Source: src/js/views/metadata/EMLMeasurementTypeView.js

/* global define */
define(['underscore', 'jquery', 'backbone', 'bioportal',

   * @class EMLMeasurementTypeView
   * @classdec The EMLMeasurementTypeView is a view to render a specialized
   * EML annotation editor that lets the use pick a single annotation from a
   * specified ontology or portion of an ontology.
   * @classcategory Views/Metadata
   * @extends Backbone.View
  function (_, $, Backbone, BioPortal, EMLAnnotation, AnnotationView, EMLMeasurementTypeTemplate, EMLMeasurementTypeAnnotationsTemplate) {
    var EMLMeasurementTypeView = Backbone.View.extend(
      /** @lends EMLMeasurementTypeView.prototype */{

      tagName: "div",
      className: "eml-measurement-type row-fluid",
      template: _.template(EMLMeasurementTypeTemplate),
      annotationsTemplate: _.template(EMLMeasurementTypeAnnotationsTemplate),

      events: {
        "click .remove": "handleRemove",
        "change .notfound" : "handleMeasurementTypeNotFound",

       * Reference to the parent EMLAttribute model so we can .set/.get the
       * 'annotation' attribute when this view adds or removes annotations
      model: null,

       * Whether to allow (true) the user to pick more than one value
      multiSelect: false,

       * The ontology (on BioPortal) to show a tree for
      ontology: "ECSO",

       * Which term within this.ontology to root the tree at. Set this to null
       * to start at the root of the tree and set it to a class/term URI
       * to root the tree at that class/term
      startingRoot: "",

       * The label for the property that goes with terms selected with this
       * interface as well as the terms inserted
      filterLabel: "contains measurements of type",

       * The URI of for the property that goes with terms selected with this
       * interface as well as the terms inserted
      filterURI: "",

      initialize: function (options) {
        this.model = options.model;

      render: function () {
        var viewRef = this;

        // Do an initial render of the view

        // Set up tree widget
        var tree = this.$(".measurement-type-browse-tree").NCBOTree({
          apikey: MetacatUI.appModel.get("bioportalAPIKey"),
          ontology: this.ontology,
          width: "400",
          startingRoot: this.startingRoot || "roots",
          jumpAfterSelect: true,
          selectFromAutocomplete: true,
          afterJumpToClass: function(cls) {
            var foundClass = viewRef.$("ul.ncboTree").find("a[data-id='" + encodeURIComponent(cls) + "']");

            if (foundClass.length <= 0) {


        tree.on("afterSelect", function(event, classId, prefLabel, selectedNode) {
, event, classId, prefLabel, selectedNode)


       * Render just the list of annotation in the view
       * Used in both render() to perform the initial render and by
       * selectConcept and handleRemove to update the list as annotations
       * are added and removed
      renderAnnotations: function() {
        var viewRef = this;

        var filtered = _.filter(this.model.get("annotation"), function(annotation) {
          return annotation.get("propertyURI") === viewRef.filterURI;

        var templateData = {
          annotations:, function(annotation) {
            return {
              propertyLabel: annotation.get("propertyLabel"),
              propertyURI: annotation.get("propertyURI"),
              valueLabel: annotation.get("valueLabel"),
              valueURI: annotation.get("valueURI"),
              contextString: "This attribute",
          }, this)


        // Create AnnotationViews for each Measurement Type so we have nice
        // popovers
        _.each(this.$(".annotation"), function (annoEl) {
          var view = new AnnotationView({ el: annoEl });


       * Add an annotation when the user selects on in the UI
       * @param {Event} event - The click event handler
       * @param {string} classId - The selected term's URI
       * @param {string} prefLabel - The selected term's prefLabel
       * @param {Element} selectedNode - The clicked element
      selectConcept: function(event, classId, prefLabel, selectedNode) {
        var anno = new EMLAnnotation({
          propertyLabel: this.filterLabel,
          propertyURI: this.filterURI,
          valueLabel: prefLabel,
          valueURI: classId

        if (!this.model.get("annotation")) {
          this.model.set("annotation", []);

        // Append if we're in multi-select or we're adding an annotation
        // stating that the selected term is not specific enough
        if (this.multiSelect) {
          var annotations = this.model.get("annotation");
        } else {
          // Remove any existing filtered annotations before pushing the new
          this.removeAnnotationsBy("propertyURI", this.filterURI);
          var annotations = this.model.get("annotation");

        this.model.set("annotation", annotations);

        // Ensure we have an id attribute because annotations require the
        // parent to have one
        if (!this.model.get("xmlID")) {


        // Force a re-render of the annotations

       * Handle a click event to remove an annotation
       * This method deletes by value rather than index because multiple
       * views may be managing the state of the annotation attribute for a given
       * EMLAttribute. i.e., the indices might not match when removals are
       * happening in both views.
       * @param {Event} e - A click event handler
      handleRemove: function(e) {
        // First we find the container div for the annotation so we can get
        // the values to match against from data properties
        var annotationEl = $(".annotation");

        if (!annotationEl) {

        var valueLabel = $(annotationEl).data("value-label"),
            valueURI = $(annotationEl).data("value-uri");

        if (!valueLabel || !valueURI) {

        this.removeAnnotationsBy("valueURI", valueURI);

       * Remove a annotations by value
       * Removes all matching annotations with a matching valueURI
       * @param {string} attribute - The model attribute to pull from
       * @param {string} value - The value to compare with
      removeAnnotationsBy: function(attribute, value) {
        // Remove by index now that we've found the right one
        var existing = this.model.get("annotation");

        // Remove annotations matching the input
        var filtered = _.reject(existing, function(anno) {
          return anno.get(attribute) === value;
        }, this);

        this.model.set("annotation", filtered);

        // Force a re-render

       * Handle when the user can't find a class for their attribute
       * This method isn't fantastic. We need a way to signify that the user
       * couldn't find a good match for their attribute. EML doesn't have a way
       * to specify this scenario so we use a sentinel value here in the hopes
       * that moderation workflows will pick it up.
       * @param {Event} e - The click event
      handleMeasurementTypeNotFound: function(e) {
        if ( {
          this.removeAnnotationsBy("propertyURI", this.filterURI);
        } else {

    return EMLMeasurementTypeView;