Source: src/js/models/searchSelect/QueryFieldSearchSelect.js

"use strict";

], (SearchSelect, QueryFields) => {
   * @class QueryFieldSearchSelect
   * @classdesc An extension of SearchSelect that sets the options to the query
   * fields (e.g. Solr fields) available for searching.
   * @classcategory Models/SearchSelect
   * @since 2.31.0
   * @augments Backbone.Model
  const QueryFieldSearchSelect = SearchSelect.extend({
    /** @lends QueryFieldSearchSelect.prototype */

     * An additional field object contains the properties an additional query
     * field to add that are required to render it correctly. An additional
     * query field is one that does not actually exist in the query service
     * index.
     * @typedef {object} AdditionalField
     * @property {string} name - A unique ID to represent this field. It must
     * not match the name of any other query fields.
     * @property {string[]} fields - The list of real query fields that this
     * abstracted field will represent. It must exactly match the names of the
     * query fields that actually exist.
     * @property {string} label - A user-facing label to display.
     * @property {string} description - A description for this field.
     * @property {string} category - The name of the category under which to
     * place this field. It must match one of the category names for an existing
     * query field.
     * @since 2.15.0

     * @returns {object} The default attributes for this model
     * @property {AdditionalField[]} addFields - A list of additional fields
     * which are not retrieved from the query service index, but which should be
     * added to the list of options. This can be used to add abstracted fields
     * which are a combination of multiple query fields, or to add a duplicate
     * field that has a different label.
     * @property {string[]} commonFields - A list of query fields names to
     * display at the top of the menu, above all other category headers
     * @property {string[]} categoriesToAlphabetize - The names of categories
     * that should have items sorted alphabetically. Names must exactly match
     * those in the {@link QueryField#categoriesMap Query Field model}
     * @property {boolean} excludeNonSearchable - Whether or not to exclude
     * fields which are not searchable. Set to false to keep query fields that
     * are not searchable in the returned list
     * @property {string} submenuStyle - The submenu style is set to "accordion"
     * by default for this submodel
     * @property {string[]} excludeFields - A list of query field names to
     * exclude from the list of options.
    defaults() {
      return {
        placeholderText: "Search for or select a field",
        inputLabel: "Select one or more metadata fields to query",
        addFields: [],
        commonFields: ["text", "documents-special-field"],
        categoriesToAlphabetize: ["General"],
        excludeNonSearchable: true,
        submenuStyle: "accordion",
        excludeFields: [],

     * Initializes the QueryFieldSearchSelect model
     * @param {object} attributes - A literal object with model attributes
     * @param {object} options - A literal object with options
     * @param {boolean} options.collectionQuery - Set this to true to
     * automatically set the excludeFields and addFields to the collection query
     * defaults set in the appModel. See
     * {@link AppModel#collectionQueryExcludeFields} and
     * {@link AppModel#collectionQuerySpecialFields}.
    initialize(attributes, options = {}) {
      if (options.collectionQuery) {
      this.getQueryFieldOptions();, attributes, options);

     * Fetches the query fields from the query service, converts them to the
     * format required by the SearchSelectView, and sets them as the options
     * for this model
    async getQueryFieldOptions() {
      const queryFields = await this.fetchQueryFields();
      const fields = queryFields.toJSON();
      const excludedFields = this.excludeFields(fields);
      const addedFields = this.addFields(excludedFields);
      const options =;
      const sortedOptions = this.sortFields(options);

     * Fetches the query fields from the query service
     * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves with the query fields
     * collection
    async fetchQueryFields() {
      return new Promise((resolve) => {
        if (MetacatUI.queryFields?.length) {
        if (!MetacatUI.queryFields) MetacatUI.queryFields = new QueryFields();
          success: () => resolve(MetacatUI.queryFields),
          error: () => resolve([]),

     * Filters out any objects in the fieldsJSON array that have a ".name"
     * property that matches one of the strings in the fieldsToExclude array
     * @param {object[]} fieldsJSON - JSON returned from QueryFields.toJSON()
     * @returns {object[]} The filtered fieldsJSON array
    excludeFields(fieldsJSON) {
      const fieldsToExclude = this.get("excludeFields");
      const excludeNonSearchable = this.get("excludeNonSearchable");

      let filteredJSON = fieldsJSON;
      if (fieldsToExclude?.length) {
        filteredJSON = fieldsJSON.filter(
          (field) => !fieldsToExclude.includes(,
      if (excludeNonSearchable) {
        filteredJSON = filteredJSON.filter(
          (field) => field.searchable !== false && field.searchable !== "false",
      return filteredJSON;

     * Adds fields to the fieldsJSON array that are specified in the addFields
     * property of this model
     * @param {object[]} fieldsJSON - JSON returned from QueryFields.toJSON()
     * @returns {object[]} The fieldsJSON array with additional fields added
    addFields(fieldsJSON) {
      const fieldsToAdd = this.get("addFields");
      if (!fieldsToAdd?.length) return fieldsJSON;

      const fieldsWithCategoryInfo = => {
        const field = { ...fieldToAdd };
        if (field.category) {
          const categoryInfo = fieldsJSON.find(
            (f) => f.category === field.category,
          if (categoryInfo) {
            field.icon = field.icon || categoryInfo.icon;
            field.categoryOrder =
              field.categoryOrder || categoryInfo.categoryOrder;
        return field;

      return fieldsJSON.concat(fieldsWithCategoryInfo);

     * Converts an object that represents a QueryField model to the format
     * specified by the SearchSelectView.options
     * @param  {object} field An object with properties corresponding to a
     * QueryField model
     * @returns {object} An object with properties that match the format
     * specified by the SearchSelectView.options
    fieldToOption(field) {
      if (!field) return {};
      return {
        label: field.label ||,
        description: field.friendlyDescription || field.description,
        icon: field.icon,
        category: field.category,
        categoryOrder: field.categoryOrder,
        type: field.type,

     * Sorts the fieldsJSON array by categoryOrder and then alphabetically
     * within each category if the category is specified in the
     * categoriesToAlphabetize property of this model.
     * @param {object[]} unsortedOptions - An array of objects that represent
     * attributes for SearchSelectOptions.
     * @returns {object[]} The sorted options
    sortFields(unsortedOptions) {
      const options = unsortedOptions;
      const commonFields = this.get("commonFields");
      if (commonFields?.length) {
        commonFields.forEach((commonFieldName) => {
          const i = options.findIndex(
            (field) => field.value === commonFieldName,
          if (i > 0) {
            options[i] = {
              category: "",
              categoryOrder: 0,
              icon: "star",

      options.sort((a, b) => a.categoryOrder - b.categoryOrder);

      const sortCategories = this.get("categoriesToAlphabetize");
      if (sortCategories?.length) {
        sortCategories.forEach((categoryName) => {
          const category = options.filter(
            (field) => field.category === categoryName,
          category.sort((a, b) =>
          const categoryIndex = options.findIndex(
            (field) => field.category === categoryName,
          options.splice(categoryIndex, category.length, ...category);

      return options;

     * For options that are added fields, not real query fields from the query
     * service, this method sets fields and types attributes on the option model
     * that are the real query fields that the added field represents.
     * @param {SearchSelectOption} option - The option model to update
    setAddedFieldDetails(option) {
      const addFields = this.get("addFields");
      const addedField = addFields?.find(
        (field) => === option?.get("value"),
      if (!addedField) return;

      const specialField = { ...addedField };
      const { fields } = specialField;

      const types = => {
        const realField = MetacatUI.queryFields.findWhere({ name: fieldName });
        return realField ? realField.get("type") : "special field";


     * Extends the isValidValue method of the SearchSelect model to allow for
     * the addition of fields that are excluded by default, if they are selected
     * @param {string} value - The value to check
     * @returns {boolean} - Returns true if the value is valid, false otherwise
    isValidValue(value) {
      const excludedFields = this.get("excludeFields");

      if (!excludedFields || !excludedFields.includes(value)) {
        return, value);

      let newField = MetacatUI.queryFields.findWhere({ name: value });
      if (newField) {
        newField = this.fieldToOption(newField.toJSON());
      return true;

  return QueryFieldSearchSelect;