Source: src/js/models/metadata/eml211/EML211.js

], function (
) {
   * @class EML211
   * @classdesc An EML211 object represents an Ecological Metadata Language
   * document, version 2.1.1
   * @classcategory Models/Metadata/EML211
   * @extends ScienceMetadata
  var EML211 = ScienceMetadata.extend(
    /** @lends EML211.prototype */ {
      type: "EML",

      defaults: function () {
        return _.extend(ScienceMetadata.prototype.defaults(), {
          id: "urn:uuid:" + uuid.v4(),
          formatId: "",
          objectXML: null,
          isEditable: false,
          alternateIdentifier: [],
          shortName: null,
          title: [],
          creator: [], // array of EMLParty objects
          metadataProvider: [], // array of EMLParty objects
          associatedParty: [], // array of EMLParty objects
          contact: [], // array of EMLParty objects
          publisher: [], // array of EMLParty objects
          pubDate: null,
          language: null,
          series: null,
          abstract: [], //array of EMLText objects
          keywordSets: [], //array of EMLKeywordSet objects
          additionalInfo: [],
            "This work is dedicated to the public domain under the Creative Commons Universal 1.0 Public Domain Dedication. To view a copy of this dedication, visit",
          distribution: [], // array of EMLDistribution objects
          geoCoverage: [], //an array for EMLGeoCoverages
          temporalCoverage: [], //an array of EMLTempCoverage models
          taxonCoverage: [], //an array of EMLTaxonCoverages
          purpose: [],
          entities: [], //An array of EMLEntities
          pubplace: null,
          methods: new EMLMethods(), // An EMLMethods objects
          project: null, // An EMLProject object,
          annotations: null, // Dataset-level annotations
          canonicalDataset: null,
          nodeOrder: [

      units: new Units(),

      initialize: function (attributes) {
        // Call initialize for the super class, attributes);

        // EML211-specific init goes here
        // this.set("objectXML", this.createXML());

        this.on("sync", function () {
          this.set("synced", true);

        this.stopListening(this, "change:canonicalDataset");

        //Create a Unit collection
        if (!this.units.length) this.createUnits();

      url: function (options) {
        var identifier;
        if (options && options.update) {
          identifier = this.get("oldPid") || this.get("seriesid");
        } else {
          identifier = this.get("id") || this.get("seriesid");
        return (
          MetacatUI.appModel.get("objectServiceUrl") +

       * Update the canonoical dataset URI in the annotations collection to
       * match the canonicalDataset value on this model.
      updateCanonicalDataset() {
        let uri = this.get("canonicalDataset");
        if (uri && Array.isArray(uri) && uri.length) {
          [uri] = uri;
        if (uri && Array.isArray(uri) && uri.length) {
          [uri] = uri;
        let annotations = this.get("annotations");
        if (!annotations) {
          annotations = new EMLAnnotations();
          this.set("annotations", annotations);

       * Maps the lower-case EML node names (valid in HTML DOM) to the camel-cased EML node names (valid in EML).
       * Used during parse() and serialize()
      nodeNameMap: function () {
        return _.extend(
            accuracyreport: "accuracyReport",
            actionlist: "actionList",
            additionalclassifications: "additionalClassifications",
            additionalinfo: "additionalInfo",
            additionallinks: "additionalLinks",
            additionalmetadata: "additionalMetadata",
            allowfirst: "allowFirst",
            alternateidentifier: "alternateIdentifier",
            altitudedatumname: "altitudeDatumName",
            altitudedistanceunits: "altitudeDistanceUnits",
            altituderesolution: "altitudeResolution",
            altitudeencodingmethod: "altitudeEncodingMethod",
            altitudesysdef: "altitudeSysDef",
            asneeded: "asNeeded",
            associatedparty: "associatedParty",
            attributeaccuracyexplanation: "attributeAccuracyExplanation",
            attributeaccuracyreport: "attributeAccuracyReport",
            attributeaccuracyvalue: "attributeAccuracyValue",
            attributedefinition: "attributeDefinition",
            attributelabel: "attributeLabel",
            attributelist: "attributeList",
            attributename: "attributeName",
            attributeorientation: "attributeOrientation",
            attributereference: "attributeReference",
            awardnumber: "awardNumber",
            awardurl: "awardUrl",
            audiovisual: "audioVisual",
            authsystem: "authSystem",
            banddescription: "bandDescription",
            bilinearfit: "bilinearFit",
            binaryrasterformat: "binaryRasterFormat",
            blockedmembernode: "blockedMemberNode",
            booktitle: "bookTitle",
            casesensitive: "caseSensitive",
            cellgeometry: "cellGeometry",
            cellsizexdirection: "cellSizeXDirection",
            cellsizeydirection: "cellSizeYDirection",
            changehistory: "changeHistory",
            changedate: "changeDate",
            changescope: "changeScope",
            chapternumber: "chapterNumber",
            characterencoding: "characterEncoding",
            checkcondition: "checkCondition",
            checkconstraint: "checkConstraint",
            childoccurences: "childOccurences",
            citableclassificationsystem: "citableClassificationSystem",
            cloudcoverpercentage: "cloudCoverPercentage",
            codedefinition: "codeDefinition",
            codeexplanation: "codeExplanation",
            codesetname: "codesetName",
            codeseturl: "codesetURL",
            collapsedelimiters: "collapseDelimiters",
            communicationtype: "communicationType",
            compressiongenerationquality: "compressionGenerationQuality",
            compressionmethod: "compressionMethod",
            conferencedate: "conferenceDate",
            conferencelocation: "conferenceLocation",
            conferencename: "conferenceName",
            conferenceproceedings: "conferenceProceedings",
            constraintdescription: "constraintDescription",
            constraintname: "constraintName",
            constanttosi: "constantToSI",
            controlpoint: "controlPoint",
            cornerpoint: "cornerPoint",
            customunit: "customUnit",
            dataformat: "dataFormat",
            datasetgpolygon: "datasetGPolygon",
            datasetgpolygonoutergring: "datasetGPolygonOuterGRing",
            datasetgpolygonexclusiongring: "datasetGPolygonExclusionGRing",
            datatable: "dataTable",
            datatype: "dataType",
            datetime: "dateTime",
            datetimedomain: "dateTimeDomain",
            datetimeprecision: "dateTimePrecision",
            defaultvalue: "defaultValue",
            definitionattributereference: "definitionAttributeReference",
            denomflatratio: "denomFlatRatio",
            depthsysdef: "depthSysDef",
            depthdatumname: "depthDatumName",
            depthdistanceunits: "depthDistanceUnits",
            depthencodingmethod: "depthEncodingMethod",
            depthresolution: "depthResolution",
            descriptorvalue: "descriptorValue",
            dictref: "dictRef",
            diskusage: "diskUsage",
            domainDescription: "domainDescription",
            editedbook: "editedBook",
            encodingmethod: "encodingMethod",
            endcondition: "endCondition",
            entitycodelist: "entityCodeList",
            entitydescription: "entityDescription",
            entityname: "entityName",
            entityreference: "entityReference",
            entitytype: "entityType",
            enumerateddomain: "enumeratedDomain",
            errorbasis: "errorBasis",
            errorvalues: "errorValues",
            externalcodeset: "externalCodeSet",
            externallydefinedformat: "externallyDefinedFormat",
            fielddelimiter: "fieldDelimiter",
            fieldstartcolumn: "fieldStartColumn",
            fieldwidth: "fieldWidth",
            foreignkey: "foreignKey",
            formatname: "formatName",
            formatstring: "formatString",
            formatversion: "formatVersion",
            fractiondigits: "fractionDigits",
            fundername: "funderName",
            funderidentifier: "funderIdentifier",
            gettingstarted: "gettingStarted",
            gring: "gRing",
            gringpoint: "gRingPoint",
            gringlatitude: "gRingLatitude",
            gringlongitude: "gRingLongitude",
            geogcoordsys: "geogCoordSys",
            geometricobjectcount: "geometricObjectCount",
            georeferenceinfo: "georeferenceInfo",
            highwavelength: "highWavelength",
            horizontalaccuracy: "horizontalAccuracy",
            horizcoordsysdef: "horizCoordSysDef",
            horizcoordsysname: "horizCoordSysName",
            identifiername: "identifierName",
            illuminationazimuthangle: "illuminationAzimuthAngle",
            illuminationelevationangle: "illuminationElevationAngle",
            imagingcondition: "imagingCondition",
            imagequalitycode: "imageQualityCode",
            imageorientationangle: "imageOrientationAngle",
            intellectualrights: "intellectualRights",
            imagedescription: "imageDescription",
            isbn: "ISBN",
            issn: "ISSN",
            joincondition: "joinCondition",
            keywordtype: "keywordType",
            languagevalue: "LanguageValue",
            languagecodestandard: "LanguageCodeStandard",
            licensename: "licenseName",
            licenseurl: "licenseURL",
            linenumber: "lineNumber",
            literalcharacter: "literalCharacter",
            literallayout: "literalLayout",
            literaturecited: "literatureCited",
            lowwavelength: "lowWaveLength",
            machineprocessor: "machineProcessor",
            maintenanceupdatefrequency: "maintenanceUpdateFrequency",
            matrixtype: "matrixType",
            maxexclusive: "maxExclusive",
            maxinclusive: "maxInclusive",
            maxlength: "maxLength",
            maxrecordlength: "maxRecordLength",
            maxvalues: "maxValues",
            measurementscale: "measurementScale",
            metadatalist: "metadataList",
            methodstep: "methodStep",
            minexclusive: "minExclusive",
            mininclusive: "minInclusive",
            minlength: "minLength",
            minvalues: "minValues",
            missingvaluecode: "missingValueCode",
            moduledocs: "moduleDocs",
            modulename: "moduleName",
            moduledescription: "moduleDescription",
            multiband: "multiBand",
            multipliertosi: "multiplierToSI",
            nonnumericdomain: "nonNumericDomain",
            notnullconstraint: "notNullConstraint",
            notplanned: "notPlanned",
            numberofbands: "numberOfBands",
            numbertype: "numberType",
            numericdomain: "numericDomain",
            numfooterlines: "numFooterLines",
            numheaderlines: "numHeaderLines",
            numberofrecords: "numberOfRecords",
            numberofvolumes: "numberOfVolumes",
            numphysicallinesperrecord: "numPhysicalLinesPerRecord",
            objectname: "objectName",
            oldvalue: "oldValue",
            operatingsystem: "operatingSystem",
            orderattributereference: "orderAttributeReference",
            originalpublication: "originalPublication",
            otherentity: "otherEntity",
            othermaintenanceperiod: "otherMaintenancePeriod",
            parameterdefinition: "parameterDefinition",
            packageid: "packageId",
            pagerange: "pageRange",
            parentoccurences: "parentOccurences",
            parentsi: "parentSI",
            peakresponse: "peakResponse",
            personalcommunication: "personalCommunication",
            physicallinedelimiter: "physicalLineDelimiter",
            pointinpixel: "pointInPixel",
            preferredmembernode: "preferredMemberNode",
            preprocessingtypecode: "preProcessingTypeCode",
            primarykey: "primaryKey",
            primemeridian: "primeMeridian",
            proceduralstep: "proceduralStep",
            programminglanguage: "programmingLanguage",
            projcoordsys: "projCoordSys",
            projectionlist: "projectionList",
            propertyuri: "propertyURI",
            pubdate: "pubDate",
            pubplace: "pubPlace",
            publicationplace: "publicationPlace",
            quantitativeaccuracyreport: "quantitativeAccuracyReport",
            quantitativeaccuracyvalue: "quantitativeAccuracyValue",
            quantitativeaccuracymethod: "quantitativeAccuracyMethod",
            querystatement: "queryStatement",
            quotecharacter: "quoteCharacter",
            radiometricdataavailability: "radiometricDataAvailability",
            rasterorigin: "rasterOrigin",
            recommendedunits: "recommendedUnits",
            recommendedusage: "recommendedUsage",
            referencedkey: "referencedKey",
            referencetype: "referenceType",
            relatedentry: "relatedEntry",
            relationshiptype: "relationshipType",
            reportnumber: "reportNumber",
            reprintedition: "reprintEdition",
            researchproject: "researchProject",
            researchtopic: "researchTopic",
            recorddelimiter: "recordDelimiter",
            referencepublication: "referencePublication",
            revieweditem: "reviewedItem",
            rowcolumnorientation: "rowColumnOrientation",
            runtimememoryusage: "runtimeMemoryUsage",
            samplingdescription: "samplingDescription",
            scalefactor: "scaleFactor",
            sequenceidentifier: "sequenceIdentifier",
            semiaxismajor: "semiAxisMajor",
            shortname: "shortName",
            simpledelimited: "simpleDelimited",
            spatialraster: "spatialRaster",
            spatialreference: "spatialReference",
            spatialvector: "spatialVector",
            standalone: "standAlone",
            standardunit: "standardUnit",
            startcondition: "startCondition",
            studyareadescription: "studyAreaDescription",
            storagetype: "storageType",
            studyextent: "studyExtent",
            studytype: "studyType",
            textdelimited: "textDelimited",
            textdomain: "textDomain",
            textfixed: "textFixed",
            textformat: "textFormat",
            topologylevel: "topologyLevel",
            tonegradation: "toneGradation",
            totaldigits: "totalDigits",
            totalfigures: "totalFigures",
            totalpages: "totalPages",
            totaltables: "totalTables",
            triangulationindicator: "triangulationIndicator",
            typesystem: "typeSystem",
            uniquekey: "uniqueKey",
            unittype: "unitType",
            unitlist: "unitList",
            usagecitation: "usageCitation",
            valueuri: "valueURI",
            valueattributereference: "valueAttributeReference",
            verticalaccuracy: "verticalAccuracy",
            vertcoordsys: "vertCoordSys",
            virtualmachine: "virtualMachine",
            wavelengthunits: "waveLengthUnits",
            whitespace: "whiteSpace",
            xintercept: "xIntercept",
            xcoordinate: "xCoordinate",
            "xsi:schemalocation": "xsi:schemaLocation",
            xslope: "xSlope",
            ycoordinate: "yCoordinate",
            yintercept: "yIntercept",
            yslope: "ySlope",

       * Fetch the EML from the MN object service
       * @param {object} [options] - A set of options for this fetch()
       * @property {boolean} [options.systemMetadataOnly=false] - If true, only the system metadata will be fetched.
       * If false, the system metadata AND EML document will be fetched.
      fetch: function (options) {
        if (!options) var options = {};

        //Add the authorization header and other AJAX settings
        _.extend(options, MetacatUI.appUserModel.createAjaxSettings(), {
          dataType: "text",

        // Merge the system metadata into the object first
        _.extend(options, { merge: true });

        //If we are retrieving system metadata only, then exit now
        if (options.systemMetadataOnly) return;

        //Call Backbone.Model.fetch to retrieve the info
        return, options);

         Deserialize an EML 2.1.1 XML document
      parse: function (response) {
        // Save a reference to this model for use in setting the
        // parentModel inside anonymous functions
        var model = this;

        //If the response is XML
        if (typeof response == "string" && response.indexOf("<") == 0) {
          //Look for a system metadata tag and call DataONEObject parse instead
          if (response.indexOf("systemMetadata>") > -1)
            return, response);

          response = this.cleanUpXML(response);
          response = this.dereference(response);
          this.set("objectXML", response);
          var emlElement = $($.parseHTML(response)).filter("eml\\:eml");

        var datasetEl;
        if (emlElement[0]) datasetEl = $(emlElement[0]).find("dataset");

        if (!datasetEl || !datasetEl.length) return {};

        var emlParties = [
          emlDistribution = ["distribution"],
          emlEntities = [
          emlText = ["abstract", "additionalinfo"],
          emlMethods = ["methods"];

        var nodes = datasetEl.children(),
          modelJSON = {};

        for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
          var thisNode = nodes[i];
          var convertedName =
            this.nodeNameMap()[thisNode.localName] || thisNode.localName;

          //EML Party modules are stored in EMLParty models
          if (_.contains(emlParties, thisNode.localName)) {
            if (thisNode.localName == "metadataprovider")
              var attributeName = "metadataProvider";
            else if (thisNode.localName == "associatedparty")
              var attributeName = "associatedParty";
            else var attributeName = thisNode.localName;

            if (typeof modelJSON[attributeName] == "undefined")
              modelJSON[attributeName] = [];

              new EMLParty({
                objectDOM: thisNode,
                parentModel: model,
                type: attributeName,
          //EML Distribution modules are stored in EMLDistribution models
          else if (_.contains(emlDistribution, thisNode.localName)) {
            if (typeof modelJSON[thisNode.localName] == "undefined")
              modelJSON[thisNode.localName] = [];

              new EMLDistribution(
                  objectDOM: thisNode,
                  parentModel: model,
                { parse: true },
          //The EML Project is stored in the EMLProject model
          else if (thisNode.localName == "project") {
            modelJSON.project = new EMLProject({
              objectDOM: thisNode,
              parentModel: model,
          //EML Temporal, Taxonomic, and Geographic Coverage modules are stored in their own models
          else if (thisNode.localName == "coverage") {
            var temporal = $(thisNode).children("temporalcoverage"),
              geo = $(thisNode).children("geographiccoverage"),
              taxon = $(thisNode).children("taxonomiccoverage");

            if (temporal.length) {
              modelJSON.temporalCoverage = [];

              _.each(temporal, function (t) {
                  new EMLTemporalCoverage({
                    objectDOM: t,
                    parentModel: model,

            if (geo.length) {
              modelJSON.geoCoverage = [];
              _.each(geo, function (g) {
                  new EMLGeoCoverage({
                    objectDOM: g,
                    parentModel: model,

            if (taxon.length) {
              modelJSON.taxonCoverage = [];
              _.each(taxon, function (t) {
                  new EMLTaxonCoverage({
                    objectDOM: t,
                    parentModel: model,
          //Parse EMLText modules
          else if (_.contains(emlText, thisNode.localName)) {
            if (typeof modelJSON[convertedName] == "undefined")
              modelJSON[convertedName] = [];

              new EMLText({
                objectDOM: thisNode,
                parentModel: model,
          } else if (_.contains(emlMethods, thisNode.localName)) {
            if (typeof modelJSON[thisNode.localName] === "undefined")
              modelJSON[thisNode.localName] = [];

            modelJSON[thisNode.localName] = new EMLMethods({
              objectDOM: thisNode,
              parentModel: model,
          //Parse keywords
          else if (thisNode.localName == "keywordset") {
            //Start an array of keyword sets
            if (typeof modelJSON["keywordSets"] == "undefined")
              modelJSON["keywordSets"] = [];

              new EMLKeywordSet({
                objectDOM: thisNode,
                parentModel: model,
          //Parse intellectual rights
          else if (thisNode.localName == "intellectualrights") {
            var value = "";

            if ($(thisNode).children("para").length == 1)
              value = $(thisNode).children("para").first().text().trim();
            else $(thisNode).text().trim();

            //If the value is one of our pre-defined options, then add it to the model
            //if(_.contains(this.get("intellRightsOptions"), value))
            modelJSON["intellectualRights"] = value;
          //Parse Entities
          else if (_.contains(emlEntities, thisNode.localName)) {
            //Start an array of Entities
            if (typeof modelJSON["entities"] == "undefined")
              modelJSON["entities"] = [];

            //Create the model
            var entityModel;
            if (thisNode.localName == "otherentity") {
              entityModel = new EMLOtherEntity(
                  objectDOM: thisNode,
                  parentModel: model,
                  parse: true,
            } else if (thisNode.localName == "datatable") {
              entityModel = new EMLDataTable(
                  objectDOM: thisNode,
                  parentModel: model,
                  parse: true,
            } else {
              entityModel = new EMLEntity(
                  objectDOM: thisNode,
                  parentModel: model,
                  entityType: "application/octet-stream",
                  type: thisNode.localName,
                  parse: true,

          //Parse dataset-level annotations
          else if (thisNode.localName === "annotation") {
            if (!modelJSON["annotations"]) {
              modelJSON["annotations"] = new EMLAnnotations();

            var annotationModel = new EMLAnnotation(
                objectDOM: thisNode,
              { parse: true },

          } else {
            //Is this a multi-valued field in EML?
            if (Array.isArray(this.get(convertedName))) {
              //If we already have a value for this field, then add this value to the array
              if (Array.isArray(modelJSON[convertedName]))
              //If it's the first value for this field, then create a new array
              else modelJSON[convertedName] = [this.toJson(thisNode)];
            } else modelJSON[convertedName] = this.toJson(thisNode);

        // Once all the nodes have been parsed, check if any of the annotations
        // make up a canonical dataset reference
        const annotations = modelJSON["annotations"];
        if (annotations) {
          const canonicalDataset = annotations.getCanonicalURI();
          if (canonicalDataset) {
            modelJSON["canonicalDataset"] = canonicalDataset;

        return modelJSON;

       * Retireves the model attributes and serializes into EML XML, to produce the new or modified EML document.
       * Returns the EML XML as a string.
      serialize: function () {
        //Get the EML document
        var xmlString = this.get("objectXML"),
          html = $.parseHTML(xmlString),
          eml = $(html).filter("eml\\:eml"),
          datasetNode = $(eml).find("dataset");

        //Update the packageId on the eml node with the EML id
        $(eml).attr("packageId", this.get("id"));

        // Set id attribute on dataset node if needed
        if (this.get("xmlID")) {
          $(datasetNode).attr("id", this.get("xmlID"));

        // Set schema version
          MetacatUI.appModel.get("editorSerializationFormat") ||

        // Set formatID
          MetacatUI.appModel.get("editorSerializationFormat") ||

        // Ensure xsi:schemaLocation has a value for the current format
        eml = this.setSchemaLocation(eml);

        var nodeNameMap = this.nodeNameMap();

        // Serialize the basic text fields
        const basicText = ["alternateIdentifier", "title", "shortName"];
          function (fieldName) {
            var basicTextValues = this.get(fieldName);

            if (!Array.isArray(basicTextValues))
              basicTextValues = [basicTextValues];

            // Remove existing nodes

            // Create new nodes
            var nodes =, function (value) {
              if (value) {
                var node = document.createElement(fieldName.toLowerCase());
                return node;
              } else {
                return "";

            var insertAfter = this.getEMLPosition(eml, fieldName.toLowerCase());

            if (insertAfter) {
            } else {

        // Serialize pubDate
        // This one is special because it has a default behavior, unlike
        // the others: When no pubDate is set, it should be set to
        // the current year
        var pubDate = this.get("pubDate");


        if (pubDate != null && pubDate.length > 0) {
          var pubDateEl = document.createElement("pubdate");


          this.getEMLPosition(eml, "pubdate").after(pubDateEl);

        // Serialize the parts of EML that are eml-text modules
        var textFields = ["abstract", "additionalInfo"];

          function (field) {
            var fieldName = this.nodeNameMap()[field] || field;

            // Get the EMLText model
            var emlTextModels = Array.isArray(this.get(field))
              ? this.get(field)
              : [this.get(field)];
            if (!emlTextModels.length) return;

            // Get the node from the EML doc
            var nodes = datasetNode.find(fieldName);

            // Update the DOMs for each model
              function (thisTextModel, i) {
                //Don't serialize falsey values
                if (!thisTextModel) return;

                var node;

                //Get the existing node or create a new one
                if (nodes.length < i + 1) {
                  node = document.createElement(fieldName);
                  this.getEMLPosition(eml, fieldName).after(node);
                } else {
                  node = nodes[i];


            // Remove the extra nodes
            this.removeExtraNodes(nodes, emlTextModels);

        //Create a <coverage> XML node if there isn't one
        if (datasetNode.children("coverage").length === 0) {
          var coverageNode = $(document.createElement("coverage")),
            coveragePosition = this.getEMLPosition(eml, "coverage");

          if (coveragePosition) coveragePosition.after(coverageNode);
          else datasetNode.append(coverageNode);
        } else {
          var coverageNode = datasetNode.children("coverage").first();

        //Serialize the geographic coverage
        if (
          typeof this.get("geoCoverage") !== "undefined" &&
          this.get("geoCoverage").length > 0
        ) {
          // Don't serialize if geoCoverage is invalid
          var validCoverages = _.filter(
            function (cov) {
              return cov.isValid();

          //Get the existing geo coverage nodes from the EML
          var existingGeoCov = datasetNode.find("geographiccoverage");

          //Update the DOM of each model
            function (cov, position) {
              //Update the existing node if it exists
              if (existingGeoCov.length - 1 >= position) {
              //Or, append new nodes
              else {
                var insertAfter = existingGeoCov.length
                  ? datasetNode.find("geographiccoverage").last()
                  : null;

                if (insertAfter) insertAfter.after(cov.updateDOM());
                else coverageNode.append(cov.updateDOM());

          //Remove existing taxon coverage nodes that don't have an accompanying model
        } else {
          //If there are no geographic coverages, remove the nodes

        //Serialize the taxonomic coverage
        if (
          typeof this.get("taxonCoverage") !== "undefined" &&
          this.get("taxonCoverage").length > 0
        ) {
          // Group the taxonomic coverage models into empty and non-empty
          var sortedTaxonModels = _.groupBy(
            function (t) {
              if (_.flatten(t.get("taxonomicClassification")).length > 0) {
                return "notEmpty";
              } else {
                return "empty";

          //Get the existing taxon coverage nodes from the EML
          var existingTaxonCov = coverageNode.children("taxonomiccoverage");

          //Iterate over each taxon coverage and update it's DOM
          if (
            sortedTaxonModels["notEmpty"] &&
            sortedTaxonModels["notEmpty"].length > 0
          ) {
            //Update the DOM of each model
              function (taxonCoverage, position) {
                //Update the existing taxonCoverage node if it exists
                if (existingTaxonCov.length - 1 >= position) {
                //Or, append new nodes
                else {

            //Remove existing taxon coverage nodes that don't have an accompanying model
            this.removeExtraNodes(existingTaxonCov, this.get("taxonCoverage"));
          //If all the taxon coverages are empty, remove the parent taxonomicCoverage node
          else if (
            !sortedTaxonModels["notEmpty"] ||
            sortedTaxonModels["notEmpty"].length == 0
          ) {

        //Serialize the temporal coverage
        var existingTemporalCoverages = datasetNode.find("temporalcoverage");

        //Update the DOM of each model
          function (temporalCoverage, position) {
            //Update the existing temporalCoverage node if it exists
            if (existingTemporalCoverages.length - 1 >= position) {
            //Or, append new nodes
            else {

        //Remove existing taxon coverage nodes that don't have an accompanying model

        //Remove the temporal coverage if it is empty
        if (!coverageNode.children("temporalcoverage").children().length) {

        //Remove the <coverage> node if it's empty
        if (coverageNode.children().length == 0) {

        // Dataset-level annotations

        if (this.get("annotations")) {
          this.get("annotations").each(function (annotation) {
            if (annotation.isEmpty()) {

            var after = this.getEMLPosition(eml, "annotation");

          }, this);

          //Since there is at least one annotation, the dataset node needs to have an id attribute.
          datasetNode.attr("id", this.getUniqueEntityId(this));

        //If there is no creator, create one from the user
        if (!this.get("creator").length) {
          var party = new EMLParty({ parentModel: this, type: "creator" });


          this.set("creator", [party]);

        //Serialize the creators
        this.serializeParties(eml, "creator");

        //Serialize the metadata providers
        this.serializeParties(eml, "metadataProvider");

        //Serialize the associated parties
        this.serializeParties(eml, "associatedParty");

        //Serialize the contacts
        this.serializeParties(eml, "contact");

        //Serialize the publishers
        this.serializeParties(eml, "publisher");

        // Serialize methods
        if (this.get("methods")) {
          //If the methods model is empty, remove it from the EML
          if (this.get("methods").isEmpty())
          else {
            //Serialize the methods model
            var methodsEl = this.get("methods").updateDOM();

            //If the methodsEl is an empty string or other falsey value, then remove the methods node
            if (!methodsEl || !$(methodsEl).children().length) {
            } else {
              //Add the <methods> node to the EML

              var insertAfter = this.getEMLPosition(eml, "methods");

              if (insertAfter) insertAfter.after(methodsEl);
              else datasetNode.append(methodsEl);
        //If there are no methods, then remove the methods nodes
        else {
          if (datasetNode.find("methods").length > 0) {

        //Serialize the keywords
        this.serializeKeywords(eml, "keywordSets");

        //Serialize the intellectual rights
        if (this.get("intellectualRights")) {
          if (datasetNode.find("intellectualRights").length)
              .html("<para>" + this.get("intellectualRights") + "</para>");
          else {
            this.getEMLPosition(eml, "intellectualrights").after(
                "<para>" + this.get("intellectualRights") + "</para>",

        // Serialize the distribution
        const distributions = this.get("distribution");
        if (distributions && distributions.length > 0) {
          // Remove existing nodes
          // Get the updated DOMs
          const distributionDOMs = => d.updateDOM());
          // Insert the updated DOMs in their correct positions
          distributionDOMs.forEach((dom, i) => {
            const insertAfter = this.getEMLPosition(eml, "distribution");
            if (insertAfter) {
            } else {

        //Detach the project elements from the DOM
        if (datasetNode.find("project").length) {

        //If there is an EMLProject, update its DOM
        if (this.get("project")) {
          this.getEMLPosition(eml, "project").after(

        //Get the existing taxon coverage nodes from the EML
        var existingEntities = datasetNode.find(
          "otherEntity, dataTable, spatialRaster, spatialVector, storedProcedure, view",

        //Serialize the entities
          function (entity, position) {
            //Update the existing node if it exists
            if (existingEntities.length - 1 >= position) {
              //Remove the entity from the EML
              //Insert it into the correct position
              this.getEMLPosition(eml, entity.get("type").toLowerCase()).after(
            //Or, append new nodes
            else {
              //Inser the entity into the correct position
              this.getEMLPosition(eml, entity.get("type").toLowerCase()).after(

        //Remove extra entities that have been removed
        var numExtraEntities =
          existingEntities.length - this.get("entities").length;
        for (
          var i = existingEntities.length - numExtraEntities;
          i < existingEntities.length;
        ) {

        //Do a final check to make sure there are no duplicate ids in the EML
        var elementsWithIDs = $(eml).find("[id]"),
          //Get an array of all the ids in this EML doc
          allIDs =, function (el) {
            return $(el).attr("id");

        //If there is at least one id in the EML...
        if (allIDs && allIDs.length) {
          //Boil the array down to just the unique values
          var uniqueIDs = _.uniq(allIDs);

          //If the unique array is shorter than the array of all ids,
          // then there is a duplicate somewhere
          if (uniqueIDs.length < allIDs.length) {
            //For each element in the EML that has an id,
            _.each(elementsWithIDs, function (el) {
              //Get the id for this element
              var id = $(el).attr("id");

              //If there is more than one element in the EML with this id,
              if ($(eml).find("[id='" + id + "']").length > 1) {
                //And if it is not a unit node, which we don't want to change,
                if (!$(el).is("unit"))
                  //Then change the id attribute to a random uuid
                  $(el).attr("id", "urn-uuid-" + uuid.v4());

        //Camel-case the XML
        var emlString = "";
          function (rootEMLNode) {
            emlString += this.formatXML(rootEMLNode);

        return emlString;

       * Given an EML DOM and party type, this function updated and/or adds the EMLParties to the EML
      serializeParties: function (eml, type) {
        //Remove the nodes from the EML for this party type

        //Serialize each party of this type
          function (party, i) {
            //Get the last node of this type to insert after
            var insertAfter = $(eml)

            //If there isn't a node found, find the EML position to insert after
            if (!insertAfter.length) {
              insertAfter = this.getEMLPosition(eml, type);

            //Update the DOM of the EMLParty
            var emlPartyDOM = party.updateDOM();

            //Make sure we don't insert empty EMLParty nodes into the EML
            if ($(emlPartyDOM).children().length) {
              //Insert the party DOM at the insert position
              if (insertAfter && insertAfter.length)
              //If an insert position still hasn't been found, then just append to the dataset node
              else $(eml).find("dataset").append(emlPartyDOM);

        //Create a certain parties from the current app user if none is given
        if (type == "contact" && !this.get("contact").length) {
          //Get the creators
          var creators = this.get("creator"),
            contacts = [];

            function (creator) {
              //Clone the creator model and add it to the contacts array
              var newModel = new EMLParty({ parentModel: this });
              newModel.set("type", type);


          this.set(type, contacts);

          //Call this function again to serialize the new models
          this.serializeParties(eml, type);

      serializeKeywords: function (eml) {
        // Remove all existing keywordSets before appending

        if (this.get("keywordSets").length == 0) return;

        // Create the new keywordSets nodes
        var nodes ="keywordSets"), function (kwd) {
          return kwd.updateDOM();

        this.getEMLPosition(eml, "keywordset").after(nodes);

       * Remoes nodes from the EML that do not have an accompanying model
       * (Were probably removed from the EML by the user during editing)
      removeExtraNodes: function (nodes, models) {
        // Remove the extra nodes
        var extraNodes = nodes.length - models.length;
        if (extraNodes > 0) {
          for (var i = models.length; i < nodes.length; i++) {

       * Saves the EML document to the server using the DataONE API
      save: function (attributes, options) {
        //Validate before we try anything else
        if (!this.isValid()) {
          return false;
        } else {


        //Set the upload transfer as in progress
        this.set("uploadStatus", "p");

        //Reset the draftSaved attribute
        this.set("draftSaved", false);

        //Create the creator from the current user if none is provided
        if (!this.get("creator").length) {
          var party = new EMLParty({ parentModel: this, type: "creator" });


          this.set("creator", [party]);

        //Create the contact from the current user if none is provided
        if (!this.get("contact").length) {
          var party = new EMLParty({ parentModel: this, type: "contact" });


          this.set("contact", [party]);

        //If this is an existing object and there is no system metadata, retrieve it
        if (!this.isNew() && !this.get("sysMetaXML")) {
          var model = this;

          //When the system metadata is fetched, try saving again
          var fetchOptions = {
            success: function (response) {
              model.set(, response));
    , options);

          //Fetch the system metadata now


        //Create a FormData object to send data with our XHR
        var formData = new FormData();

        try {
          //Add the identifier to the XHR data
          if (this.isNew()) {
            formData.append("pid", this.get("id"));
          } else {
            //Create a new ID

            //Add the ids to the form data
            formData.append("newPid", this.get("id"));
            formData.append("pid", this.get("oldPid"));

          //Serialize the EML XML
          var xml = this.serialize();
          var xmlBlob = new Blob([xml], { type: "application/xml" });

          //Get the size of the new EML XML
          this.set("size", xmlBlob.size);

          //Get the new checksum of the EML XML
          var checksum = md5(xml);
          this.set("checksum", checksum);
          this.set("checksumAlgorithm", "MD5");

          //Create the system metadata XML
          var sysMetaXML = this.serializeSysMeta();

          //Send the system metadata as a Blob
          var sysMetaXMLBlob = new Blob([sysMetaXML], {
            type: "application/xml",

          //Add the object XML and System Metadata XML to the form data
          //Append the system metadata first, so we can take advantage of Metacat's streaming multipart handler
          formData.append("sysmeta", sysMetaXMLBlob, "sysmeta");
          formData.append("object", xmlBlob);
        } catch (error) {
          //Reset the identifier since we didn't actually update the object

          this.set("uploadStatus", "e");
          return false;

        var model = this;
        var saveOptions = options || {};
            data: formData,
            cache: false,
            contentType: false,
            dataType: "text",
            processData: false,
            parse: false,
            //Use the URL function to determine the URL
            url: this.isNew() ? this.url() : this.url({ update: true }),
            xhr: function () {
              var xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest();

              //Upload progress
                function (evt) {
                  if (evt.lengthComputable) {
                    var percentComplete = (evt.loaded / * 100;

                    model.set("uploadProgress", percentComplete);

              return xhr;
            success: function (model, response, xhr) {
              model.set("numSaveAttempts", 0);
              model.set("uploadStatus", "c");
              model.set("sysMetaXML", model.serializeSysMeta());
              model.set("oldPid", null);
              model.fetch({ merge: true, systemMetadataOnly: true });
              model.trigger("successSaving", model);
            error: function (model, response, xhr) {
              model.set("numSaveAttempts", model.get("numSaveAttempts") + 1);
              var numSaveAttempts = model.get("numSaveAttempts");

              //Reset the identifier changes

              if (
                numSaveAttempts < 3 &&
                (response.status == 408 || response.status == 0)
              ) {
                //Try saving again in 10, 40, and 90 seconds
                  function () {
                  numSaveAttempts * numSaveAttempts * 10000,
              } else {
                model.set("numSaveAttempts", 0);

                //Get the error error information
                var errorDOM = $($.parseHTML(response.responseText)),
                  errorContainer = errorDOM.filter("error"),
                  msgContainer = errorContainer.length
                    ? errorContainer.find("description")
                    : errorDOM.not("style, title"),
                  errorMsg = msgContainer.length
                    ? msgContainer.text()
                    : errorDOM;

                //When there is no network connection (status == 0), there will be no response text
                if (!errorMsg || response.status == 408 || response.status == 0)
                  errorMsg =
                    "There was a network issue that prevented your metadata from uploading. " +
                    "Make sure you are connected to a reliable internet connection.";

                //Save the error message in the model
                model.set("errorMessage", errorMsg);

                //Set the model status as e for error
                model.set("uploadStatus", "e");

                //Save the EML as a plain text file, until drafts are a supported feature
                var copy = model.createTextCopy();

                //If the EML copy successfully saved, let the user know that there is a copy saved behind the scenes
                model.listenToOnce(copy, "successSaving", function () {
                  model.set("draftSaved", true);

                  //Trigger the errorSaving event so other parts of the app know that the model failed to save
                  //And send the error message with it
                  model.trigger("errorSaving", errorMsg);

                //If the EML copy fails to save too, then just display the usual error message
                model.listenToOnce(copy, "errorSaving", function () {
                  //Trigger the errorSaving event so other parts of the app know that the model failed to save
                  //And send the error message with it
                  model.trigger("errorSaving", errorMsg);

                //Save the EML plain text copy

                // Track the error
                  `EML save error: ${errorMsg}, EML draft: ${copy.get("id")}`,


       * Checks if this EML model has all the required values necessary to save to the server
      validate: function () {
        let errors = {};

        //A title is always required by EML
        if (!this.get("title").length || !this.get("title")[0]) {
          errors.title = "A title is required";

        // Validate the publication date
        if (this.get("pubDate") != null) {
          if (!this.isValidYearDate(this.get("pubDate"))) {
            errors["pubDate"] = [
              "The value entered for publication date, '" +
                this.get("pubDate") +
                "' is not a valid value for this field. Enter with a year (e.g. 2017) or a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.",

        // Validate the temporal coverage
        errors.temporalCoverage = [];

        //If temporal coverage is required and there aren't any, return an error
        if (
          MetacatUI.appModel.get("emlEditorRequiredFields").temporalCoverage &&
        ) {
          errors.temporalCoverage = [{ beginDate: "Provide a begin date." }];
        //If temporal coverage is required and they are all empty, return an error
        else if (
          MetacatUI.appModel.get("emlEditorRequiredFields").temporalCoverage &&
          _.every(this.get("temporalCoverage"), function (tc) {
            return tc.isEmpty();
        ) {
          errors.temporalCoverage = [{ beginDate: "Provide a begin date." }];
        //If temporal coverage is not required, validate each one
        else if (
          this.get("temporalCoverage").length ||
          (MetacatUI.appModel.get("emlEditorRequiredFields").temporalCoverage &&
            _.every(this.get("temporalCoverage"), function (tc) {
              return tc.isEmpty();
        ) {
          //Iterate over each temporal coverage and add it's validation errors
          _.each(this.get("temporalCoverage"), function (temporalCoverage) {
            if (!temporalCoverage.isValid() && !temporalCoverage.isEmpty()) {

        //Remove the temporalCoverage attribute if no errors were found
        if (errors.temporalCoverage.length == 0) {
          delete errors.temporalCoverage;

        //Validate the EMLParty models
        var partyTypes = [
          function (type) {
            var people = this.get(type);
              function (person, i) {
                if (!person.isValid()) {
                  if (!errors[type]) errors[type] = [person.validationError];
                  else errors[type].push(person.validationError);

        //Validate the EMLGeoCoverage models
          function (geoCoverageModel, i) {
            if (!geoCoverageModel.isValid()) {
              if (!errors.geoCoverage)
                errors.geoCoverage = [geoCoverageModel.validationError];
              else errors.geoCoverage.push(geoCoverageModel.validationError);

        //Validate the EMLTaxonCoverage model
        var taxonModel = this.get("taxonCoverage")[0];

        if (!taxonModel.isEmpty() && !taxonModel.isValid()) {
          errors = _.extend(errors, taxonModel.validationError);
        } else if (
          taxonModel.isEmpty() &&
          this.get("taxonCoverage").length == 1 &&
        ) {
          errors = _.extend(errors, taxonModel.validationError);

        //Validate each EMLEntity model
        _.each(this.get("entities"), function (entityModel) {
          if (!entityModel.isValid()) {
            if (!errors.entities)
              errors.entities = [entityModel.validationError];
            else errors.entities.push(entityModel.validationError);

        //Validate the EML Methods
        let emlMethods = this.get("methods");
        if (emlMethods) {
          if (!emlMethods.isValid()) {
            errors.methods = emlMethods.validationError;

        // Validate the EMLAnnotation models, checking for the canonical dataset
        // Validate the EMLAnnotation models, checking for the canonical dataset
        const annotations = this.get("annotations");
        const annotationErrors = annotations ? annotations.validate() : [];
        const annotationErrors = annotations ? annotations.validate() : [];

        if (annotationErrors?.length) {
          errors.annotations = annotationErrors.filter(
            (e) => e.attr !== "canonicalDataset",
          const canonicalError = annotationErrors.find(
            (e) => e.attr === "canonicalDataset",
          if (canonicalError) {
            errors.canonicalDataset = canonicalError.message;

        //Check the required fields for this MetacatUI configuration
        for ([field, isRequired] of Object.entries(
        )) {
          //If it's not required, then go to the next field
          if (!isRequired) continue;

          if (field == "alternateIdentifier") {
            if (
              !this.get("alternateIdentifier").length ||
              _.every(this.get("alternateIdentifier"), function (altId) {
                return altId.trim() == "";
              errors.alternateIdentifier =
                "At least one alternate identifier is required.";
          } else if (field == "generalTaxonomicCoverage") {
            if (
              !this.get("taxonCoverage").length ||
              errors.generalTaxonomicCoverage =
                "Provide a description of the general taxonomic coverage of this data set.";
          } else if (field == "geoCoverage") {
            if (!this.get("geoCoverage").length)
              errors.geoCoverage = "At least one location is required.";
          } else if (field == "intellectualRights") {
            if (!this.get("intellectualRights"))
              errors.intellectualRights =
                "Select usage rights for this data set.";
          } else if (field == "studyExtentDescription") {
            if (
              !this.get("methods") ||
              errors.studyExtentDescription =
                "Provide a study extent description.";
          } else if (field == "samplingDescription") {
            if (
              !this.get("methods") ||
              errors.samplingDescription = "Provide a sampling description.";
          } else if (field == "temporalCoverage") {
            if (!this.get("temporalCoverage").length)
              errors.temporalCoverage =
                "Provide the date(s) for this data set.";
          } else if (field == "taxonCoverage") {
            if (!this.get("taxonCoverage").length)
              errors.taxonCoverage =
                "At least one taxa rank and value is required.";
          } else if (field == "keywordSets") {
            if (!this.get("keywordSets").length)
              errors.keywordSets = "Provide at least one keyword.";
          //The EMLMethods model will validate itself for required fields, but
          // this is a rudimentary check to make sure the EMLMethods model was created
          // in the first place
          else if (field == "methods") {
            if (!this.get("methods"))
              errors.methods = "At least one method step is required.";
          } else if (field == "funding") {
            // Note: Checks for either the funding or award element. award
            // element is checked by the project's objectDOM for now until
            // EMLProject fully supports the award element
            if (
              !this.get("project") ||
                this.get("project").get("funding").length ||
                (this.get("project").get("objectDOM") &&
                  this.get("project").get("objectDOM").querySelectorAll &&
                    .length > 0)
              errors.funding =
                "Provide at least one project funding number or name.";
          } else if (field == "abstract") {
            if (!this.get("abstract").length)
              errors["abstract"] = "Provide an abstract.";
          } else if (field == "dataSensitivity") {
            if (!this.getDataSensitivity()) {
              errors["dataSensitivity"] =
                "Pick the category that best describes the level of sensitivity or restriction of the data.";
          //If this is an EMLParty type, check that there is a party of this type in the model
          else if (
              .map((t) => t.dataCategory)
          ) {
            //If this is an associatedParty role
            if (EMLParty.prototype.defaults().roleOptions?.includes(field)) {
              if (
                  ?.map((p) => p.get("roles"))
              ) {
                errors[field] =
                  "Provide information about the people or organization(s) in the role: " +
                    (t) => t.dataCategory == field,
            } else if (!this.get(field)?.length) {
              errors[field] =
                "Provide information about the people or organization(s) in the role: " +
                  (t) => t.dataCategory == field,
          } else if (!this.get(field) || !this.get(field)?.length) {
            errors[field] = "Provide a " + field + ".";

        if (Object.keys(errors).length) return errors;
        else {

      /* Returns a boolean for whether the argument 'value' is a valid
      value for EML's yearDate type which is used in a few places.

      Note that this method considers a zero-length String to be valid
      because the EML211.serialize() method will properly handle a null
      or zero-length String by serializing out the current year. */
      isValidYearDate: function (value) {
        return (
          value === "" ||
          /^\d{4}$/.test(value) ||

       * Sends an AJAX request to fetch the system metadata for this EML object.
       * Will not trigger a sync event since it does not use
       * Backbone.Model.fetch. Triggers a custom "sysMetaUpdated" event instead.
       * @param {object} options - options for the AJAX request
       * @param {Function} options.success - The success callback function
       * @param {Function} options.error - The error callback function
       * @since 2.32.1
      fetchSystemMetadata(options = {}) {
        const model = this;
        const requestOptions = { ...options };
        const metaUrl = MetacatUI.appModel.get("metaServiceUrl");
        const id = encodeURIComponent(this.get("id"));
        const ajaxSettings = MetacatUI.appUserModel.createAjaxSettings();
        const { success, error } = requestOptions;

        // If there are callbacks in the options, merge them with the success
        // and error callbacks required for this function
        requestOptions.success = (response) => {
          this.set(, response));
          if (typeof success === "function") success();
        requestOptions.error = () => {
          if (typeof error === "function") error();

        // Make the AJAX request
        const fetchOptions = {
          url: `${metaUrl}${id}`,
          dataType: "text",


       * Returns the nofde in the given EML document that the given node type
       * should be inserted after
       * Returns false if either the node is not found in the and this should
       * be handled by the caller.
      getEMLPosition: function (eml, nodeName) {
        var nodeOrder = this.get("nodeOrder");
        var position = _.indexOf(nodeOrder, nodeName.toLowerCase());

        if (position == -1) {
          return false;

        // Go through each node in the node list and find the position where this
        // node will be inserted after
        for (var i = position - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
          if ($(eml).find("dataset").children(nodeOrder[i]).length) {
            return $(eml).find("dataset").children(nodeOrder[i]).last();

        return false;

       * Checks if this model has updates that need to be synced with the server.
      hasUpdates: function () {
        if ( return true;

        //If nothing else has been changed, then this object hasn't had any updates
        return false;

       Add an entity into the EML 2.1.1 object
      addEntity: function (emlEntity, position) {
        //Get the current list of entities
        var currentEntities = this.get("entities");

        if (typeof position == "undefined" || position == -1)
        //Add the entity model to the entity array
        else currentEntities.splice(position, 0, emlEntity);



        return this;

       Remove an entity from the EML 2.1.1 object
      removeEntity: function (emlEntity) {
        if (!emlEntity || typeof emlEntity != "object") return;

        //Get the current list of entities
        var entities = this.get("entities");

        entities = _.without(entities, emlEntity);

        this.set("entities", entities);

       * Find the entity model for a given DataONEObject
      getEntity: function (dataONEObj) {
        //If an EMLEntity model has been found for this object before, then return it
        if (dataONEObj.get("metadataEntity")) {
          dataONEObj.get("metadataEntity").set("dataONEObject", dataONEObj);
          return dataONEObj.get("metadataEntity");

        var entity = _.find(
          function (e) {
            //Matches of the checksum or identifier are definite matches
            if (e.get("xmlID") == dataONEObj.getXMLSafeID()) return true;
            else if (
              e.get("physicalMD5Checksum") &&
              e.get("physicalMD5Checksum") == dataONEObj.get("checksum") &&
              dataONEObj.get("checksumAlgorithm").toUpperCase() == "MD5"
              return true;
            else if (
              e.get("downloadID") &&
              e.get("downloadID") == dataONEObj.get("id")
              return true;

            // Get the file name from the EML for this entity
            var fileNameFromEML =
              e.get("physicalObjectName") || e.get("entityName");

            // If the EML file name matches the DataONEObject file name
            if (
              fileNameFromEML &&
              dataONEObj.get("fileName") &&
              (fileNameFromEML.toLowerCase() ==
                dataONEObj.get("fileName").toLowerCase() ||
                fileNameFromEML.replace(/ /g, "_").toLowerCase() ==
            ) {
              //Get an array of all the other entities in this EML
              var otherEntities = _.without(this.get("entities"), e);

              // If this entity name matches the dataone object file name, AND no other dataone object file name
              // matches, then we can assume this is the entity element for this file.
              var otherMatchingEntity = _.find(
                function (otherE) {
                  // Get the file name from the EML for the other entities
                  var otherFileNameFromEML =
                    otherE.get("physicalObjectName") ||

                  // If the file names match, return true
                  if (
                    otherFileNameFromEML == dataONEObj.get("fileName") ||
                    otherFileNameFromEML.replace(/ /g, "_") ==
                    return true;

              // If this entity's file name didn't match any other file names in the EML,
              // then this entity is a match for the given dataONEObject
              if (!otherMatchingEntity) return true;

        //If we found an entity, give it an ID and return it
        if (entity) {
          //If this entity has been matched to another DataONEObject already, then don't match it again
          if (entity.get("dataONEObject") == dataONEObj) {
            return entity;
          //If this entity has been matched to a different DataONEObject already, then don't match it again.
          //i.e. We will not override existing entity<->DataONEObject pairings
          else if (entity.get("dataONEObject")) {
          } else {
            entity.set("dataONEObject", dataONEObj);

          //Create an XML-safe ID and set it on the Entity model
          var entityID = this.getUniqueEntityId(dataONEObj);
          entity.set("xmlID", entityID);

          //Save a reference to this entity so we don't have to refind it later
          dataONEObj.set("metadataEntity", entity);

          return entity;

        //See if one data object is of this type in the package
        var matchingTypes = _.filter(this.get("entities"), function (e) {
          return (
            e.get("formatName") ==
            (dataONEObj.get("formatId") || dataONEObj.get("mediaType"))

        if (matchingTypes.length == 1) {
          //Create an XML-safe ID and set it on the Entity model
          matchingTypes[0].set("xmlID", dataONEObj.getXMLSafeID());

          return matchingTypes[0];

        //If this EML is in a DataPackage with only one other DataONEObject,
        // and there is only one entity in the EML, then we can assume they are the same entity
        if (this.get("entities").length == 1) {
          if (
            this.get("collections")[0] &&
            this.get("collections")[0].type == "DataPackage" &&
            this.get("collections")[0].length == 2 &&
            _.contains(this.get("collections")[0].models, dataONEObj)
          ) {
            return this.get("entities")[0];

        return false;

      createEntity: function (dataONEObject) {
        // Add or append an entity to the parent's entity list
        var entityModel = new EMLOtherEntity({
          entityName: dataONEObject.get("fileName"),
            dataONEObject.get("formatId") ||
            dataONEObject.get("mediaType") ||
          dataONEObject: dataONEObject,
          parentModel: this,
          xmlID: dataONEObject.getXMLSafeID(),


        //If this DataONEObject fails to upload, remove the EML entity
        this.listenTo(dataONEObject, "errorSaving", function () {

          //Listen for a successful save so the entity can be added back
          this.listenToOnce(dataONEObject, "successSaving", function () {

       * Creates an XML-safe identifier that is unique to this EML document,
       * based on the given DataONEObject model. It is intended for EML entity nodes in particular.
       * @param {DataONEObject} - a DataONEObject model that this EML documents
       * @return {string} - an identifier string unique to this EML document
      getUniqueEntityId: function (dataONEObject) {
        var uniqueId = "";

        uniqueId = dataONEObject.getXMLSafeID();

        //Get the EML string, if there is one, to check if this id already exists
        var emlString = this.get("objectXML");

        //If this id already exists in the EML...
        if (emlString && emlString.indexOf(' id="' + uniqueId + '"')) {
          //Create a random uuid to use instead
          uniqueId = "urn-uuid-" + uuid.v4();

        return uniqueId;

       * removeParty - removes the given EMLParty model from this EML211 model's attributes
      removeParty: function (partyModel) {
        //The list of attributes this EMLParty might be stored in
        var possibleAttr = [

        // Iterate over each possible attribute
          function (attr) {
            if (_.contains(this.get(attr), partyModel)) {
              this.set(attr, _.without(this.get(attr), partyModel));

       * Attempt to move a party one index forward within its sibling models
       * @param {EMLParty} partyModel: The EMLParty model we're moving
      movePartyUp: function (partyModel) {
        var possibleAttr = [

        // Iterate over each possible attribute
          function (attr) {
            if (!_.contains(this.get(attr), partyModel)) {
            // Make a clone because we're going to use splice
            var models = _.clone(this.get(attr));

            // Find the index of the model we're moving
            var index = _.findIndex(models, function (m) {
              return m === partyModel;

            if (index === 0) {
              // Already first

            if (index === -1) {
              // Couldn't find the model

            // Do the move using splice and update the model
            models.splice(index - 1, 0, models.splice(index, 1)[0]);
            this.set(attr, models);
            this.trigger("change:" + attr);

       * Attempt to move a party one index forward within its sibling models
       * @param {EMLParty} partyModel: The EMLParty model we're moving
      movePartyDown: function (partyModel) {
        var possibleAttr = [

        // Iterate over each possible attribute
          function (attr) {
            if (!_.contains(this.get(attr), partyModel)) {
            // Make a clone because we're going to use splice
            var models = _.clone(this.get(attr));

            // Find the index of the model we're moving
            var index = _.findIndex(models, function (m) {
              return m === partyModel;

            if (index === -1) {
              // Couldn't find the model

            // Figure out where to put the new model
            //   Leave it in the same place if the next index doesn't exist
            //   Move one forward if it does
            var newIndex = models.length <= index + 1 ? index : index + 1;

            // Do the move using splice and update the model
            models.splice(newIndex, 0, models.splice(index, 1)[0]);
            this.set(attr, models);
            this.trigger("change:" + attr);

       * Adds the given EMLParty model to this EML211 model in the
       * appropriate role array in the given position
       * @param {EMLParty} - The EMLParty model to add
       * @param {number} - The position in the role array in which to insert this EMLParty
       * @return {boolean} - Returns true if the EMLParty was successfully added, false if it was cancelled
      addParty: function (partyModel, position) {
        //If the EMLParty model is empty, don't add it to the EML211 model
        if (partyModel.isEmpty()) return false;

        //Get the role of this EMLParty
        var role = partyModel.get("type") || "associatedParty";

        //If this model already contains this EMLParty, then exit
        if (_.contains(this.get(role), partyModel)) return false;

        if (typeof position == "undefined") {
        } else {
          this.get(role).splice(position, 0, partyModel);

        this.trigger("change:" + role);

        return true;

       * getPartiesByType - Gets an array of EMLParty members that have a particular party type or role.
       * @param {string} partyType - A string that represents either the role or the party type. For example, "contact", "creator", "principalInvestigator", etc.
       * @since 2.15.0
      getPartiesByType: function (partyType) {
        try {
          if (!partyType) {
            return false;
          var associatedPartyTypes = new EMLParty().get("roleOptions"),
            isAssociatedParty = associatedPartyTypes.includes(partyType),
            parties = [];
          // For "contact", "creator", "metadataProvider", "publisher", each party type has it's own
          // array in the EML model
          if (!isAssociatedParty) {
            parties = this.get(partyType);
            // For "custodianSteward", "principalInvestigator", "collaboratingPrincipalInvestigator", etc.,
            // party members are listed in the EML model's associated parties array. Each associated party's
            // party type is indicated in the role attribute.
          } else {
            parties = _.filter(
              function (associatedParty) {
                return associatedParty.get("roles").includes(partyType);

          return parties;
        } catch (error) {
            "Error trying to find a list of party members in an EML model by type. Error details: " +

      createUnits: function () {

      /* Initialize the object XML for brand spankin' new EML objects */
      createXML: function () {
        let emlSystem = MetacatUI.appModel.get("emlSystem");
        emlSystem =
          !emlSystem || typeof emlSystem != "string" ? "knb" : emlSystem;

        var xml =
            '<eml:eml xmlns:eml=""></eml:eml>',
          eml = $($.parseHTML(xml));

        // Set base attributes
        eml.attr("xmlns:xsi", "");
        eml.attr("xmlns:stmml", "");
        eml.attr("packageId", this.get("id"));
        eml.attr("system", emlSystem);

        // Add the dataset

        var emlString = $(document.createElement("div"))

        return emlString;

          Replace elements named "source" with "sourced" due to limitations
          with using $.parseHTML() rather than $.parseXML()

          @param xmlString  The XML string to make the replacement in
      cleanUpXML: function (xmlString) {
        xmlString.replace("<source>", "<sourced>");
        xmlString.replace("</source>", "</sourced>");

        return xmlString;

      createTextCopy: function () {
        var emlDraftText =
          "EML draft for " +
          this.get("id") +
          "(" +
          this.get("title") +
          ") by " +
          MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("firstName") +
          " " +

        if (this.get("uploadStatus") == "e" && this.get("errorMessage")) {
          emlDraftText +=
            ". This EML had the following save error: `" +
            this.get("errorMessage") +
            "`   ";
        } else {
          emlDraftText += ":   ";

        emlDraftText += this.serialize();

        var plainTextEML = new DataONEObject({
          formatId: "text/plain",
            "eml_draft_" +
            (MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("lastName") || "") +
          uploadFile: new Blob([emlDraftText], { type: "plain/text" }),
          synced: true,

        return plainTextEML;

       * Cleans up the given text so that it is XML-valid by escaping reserved characters, trimming white space, etc.
       * @param {string} textString - The string to clean up
       * @return {string} - The cleaned up string
      cleanXMLText: function (textString) {
        if (typeof textString != "string") return;

        textString = textString.trim();

        //Check for XML/HTML elements
        _.each(textString.match(/<\s*[^>]*>/g), function (xmlNode) {
          //Encode <, >, and </ substrings
          var tagName = xmlNode.replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
          tagName = tagName.replace(/</g, "&lt;");

          //Replace the xmlNode in the full text string
          textString = textString.replace(xmlNode, tagName);

        //Remove Unicode characters that are not valid XML characters
        //Create a regular expression that matches any character that is not a valid XML character
        // (see
        var invalidCharsRegEx =
        textString = textString.replace(invalidCharsRegEx, "");

        return textString;

          Dereference "reference" elements and replace them with a cloned copy
          of the referenced content

          @param xmlString  The XML string with reference elements to transform
      dereference: function (xmlString) {
        var referencesList; // the array of references elements in the document
        var referencedID; // The id of the referenced element
        var referencesParentEl; // The parent of the given references element
        var referencedEl; // The referenced DOM to be copied

        var xmlDOM = $.parseXML(xmlString);
        referencesList = xmlDOM.getElementsByTagName("references");

        if (referencesList.length) {
          // Process each references elements
            function (referencesEl, index, referencesList) {
              // Can't rely on the passed referencesEl since the list length changes
              // because of the remove() below. Reuse referencesList[0] for every item:
              // referencedID = $(referencesEl).text(); // doesn't work
              referencesEl = referencesList[0];
              referencedID = $(referencesEl).text();
              referencesParentEl = $(referencesEl).parent()[0];
              if (typeof referencedID !== "undefined" && referencedID != "") {
                referencedEl = xmlDOM.getElementById(referencedID);
                if (typeof referencedEl != "undefined") {
                  // Clone the referenced element and replace the references element
                  var referencedClone = $(referencedEl).clone()[0];
                  $(referencesParentEl).attr("id", DataONEObject.generateId());
        return new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(xmlDOM);

       * Uses the EML `title` to set the `fileName` attribute on this model.
      setFileName: function () {
        var title = "";

        // Get the title from the metadata
        if (Array.isArray(this.get("title"))) {
          title = this.get("title")[0];
        } else if (typeof this.get("title") == "string") {
          title = this.get("title");

        //Max title length
        var maxLength = 50;

        //trim the string to the maximum length
        var trimmedTitle = title.trim().substr(0, maxLength);

        //re-trim if we are in the middle of a word
        if (trimmedTitle.indexOf(" ") > -1) {
          trimmedTitle = trimmedTitle.substr(
            Math.min(trimmedTitle.length, trimmedTitle.lastIndexOf(" ")),

        //Replace all non alphanumeric characters with underscores
        // and make sure there isn't more than one underscore in a row
        trimmedTitle = trimmedTitle
          .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "_")
          .replace(/_{2,}/g, "_");

        //Set the fileName on the model
        this.set("fileName", trimmedTitle + ".xml");

      trickleUpChange: function () {
        if (
          !MetacatUI.rootDataPackage ||

        //Mark the package as changed
        MetacatUI.rootDataPackage.packageModel.set("changed", true);

       * Sets the xsi:schemaLocation attribute on the passed-in Element
       * depending on the application configuration.
       * @param {Element} eml: The root eml:eml element to modify
       * @return {Element} The element, possibly modified
      setSchemaLocation: function (eml) {
        if (!MetacatUI || !MetacatUI.appModel) {
          return eml;

        var current = $(eml).attr("xsi:schemaLocation"),
          format = MetacatUI.appModel.get("editorSerializationFormat"),
          location = MetacatUI.appModel.get("editorSchemaLocation");

        // Return now if we can't do anything anyway
        if (!format || !location) {
          return eml;

        // Simply add if the attribute isn't present to begin with
        if (!current || typeof current !== "string") {
          $(eml).attr("xsi:schemaLocation", format + " " + location);

          return eml;

        // Don't append if it's already present
        if (current.indexOf(format) >= 0) {
          return eml;

        $(eml).attr("xsi:schemaLocation", current + " " + location);

        return eml;

      createID: function () {
        this.set("xmlID", uuid.v4());

      * Creates and adds an {@link EMLAnnotation} to this EML211 model with the given annotation data in JSON form.
      * @param {object} annotationData The attribute data to set on the new {@link EMLAnnotation}. See {@link EMLAnnotation#defaults} for
      * details on what attributes can be passed to the EMLAnnotation. In addition, there is an `elementName` property.
      * @property {string} [annotationData.elementName] The name of the EML Element that this
      annotation should be applied to. e.g. dataset, entity, attribute. Defaults to `dataset`. NOTE: Right now only dataset annotations are supported until
      more annotation editing is added to the EML Editor.
      * @property {Boolean} [annotationData.allowDuplicates] If false, this annotation will replace all annotations already set with the same propertyURI.
      * By default, more than one annotation with a given propertyURI can be added (defaults to true)
      addAnnotation: function (annotationData) {
        try {
          if (!annotationData || typeof annotationData != "object") {

          //If no element name is provided, default to the dataset element.
          let elementName = "";
          if (!annotationData.elementName) {
            elementName = "dataset";
          } else {
            elementName = annotationData.elementName;
          //Remove the elementName property so it isn't set on the EMLAnnotation model later.
          delete annotationData.elementName;

          //Check if duplicates are allowed
          let allowDuplicates = annotationData.allowDuplicates;
          delete annotationData.allowDuplicates;

          //Create a new EMLAnnotation model
          let annotation = new EMLAnnotation(annotationData);

          //Update annotations set on the dataset element
          if (elementName == "dataset") {
            let annotations = this.get("annotations");

            //If the current annotations set on the EML model are not in Array form, change it to an array
            if (!annotations) {
              annotations = new EMLAnnotations();

            if (allowDuplicates === false) {
              //Add the EMLAnnotation to the collection, making sure to remove duplicates first
            } else {

            //Set the annotations and force the change to be recognized by the model
            this.set("annotations", annotations, { silent: true });
            this.handleChange(this, { force: true });
          } else {
            /** @todo Add annotation support for other EML Elements */
        } catch (e) {
          console.error("Could not add Annotation to the EML: ", e);

       * Finds annotations that are of the `data sensitivity` property from the NCEAS SENSO ontology.
       * Returns undefined if none are found. This function returns EMLAnnotation models because the data
       * sensitivity is stored in the EML Model as EMLAnnotations and added to EML as semantic annotations.
       * @returns {EMLAnnotation[]|undefined}
      getDataSensitivity: function () {
        try {
          let annotations = this.get("annotations");
          if (annotations) {
            let found = annotations.where({
              propertyURI: this.get("dataSensitivityPropertyURI"),
            if (!found || !found.length) {
            } else {
              return found;
          } else {
        } catch (e) {
          console.error("Failed to get Data Sensitivity from EML model: ", e);

  return EML211;