Source: src/js/views/filters/ChoiceFilterView.js

/*global define */
define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone',
  function($, _, Backbone, ChoiceFilter, FilterView, Template) {
  'use strict';

  * @class ChoiceFilterView
  * @classdesc Render a view of a single ChoiceFilter model
  * @classcategory Views/Filters
  * @extends FilterView
  var ChoiceFilterView = FilterView.extend(
    /** @lends ChoiceFilterView.prototype */{

    * A ChoiceFilter model to be rendered in this view
    * @type {ChoiceFilter} */
    model: null,

     * @inheritdoc
    modelClass: ChoiceFilter,

    className: "filter choice",

    template: _.template(Template),

    * When this view is in "uiBuilder" mode, the class name for the handles on each choice
    * row that the user can click and drag to re-order
    * @type {string}
    choiceHandleClass: "handle",

     * The class to add to the element that a user should click to remove a choice
     * value and label when this view is in "uiEditor" mode
     * @since 2.17.0
     * @type {string}
    removeChoiceClass: "remove-choice",

     * A function that creates and returns the Backbone events object.
     * @return {Object} Returns a Backbone events object
    events: function () {
      try {
        var events =;
        events["change select"] = "handleChange";
        var removeClass = "." + this.removeChoiceClass;
        events["click " + removeClass] = "removeChoice";
        events["mouseover " + removeClass] = "previewRemoveChoice";
        events["mouseout " + removeClass] = "previewRemoveChoice";
        return events
      catch (error) {
        console.log( 'There was an error creating the events object for a ChoiceFilterView' +
          ' Error details: ' + error );

    render: function () {

      var view = this;

      // Renders the template and inserts the FilterEditorView if the mode is uiBuilder

      var placeHolderText = this.model.get("placeholder");
      var select = this.$("select");

      if(this.mode === "uiBuilder"){

        // If this is the filter view where the user can edit the filter UI options,
        // like the label, placeholder text, and choices, then render the inputs
        // for these options.

        // The ignore-changes class prevents the editor footer from showing on keypress
        var placeholderInput = $(
          '<input placeholder="placeholder" class="' + this.uiInputClass +
          ' placeholder ignore-changes" data-category="placeholder" value="' +
          (placeHolderText ? placeHolderText : '') +'" />'
        // Replace the select element with the placeholder text element

        // Create the interface for a user to edit the value-label choice options
        var choicesEditor = this.createChoicesEditor();

      } else {
        // For regular search filter views, or the edit filter view, render the dropdown
        // interface

        //Create the placeholder text for the dropdown menu

        //If placeholder text is already provided in the model, use it
        //If not, create placeholder text using the model label
        if (!placeHolderText){
          if (this.model.get("label")){
            //If the label starts with a vowel, use "an"
            var vowels = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"];
            if (_.contains(vowels, this.model.get("label").toLowerCase().charAt(0))) {
              placeHolderText = "Choose an " + this.model.get("label");
            //Otherwise use "a"
            else {
              placeHolderText = "Choose a " + this.model.get("label");


        //Create the default option
        var defaultOption = $(document.createElement("option"))
                              .attr("value", "")
                              .text( placeHolderText );

        //Create an option element for each choice listen in the model
        _.each( this.model.get("choices"), function(choice){
          select.append( $(document.createElement("option"))
                          .attr("value", choice.value)
                          .text(choice.label) );
        }, this );

        //When the ChoiceFilter is changed, update the choice list in the UI
        this.listenTo(this.model, "change:values", this.updateChoices);
        this.listenTo(this.model, "remove", this.updateChoices);


     * Create the set of inputs where a use can select label-value pairs for the regular
     * choice filter view
     * @since 2.17.0
    createChoicesEditor: function(){

      try {

        var view = this;
        this.choicesEditor = $("<div class='choices-editor'></div>");
        var choicesEditorText = $("<p class='modal-instructions'>Allow people to select from the following search terms</p>");
        var choiceEditorError = $("<p class='notification error' data-category='choices' style='display: none'></p>");
        var labelContainer = $("<div class='choice-editor unsortable'></div>");

        this.choicesEditor.append(choicesEditorText, choiceEditorError, labelContainer)

        labelContainer.append("<p class='ui-builder-container-text choice-label subtle'>Enter the text to display</p>")
        labelContainer.append("<p class='ui-builder-container-text choice-value subtle'>Enter the text to search for</p>")

        _.each(this.model.get("choices"), function (choice) {
          var choiceEditorEl = this.createChoiceEditor(choice);
        }, this);

        // Create a blank choice at the end

        // Initialize choice drag and drop to re-order functionality
        require(['sortable'], function(Sortable){
          Sortable.create(view.choicesEditor[0], {
            direction: 'vertical',
            easing: "cubic-bezier(1, 0, 0, 1)",
            animation: 200,
            handle: "." + view.choiceHandleClass,
            draggable: ".choice-editor:not(.unsortable)",
            onUpdate: function (evt) {
              // When the choice order is changed, update the filter model

        return this.choicesEditor
      catch (error) {
        console.log( 'There was an error creating choices editor in a ChoiceFilterView' +
          ' Error details: ' + error );


     * Create a row where a user can input a value and label for a single choice.
     * @since 2.17.0
    createChoiceEditor: function(choice){
      try {
        if (!choice) {

        var view = this;

        // Create the choice container
        var choiceContainer = $("<div class='choice-editor'></div>");

        // Create the click and drag handle
        var handle = $('<span class="' + view.choiceHandleClass + '">' +
            '<i class= "icon icon-ellipsis-vertical" ></i>' +
            '<i class="icon icon-ellipsis-vertical"></i>' +
          '</span >'

        // Create inputs for "value" and "label", insert them in the container
        for (const [attrName, attrValue] of Object.entries(choice)) {
          var inputEl = $('<input>').attr({
            // The ignore-changes class prevents the editor footer from showing on keypress
            class: 'ignore-changes choice-input choice-' + attrName,
            value: attrValue,
            "data-category": attrName
          // Update the values in the model when the user focuses out of an input
          inputEl.on("blur", function(){

        // Create the remove "X" button. Save references to the parent choice container so
        // that we can remove it from the view when the button is clicked
        var removeButton = $(
          "<i class='icon icon-remove " +
          this.removeChoiceClass +
          "' title='Remove this choice'></i>"
          choiceEl: choiceContainer

        // Insert the remove button into the choice container
        return choiceContainer
      catch (error) {
        console.log( 'There was an error  ChoiceFilterView' +
          ' Error details: ' + error );


     * Create an empty choice editor row
     * @since 2.17.0
    addEmptyChoiceEditor: function () {
      try {
        var view = this;
        var choice = {
          label: "",
          value: ""
        var choiceEditorEl = this.createChoiceEditor(choice);

        // Don't let users remove or sort the new choice entry fields until some text has
        // been entered
        var removeButton = choiceEditorEl.find("." + this.removeChoiceClass);
        var handle = choiceEditorEl.find("." + this.choiceHandleClass);
        // The inputs for value and label
        var inputs = choiceEditorEl.find("input");

        var onInputChange = function () {
"input", onInputChange);
        inputs.on("input", onInputChange);
      catch (error) {
        console.log('There was an error creating a choice editor in a ChoiceFilterView' +
          ' Error details: ' + error);

     * Indicate to the user that the choice value and label inputs will be removed when
     * they hover over the remove button.
     * @since 2.17.0
    previewRemoveChoice: function (e) {
      try {

        var normalOpacity = 1.0,
            previewOpacity = 0.2,
            speed = 120;

        var removeEl = $(;
        var subElements ="choiceEl").children().not(removeEl);

        if(e.type === "mouseover"){
          subElements.fadeTo(speed, previewOpacity)
          $(removeEl).fadeTo(speed, normalOpacity)
        if(e.type === "mouseout"){
          subElements.fadeTo(speed, normalOpacity)
          $(removeEl).fadeTo(speed, previewOpacity)

      } catch (error) {
        console.log("Error showing a preview of the removal of a Choice editor in a " +
          "Choice Filter View, details: " + error);

     * Remove a choice editor row and the corresponding label-value pair from the choice
     * Filter Model (TODO)
     * @since 2.17.0
     * @param {Object} e The click event object
    removeChoice: function(e){
      try {
        var choiceEl = $("choiceEl");

        // See how many choice elements there are (subtract one because the label elements
        // are within a choice-editor element)
        var numChoices = this.$el.find(".choice-editor").length - 1

        // Don't allow removing the last choice element. Empty the last element and hide the
        // remove button instead.
        if (numChoices <= 1) {
        } else {
          // Remove the choice editor element from the view, plus any listeners
        // Update the choices in the model
      catch (error) {
        console.log( 'There was an error removing a choice editor in the ChoiceFilterView' +
          ' Error details: ' + error );


     * Update the choices attribute in the choiceFilter model based on the values in the
     * choices editor
     * @since 2.17.0
    updateModelChoices: function(){
      try {

        // The array of label-value pairs that will be set on the choiceFilter model.
        var newChoices = [];

        // Find each choice editor container, and find the values from the two inputs
        // within.
          var choiceEditor = $(this)
          var valueEl = choiceEditor.find("[data-category='value']")
          var labelEl = choiceEditor.find("[data-category='label']")
          if (valueEl.length && labelEl.length ){
            var newValue = valueEl[0].value
            var newLabel = labelEl[0].value
            // TODO: validate the label/value here and show error if choice is not
            // complete.
            if(!newValue && !newLabel){
              // Don't add empty choices to the model
            } else {
                label: newLabel,
                value: newValue
        // Replace the choices in the model with the new array with new values
        this.model.set("choices", newChoices);
      catch (error) {
        console.log( 'There was an error updating the choices in a ChoiceFilterView' +
          ' Error details: ' + error );

    * Updates the value set on the ChoiceFilter Model associated with this view.
    * The filter value is grabbed from the select element in this view.
    updateModel: function(){

      //Get the new value from the text input
      var newValue = this.$("select").val();

      //Get the current values array from the model
      var currentValue = this.model.get("values");

      //If the ChoiceFilter allows multiple values to be added,
      // add the new choice to the values array
      if( this.model.get("chooseMultiple") ){

        //Duplicate the current values array
        var newValuesArray = currentValue.slice(0);

        //Add the new value to the array

        //Set the new values array on the model
        this.model.set("values", newValuesArray);

      //If multiple choices are not allowed,

        //Replace the first index of the array with the new value
        var newValuesArray = currentValue.slice(0);
        newValuesArray[0] = newValue;

        //Set the new values array on the model
        this.model.set("values", newValuesArray);

    * Update the choices in the select dropdown menu based on which choices are
    * currently selected
    updateChoices: function(){

      //Enable all the choices
      this.$("option").prop("disabled", false);

      //Get the currently-selected choices
      var selectedChoices = this.model.get("values");

      _.each(selectedChoices, function(choice){

        //Find each choice in the dropdown menu and disable it
        this.$("option[value='" + choice + "']").prop("disabled", true);

      }, this);

     * Show validation errors. This is used for filters that are in "UIBuilder" mode.
     * @param {Object} errors The error messages associated with each attribute that has
     * an error, passed from the Filter model validation function.
    showValidationErrors: function (errors) {
      try {

        var view = this;
        // Select the messages container for the choice error (added in the template)
        var messageContainer = view.el.querySelector(".notification[data-category='choices']");

        // Show errors for label, placeholder, etc (elements common to all FilterViews), errors);

        // Show errors in the choices editor
        var inputs = this.choicesEditor.find("input");

        // Add error styling to all the choices inputs. Remove error styling (and input
        // listeners) from all inputs when there is text in at least one of them
        var handleInput = function () {
          inputs.each(function (i, input) {
            view.hideInputError(input, messageContainer)
            input.removeEventListener('input', handleInput)
        if (inputs.length) {
          inputs.each(function (i, input) {
            input.addEventListener('input', handleInput);

      catch (error) {
          'There was an error showing validation errors in a FilterView' +
          '. Error details: ' + error

  return ChoiceFilterView;