Source: src/js/views/maps/LayerOpacityView.js

"use strict";

], function ($, _, Backbone, MapAsset, Template) {
   * @class LayerOpacityView
   * @classdesc A number slider that shows and updates the opacity in a MapAsset model.
   * Changing the opacity of a layer will also make it visible, if it was not visible
   * before (i.e. this view also updates the MapAsset's visible attribute.)
   * @classcategory Views/Maps
   * @name LayerOpacityView
   * @extends Backbone.View
   * @screenshot views/maps/LayerOpacityView.png
   * @since 2.18.0
   * @constructs
  var LayerOpacityView = Backbone.View.extend(
    /** @lends LayerOpacityView.prototype */ {
       * The type of View this is
       * @type {string}
      type: "LayerOpacityView",

       * The HTML classes to use for this view's element
       * @type {string}
      className: "layer-opacity",

       * The model that this view uses
       * @type {MapAsset}
      model: undefined,

       * The primary HTML template for this view
       * @type {Underscore.template}
      template: _.template(Template),

       * CSS classes assigned to the HTML elements that make up this view
       * @type {Object}
       * @property {string} sliderContainer The element that will be converted by this
       * view into a number slider widget. An element with this class must exist in the
       * template.
       * @property {string} handle The class given to the element that acts as a
       * handle for the slider UI. The handle is created during render and the class is
       * set by the jquery slider widget.
       * @property {string} range The class given to the element that shades the
       * slider from 0 to the current opacity. The range is created during render and
       * the class is set by the jquery slider widget.
       * @property {string} label The element that displays the current opacity
       * value as a percentage. This element is created during render.
      classes: {
        sliderContainer: "layer-opacity__slider",
        handle: "layer-opacity__handle",
        range: "layer-opacity__range",
        label: "layer-opacity__label",

       * The events this view will listen to and the associated function to call.
       * @type {Object}
      events: {
        // 'event selector': 'function',

       * Executed when a new LayerOpacityView is created
       * @param {Object} [options] - A literal object with options to pass to the view
      initialize: function (options) {
        try {
          // Get all the options and apply them to this view
          if (typeof options == "object") {
            for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(options)) {
              this[key] = value;
        } catch (e) {
            "A LayerOpacityView failed to initialize. Error message: " + e,

       * Renders this view
       * @return {LayerOpacityView} Returns the rendered view element
      render: function () {
        try {
          // Save a reference to this view
          var view = this;

          // Ensure the view's main element has the given class name

          // Insert the template into the view

          var startOpacity = this.model ? this.model.get("opacity") || 1 : 1;

          // Find the element that will contain the slider
          view.sliderContainer = this.$el
            .find("." + this.classes.sliderContainer)

          // The model opacity may be updated by this or other views or models. Make
          // sure that the UI reflects any of these changes.
          view.stopListening(view.model, "change:opacity");
          view.listenTo(view.model, "change:opacity", view.updateSlider);

          // Create the jQuery slider widget. See
            min: 0,
            max: 1,
            range: "min",
            value: startOpacity,
            step: 0.01,
            // classes to add to the slider elements
            classes: {
              "ui-slider": "",
              "ui-slider-handle": view.classes.handle,
              "ui-slider-range": view.classes.range,
            // event handling
            slide: handleSliderEvent, // when the slider is moved by the user
            change: handleSliderEvent, // when the slider is changed programmatically

          // What to do when the opacity slider is changed. The event handler needs the
          // view context to call other functions that update the model and the label.
          function handleSliderEvent(e, ui) {
            const newOpacity = ui.value;
            const currentVisibility = view.model.get("visible");
            // Update the model. This will trigger other UI updates in this view.
            // If the opacity changes to anything but zero, then make sure the asset is
            // also visible. (Why would a user change the opacity and not also want the
            // layer visible?)
            if (newOpacity > 0 && !currentVisibility) {
              view.model.set("visible", true);
              // If the opacity is changed to zero, also set visibility to false. This
              // triggers the layer list to grey-out the layer item.
            } else if (newOpacity === 0 && currentVisibility) {
              view.model.set("visible", false);

          // Create the element that will display the current opacity value as a
          // percentage. Insert it into the slider handle so that it can be easily
          // positioned just below the handle, even as the handle moves.
          this.opacityLabel = document.createElement("div");
          this.opacityLabel.className = view.classes.label;
          // Show the initial opacity value

          return this;
        } catch (error) {
            "There was an error rendering a LayerOpacityView" +
              ". Error details: " +

       * Get the new opacity value from the model and update the slider handle position
       * and label. This function is called whenever the model opacity is updated.
      updateSlider: function () {
        try {
          const newOpacity = this.model.get("opacity");
          // Only update if the value has actually changed
          if (newOpacity !== this.displayedOpacity) {
            // If this function was triggered by any event other than a user sliding the
            // handle, then the slider handle position will need to be updated
            this.sliderContainer.slider("value", newOpacity);
            this.displayedOpacity = newOpacity;
        } catch (error) {
            "There was an error handling a slider event in a LayerOpacityView" +
              ". Error details: " +

       * Update the MapAsset model's opacity attribute with a new value.
       * @param {Number} newOpacity A number between 0 and 1 indicating the new opacity
       * value for the MapAsset model
      updateModel: function (newOpacity) {
        try {
          if (!this.model || typeof newOpacity !== "number") {
          this.model.set("opacity", newOpacity);
        } catch (error) {
            "There was an error updating the model in a LayerOpacityView" +
              ". Error details: " +

       * Update the label with the newOpacity displayed as a percentage
       * @param {Number} newOpacity A number between 0 and 1 indicating the new opacity
       * value for the MapAsset model
      updateLabel: function (newOpacity) {
        try {
          if (
            !this.opacityLabel ||
            typeof newOpacity === "undefined" ||
            typeof newOpacity !== "number"
          ) {
          var opacityPercent = Math.round(newOpacity * 100);
          this.opacityLabel.innerText = opacityPercent + "%";
        } catch (error) {
            "There was an error updating the opacity label in a LayerOpacityView" +
              ". Error details: " +

       * Perform clean-up functions when this view is about to be removed from the page
       * or navigated away from.
      onClose: function () {
        try {
          this.stopListening(this.model, "change:opacity");
        } catch (error) {
            "There was an error performing clean up functions in a LayerOpacityView" +
              ". Error details: " +

  return LayerOpacityView;