Source: src/js/models/metadata/eml211/EMLMethods.js

/* global define */
    function($, _, Backbone, DataONEObject, EMLMethodStep, EMLText) {

  * @class EMLMethods
  * @classdesc Represents the EML Methods module. The methods field documents scientific methods
              used in the collection of this dataset.  It includes information
              on items such as tools, instrument calibration and
  * @classcategory Models/Metadata/EML211
  * @extends Backbone.Model
  var EMLMethods = Backbone.Model.extend(
    /** @lends EMLMethods.prototype */{

    * The default values of this model that are get() or set()
    * @returns {object}
    * @property {string} objectXML The original XML snippet string from the EML XML
    * @property {Element} objectDOM The original XML snippet as an Element
    * @property {EMLMethodStep[]} methodSteps An array of EMLMethodSteps that describe the scientific method steps
    * @property {EMLText} studyExtentDescription The field studyExtent represents both a
                  specific sampling area and the sampling frequency (temporal
                  boundaries, frequency of occurrence).
    * @property {EMLText} samplingDescription The samplingDescription field allows for a
                  text-based/human readable description of the sampling
                  procedures used in the research project.
    defaults: function(){
      return {
        objectXML: null,
        objectDOM: null,
        methodSteps: [],
        studyExtentDescription: null,
        samplingDescription: null

    initialize: function(attributes){
      attributes = attributes || {};

      else if(attributes.objectXML){
        let objectDOM = $.parseHTML(attributes.objectXML)[0];
        this.set("objectDOM", objectDOM);
        //Create the custom method steps and add to the step list
        let customMethodSteps = this.createCustomMethodSteps();
        this.set("methodSteps", customMethodSteps);

      //specific attributes to listen to
      this.on("change:methodStepDescription change:studyExtentDescription change:samplingDescription",


     * Maps the lower-case EML node names (valid in HTML DOM) to the camel-cased EML node names (valid in EML).
     * Used during parse() and serialize()
     * @returns {object}
    nodeNameMap: function(){
      return _.extend(EMLMethodStep.prototype.nodeNameMap(), {
        "methodstep" : "methodStep",
        "datasource" : "dataSource",
        "studyextent" : "studyExtent",
        "spatialsamplingunits" : "spatialSamplingUnits",
        "referencedentityid" : "referencedEntityId",
        "qualitycontrol" : "qualityControl"

    parse: function(objectDOM) {
      var modelJSON = {};

      if (!objectDOM) var objectDOM = this.get("objectDOM");

      var model = this;

      //Create the custom method steps
      let customMethodSteps = this.createCustomMethodSteps();

      //Create new EMLMethodStep models for the method steps
      let allMethodSteps =$(objectDOM).find('methodstep'), function(el, i) {
                              return new EMLMethodStep({
                                objectDOM: el
          //Get the custom IDs for each method step, if there any
          allMethodStepIDs = _.compact( => { return step.get("customMethodID") }));

      //Filter out any custom method steps that we already created from the DOM
      customMethodSteps = customMethodSteps.filter(step => { return !allMethodStepIDs.includes(step.get("customMethodID")) });

      //Combine the parsed method steps and the default custom method steps
      allMethodSteps = allMethodSteps.concat(customMethodSteps);

      //Save the method steps to this model
      modelJSON.methodSteps = allMethodSteps;

      if ($(objectDOM).find('sampling studyextent description').length > 0) {
        modelJSON.studyExtentDescription = new EMLText({
          objectDOM: $(objectDOM).find('sampling studyextent description').get(0),
          type: 'description',
          parentModel: model

      if ($(objectDOM).find('sampling samplingdescription').length > 0) {
        modelJSON.samplingDescription = new EMLText({
          objectDOM: $(objectDOM).find('sampling samplingdescription').get(0),
          type: 'samplingDescription',
          parentModel: model

      return modelJSON;

    serialize: function(){
      var objectDOM = this.updateDOM();

        return "";

      var xmlString = objectDOM.outerHTML;

      //Camel-case the XML
      xmlString = this.formatXML(xmlString);

      return xmlString;

     * Makes a copy of the original XML DOM and updates it with the new values from the model.
    updateDOM: function(){
      var objectDOM;

      if (this.get("objectDOM")) {
        objectDOM = this.get("objectDOM").cloneNode(true);
      } else {
        objectDOM = $(document.createElement("methods"));

      objectDOM = $(objectDOM);

        var methodStepsFromModel = this.get('methodSteps'),
            regularMethodSteps = this.getNonCustomSteps(),
            customMethodSteps = _.difference(methodStepsFromModel, regularMethodSteps),
            sortedCustomMethodSteps = [],
            methodStepsFromDOM   = $(objectDOM).find("methodstep");

        //Detach the existing method steps from the DOM first


          //Sort the custom method steps to match the app config order
          let configCustomMethods = _.clone(MetacatUI.appModel.get("customEMLMethods") || []);
          if( configCustomMethods.length ){
            configCustomMethods.forEach( customOptions => {
              let matchingStep = customMethodSteps.find( step => { return customOptions.titleOptions.includes(step.get("description").get("title")) });
              if( matchingStep ){
          console.error("Could not sort the custom methods during serialization. Will proceed without sorting the custom method steps: ", e);
          sortedCustomMethodSteps = customMethodSteps;

        //Update each method step and prepend to the top of the methods (reverse arrays first to keep the right order)
        regularMethodSteps.reverse().concat(sortedCustomMethodSteps.reverse()).forEach(step => {
        console.error("Failed to serialize the method steps. Proceeding without updating. ", e);

        // Update the sampling metadata
        if (this.get('samplingDescription') || this.get('studyExtentDescription')) {

          var samplingEl    = $(document.createElement('sampling')),
              studyExtentEl = $(document.createElement('studyExtent')),
              missingStudyExtent = false,
              missingDescription = false;

          //If there is a study extent description, then create a DOM element for it and append it to the parent node
          if (this.get('studyExtentDescription') && !this.get('studyExtentDescription').isEmpty()) {

            //If the text matches the default "filler" text, then mark it as missing
            if( this.get('studyExtentDescription').get("text")[0] == "No study extent description provided."){
              missingStudyExtent = true;

          //If there isn't a study extent description, then mark it as missing and append the default "filler" text
          else {
            missingStudyExtent = true;
            $(studyExtentEl).append($(document.createElement('description')).html("<para>No study extent description provided.</para>"));

          //Add the study extent element to the sampling element

          //If there is a sampling description, then create a DOM element for it and append it to the parent node
          if (this.get('samplingDescription') && !this.get('samplingDescription').isEmpty()) {

            //If the text matches the default "filler" text, then mark it as missing
            if( this.get('samplingDescription').get("text")[0] == "No sampling description provided."){
              missingDescription = true;

          //If there isn't a study extent description, then mark it as missing and append the default "filler" text
          else {
            missingDescription = true;
            $(samplingEl).append($(document.createElement('samplingDescription')).html("<para>No sampling description provided.</para>"));

          //Find the existing <sampling> element
          var existingSampling = objectDOM.find("sampling");

          //Remove all the sampling nodes if there is no study extent and no description
          if(missingStudyExtent && missingDescription){
          //Replace the existing sampling element, if it exists
          else if( existingSampling.length > 0 ){
          //Or append a new one
        console.error("Error while serializing the study extent and sampling. Won't update. ", e);

      // Remove empty (zero-length or whitespace-only) nodes
      objectDOM.find("*").filter(function() { return $.trim(this.innerHTML) === ""; } ).remove();

      //Check if all the content is filler content. This means there are no method steps, no sampling description, and
      // no study extent description.
      if( objectDOM.find("samplingdescription").length == 1 &&
          objectDOM.find("samplingdescription para").text() == "No sampling description provided." &&
          objectDOM.find("studyextent").length == 1 &&
          objectDOM.find("studyextent description para").text() == "No study extent description provided." ){

          //If it is all empty / filler content, then totally remove the methods
          return "";


      //If there are sampling nodes listed before methodStep nodes, then reorder them
      if( objectDOM.children().index(objectDOM.find("methodstep").last()) >
            objectDOM.children().index(objectDOM.find("sampling").last()) ){

        //Detach all the sampling nodes and append them to the parent node
        objectDOM.append( objectDOM.children("sampling").detach() );


      //If there are sampling nodes but no method nodes, make method nodes
      if( objectDOM.find("samplingdescription").length > 0 &&
          objectDOM.find("studyextent").length > 0){
        //Make a filler method node
            objectDOM.prepend("<methodstep><description><para>No method step description provided.</para></description></methodstep>");
        else if(objectDOM.find("methodstep").length > 1){
          //If there is more than one method step, remove any that have the default filler text
          objectDOM.find("methodstep:contains('No method step description provided.')").remove();
          //Double check that there is always at least one method step (or there will be an EML validation error)
            objectDOM.prepend("<methodstep><description><para>No method step description provided.</para></description></methodstep>");


       return objectDOM.length? objectDOM[0] : objectDOM;

    * Creates a new EMLMethodStep model and adds it to this model
    * @param {object} [attr] A literal object of attributes to set on the EMLMethodStep
    * @since 2.19.0
    addMethodStep: function(attr){


          let attr = {}

        let newStep = new EMLMethodStep(attr);
        this.set("methodSteps", this.get("methodSteps"));
        return newStep;



    * Removes the given EMLMethodStep from the overall EMLMethods
    * @param {EMLMethodStep} step The EMLMethodStep to remove
    * @since 2.19.0
    removeMethodStep: function(step){

        if( !step ) return;

        //Remove the EMLMethodStep from the steps list
        this.set("methodSteps", _.without(this.get("methodSteps"), step));

        //If this was the last step to be removed, and the rest of the EMLMethods
        // model is empty, then remove the model from the parent EML model
        if( this.isEmpty() ){
          //Get the parent EML model
          var parentEML = this.getParentEML();

          //Make sure this model type is EML211
          if( parentEML && parentEML.type == "EML" ){

            //If the methods are an array,
            if( Array.isArray(parentEML.get("methods")) ){
              //remove this EMLMethods model from the array
              parentEML.set( "methods", _.without(parentEML.get("methods"), this) );
              //If the methods attribute is set to this EMLMethods model,
              // then just set it back to it's default
              if( parentEML.get("methods") == this )
                parentEML.set("methods", parentEML.defaults().methods);



        console.error("Error while trying to remove a method step: ", e);

    * Returns the EMLMethodSteps that are not custom methods, as configured in {@link AppConfig#customEMLMethods}
    * @returns {EMLMethodStep[]}
    * @since 2.19.0
    getNonCustomSteps: function(){
      return this.get("methodSteps").filter(step => !step.isCustom());

    * Returns the EMLMethodSteps that are custom methods, as configured in {@link AppConfig#customEMLMethods}
    * @returns {EMLMethodStep[]}
    * @since 2.19.0
    getCustomSteps: function(){
      return this.get("methodSteps").filter(step => step.isCustom());

    *  function isEmpty() - Will check if there are any values set on this model
    * that are different than the default values and would be serialized to the EML.
    * @return {boolean} - Returns true is this model is empty, false if not
    isEmpty: function(){

      var methodsStepsEmpty = false,
          studyExtentEmpty = false,
          samplingEmpty = false;

      if( !this.get("methodSteps").length || !this.get("methodSteps") || this.get("methodSteps").every(step => step.isEmpty()) ){
        methodsStepsEmpty = true;

      if( this.get("studyExtentDescription") == this.defaults().studyExtentDescription ||
          !this.get("studyExtentDescription") ||
          (this.get("studyExtentDescription").isEmpty && this.get("studyExtentDescription").isEmpty()) ||
          (Array.isArray(this.get("studyExtentDescription")) && !this.get("studyExtentDescription").length ) ||
          (Array.isArray(this.get("studyExtentDescription")) &&
           this.get("studyExtentDescription").length == 1 &&
           this.get("studyExtentDescription")[0].get("text").length == 1 &&
           this.get("studyExtentDescription")[0].get("text")[0] == "No study extent description provided.") ){

          studyExtentEmpty = true;


      if( this.get("samplingDescription") == this.defaults().samplingDescription ||
          !this.get("samplingDescription") ||
          (this.get("samplingDescription").isEmpty && this.get("samplingDescription").isEmpty()) ||
          (Array.isArray(this.get("samplingDescription")) && !this.get("samplingDescription").length ) ||
          (Array.isArray(this.get("samplingDescription")) &&
           this.get("samplingDescription").length == 1 &&
           this.get("samplingDescription")[0].get("text").length == 1 &&
           this.get("samplingDescription")[0].get("text")[0] == "No sampling description provided.") ){

          samplingEmpty = true;


      if( methodsStepsEmpty && studyExtentEmpty && samplingEmpty )
        return true;


    * Overloads Backbone.Model.validate() to check if this model has valid values set on it.
    * For now, only the custom method steps are validated, because they could be required.
    * @extends Backbone.Model.validate
    * @returns {object}
    validate: function(){


        let validationErrors = {}

        //Validate each custom Method Step
        let customSteps = this.getCustomSteps(),
            methodStepValidationErrors = {};

        customSteps.forEach(step => {
          if( !step.isValid() ){
           methodStepValidationErrors[step.get("customMethodID")] = step.validationError;

        if( Object.keys(methodStepValidationErrors).length ){
          validationErrors.methodSteps = methodStepValidationErrors;

        //Check for the required fields
        let isRequired = MetacatUI.appModel.get("emlEditorRequiredFields").methods === true;
        if( isRequired ){
          let steps = this.getNonCustomSteps();
          if( !steps || !steps.length){
            validationErrors.methodSteps = "At least one method step is required.";

        return Object.keys(validationErrors).length? validationErrors : false;

        console.error("Error while validating the Methods: ", e);
        return false;


    * Climbs up the model heirarchy until it finds the EML model
    * @return {EML211|false} - Returns the EML 211 Model or false if not found
    getParentEML: function(){
      var emlModel = this.get("parentModel"),
          tries = 0;

      while (emlModel.type !== "EML" && tries < 6){
        emlModel = emlModel.get("parentModel");

      if( emlModel && emlModel.type == "EML")
        return emlModel;
        return false;


    trickleUpChange: function(){
      MetacatUI.rootDataPackage.packageModel.set("changed", true);

    formatXML: function(xmlString){
      return, xmlString);

    * Creates and returns the custom Method Step models, as configured in the {@link AppConfig}
    * @returns {EMLMethodStep[]}
    * @since 2.19.0
    createCustomMethodSteps: function(){
      //Get the custom methods configured in the app
      let configCustomMethods = MetacatUI.appModel.get("customEMLMethods"),
          customMethods = [];

      //If there is at least one
      configCustomMethods.forEach(config => {
        customMethods.push(new EMLMethodStep({
          required: config.required

      return customMethods;

  return EMLMethods;