"use strict";
], (
) => {
* @class CesiumWidgetView
* @classdesc An interactive 2D and/or 3D map/globe rendered using CesiumJS.
* This view comprises the globe without any of the UI elements like the
* scalebar, layer list, etc.
* @classcategory Views/Maps
* @name CesiumWidgetView
* @augments Backbone.View
* @screenshot views/maps/CesiumWidgetView.png
* @since 2.18.0
* @constructs
* @fires MapInteraction#moved
* @fires MapInteraction#moveEnd
* @fires MapInteraction#moveStart
const CesiumWidgetView = Backbone.View.extend(
/** @lends CesiumWidgetView.prototype */ {
* The type of View this is
* @type {string}
type: "CesiumWidgetView",
* The HTML classes to use for this view's element. Note that the first
* child element added to this view by cesium will have the class
* "cesium-widget".
* @type {string}
className: "cesium-widget-view",
* The model that this view uses
* @type {Map}
model: null,
* The primary HTML template for this view
* @type {Underscore.template}
template: _.template(Template),
* An array of objects the match a Map Asset's type property to the
* function in this view that adds and renders that asset on the map,
* given the Map Asset model. Each object in the array has two properties:
* 'types' and 'renderFunction'.
* @type {object[]}
* @property {string[]} types The list of types that can be added to the
* map given the renderFunction
* @property {string} renderFunction The name of the function in the view
* that will add the asset to the map and render it, when passed the
* cesiumModel attribute from the MapAsset model
* @property {string} removeFunction The name of the function in the view
* that will remove the asset from the map, when passed the cesiumModel
* attribute from the MapAsset model
mapAssetRenderFunctions: [
types: ["Cesium3DTileset"],
renderFunction: "add3DTileset",
removeFunction: "remove3DTileset",
types: ["GeoJsonDataSource", "CzmlDataSource", "CustomDataSource"],
renderFunction: "addVectorData",
removeFunction: "removeVectorData",
types: [
renderFunction: "addImagery",
removeFunction: "removeImagery",
types: ["CesiumTerrainProvider"],
renderFunction: "updateTerrain",
removeFunction: null,
* The border color to use on vector features that a user clicks. See
* {@link https://cesium.com/learn/cesiumjs/ref-doc/Color.html?classFilter=color}
* @type {Cesium.Color}
// TODO - Make this color configurable in the Map model
highlightBorderColor: Cesium.Color.WHITE,
* Executed when a new CesiumWidgetView is created
* @param {Object} [options] - A literal object with options to pass to
* the view
initialize(options) {
try {
// Set the Cesium Ion token (required for some map features)
Cesium.Ion.defaultAccessToken = MetacatUI.appModel.get("cesiumToken");
// Get all the options and apply them to this view
if (typeof options == "object") {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(options)) {
this[key] = value;
if (!this.model) {
this.model = new Map();
if (!this.model.get("interactions")) {
this.interactions = this.model.get("interactions");
// The selectedFeature attribute is used to store information about
// the vector feature, if any, that is currently in focus on the map.
if (!this.interactions.get("selectedFeatures")) {
this.debouncedUpdateSearchParams = _.debounce(() => {
}, 150 /* milliseconds */);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Failed to initialize a CesiumWidgetView. ", e);
* Renders this view
* @return {CesiumWidgetView} Returns the rendered view element
render() {
try {
// If Cesium features are disabled in the AppConfig, then exit without
// rendering anything.
if (!MetacatUI.appModel.get("enableCesium")) {
// Save a reference to this view
const view = this;
// Insert the template into the view
// Create the Cesium Widget
// Configure the lighting on the globe
// Prepare Cesium to handle vector datasources (e.g.
// geoJsonDataSources)
// Listeners for changes & events to the layers & map
// Listen to Cesium screen space events and update Interactions model
// Listen to Interactions model and react when e.g. something is
// clicked
// Render the layers
const destination = SearchParams.getDestination();
if (this.model.get("showShareUrl") && destination) {
// Go to position specified in query params.
} else {
// Go to the home position, if one is set.
// Set the map up so that selected features may be highlighted
return this;
} catch (e) {
console.log("Failed to render a CesiumWidgetView,", e);
// TODO: Render a fallback map or error message
* Create the Cesium Widget and save a reference to it to the view
* @since 2.27.0
* @returns {Cesium.CesiumWidget} The Cesium Widget
renderWidget() {
const view = this;
// Clock for timeline component & updating data sources
view.clock = new Cesium.Clock({ shouldAnimate: false });
// Create the Cesium Widget and save a reference to it to the view
view.widget = new Cesium.CesiumWidget(view.el, {
clock: view.clock,
// We will add a base imagery layer after initialization
imageryProvider: false,
terrain: false,
useBrowserRecommendedResolution: false,
// Use explicit rendering to make the widget must faster. See
// https://cesium.com/blog/2018/01/24/cesium-scene-rendering-performance
requestRenderMode: true,
// Need to change the following once we support a time/clock
// component. See
// https://cesium.com/blog/2018/01/24/cesium-scene-rendering-performance/#handling-simulation-time-changes.
maximumRenderTimeChange: Infinity,
// Save references to parts of widget the view will access often
view.scene = view.widget.scene;
view.camera = view.widget.camera;
if (typeof this.model.get("globeBaseColor") === "string") {
const baseColor = Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString(
if (baseColor) {
view.scene.globe.baseColor = baseColor;
return view.widget;
* Create a DataSourceDisplay and DataSourceCollection for the Cesium
* widget. This is required to display vector data (e.g. GeoJSON) on the
* map.
* @since 2.27.0
* @returns {Cesium.DataSourceDisplay} The Cesium DataSourceDisplay
setUpDataSourceDisplay() {
const view = this;
view.dataSourceCollection = new Cesium.DataSourceCollection();
view.dataSourceDisplay = new Cesium.DataSourceDisplay({
scene: view.scene,
dataSourceCollection: view.dataSourceCollection,
return view.dataSourceDisplay;
* Because the Cesium widget is configured to use explicit rendering (see
* {@link https://cesium.com/blog/2018/01/24/cesium-scene-rendering-performance/}),
* we need to tell Cesium when to render a new frame if it's not one of
* the cases handle automatically. This function tells the Cesium scene to
* render, but is limited by the underscore.js debounce function to only
* happen a maximum of once every 50 ms (see
* {@link https://underscorejs.org/#debounce}).
requestRender: _.debounce(function () {
}, 90),
* Functions called after each time the scene renders. If a zoom target
* has been set by the {@link CesiumWidgetView#flyTo} function, then calls
* the functions that calculates the bounding sphere and zooms to it
* (which required to visual elements to be rendered first.)
postRender() {
try {
const view = this;
if (view.zoomTarget) {
view.completeFlight(view.zoomTarget, view.zoomOptions);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Error calling post render functions:", e);
* Run the update method and all visualizers for each data source.
* @return {boolean} Returns true if all data sources are ready to be
* displayed.
* @since 2.27.0
updateAllDataSources() {
const view = this;
const dataSources = view.dataSourceDisplay.dataSources;
if (!dataSources || !dataSources.length) {
const time = view.clock.currentTime;
let displayReady = true;
for (let i = 0; i < dataSources.length; i++) {
const dataSource = dataSources.get(i);
// for each visualizer, update it
dataSource._visualizers.forEach(function (visualizer) {
displayReady = displayReady && visualizer.update(time);
view.dataSourceDisplay._ready = displayReady;
return displayReady;
* Configure the lighting on the globe.
setLighting() {
const view = this;
// Disable HDR lighting for better performance & to keep imagery
// consistently lit.
view.scene.highDynamicRange = false;
view.scene.globe.enableLighting = false;
// Keep all parts of the globe lit regardless of what time the Cesium
// clock is set to. This avoids data and imagery appearing too dark.
view.scene.light = new Cesium.DirectionalLight({
direction: new Cesium.Cartesian3(1, 0, 0),
view.scene.preRender.addEventListener(function (scene, time) {
view.scene.light.direction = Cesium.Cartesian3.clone(
* Set up the Cesium scene and set listeners and behavior that enable
* users to click on vector features on the map to highlight them.
* @since 2.27.0
setUpSilhouettes() {
try {
// Save a reference to this view the Cesium scene
var view = this;
var scene = this.scene;
// To add an outline to 3D tiles in Cesium, we 'silhouette' them. Set
// up the the scene to support silhouetting.
view.silhouettes =
view.silhouettes.uniforms.color = view.highlightBorderColor;
view.silhouettes.uniforms.length = 0.02;
view.silhouettes.selected = [];
} catch (e) {
console.log("Error initializing picking in a CesiumWidgetView", e);
* Listen for changes to the assets and update the map accordingly.
* @since 2.27.0
setAssetListeners() {
const view = this;
const model = view.model;
const layerGroups = model.getLayerGroups();
// Listen for addition or removal of layers TODO: Add similar listeners
// for terrain
_.each(layerGroups, (layers) => {
if (layers) {
view.listenTo(layers, "add", view.addAsset);
view.listenTo(layers, "remove", view.removeAsset);
// Each layer fires 'appearanceChanged' whenever the color, opacity,
// etc. has been updated. Re-render the scene when this happens.
view.listenTo(layers, "appearanceChanged", view.requestRender);
// Reset asset listeners if the layers collection is replaced
view.stopListening(model, "change:layers change:layerCategories");
"change:layers change:layerCategories",
* Remove listeners for dynamic navigation.
* @since 2.27.0
removeNavigationListeners() {
this.stopListening(this.interactions, "change:zoomTarget", this.flyTo);
if (this.removePostRenderListener) this.removePostRenderListener();
* Set up listeners to allow for dynamic navigation. This includes zooming
* to the extent of a layer and zooming to the home position. Note that
* other views may trigger an event on the layer/asset model that
* indicates that the map should navigate to a given extent.
* @since 2.27.0
setNavigationListeners() {
// Zoom functions executed after each scene render
this.removePostRenderListener = this.scene.postRender.addEventListener(
this.listenTo(this.interactions, "change:zoomTarget", function () {
const target = this.interactions.get("zoomTarget");
if (target) {
* Remove any previously set camera listeners.
* @since 2.27.0
removeCameraListeners() {
if (!this.cameraListeners) this.cameraListeners = [];
this.cameraListeners.forEach(function (removeListener) {
* Listen to cesium camera events, and translate them to events on the
* interactions model. Also update the scale (pixels:meters) and the view
* extent when the camera has moved.
setCameraListeners() {
try {
const view = this;
const camera = view.camera;
const interactions = view.interactions;
// Remove any previously set camera listeners
// Amount camera must change before firing 'changed' event.
camera.percentageChanged = 0.01;
// Functions to run for each Cesium camera event
const cameraEvents = {
moveEnd: [],
moveStart: [],
changed: [
// add a listener that triggers the same event on the interactions
// model, and runs any functions configured above.
Object.entries(cameraEvents).forEach(([label, functions]) => {
const callback = () => {
// Rename because 'changed' is too similar to the Backbone event
const eventName = label === "changed" ? "cameraChanged" : label;
functions.forEach((func) => {
const remover = camera[label].addEventListener(callback, view);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Error updating the model on camera events", e);
* Remove any previously set mouse listeners.
* @since 2.27.0
removeMouseListeners() {
if (this.mouseEventHandler) this.mouseEventHandler.destroy();
* Set up listeners for mouse events on the map. This includes listening
* for mouse clicks, mouse movement, and mouse hovering over features.
* These listeners simply update the interactions model with mouse events.
* @since 2.27.0
setMouseListeners() {
const view = this;
const events = Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType;
// Remove previous listeners if they exist.
// Create Cesium object that handles interactions with the map.
const handler = (view.mouseEventHandler =
new Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventHandler(view.scene.canvas));
// Every time the user interacts with the map, update the interactions
// model with the type of interaction that occurred.
Object.entries(events).forEach(function ([label, value]) {
handler.setInputAction(function (event) {
view.interactions.set("previousAction", label);
if (label == "MOUSE_MOVE") {
const position = event.position || event.endPosition;
}, value);
* Update the search parameters related to the current map position
* and heading.
* @since 2.30.0
updateSearchParams() {
if (!this.model.get("showShareUrl")) return;
const { heading, pitch, positionCartographic, roll } =
heading: Cesium.Math.toDegrees(heading),
height: positionCartographic.height,
latitude: Cesium.Math.toDegrees(positionCartographic.latitude),
longitude: Cesium.Math.toDegrees(positionCartographic.longitude),
pitch: Cesium.Math.toDegrees(pitch),
roll: Cesium.Math.toDegrees(roll),
this.model.get("allLayers").forEach((layer) => {
const layerId = layer.get("layerId");
if (layerId && layer.get("visible")) {
} else {
* When the mouse is moved over the map, update the interactions model
* with the current mouse position.
* @param {Object} event - The event object from Cesium
* @since 2.27.0
setMousePosition(position) {
if (!position) return;
const view = this;
const pickRay = view.camera.getPickRay(position);
const cartesian = view.scene.globe.pick(pickRay, view.scene);
let newPosition = null;
if (cartesian) {
newPosition = view.getDegreesFromCartesian(cartesian);
newPosition.mapWidgetCoords = cartesian;
* Record the feature hovered over by the mouse based on position.
* @param {Object} position - The position of the mouse on the map
* @param {number} [delay=200] - The minimum number of milliseconds that
* must pass between calls to this function.
* @since 2.27.0
setHoveredFeatures(position, delay = 200) {
const view = this;
const lastCall = this.setHoveredFeaturesLastCall || 0;
const now = new Date().getTime();
if (now - lastCall < delay) return;
this.setHoveredFeaturesLastCall = now;
const pickedFeature = view.scene.pick(position);
* React when the user interacts with the map.
* @since 2.27.0
setInteractionListeners() {
const interactions = this.interactions;
const hoveredFeatures = interactions.get("hoveredFeatures");
this.stopListening(hoveredFeatures, "change update");
this.listenTo(hoveredFeatures, "change update", this.updateCursor);
* Change the cursor to a pointer when the mouse is hovering over a
* feature.
* @param {Object|null} hoveredFeatures - The feature that the mouse is
* hovering over or null if the mouse is not hovering over a feature.
updateCursor(hoveredFeatures) {
const view = this;
let cursorStyle = "default";
if (hoveredFeatures && hoveredFeatures.length) {
cursorStyle = "pointer";
view.el.style.cursor = cursorStyle;
* Highlight the features that are currently selected in the interactions
* model.
* @since 2.27.0
showSelectedFeatures() {
// Remove highlights from previously selected 3D tiles
view.silhouettes.selected = [];
// Highlight the newly selected 3D tiles
.forEach(function (featureObject) {
* Add all of the model's layers to the map. This function is called
* during the render function.
* @since 2.26.0
addLayers() {
const view = this;
// Add each layer from the Map model to the Cesium widget. Render using
// the function configured in the View's mapAssetRenderFunctions
// property. Add in reverse order for layers to appear in the correct
// order on the map.
const layerGroups = view.model.getLayerGroups();
for (const layers of layerGroups) {
if (layers && layers.length) {
const layersReverse = layers.last(layers.length).reverse();
layersReverse.forEach(function (layer) {
// The Cesium Widget will support just one terrain option to start.
// Later, we'll allow users to switch between terrains if there is more
// than one.
var terrains = view.model.get("terrains");
var terrainModel = terrains ? terrains.first() : false;
if (terrainModel) {
* Move the camera position and zoom to the specified target entity or
* position on the map, using a nice animation. This function starts the
* flying/zooming action by setting a zoomTarget and zoomOptions on the
* view and requesting the scene to render. The actual zooming is done by
* {@link CesiumWidgetView#completeFlight} after the scene has finished
* rendering.
* @param {MapAsset|Cesium.BoundingSphere|Object|Feature} target The
* target asset, bounding sphere, or location to change the camera focus
* to. If target is a MapAsset, then the bounding sphere from that asset
* will be used for the target destination. If target is an Object, it may
* contain any of the properties that are supported by the Cesium camera
* flyTo options, see
* {@link https://cesium.com/learn/cesiumjs/ref-doc/Camera.html#flyTo}. If
* the target is a Feature, then it must be a Feature of a
* CesiumVectorData layer (currently Cesium3DTileFeatures are not
* supported). The target can otherwise be a Cesium BoundingSphere, see
* {@link https://cesium.com/learn/cesiumjs/ref-doc/BoundingSphere.html}
* @param {object} options - For targets that are a bounding sphere or
* asset, options to pass to Cesium Camera.flyToBoundingSphere(). See
* {@link https://cesium.com/learn/cesiumjs/ref-doc/Camera.html#flyToBoundingSphere}.
flyTo(target, options) {
this.zoomTarget = target;
this.zoomOptions = options;
* This function is called by {@link CesiumWidgetView#postRender}; it
* should only be called once the target has been fully rendered in the
* scene. This function gets the bounding sphere, if required, and moves
* the scene to encompass the full extent of the target.
* @param {MapAsset|Cesium.BoundingSphere|Object|Feature|GeoPoint} target
* The target asset, bounding sphere, or location to change the camera
* focus to. If target is a MapAsset, then the bounding sphere from that
* asset will be used for the target destination. If target is an Object,
* it may contain any of the properties that are supported by the Cesium
* camera flyTo options, see
* {@link https://cesium.com/learn/cesiumjs/ref-doc/Camera.html#flyTo}.
* The object may also be a position with longitude, latitude, and height.
* If the target is a Feature, then it must be a Feature of a
* CesiumVectorData layer (currently Cesium3DTileFeatures are not
* supported). The target can otherwise be a Cesium BoundingSphere, see
* {@link https://cesium.com/learn/cesiumjs/ref-doc/BoundingSphere.html}
* @param {object} options - For targets that are a bounding sphere or
* asset, options to pass to Cesium Camera.flyToBoundingSphere(). See
* {@link https://cesium.com/learn/cesiumjs/ref-doc/Camera.html#flyToBoundingSphere}.
* For other targets, options will be merged with the target object and
* passed to Cesium Camera.flyTo(). See
* {@link https://cesium.com/learn/cesiumjs/ref-doc/Camera.html#flyTo}
completeFlight(target, options) {
try {
// A target is required
if (!target) return;
const view = this;
if (typeof options !== "object") options = {};
// If the target is a Bounding Sphere, use the camera's built-in
// function
if (target instanceof Cesium.BoundingSphere) {
view.camera.flyToBoundingSphere(target, options);
// If the target is some type of map asset, then get a Bounding Sphere
// for that asset and call this function again.
if (
target instanceof MapAsset &&
typeof target.getBoundingSphere === "function"
) {
// Pass the dataSourceDisplay for CesiumVectorData models
.then(function (assetBoundingSphere) {
// Base value offset required to zoom in close enough to 3D
// tiles for them to render.
if (
target instanceof Cesium3DTileset &&
) {
options.offset = new Cesium.HeadingPitchRange(
view.flyTo(assetBoundingSphere, options);
// Note: This doesn't work yet for Cesium3DTilesetFeatures -
// Cesium.BoundingSphereState gets stuck in "PENDING" and never
// resolves. There's no native way of getting the bounding sphere or
// location from a 3DTileFeature!
if (target instanceof Feature) {
// If the object saved in the Feature is an Entity, then this
// function will get the bounding sphere for the entity on the next
// run.
// check if the layer is displayReady
const layer = target.get("mapAsset");
const displayReady = layer.get("displayReady");
if (!displayReady) {
// Must wait for layer to be rendered in via the dataSourceDisplay
// before we can get the bounding sphere for the feature.
view.listenToOnce(layer, "change:displayReady", () => {
view.flyTo(target, options);
view.flyTo(target.get("featureObject"), options);
// If the target is a Cesium Entity, then get the bounding sphere for
// the entity and call this function again.
const entity = target instanceof Cesium.Entity ? target : target.id;
if (entity instanceof Cesium.Entity) {
view.dataSourceDisplay._ready = true;
.then((entityBoundingSphere) => {
view.flyTo(entityBoundingSphere, options);
if (target.type && target.type == "GeoPoint") {
view.flyTo(target.toJSON(), options);
if (
typeof target === "object" &&
typeof target.longitude === "number" &&
typeof target.latitude === "number"
) {
const pointTarget = view.positionToFlightTarget(target);
view.flyTo(pointTarget, options);
// If not a Map Asset or a BoundingSphere, then the target must be an
// Object. Assume target are options for the Cesium camera flyTo
// function
if (typeof target === "object") {
// Merge the options with the target object, if there are any
// options
if (options && Object.keys(options).length) {
target = Object.assign(target, options);
// Fly to the target
} catch (e) {
console.log("Failed to navigate to a target in Cesium.", e);
getBoundingSphereFromEntity(entity) {
const view = this;
const entityBoundingSphere = new Cesium.BoundingSphere();
const readyState = Cesium.BoundingSphereState.DONE;
function getBS() {
return view.dataSourceDisplay.getBoundingSphere(
// Return a promise that resolves to bounding box when it's ready.
// Keep running getBS at intervals until it's ready.
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
let attempts = 0;
const maxAttempts = 100;
const interval = setInterval(function () {
const state = getBS();
if (state !== readyState) {
// Search for the entity again in case it was removed and
// re-added to the data source display.
entity = view.getEntityById(entity.id, entity.entityCollection);
if (!entity) {
"Failed to get bounding sphere for entity, entity not found.",
} else {
if (attempts >= maxAttempts) {
reject("Failed to get bounding sphere for entity.");
}, 100);
* Search an entity collection for an entity with a given id.
* @param {string} id - The id of the entity to find.
* @param {Cesium.EntityCollection} collection - The collection to search.
* @returns {Cesium.Entity} The entity with the given id, or null if no
* entity with that id exists in the collection.
* @since 2.27.0
getEntityById(id, collection) {
const entities = collection.values;
for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {
const entity = entities[i];
if (entity.id === id) {
return entity;
return null;
resetZoomTarget() {
const view = this;
view.zoomTarget = null;
view.interactions.set("zoomTarget", null);
view.zoomOptions = null;
* Navigate to the homePosition that's set on the Map.
* @param {number} duration The duration of the flight in seconds.
flyHome(duration) {
const home = this.model.get("homePosition");
this.flyTo(home, { duration });
* Navigate to the homePosition that's set on the Map.
* @param {Object} position The position to navigate to. Must have
* longitude, latitude, and may have a height (elevation) in meters,
* heading, pitch, and roll in degrees.
* @param {number} duration The duration of the flight in seconds.
positionToFlightTarget(position, duration) {
try {
if (!position) {
return null;
if (
position &&
Cesium.defined(position.longitude) &&
) {
// Set a default height (elevation) if there isn't one set
if (!Cesium.defined(position.height)) {
position.height = 1000000;
const target = {};
target.destination = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(
if (
Cesium.defined(position.heading) &&
Cesium.defined(position.pitch) &&
) {
target.orientation = {
heading: Cesium.Math.toRadians(position.heading),
pitch: Cesium.Math.toRadians(position.pitch),
roll: Cesium.Math.toRadians(position.roll),
if (Cesium.defined(duration)) {
target.duration = duration;
return target;
} catch (e) {
console.log("Failed to convert a position to a flight target.", e);
return null;
* Get the current positioning of the camera in the view.
* @returns {MapConfig#CameraPosition} Returns an object with the
* longitude, latitude, height, heading, pitch, and roll in the same
* format that the Map model uses for the homePosition (see
* {@link Map#defaults})
getCameraPosition() {
return this.getDegreesFromCartesian(this.camera.position);
* Update the 'currentViewExtent' attribute in the Map model with the
* bounding box of the currently visible area of the map.
updateViewExtent() {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log("Failed to update the Map view extent.", e);
* Get the north, south, east, and west-most lat/long that define a
* bounding box around the currently visible area of the map. Also gives
* the height/ altitude of the camera in meters.
* @returns {MapConfig#ViewExtent} The current view extent.
getViewExtent() {
const view = this;
const scene = view.scene;
const camera = view.camera;
// Get the height in meters
const height = camera.positionCartographic.height;
// This will be the bounding box of the visible area
let coords = {
north: null,
south: null,
east: null,
west: null,
height: height,
// First try getting the visible bounding box using the simple method
if (!view.scratchRectangle) {
// Store the rectangle that we use for the calculation (reduces
// pressure on garbage collector system since this function is called
// often).
view.scratchRectangle = new Cesium.Rectangle();
var rect = camera.computeViewRectangle(
coords.north = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(rect.north);
coords.east = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(rect.east);
coords.south = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(rect.south);
coords.west = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(rect.west);
// Check if the resulting coordinates cover the entire globe (happens if
// some of the sky is visible). If so, limit the bounding box to a
// smaller extent
if (view.coversGlobe(coords)) {
// Find points at the top, bottom, right, and left corners of the
// globe
const edges = view.findEdges();
// Get the midPoint between the top and bottom points on the globe.
// Use this to decide if the northern or southern hemisphere is more
// in view.
let midPoint = view.findMidpoint(edges.top, edges.bottom);
if (midPoint) {
// Get the latitude of the mid point
const midPointLat = view.getDegreesFromCartesian(midPoint).latitude;
// Get the latitudes of all the edge points so that we can calculate
// the southern and northern most coordinate
const edgeLatitudes = [];
Object.values(edges).forEach(function (point) {
if (point) {
if (midPointLat > 0) {
// If the midPoint is in the northern hemisphere, limit the
// southern part of the bounding box to the southern most edge
// point latitude
coords.south = Math.min(...edgeLatitudes);
} else {
// Vice versa for the southern hemisphere
coords.north = Math.max(...edgeLatitudes);
// If not focused directly on one of the poles, then also limit the
// east and west sides of the bounding box
const northPointLat = view.getDegreesFromCartesian(
const southPointLat = view.getDegreesFromCartesian(
if (northPointLat > 25 && southPointLat < -25) {
if (edges.right) {
coords.east = view.getDegreesFromCartesian(edges.right).longitude;
if (edges.left) {
coords.west = view.getDegreesFromCartesian(edges.left).longitude;
return coords;
* Check if a given bounding box covers the entire globe.
* @param {Object} coords - An object with the north, south, east, and
* west coordinates of a bounding box
* @param {Number} latAllowance - The number of degrees latitude to allow
* as a buffer. If the north and south coords range from -90 to 90, minus
* this buffer * 2, then it is considered to cover the globe.
* @param {Number} lonAllowance - The number of degrees longitude to allow
* as a buffer.
* @returns {Boolean} Returns true if the bounding box covers the entire
* globe, false otherwise.
coversGlobe(coords, latAllowance = 0.5, lonAllowance = 1) {
const maxLat = 90 - latAllowance;
const minLat = -90 + latAllowance;
const maxLon = 180 - lonAllowance;
const minLon = -180 + lonAllowance;
return (
coords.west <= minLon &&
coords.east >= maxLon &&
coords.south <= minLat &&
coords.north >= maxLat
* Get longitude and latitude degrees from a cartesian point.
* @param {Cesium.Cartesian3} cartesian - The point to get degrees for
* @returns Returns an object with the longitude and latitude in degrees,
* as well as the height in meters
getDegreesFromCartesian(cartesian) {
const cartographic = Cesium.Cartographic.fromCartesian(cartesian);
const degrees = {
height: cartographic.height,
const coordinates = [
coordinates.forEach(function (coordinate) {
if (Cesium.defined(cartographic[coordinate])) {
degrees[coordinate] = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(
return degrees;
* Find four points that exist on the globe that are closest to the
* top-center, bottom-center, right-middle, and left-middle points of the
* screen. Note that these are not necessarily the northern, southern,
* eastern, and western -most points, since the map may be oriented in any
* direction (e.g. facing the north pole).
* @returns {Cesium.Cartesian3[]} Returns an object with the top, bottom,
* left, and right points of the globe.
findEdges() {
try {
const view = this;
const canvas = view.scene.canvas;
const maxX = canvas.clientWidth;
const maxY = canvas.clientHeight;
const midX = (maxX / 2) | 0;
const midY = (maxY / 2) | 0;
// Points at the extreme edges of the cesium canvas. These may not be
// points on the globe (i.e. they could be in the sky)
const topCanvas = new Cesium.Cartesian2(midX, 0);
const rightCanvas = new Cesium.Cartesian2(maxX, midY);
const bottomCanvas = new Cesium.Cartesian2(midX, maxY);
const leftCanvas = new Cesium.Cartesian2(0, midY);
// Find the real world coordinate that is closest to the canvas edge
// points
const points = {
top: view.findPointOnGlobe(topCanvas, bottomCanvas),
right: view.findPointOnGlobe(rightCanvas, leftCanvas),
bottom: view.findPointOnGlobe(bottomCanvas, topCanvas),
left: view.findPointOnGlobe(leftCanvas, rightCanvas),
return points;
} catch (error) {
"There was an error finding the edge points in a CesiumWidgetView" +
". Error details: " +
* Given two Cartesian3 points, compute the midpoint.
* @param {Cesium.Cartesian3} p1 The first point
* @param {Cesium.Cartesian3} p2 The second point
* @returns {Cesium.Cartesian3 | null} The midpoint or null if p1 or p2 is
* not defined.
findMidpoint(p1, p2) {
try {
if (!p1 || !p2) {
return null;
// Compute vector from p1 to p2
let p1p2 = new Cesium.Cartesian3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Cesium.Cartesian3.subtract(p2, p1, p1p2);
// Compute vector to midpoint
let halfp1p2 = new Cesium.Cartesian3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Cesium.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(p1p2, 0.5, halfp1p2);
// Compute point half way between p1 and p2
let p3 = new Cesium.Cartesian3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
p3 = Cesium.Cartesian3.add(p1, halfp1p2, p3);
// Force point onto surface of ellipsoid
const midPt = Cesium.Cartographic.fromCartesian(p3);
const p3a = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromRadians(
return p3a;
} catch (error) {
"There was an error finding a midpoint in a CesiumWidgetView" +
". Error details: " +
* Find a coordinate that exists on the surface of the globe between two
* Cartesian points. The points do not need to be withing the bounds of
* the globe/map (i.e. they can be points in the sky). Uses the Bresenham
* Algorithm to traverse pixels from the first coordinate to the second,
* until it finds a valid coordinate.
* @param {Cesium.Cartesian2} startCoordinates The coordinates to start
* searching, in pixels
* @param {Cesium.Cartesian2} endCoordinates The coordinates to stop
* searching, in pixels
* @returns {Cesium.Cartesian3 | null} Returns the x, y, z coordinates of
* the first real point, or null if a valid point was not found.
* @see {@link https://groups.google.com/g/cesium-dev/c/e2H7EefikAk}
findPointOnGlobe(startCoordinates, endCoordinates) {
const view = this;
const camera = view.camera;
const ellipsoid = view.scene.globe.ellipsoid;
if (!startCoordinates || !endCoordinates) {
return null;
let coordinate = camera.pickEllipsoid(startCoordinates, ellipsoid);
// Translate coordinates
let x1 = startCoordinates.x;
let y1 = startCoordinates.y;
const x2 = endCoordinates.x;
const y2 = endCoordinates.y;
// Define differences and error check
const dx = Math.abs(x2 - x1);
const dy = Math.abs(y2 - y1);
const sx = x1 < x2 ? 1 : -1;
const sy = y1 < y2 ? 1 : -1;
let err = dx - dy;
coordinate = camera.pickEllipsoid({ x: x1, y: y1 }, ellipsoid);
if (coordinate) {
return coordinate;
// Main loop
while (!(x1 == x2 && y1 == y2)) {
const e2 = err << 1;
if (e2 > -dy) {
err -= dy;
x1 += sx;
if (e2 < dx) {
err += dx;
y1 += sy;
coordinate = camera.pickEllipsoid({ x: x1, y: y1 }, ellipsoid);
if (coordinate) {
return coordinate;
return null;
* Update the map model's currentScale attribute, which is used for the
* scale bar. Finds the distance between two pixels at the *bottom center*
* of the screen.
updateScale() {
try {
const view = this;
let currentScale = {
pixels: null,
meters: null,
const onePixelInMeters = view.pixelToMeters();
if (onePixelInMeters || onePixelInMeters === 0) {
currentScale = {
pixels: 1,
meters: onePixelInMeters,
} catch (e) {
console.log("Error updating the scale from a CesiumWidgetView", e);
* Finds the geodesic distance (in meters) between two points that are 1
* pixel apart at the bottom, center of the Cesium canvas. Adapted from
* TerriaJS. See
* {@link https://github.com/TerriaJS/terriajs/blob/main/lib/ReactViews/Map/Legend/DistanceLegend.jsx}
* @returns {number|boolean} Returns the distance on the globe, in meters,
* that is equivalent to 1 pixel on the screen at the center bottom point
* of the current scene. Returns false if there was a problem getting the
* measurement.
pixelToMeters() {
try {
const view = this;
const scene = view.scene;
const globe = scene.globe;
const camera = scene.camera;
// For measuring geodesic distances (shortest route between two points
// on the Earth's surface)
if (!view.geodesic) {
view.geodesic = new Cesium.EllipsoidGeodesic();
// Find two points that are 1 pixel apart at the bottom center of the
// cesium canvas.
const width = scene.canvas.clientWidth;
const height = scene.canvas.clientHeight;
const left = camera.getPickRay(
new Cesium.Cartesian2((width / 2) | 0, height - 1),
const right = camera.getPickRay(
new Cesium.Cartesian2((1 + width / 2) | 0, height - 1),
const leftPosition = globe.pick(left, scene);
const rightPosition = globe.pick(right, scene);
// A point must exist at both positions to get the distance
if (!Cesium.defined(leftPosition) || !Cesium.defined(rightPosition)) {
return false;
// Find the geodesic distance, in meters, between the two points that
// are 1 pixel apart
const leftCartographic =
const rightCartographic =
view.geodesic.setEndPoints(leftCartographic, rightCartographic);
const onePixelInMeters = view.geodesic.surfaceDistance;
return onePixelInMeters;
} catch (error) {
"Failed to get a pixel to meters measurement in a CesiumWidgetView" +
". Error details: " +
return false;
* Finds the function that is configured for the given asset model type in
* the {@link CesiumWidgetView#mapAssetRenderFunctions} array, then
* renders the asset in the map. If there is a problem rendering the asset
* (e.g. it is an unsupported type that is not configured in the
* mapAssetRenderFunctions), then sets the AssetModel's status to error.
* @param {MapAsset} mapAsset A MapAsset layer to render in the map, such
* as a Cesium3DTileset or a CesiumImagery model.
addAsset(mapAsset) {
try {
if (!mapAsset) {
var view = this;
var type = mapAsset.get("type");
// Find the render option from the options configured in the view,
// given the asset model type
const renderOption =
_.find(view.mapAssetRenderFunctions, function (option) {
return option.types.includes(type);
}) || {};
// Get the function for this type
const renderFunction = view[renderOption.renderFunction];
// If the cesium widget does not have a way to display this error,
// update the error status in the model (this will be reflected in the
// LayerListView)
if (!renderFunction || typeof renderFunction !== "function") {
"This type of resource is not supported in the map widget.",
mapAsset.set("status", "error");
// The asset should be visible and the cesium model should be ready
// before starting to render the asset
const checkAndRenderAsset = function () {
let shouldRender =
mapAsset.get("visible") && mapAsset.get("status") === "ready";
if (shouldRender) {
renderFunction.call(view, mapAsset.get("cesiumModel"));
if (!mapAsset.get("visible")) {
view.listenToOnce(mapAsset, "change:visible", checkAndRenderAsset);
if (mapAsset.get("status") !== "ready") {
view.listenTo(mapAsset, "change:status", checkAndRenderAsset);
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error rendering an asset", e, mapAsset);
"There was a problem rendering this resource in the map widget.",
mapAsset.set("status", "error");
* When an asset is removed from the map model, remove it from the map.
* @param {MapAsset} mapAsset - The MapAsset model removed from the map
* @since 2.27.0
removeAsset(mapAsset) {
if (!mapAsset) return;
// Get the cesium model from the asset
const cesiumModel = mapAsset.get("cesiumModel");
if (!cesiumModel) return;
// Find the remove function for this type of asset
const removeFunctionName = this.mapAssetRenderFunctions.find(
function (option) {
return option.types.includes(mapAsset.get("type"));
const removeFunction = this[removeFunctionName];
// If there is a function for this type of asset, call it
if (removeFunction && typeof removeFunction === "function") {
removeFunction.call(this, cesiumModel);
} else {
"No remove function found for this type of asset",
* Renders peaks and valleys in the 3D version of the map, given a terrain
* model. If a terrain model has already been set on the map, this will
* replace it.
* @param {Cesium.TerrainProvider} cesiumModel a Cesium Terrain Provider
* model to use for the map
updateTerrain(cesiumModel) {
// TODO: Add listener to the map model for when the terrain changes
this.scene.terrainProvider = cesiumModel;
* Renders a 3D tileset in the map.
* @param {Cesium.Cesium3DTileset} cesiumModel The Cesium 3D tileset model
* that contains the information about the 3D tiles to render in the map
add3DTileset(cesiumModel) {
* Remove a 3D tileset from the map.
* @param {Cesium.Cesium3DTileset} cesiumModel The Cesium 3D tileset model
* to remove from the map
* @since 2.27.0
remove3DTileset(cesiumModel) {
* Renders vector data (excluding 3D tilesets) in the Map.
* @param {Cesium.GeoJsonDataSource} cesiumModel - The Cesium data source
* model to render on the map
addVectorData(cesiumModel) {
* Remove vector data (excluding 3D tilesets) from the Map.
* @param {Cesium.GeoJsonDataSource} cesiumModel - The Cesium data source
* model to remove from the map
* @since 2.27.0
removeVectorData(cesiumModel) {
* Renders imagery in the Map.
* @param {Cesium.ImageryLayer} cesiumModel The Cesium imagery model to
* render
addImagery(cesiumModel) {
* Remove imagery from the Map.
* @param {Cesium.ImageryLayer} cesiumModel The Cesium imagery model to
* remove from the map
* @since 2.27.0
removeImagery(cesiumModel) {
console.log("Removing imagery from map", cesiumModel);
console.log("Imagery layers", this.scene.imageryLayers);
* Arranges the imagery that is rendered the Map according to the order
* that the imagery is arranged in the layers collection.
* @since 2.21.0
sortImagery() {
const imageryInMap = this.scene.imageryLayers;
const imageryModels = _.reduce(
(models, layers) => {
return models;
// If there are no imagery layers, or just one, return
if (
!imageryInMap ||
!imageryModels ||
imageryInMap.length <= 1 ||
imageryModels.length <= 1
) {
// If there are more than one imagery layer, arrange them in the order
// that they were added to the map
for (let i = 0; i < imageryModels.length; i++) {
const cesiumModel = imageryModels[i].get("cesiumModel");
if (cesiumModel) {
if (imageryInMap.contains(cesiumModel)) {
* Display a box around every rendered tile in the tiling scheme, and draw
* a label inside it indicating the X, Y, Level indices of the tile. This
* is mostly useful for debugging terrain and imagery rendering problems.
* This function should be called after the other imagery layers have been
* added to the map, e.g. at the end of the render function.
* @param {string} [color='#ffffff'] The color of the grid outline and
* labels. Must be a CSS color string, beginning with a #.
* @param {'GeographicTilingScheme'|'WebMercatorTilingScheme'}
* [tilingScheme='GeographicTilingScheme'] The tiling scheme to use.
* Defaults to GeographicTilingScheme.
color = "#ffffff",
tilingScheme = "GeographicTilingScheme",
) {
try {
const view = this;
// Check the color is valid
if (!color || typeof color !== "string" || !color.startsWith("#")) {
`${color} is an invalid color for imagery grid. ` +
`Must be a hex color starting with '#'. ` +
`Setting color to white: '#ffffff'`,
color = "#ffffff";
// Check the tiling scheme is valid
const availableTS = [
if (availableTS.indexOf(tilingScheme) == -1) {
`${tilingScheme} is not a valid tiling scheme ` +
`for the imagery grid. Using WebMercatorTilingScheme`,
tilingScheme = "WebMercatorTilingScheme";
// Create the imagery grid
const gridOpts = {
tilingScheme: new Cesium[tilingScheme](),
color: Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString(color),
const gridOutlines = new Cesium.GridImageryProvider(gridOpts);
const gridCoords = new Cesium.TileCoordinatesImageryProvider(
} catch (error) {
"There was an error showing the imagery grid in a CesiumWidgetView" +
". Error details: " +
/** Remove nav and mouse listeners when the view is closed */
onClose() {
return CesiumWidgetView;