this.model.get("introduction"),
          introPlaceholder: "Add a sub-title or an introductory blurb about the content on this page.",
          // unique ID to use for the bootstrap accordion component, which
          // breaks when targeting two + components with the same ID
          cid: this.model.cid
        })).data("view", this);

        // Render the Markdown Editor View
        var mdEditor = new MarkdownEditor({
          model: this.model.get("content"),
          markdownPlaceholder: "# Content\n\nAdd content here. Styling with markdown is supported.",
          previewPlaceholder: "Add some text in the Edit tab to show a preview here",
          showTOC: true

        // Attach the appropriate models to the textarea elements,
        // so that PortalEditorView.updateBasicText(e) can access them
        // Don't use the updateBasicText function on content/markdown sections,
        // because we don't want to "cleanXMLText" for markdown
        this.$(this.titleEl).data({ model: this.model });
        this.$(this.introEl).data({ model: this.model });

        // Add an ImageEdit view for the sectionImage
        // If the section has no image yet, add the default PortalImage model
        if( !this.model.get("image") ){
          this.model.set("image", new PortalImage({ nodeName: "image" }) );

        // Add the edit image view (incl. uploader) for the section image
        this.sectionImageUploader = new ImageEdit({

          model: this.model.get("image"),
          editorView: this.editorView,
          imageUploadInstructions: ["Drag & drop a high quality image here or click to upload",
                                    "Suggested image size: 1200 x 1000 pixels"],
          nameLabel: false,
          urlLabel: false,
          imageTagName: "div",
          removeButton: false,
          imageWidth: false, // set to 100% in metacatui-common.css
          imageHeight: 300,
          minWidth: 800,
          minHeight: 300,
          maxHeight: 4000,
          maxWidth: 9000

        this.$(this.imageUploaderContainer).data("view", this.sectionImageUploader);

        // Set listeners to auto-resize the height of the intoduction and title
        // textareas on user-input and on window resize events. This way the
        // fields appear more closely to how they will look on the portal view.
        var view = this;
        $( window ).resize(function() {
        this.$("").off('input textareaResize');
        this.$("").on('input textareaResize', function(e){

        // Make sure the textareas are the right size with their pre-filled
        // content the first time the section is viewed, because scrollHeight
        // is 0px when the element is not displayed.
        this.listenToOnce(this, "active", function(){

        this.listenTo(this.model.get("content"), "change", function(){
        this.listenTo(this.model.get("image"), "change", function(){

        console.log("The portal editor markdown section view could not be rendered, error message: " + e);


     * resizeTextarea - Set the height of a textarea element based on its
     * scrollHeight.
     * @param  {jQuery} textareas The textarea element or elements to be resized.
    resizeTextarea: function(textareas){
      try {
          _.each(textareas, function(textarea){
     = '0px'; // note: textfield MUST have a min-height set
     = (textarea.scrollHeight) + 'px';
      } catch (e) {
        console.log("failed to resize textarea element. Error message: " + r);

     * showValidation - Display validation errors if any are retuned by the PortalSection model
    showValidation: function(){
        var errors = this.model.validate();

        _.each(errors, function(errorMsg, category){
          var categoryEls = this.$("[data-category='" + category + "']");

          //Use the showValidationMessage function from the parent view
          if( this.editorView && this.editorView.showValidationMessage ){
            this.editorView.showValidationMessage(categoryEls, errorMsg);

        }, this);


  return PortEditorMdSectionView;
