"use strict";
// Sub-views - TODO: import these as needed
], (
// Sub-views
) => {
* @class ToolbarView
* @classdesc The map toolbar view is a side bar that contains information about a map,
* including the available layers, plus UI for changing the settings of a map.
* @classcategory Views/Maps
* @name ToolbarView
* @extends Backbone.View
* @screenshot views/maps/ToolbarView.png
* @since 2.18.0
* @constructs
const ToolbarView = Backbone.View.extend(
/** @lends ToolbarView.prototype */ {
* The type of View this is
* @type {string}
type: "ToolbarView",
* The HTML classes to use for this view's element
* @type {string}
className: "toolbar",
* The model that this view uses
* @type {Map}
model: null,
* The primary HTML template for this view. The template must have two element,
* one with the contentContainer class, and one with the linksContainer class.
* See {@link ToolbarView#classes}.
* @type {Underscore.template}
template: _.template(Template),
* The classes of the sub-elements that combined to create a toolbar view.
* @name ToolbarView#classes
* @type {Object}
* @property {string} open The class to add to the view when the toolbar is open
* (and the content is visible)
* @property {string} contentContainer The element that contains all containers
* for the toolbar section content. This element must be part of this view's
* template.
* @property {string} linksContainer The container for all of the section links
* (i.e. tabs)
* @property {string} link A section link
* @property {string} linkTitle The section link title
* @property {string} linkIcon The section link icon
* @property {string} linkActive The class to add to a link when its content is
* active
* @property {string} content A section's content. This element will be the
* container for the view associated with this section.
* @property {string} contentActive A class added to a content container when it
* is the active section
classes: {
open: "toolbar--open",
contentContainer: "toolbar__all-content",
linksContainer: "toolbar__links",
link: "toolbar__link",
linkTitle: "toolbar__link-title",
linkTitleHidden: "toolbar__link-title--hidden",
linkIcon: "toolbar__link-icon",
linkActive: "toolbar__link--active",
content: "toolbar__content",
contentActive: "toolbar__content--active",
* A string that represents an icon. Can be either the name of the Font Awesome
* 3.2 icon OR an SVG string for an icon with all the following properties: 1)
* Uses viewBox attribute and not width/height; 2) Sets fill or stroke to
* "currentColor" in the svg element, no styles included elsewhere, 3) Has the
* required xmlns attribute
* @typedef {string} MapIconString
* @see {@link https://fontawesome.com/v3.2/icons/}
* @example
* '<svg viewBox="0 0 400 110" fill="currentColor"><path d="M0 0h300v100H0z"/></svg>'
* @example
* 'map-marker'
* Options/settings that are used to create a toolbar section and its associated
* link/tab.
* @typedef {Object} SectionOption
* @property {string} label The name of this section to show to the user.
* @property {MapIconString} icon The icon to show in the link (tab) for this
* section
* @property {Backbone.View} [view] The view that renders the content of the
* toolbar section.
* @property {object} [viewOptions] Any additional options to pass to the content
* view. By default, the label, icon, and Map model will be passed to the view as
* 'label', 'icon', and 'model', respectively. To pass a specific attribute from
* the Map model, use a string with the syntax 'model.desiredAttribute'. For
* example, 'model.layers' will be converted to view.model.get('layers')
* @property {function} [action] A function to call when the link/tab is clicked.
* This can be provided instead of a view and viewOptions, in which case no
* toolbar section will be created. The function will be passed the view and the
* Map model as arguments.
* @property {function} [isVisible] A function that determines whether this
* section should be visible in the toolbar.
* The sections displayed in the toolbar will be created based on the options set
* in this array.
* @type {SectionOption[]}
sectionOptions: [
label: "Viewfinder",
icon: "globe",
view: ViewfinderView,
action(view, model) {
const sectionEl = this;
isVisible(model) {
return MetacatUI.mapKey && model.get("showViewfinder");
label: "Layers",
icon: '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="m3.2 7.3 8.6 4.6a.5.5 0 0 0 .4 0l8.6-4.6a.4.4 0 0 0 0-.8L12.1 3a.5.5 0 0 0-.4 0L3.3 6.5a.4.4 0 0 0 0 .8Z"/><path d="M20.7 10.7 19 9.9l-6.7 3.6a.5.5 0 0 1-.4 0L5 9.9l-1.8.8a.5.5 0 0 0 0 .8l8.5 5a.5.5 0 0 0 .5 0l8.5-5a.5.5 0 0 0 0-.8Z"/><path d="m20.7 15.1-1.5-.7-7 3.8a.5.5 0 0 1-.4 0l-7-3.8-1.5.7a.5.5 0 0 0 0 .9l8.5 5a.5.5 0 0 0 .5 0l8.5-5a.5.5 0 0 0 0-.9Z"/></svg>',
view: LayersPanelView,
isVisible(model) {
return model.get("showLayerList");
label: "Reset",
icon: "rotate-left",
action(view, model) {
isVisible(model) {
return model.get("showHomeButton");
// We can enable to the draw tool once we have a use case for it
// {
// label: 'Draw',
// icon: 'pencil',
// view: DrawTool,
// viewOptions: {}
// },
label: "Help",
icon: "question-sign",
view: HelpPanel,
viewOptions: {
showFeedback: "model.showFeedback",
feedbackText: "model.feedbackText",
showNavHelp: "model.showNavHelp",
isVisible(model) {
return model.get("showNavHelp") || model.get("showFeedback");
label: "Share",
icon: "link",
action(view) {
const title = this.linkEl.querySelector(
if (view.el.querySelector(".share-url")) {
const shareUrlView = new ShareUrlView({
top: this.linkEl.offsetTop,
left: this.linkEl.offsetLeft,
onRemove() {
// Make sure link's tooltip is hidden while its popup is visible.
isVisible(model) {
return model.get("showShareUrl");
* Whether or not the toolbar menu is opened. This will get updated when the user
* interacts with the toolbar links.
* @type {Boolean}
isOpen: false,
* Executed when a new ToolbarView is created
* @param {Object} [options] - A literal object with options to pass to the view
initialize(options) {
try {
// Get all the options and apply them to this view
if (typeof options == "object") {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(options)) {
this[key] = value;
if (!this.model || !(this.model instanceof Map)) {
this.model = new Map();
if (this.model.get("toolbarOpen") === true) {
this.isOpen = true;
// Check whether each section should be shown, defaulting to true.
this.sections = this.sectionOptions.filter((section) => {
return typeof section.isVisible === "function"
? section.isVisible(this.model)
: true;
} catch (e) {
console.log("Error initializing a ToolbarView", e);
* Renders this view
* @return {ToolbarView} Returns the rendered view element
render() {
try {
// Save a reference to this view
var view = this;
// Insert the template into the view
// Ensure the view's main element has the given class name
// Select and save a reference to the elements that will contain the
// links/tabs and the section content.
this.contentContainer = document.querySelector(
"." + view.classes.contentContainer,
this.linksContainer = document.querySelector(
"." + view.classes.linksContainer,
// sectionElements will store the section link, section content element, and
// the status of the given section (whether it is active or not)
this.sectionElements = [];
// For each section configured in the view's sections property, create a link
// and render the content. Set a listener for when the link is clicked.
this.sections.forEach(function (sectionOption) {
// Render the link and content elements
var linkEl = view.renderSectionLink(sectionOption);
var action = sectionOption.action;
let contentEl = null;
let sectionView;
if (sectionOption.view) {
const { contentContainer, sectionContent } =
contentEl = contentContainer;
sectionView = sectionContent;
// Set the section to false to start
var isActive = false;
// Save a reference to these elements and their status. sectionEl is an
// object that has type SectionElement (documented in comments below)
var sectionEl = {
// Attach the link and content to the view
if (contentEl) {
// Add a listener that shows the section when the link is clicked
linkEl.addEventListener("click", function () {
// Set the toolbar to open, depending on what is initially set in view.isOpen.
// Set the first section to active if the toolbar is open.
if (this.isOpen) {
return this;
} catch (error) {
"There was an error rendering a ToolbarView" +
". Error details: " +
* A reference to all of the elements required to make up a toolbar section: the
* section content and the section link (i.e. tab); as well as the status of the
* section: active or in active.
* @typedef {Object} SectionElement
* @property {HTMLElement} contentEl The element that contains the toolbar
* section's content (the content rendered by the associated view)
* @property {HTMLElement} linkEl The element that acts as a link to show the
* section's content, and open/close the toolbar.
* @property {Boolean} isActive True if this is the active section, false
* otherwise.
* @property {Backbone.View} sectionView The associated Backbone.View instance.
* Executed when any one of the tabs/links are clicked. Opens the toolbar if it's
* closed, closes it if the active section is clicked, and otherwise activates the
* clicked section content.
* @param {SectionElement} sectionEl
handleLinkClick(sectionEl) {
try {
var toolbarOpen = this.isOpen;
var sectionActive = sectionEl.isActive;
if (toolbarOpen && sectionActive) {
if (!toolbarOpen && sectionEl.contentEl) {
if (!sectionActive) {
if (sectionEl.contentEl) {
} catch (error) {
"There was an error handling a toolbar link click in a ToolbarView" +
". Error details: " +
* Creates a link/tab for a given toolbar section
* @param {SectionOption} sectionOption The label and icon that are set in the
* Section Option are used to create the link content
* @returns {HTMLElement} Returns the link element
renderSectionLink(sectionOption) {
try {
// Create a container, label
const link = document.createElement("div");
const title = document.createElement("div");
// Create the icon
const icon = this.createIcon(sectionOption.icon);
// Add the relevant classes
// Add the label text
title.textContent = sectionOption.label;
link.append(icon, title);
return link;
} catch (error) {
"There was an error rendering a section link in a ToolbarView" +
". Error details: " +
* Given the name of a Font Awesome 3.2 icon, or an SVG string, creates an icon
* element with the appropriate classes for the tool bar link (tab)
* @param {MapIconString} iconString The string to use to create the icon
* @returns {HTMLElement} Returns either an <i> element with a Font Awesome icon,
* or and SVG with a custom icon
createIcon(iconString) {
try {
// The icon element we will create and return. By default, return an empty span
// element.
let icon = document.createElement("span");
// iconString must be string
if (typeof iconString === "string") {
// If the icon is an SVG element
if (IconUtilities.isSVG(iconString)) {
icon = new DOMParser().parseFromString(
// If the icon is not an SVG, assume it's the name for a Font Awesome icon
} else {
icon = document.createElement("i");
icon.className = "icon-" + iconString;
return icon;
} catch (error) {
"There was an error in a ToolbarView" +
". Error details: " +
return document.createElement("span");
* @typedef {Object} SectionContentReturnType
* @property {HTMLElement} contentContainer - The content container HTML
* element.
* @property {Backbone.View} sectionContent - The Backbone.View instance
* Creates a container for a toolbar section's content, then rendered the
* specified view in that container.
* @param {SectionOption} sectionOption The view and view options that are set in
* the Section Option are used to create the content container
* @returns {SectionContentReturnType} The content container with the
* rendered view, and the Backbone.View itself.
renderSectionContent(sectionOption) {
try {
const view = this;
// Create the container for the toolbar section content
var contentContainer = document.createElement("div");
// Add the class that identifies a toolbar section's content
// Render the toolbar section view
// Merge the icon and label with the other section options
var viewOptions = Object.assign(
label: sectionOption.label,
icon: sectionOption.icon,
model: this.model,
// Convert any values in the form of 'model.someAttribute' to the model
// attribute that is specified.
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(viewOptions)) {
if (typeof value === "string" && value.startsWith("model.")) {
const attr = value.replace(/^model\./, "");
viewOptions[key] = view.model.get(attr);
var sectionContent = new sectionOption.view(viewOptions);
return { contentContainer, sectionContent };
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error rendering ToolbarView section", error);
* Opens the toolbar and displays the content of the active toolbar section
open() {
try {
this.isOpen = true;
} catch (error) {
"There was an error opening a ToolbarView" +
". Error details: " +
* Closes the toolbar. Also inactivates all sections.
close() {
try {
this.isOpen = false;
// Ensure that no section is active when the toolbar is closed
} catch (error) {
"There was an error closing a ToolbarView" +
". Error details: " +
* Display the content of a given section
* @param {SectionElement} sectionEl The section to activate
activateSection(sectionEl) {
if (!sectionEl) return;
try {
if (sectionEl.action && typeof sectionEl.action === "function") {
const view = this;
const model = this.model;
sectionEl.action(view, model);
} else {
} catch (error) {
console.log("Failed to show a section in a ToolbarView", error);
* The default action for a section being activated.
* @param {SectionElement} sectionEl The section to activate
defaultActivationAction(sectionEl) {
sectionEl.isActive = true;
* Hide the content of a section
* @param {SectionElement} sectionEl The section to inactivate
inactivateSection(sectionEl) {
try {
sectionEl.isActive = false;
if (sectionEl.contentEl) {
} catch (error) {
"There was an error showing a toolbar section in a ToolbarView" +
". Error details: " +
* Hide all of the sections in a toolbar view
inactivateAllSections() {
try {
const view = this;
this.sectionElements.forEach((sectionEl) => {
} catch (error) {
"There was an error hiding toolbar sections in a ToolbarView" +
". Error details: " +
return ToolbarView;