Source: src/js/views/portals/PortalLogosView.js

], function ($, _, Backbone, PortalLogoTemplate) {
   * @class PortalLogosView
   * @classdesc The PortalLogosView is the area where the the logos of the organizations
   * associated with each portal will be displayed.
   * @classcategory Views/Portals
   * @extends Backbone.View
   * @screenshot views/portals/PortalLogosView.png
  var PortalLogosView = Backbone.View.extend(
    /** @lends PortalLogosView.prototype */ {
       * The HTML element type for this view
       * @type {string}
      tagName: "div",
       * The HTML classes for this view
       * @type {string}
      className: "portal-logos-view",
       * The name of this View type
       * @type {string}
      type: "PortalLogos",

       * An array of PortalImages to display in this view
       * @type {PortalImage[]}
      logos: [],

       * Renders the compiled template into HTML
       * @type {UnderscoreTemplate}
      template: _.template(PortalLogoTemplate),

       * Renders the view
      render: function () {
        var spanX = "span";

        // Determine the correct bootstrap fluid row span width to use
        if (this.logos.length < 5) {
          spanN = 12 / this.logos.length;
          spanX = spanX + spanN;
        } else {
          // If there are more than 4 logos, use span3 and multiple
          // rows.
          spanX = "span3";

        var row;

        //Remove any logos that don't have a URL
        var logos = _.reject(this.logos, function (logo) {
          return !logo || !logo.get("imageURL");

          function (logo, i) {
            if (i % 4 == 0) {
              // create a row for each multiple of 4
              row = $(document.createElement("div")).addClass(
                "logo-row row-fluid",

            var templateVars = logo.toJSON();
            templateVars.spanX = spanX;


       * Close and destroy the view
      onClose: function () {},

  return PortalLogosView;