Source: src/js/views/AppView.js

], function (
) {
  "use strict";

  var app = app || {};

   * @class AppView
   * @classdesc The top-level view of the UI that contains and coordinates all other views of the UI
   * @classcategory Views
   * @extends Backbone.View
  var AppView = Backbone.View.extend(
    /** @lends AppView.prototype */ {
      // Instead of generating a new element, bind to the existing skeleton of
      // the App already present in the HTML.
      el: "#metacatui-app",

      template: _.template(AppTemplate),
      alertTemplate: _.template(AlertTemplate),
      appHeadTemplate: _.template(AppHeadTemplate),
      loadingTemplate: _.template(LoadingTemplate),

      events: {
        click: "closePopovers",
        "click": "routeToMetadata",
        "keypress": "routeToMetadataOnEnter",
        "click .toggle-slide": "toggleSlide",
        "click input.copy": "higlightInput",
        "focus input.copy": "higlightInput",
        "click textarea.copy": "higlightInput",
        "focus textarea.copy": "higlightInput",
        "click .open-chat": "openChatWithMessage",
        "click .login.redirect": "sendToLogin",
        "focus .jump-width-input": "widenInput",
        "focusout .jump-width-input": "narrowInput",
        "click .temporary-message .close": "hideTemporaryMessage",

      initialize: function () {
        //Check for the LDAP sign in error message
        if (

          ) > -1
        ) {
          window.location =
            window.location.origin +
            window.location.pathname +

        //Is there a logged-in user?

        //Change the document title when the app changes the MetacatUI.appModel title at any time
        this.listenTo(MetacatUI.appModel, "change:title", this.changeTitle);


       * The JS query selector for the element inside the AppView that contains the main view contents. When a new view is routed to
       * and displayed via {@link AppView#showView}, the view will be inserted into this element.
       * @type {string}
       * @default "#Content"
       * @since 2.22.0
      contentSelector: "#Content",

       * Gets the Element in this AppView via the {@link AppView#contentSelector}
       * @returns {Element}
      getContentEl: function () {
        return this.el.querySelector(this.contentSelector);

       * Change the web document's title
      changeTitle: function () {
        document.title = MetacatUI.appModel.get("title");

       * Change the web document's description
       * @since 2.25.0
      changeDescription: function () {

      /** Render the main view and/or re-render subviews. Delegate rendering
        and event handling to sub views.
    If there is no AppView element on the page, don't render the application.
    If there is no AppView element on the page, this function will exit without rendering anything.
    For instance, this can occur when the AppView is loaded during unit tests.
    See {@link AppView#el} to check which element is required for rendering. By default,
    it is set to the element with the `metacatui-app` id (check docs for the most up-to-date info).
    This step is usually unnecessary for Backbone Views since they should only render elements inside of
    their own `el` anyway. But the APpView is different since it renders the overall structure of MetacatUI.
      render: function () {
        //If there is no AppView element on the page, don't render the application.
        if (!this.el) {
            "Not rendering the UI of the app since the AppView HTML element (AppView.el) does not exist on the page. Make sure you have the AppView element included in index.html",

        // set up the head
            theme: MetacatUI.theme,

        // Add JSON-LD to the head
        this.schemaOrg = new SchemaOrgView();

        // set up the body

         * @name MetacatUI.navbarView
         * @type NavbarView
         * @description The view that displays a navigation menu on every MetacatUI page and controls the navigation between pages in MetacatUI.
        MetacatUI.navbarView = new NavbarView();

         * @name MetacatUI.altHeaderView
         * @type AltHeaderView
         * @description The view that displays a header on every MetacatUI view that uses the "AltHeader" header type.
         * This header is usually for decorative / aesthetic purposes only.
        MetacatUI.altHeaderView = new AltHeaderView();

         * @name MetacatUI.footerView
         * @type FooterView
         * @description The view that displays the main footer of the MetacatUI page.
         * It has informational and navigational links in it and is displayed on every page, except for views that hide it for full-screen display.
        MetacatUI.footerView = new FooterView();


        //Load the Slaask chat widget if it is enabled in this theme
        if (MetacatUI.appModel.get("slaaskKey") && window._slaask)



        return this;

      // the currently rendered view
      currentView: null,

      // Our view switcher for the whole app
      showView: function (view, viewOptions) {
        if (!this.el) {
            "Not rendering the UI of the app since the AppView HTML element (AppView.el) does not exist on the page. Make sure you have the AppView element included in index.html",

        //reference to appView
        var thisAppViewRef = this;

        // Change the background image if there is one

        // close the current view
        if (this.currentView) {
          //If the current view has a function to confirm closing of the view, call it
          if (typeof this.currentView.canClose == "function") {
            //If the user or view confirmed that the view shouldn't be closed, then don't navigate to the next route
            if (!this.currentView.canClose()) {
              //Get a confirmation message from the view, or use a default one
              if (
                typeof this.currentView.getConfirmCloseMessage == "function"
              ) {
                var confirmMessage = this.currentView.getConfirmCloseMessage();
              } else {
                var confirmMessage = "Leave this page?";

              //Show a confirm alert to the user and wait for their response
              var leave = confirm(confirmMessage);
              //If they clicked Cancel, then don't navigate to the next route
              if (!leave) {

          // need reference to the old/current view for the callback method
          var oldView = this.currentView;

          this.currentView.$el.fadeOut("slow", function () {
            // clean up old view
            if (oldView.onClose) oldView.onClose();

            //If the view to show is not the same as the main content element, then put it inside the content element.
            if (view.el !== thisAppViewRef.getContentEl()) {

            view.$el.fadeIn("slow", function () {
              // render the new view

              // after fade in, do postRender()
              if (view.postRender) view.postRender();
              // force scroll to top if no custom scrolling is implemented
              else thisAppViewRef.scrollToTop();
        } else {
          //If the view to show is not the same as the main content element, then put it inside the content element.
          if (view.el !== this.getContentEl()) {

          // just show the view without transition

          if (view.postRender) view.postRender();
          // force scroll to top if no custom scrolling is implemented
          else thisAppViewRef.scrollToTop();

        // track the current view
        this.currentView = view;;


      routeToMetadata: function (e) {

        //Get the value from the input element
        var form = $("form") || null,
          val = this.$("#" + form)

        //Remove the text from the input
        this.$("#" + form)

        if (!val) return false;

        MetacatUI.uiRouter.navigate("view/" + val, { trigger: true });

      routeToMetadataOnEnter: function (e) {
        //If the user pressed a key inside a text input, we only want to proceed if it was the Enter key
        if (e.type == "keypress" && e.keycode != 13) return;
        else this.routeToMetadata(e);

      sendToLogin: function (e) {
        if (e) e.preventDefault();

        var url = $("href");
        url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("target=") + 7);
        url += window.location.href;

        window.location.href = url;

      resetSearch: function () {
        // Clear the search and map model to start a fresh search

        //Clear the search history
        MetacatUI.appModel.set("searchHistory", new Array());

        MetacatUI.uiRouter.navigate("data", { trigger: true });

      closePopovers: function (e) {
        if (this.currentView && this.currentView.closePopovers)

      toggleSlide: function (e) {
        if (e) e.preventDefault();
        else return false;

        var clickedOn = $(,
          toggleElId =
            clickedOn.attr("data-slide-el") ||
          toggleEl = $("#" + toggleElId);

        toggleEl.slideToggle("fast", function () {
          //Toggle the display of the link if it has the right class
          if (".toggle-display-on-slide")) {

       * Displays the given message to the user in a Bootstrap "alert" style.
       * @param {object} options A literal object of options for the alert message.
       * @property {string|Element} options.message A message string or HTML Element to display
       * @property {string} [options.classes] A string of HTML classes to set on the alert
       * @property {string|Element} [options.container] The container to show the alert in
       * @property {boolean} [options.replaceContents] If true, the alert will replace the contents of the container element.
       *                                               If false, the alert will be prepended to the container element.
       * @property {boolean|number} [options.delay] Set to true or specify a number of milliseconds to display the alert temporarily
       * @property {boolean} [options.remove] If true, the user will be able to remove the alert with a "close" icon.
       * @property {boolean} [options.includeEmail] If true, the alert will include a link to the {@link AppConfig#emailContact}
       * @property {string} [options.emailBody] Specify an email body to use in the email link.
       * @returns {Element} The alert element
      showAlert: function () {
        if (arguments.length > 1) {
          var options = {
            message: arguments[0],
            classes: arguments[1],
            container: arguments[2],
            delay: arguments[3],
          if (typeof arguments[4] == "object") {
            options = _.extend(options, arguments[4]);
        } else {
          var options = arguments[0];

        if (typeof options != "object" || !options) {

        if (!options.classes) options.classes = "alert-success";

        if (!options.container || !$(options.container).length)
          options.container = this.$el;

        //Remove any alerts that are already in this container
        if ($(options.container).children(".alert-container").length > 0)

        //Allow messages to be HTML or strings
        if (typeof options.message != "string")
          options.message = $(document.createElement("div"))

        var emailOptions = "";

        //Check for more options
        if (options.emailBody) emailOptions += "?body=" + options.emailBody;

        var alert = $.parseHTML(
            msg: options.message,
            classes: options.classes,
            emailOptions: emailOptions,
            remove: options.remove || false,
            includeEmail: options.includeEmail,

        if (options.delay) {

          if (options.replaceContents) {
          } else {

            .delay(typeof options.delay == "number" ? options.delay : 3000)
        } else {
          if (options.replaceContents) {
          } else {
        return alert;

       * Previous to MetacatUI 2.14.0, the {@link AppView#showAlert} function allowed up to five parameters
       * to customize the alert message. As of 2.14.0, the function has condensed these options into
       * a single literal object. See the docs for {@link AppView#showAlert}. The old signature of five
       * parameters may soon be deprecated completely, but is still supported.
       * @deprecated
       * @param {string|Element} msg
       * @param {string} [classes]
       * @param {string|Element} [container]
       * @param {boolean} [delay]
       * @param {object} [options]
       * @param {boolean} [options.includeEmail] If true, the alert will include a link to the {@link AppConfig#emailContact}
       * @param {string} [options.emailBody]
       * @param {boolean} [options.remove]
       * @param {boolean} [options.replaceContents]
      showAlert_deprecated: function (
      ) {},

       * Listens to the focus event on the window to detect when a user switches back to this browser tab from somewhere else
       * When a user checks back, we want to check for log-in status
      listenForActivity: function () {
        MetacatUI.appUserModel.on("change:loggedIn", function () {
          if (!MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn")) return;

          //When the user re-focuses back on the window
          $(window).focus(function () {
            //If the user has logged out in the meantime, then exit
            if (!MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn")) return;

            //If the expiration date of the token has passed, then allow the user to sign back in
            if (MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("expires") <= new Date()) {

       * Will determine the length of time until the user's current token expires,
       * and will set a window timeout for that length of time. When the timeout
       * is triggered, the sign in modal window will be displayed so that the user
       * can sign in again (which happens in AppView.showTimeoutSignIn())
      listenForTimeout: function () {
        //Only proceed if the user is logged in
        if (!MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("checked")) {
          //When the user logged back in, listen again for the next timeout
            function () {
              //If the user is logged in, then listen call this function again
              if (
                MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("checked") &&

        } else if (!MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn")) {
          //When the user logged back in, listen again for the next timeout
            function () {
              //If the user is logged in, then listen call this function again
              if (
                MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("checked") &&


        var view = this,
          expires = MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("expires"),
          timeLeft = expires - new Date();

        //If there is no time left until expiration, then show the sign in view now
        if (timeLeft < 0) {
        //Otherwise, set a timeout for a expiration time, then show the Sign In View
        else {
          var timeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
          }, timeLeft);

          //Save the timeout id in case we want to destroy the timeout later
          MetacatUI.appUserModel.set("timeoutId", timeoutId);

       * If the user's auth token has expired, a new SignInView model window is
       * displayed so the user can sign back in. A listener is set on the appUserModel
       * so that when they do successfully sign back in, we set another timeout listener
       * via AppView.listenForTimeout()
      showTimeoutSignIn: function () {
        if (MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("expires") <= new Date()) {
          MetacatUI.appUserModel.set("loggedIn", false);

          var signInView = new SignInView({
            inPlace: true,
            closeButtons: false,
              "Your session has timed out. Click Sign In to open a " +
              "new window to sign in again. Make sure your browser settings allow pop-ups.",
          var signInForm = signInView.render().el;

          if (this.subviews && Array.isArray(this.subviews))
          else this.subviews = [signInView];


          //When the user logged back in, listen again for the next timeout
            function () {
              if (
                MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("checked") &&

      openChatWithMessage: function () {
        if (!_slaask) return;


      initializeWidgets: function () {
        // Autocomplete widget extension to provide description tooltips.
        $.widget("app.hoverAutocomplete", $.ui.autocomplete, {
          // Set the content attribute as the "item.desc" value.
          // This becomes the tooltip content.
          _renderItem: function (ul, item) {
            // if we have a label, use it for the title
            var title = item.value;
            if (item.label) {
              title = item.label;
            // if we have a description, use it for the content
            var content = item.value;
            if (item.desc) {
              content = item.desc;
              if (item.desc != item.value) {
                content += " (" + item.value + ")";
            var element = this._super(ul, item)
              .attr("data-title", title)
              .attr("data-content", content);
              placement: "right",
              trigger: "hover",
              container: "body",
            return element;

       * Checks if the user's browser is an outdated version that won't work with
       * MetacatUI well, and displays a warning message to the user..
       * The user agent is checked against the `unsupportedBrowsers` list in the AppModel.
      checkIncompatibility: function () {
        //Check if this browser is incompatible with this app. i.e. It is an old browser version
        var isUnsupportedBrowser = _.some(
          function (browserRegEx) {
            var matches = navigator.userAgent.match(browserRegEx);
            return matches && matches.length > 0;

        if (!isUnsupportedBrowser) {
        } else {
          //Show a warning message to the user about their browser.
            "Your web browser is out of date. Update your browser for more security, " +
              "speed and the best experience on this site.",
            { remove: true },

       * Shows a temporary message at the top of the view
      showTemporaryMessage: function () {
        try {
          //Is there a temporary message to display throughout the app?
          if (MetacatUI.appModel.get("temporaryMessage")) {
            var startTime = MetacatUI.appModel.get("temporaryMessageStartTime"),
              endTime = MetacatUI.appModel.get("temporaryMessageEndTime"),
              today = new Date(),
              isDisplayed = false;

            //Find cases where we should display the message
            //If there is a date range and today is in the range
            if (startTime && endTime && today > startTime && today < endTime) {
              isDisplayed = true;
            //If there's just a start time and today is after it
            else if (startTime && !endTime && today > startTime) {
              isDisplayed = true;
            //If there's just an end time and today is before it
            else if (!startTime && endTime && today < endTime) {
              isDisplayed = true;
            //If there's no start or end time
            else if (!startTime && !endTime) {
              isDisplayed = true;

            if (isDisplayed) {
              require(["text!templates/alert.html"], function (alertTemplate) {
                //Get classes for the message
                var classes =
                  MetacatUI.appModel.get("temporaryMessageClasses") || "";
                classes += " temporary-message";

                var container =
                  MetacatUI.appModel.get("temporaryMessageContainer") ||

                //If the message exists already, return
                if ($(container + " .temporary-message").length) {

                //Insert the message using the Alert template
                    classes: classes,
                    msg: MetacatUI.appModel.get("temporaryMessage"),
                    includeEmail: MetacatUI.appModel.get(
                    remove: true,

                //Add a class to the body in case we need to adjust other elements on the page
        } catch (e) {
          console.error("Couldn't display the temporary message: ", e);

       * Hides the temporary message
      hideTemporaryMessage: function () {
        try {
        } catch (e) {
          console.error("Couldn't hide the temporary message: ", e);

      /********************** Utilities ********************************/
      // Various utility functions to use across the app //
      /************ Function to add commas to large numbers ************/
      commaSeparateNumber: function (val) {
        if (!val) return 0;

        if (val < 1) return Math.round(val * 100) / 100;

        while (/(\d+)(\d{3})/.test(val.toString())) {
          val = val.toString().replace(/(\d+)(\d{3})/, "$1" + "," + "$2");
        return val;
      numberAbbreviator: function (number, decimalPlaces) {
        if (number === 0) {
          return 0;
        decimalPlaces = Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces);
        var abbreviations = ["K", "M", "B", "T"];

        // Go through the array backwards, so we do the largest first
        for (var i = abbreviations.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
          // Convert array index to "1000", "1000000", etc
          var size = Math.pow(10, (i + 1) * 3);

          // If the number is bigger or equal do the abbreviation
          if (size <= number) {
            // Here, we multiply by decimalPlaces, round, and then divide by decimalPlaces.
            // This gives us nice rounding to a particular decimal place.
            number =
              Math.round((number * decimalPlaces) / size) / decimalPlaces;

            // Handle special case where we round up to the next abbreviation
            if (number == 1000 && i < abbreviations.length - 1) {
              number = 1;

            // Add the letter for the abbreviation
            number += abbreviations[i];
        return number;
      higlightInput: function (e) {
        if (!e) return;

        e.preventDefault();, 9999);

      widenInput: function (e) {
        $("width", "200px");

      narrowInput: function (e) {
        $({ width: "60px" });

      // scroll to top of page
      scrollToTop: function () {
          .stop(true, true) //stop first for it to work in FF
          .animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
        return false;

      scrollTo: function (pageElement, offsetTop) {
        //Find the header height if it is a fixed element
        var headerOffset =
          this.$("#Header").css("position") == "fixed"
            ? this.$("#Header").outerHeight()
            : 0;
        var navOffset =
          this.$("#Navbar").css("position") == "fixed"
            ? this.$("#Navbar").outerHeight()
            : 0;
        var totalOffset = headerOffset + navOffset;

          .stop(true, true) //stop first for it to work in FF
            { scrollTop: $(pageElement).offset().top - 40 - totalOffset },
        return false;
  return AppView;