Source: src/js/models/portals/PortalImage.js

/* global define */
    function($, _, Backbone, DataONEObject) {

       * @class PortalImage
       * @classdesc A Portal Image model represents a single image used in a Portal
       * @classcategory Models/Portals
       * @extends Backbone.Model
      var PortalImageModel = DataONEObject.extend(
        /** @lends PortalImage.prototype */{

        * @inheritdoc
        type: "PortalImage",

        defaults: function(){
          return _.extend(DataONEObject.prototype.defaults(), {
            identifier: "",
            imageURL: "",
            label: "",
            associatedURL: "",
            objectDOM: null,
            nodeName: "image",
            portalModel: null

        initialize: function(attrs){

          // Call the super class initialize function
, attrs);

          // If the image model is initialized with an identifier but no image URL,
          // create the full image URL
          if(this.get("identifier") && !this.get("imageURL")){

            var baseURL = this.getBaseURL(),
                imageURL = baseURL + this.get("identifier");
                this.set("imageURL", imageURL);


         * Parses an ImageType XML element from a portal document
         *  @param {XMLElement} objectDOM - An ImageType XML element from a portal document
         *  @return {JSON} The result of the parsed XML, in JSON. To be set directly on the model.
        parse: function(objectDOM){

            objectDOM = this.get("objectDOM");

              return {};

          var portalModel = this.get("portalModel"),
              $objectDOM = $(objectDOM),
              modelJSON = {};

          if( portalModel ){
            modelJSON.datasource = portalModel.get("datasource");
            modelJSON.submitter  = portalModel.get("submitter");
            modelJSON.rightsHolder = portalModel.get("rightsHolder");
            modelJSON.originMemberNode = portalModel.get("originMemberNode");
            modelJSON.authoritativeMemberNode = portalModel.get("authoritativeMemberNode");

          modelJSON.nodeName = objectDOM.nodeName;

          //Parse all the simple string elements
          modelJSON.label = $objectDOM.children("label").text();
          modelJSON.associatedURL = $objectDOM.children("associatedURL").text();

          // Parse the image URL or identifier
          modelJSON.identifier = $objectDOM.children("identifier").text();
          if( modelJSON.identifier ){
            if( modelJSON.identifier.substring(0, 4) !== "http" ){

              var baseURL = this.getBaseURL();
              modelJSON.imageURL = baseURL + modelJSON.identifier;

              modelJSON.imageURL = modelJSON.identifier;

          return modelJSON;


         * imageExists - Check if an image exists with the given
         * url, or if no url provided, with the baseURL + identifier
         * @param  {string} imageURL  The image URL to check
         * @return {boolean}          Returns true if an HTTP request returns anything but 404
        imageExists: function (imageURL){


          if(!imageURL && this.get("identifier")){
            var baseURL = this.getBaseURL(),
                imageURL = baseURL + this.get("identifier");

            return false

          var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
'HEAD', imageURL, false);

          return http.status != 404;


         * getBaseURL - Get the base URL to use with an image identifier
         * @return {string}  The image base URL, or an empty string if not found
        getBaseURL: function(){

          var url = "",
              portalModel = this.get("portalModel"),
              // datasource = portalModel ? portalModel.get("datasource") : false;
              datasource = this.get("datasource"),
              datasource = (portalModel && !datasource) ? portalModel.get("datasource") : datasource;

          if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("isCN") ){
            var sourceRepo;

            //Use the object service URL from the origin MN/datasource
            if( datasource ){
              sourceRepo = MetacatUI.nodeModel.getMember(datasource);
            // Use the object service URL from the alt repo
            if( !sourceRepo ){
              sourceRepo = MetacatUI.appModel.getActiveAltRepo();
            if( sourceRepo ){
              url = sourceRepo.objectServiceUrl;

          if(!url && datasource){
            var imageMN = _.findWhere(MetacatUI.appModel.get("alternateRepositories"), { identifier: datasource });
              url = imageMN.objectServiceUrl;

          //If this MetacatUI deployment is pointing to a MN, use the meta service URL from the AppModel
          if( !url ){
            url = MetacatUI.appModel.get("objectServiceUrl") || MetacatUI.appModel.get("resolveServiceUrl");
          return url;

    		 * Makes a copy of the original XML DOM and updates it with the new values from the model
         *  @return {XMLElement} An updated ImageType XML element from a portal document
        updateDOM: function() {

          //If there is no identifier, don't serialize anything
          if( !this.get("identifier") ){
            return "";

          var objectDOM = this.get("objectDOM");

          if (objectDOM) {
            objectDOM = objectDOM.cloneNode(true);
          } else {
            // create an XML image element from scratch
            var xmlText = "<" + this.get("nodeName") + "></" + this.get("nodeName") + ">",
                objectDOM = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xmlText, "text/xml"),
                objectDOM = $(objectDOM).children()[0];

          // get new image data
          var imageData = {
            identifier: this.get("identifier"),
            label: this.get("label"),
            associatedURL: this.get("associatedURL")

, function(value, nodeName){

            // Don't serialize falsey values
              // Make new sub-node
              var imageSubnodeSerialized = objectDOM.ownerDocument.createElement(nodeName);
              // Append new sub-node to objectDOM



          return objectDOM;

         * Overrides the default Backbone.Model.validate.function() to
         * check if this PortalImage model has all the required values necessary
         * to save to the server.
         * @return {Object} If there are errors, an object comprising error
         *                   messages. If no errors, returns nothing.
        validate: function(){
          try {

            var errors          = {},
                requiredFields = MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalEditorRequiredFields"),
                label           = this.get("label"),
                url             = this.get("associatedURL"),
                id              = this.get("identifier"),
                genericLabels   = ["logo", "image"], // not set by the user
                hasLabel        = (label && typeof label == "string" && !genericLabels.includes(label)) ? true : false,
                hasURL          = (url && typeof url == "string") ? true : false,
                hasId           = (id && typeof id == "string") ? true : false,
                urlRegex        = new RegExp(/^(http:\/\/www\.|https:\/\/www\.|http:\/\/|https:\/\/)?[a-z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,5}(:[0-9]{1,5})?(\/.*)?$/);

            // If it's a logo, check whether it's a required image
            if(this.get("nodeName") === "logo" && requiredFields.logo && !hasId){
              errors["identifier"] = "An image is required."
              return errors
            // If it's a section image, check whether it's a required image
            else if(this.get("nodeName") === "image" && requiredFields.sectionImage && !hasId){
              errors["identifier"] = "An image is required."
              return errors
            // If none of the fields have values, the portalImage won't be serialized
            else if(!hasId && !hasURL && !hasLabel){

            // If the URL isn't a valid format, add an error message
            if(hasURL && !urlRegex.test(url)){
              errors["associatedURL"] = "Enter a valid URL."
            //If the URL is valid, check if there is an http or https protocol
            else if(hasURL && url.substring(0,4) != "http"){
              //If not, add the https protocol
              this.set("associatedURL", "https://" + url);

            return errors;

            console.error("Error validating a portal image. Error message:" + e);

         * isEmpty - Returns true if the PortalImage model has no label, no associatedURL, and no identifier
         * @return {boolean}  true if the model is empty, false if it has at least a label, url, or id
        isEmpty: function(){
          return (
            !this.get("label")          &&
            !this.get("associatedURL")  &&
          ) ;

        * Returns true if this PortalImage hasn't been saved to a Portal yet, so it is a new object.
        * For now, all PortalImages will be considered new objects since we will not be performing updates on them.
        * @return {boolean}
        isNew: function(){
          if( this.get("identifier") ){
            return false;
            return true;


      return PortalImageModel;