Source: src/js/models/maps/assets/CesiumTerrain.js

'use strict';

  function (
  ) {
     * @classdesc A CesiumTerrain Model comprises the information required to fetch 3D
     * terrain, such as mountain peaks and valleys, to display in Cesium. A terrain model
     * also contains metadata about the terrain source data, such as an attribution and a
     * description.
     * @classcategory Models/Maps/Assets
     * @class CesiumTerrain
     * @name CesiumTerrain
     * @extends MapAsset
     * @since 2.18.0
     * @constructor
    var CesiumTerrain = MapAsset.extend(
      /** @lends CesiumTerrain.prototype */ {

         * The name of this type of model
         * @type {string}
        type: 'CesiumTerrain',

         * Options that are supported for creating terrain in Cesium. Any properties
         * provided here are passed to the Cesium constructor function for the Terrain
         * Provider, so other properties that are documented in Cesium are also supported.
         * See `options` here:
         * {@link}
         * @typedef {Object} CesiumTerrain#cesiumOptions
         * @property {string|number} ionAssetId - If this terrain is hosted by Cesium Ion,
         * then Ion asset ID. 

         * Default attributes for CesiumTerrain models
         * @name CesiumTerrain#defaults
         * @extends MapAsset#defaults
         * @type {Object}
         * @property {'CesiumTerrainProvider'} type A string indicating a Cesium Terrain
         * Provider, see
         * {@link}
         * @property {Cesium.TerrainProvider} cesiumModel A model created and used by
         * Cesium that organizes the data to display in the Cesium Widget. See
         * {@link}
         * @property {CesiumTerrain#cesiumOptions} cesiumOptions options are passed to the
         * function that creates the Cesium model. The properties of options are specific
         * to each type of asset
        defaults: function () {
          return _.extend(
              type: 'CesiumTerrainProvider',
              cesiumModel: null,
              cesiumOptions: {},

         * Executed when a new CesiumTerrain model is created.
         * @param {Object} [attributes] The initial values of the attributes, which will
         * be set on the model.
         * @param {Object} [options] Options for the initialize function.
        initialize: function (attributes, options) {
          try {
  , attributes, options);

          catch (error) {
              'There was an error initializing a CesiumTerrain model' +
              '. Error details: ' + error

         * Creates a Cesium TerrainProvider that contains information about where the
         * terrain data should be requested from and how to render it in Cesium. See
         * {@link}
         * @param {Boolean} recreate - Set recreate to true to force the function create
         * the Cesium Model again. Otherwise, if a cesium model already exists, that is
         * returned instead.
        createCesiumModel: function (recreate = false) {

          var model = this;
          var cesiumOptions = model.getCesiumOptions();
          var type = this.get('type')
          var terrainFunction = Cesium[type]

          // If the cesium model already exists, don't create it again unless specified
          if (!recreate && this.get('cesiumModel')) {
            return this.get('cesiumModel')


          // If this tileset is a Cesium Ion resource, set the url from the
          // asset Id
          cesiumOptions.url = this.getCesiumURL(cesiumOptions) || cesiumOptions.url;

          if (terrainFunction && typeof terrainFunction === 'function') {
            let terrain = new terrainFunction(cesiumOptions)
              .then(function () {
                model.set('cesiumModel', terrain)
                model.set('status', 'ready')
              .otherwise(function (error) {
                model.set('status', 'error');
                model.set('statusDetails', error)
          } else {
            model.set('status', 'error')
            model.set('statusDetails', type + ' is not a supported imagery type.')


         * Checks whether there is an asset ID for a Cesium Ion resource and if
         * so, return the URL to the resource.
         * @returns {string} The URL to the Cesium Ion resource
         * @since 2.26.0
        getCesiumURL: function () {
          try {
            const cesiumOptions = this.getCesiumOptions();
            if (!cesiumOptions || !cesiumOptions.ionAssetId) return null
            // The Cesium Ion ID of the resource to access
            const assetId = Number(cesiumOptions.ionAssetId)
            // Options to pass to Cesium's fromAssetId function. Access token
            // needs to be set before requesting cesium ion resources
            const ionResourceOptions = {
              accessToken: cesiumOptions.cesiumToken ||
            // Create the new URL and set it on the model options
            return Cesium.IonResource.fromAssetId(assetId, ionResourceOptions);
          catch (error) {
              'There was an error settings a Cesium URL in a Cesium3DTileset' +
              '. Error details: ' + error

        // /**
        //  * Parses the given input into a JSON object to be set on the model.
        //  *
        //  * @param {TODO} input - The raw response object
        //  * @return {TODO} - The JSON object of all the CesiumTerrain attributes
        //  */
        // parse: function (input) {

        //   try {

        //     var modelJSON = {};

        //     return modelJSON

        //   }
        //   catch (error) {
        //     console.log(
        //       'There was an error parsing a CesiumTerrain model' +
        //       '. Error details: ' + error
        //     );
        //   }

        // },

        // /**
        //  * Overrides the default Backbone.Model.validate.function() to check if this if
        //  * the values set on this model are valid.
        //  * 
        //  * @param {Object} [attrs] - A literal object of model attributes to validate.
        //  * @param {Object} [options] - A literal object of options for this validation
        //  * process
        //  * 
        //  * @return {Object} - Returns a literal object with the invalid attributes and
        //  * their corresponding error message, if there are any. If there are no errors,
        //  * returns nothing.
        //  */
        // validate: function (attrs, options) {
        //   try {

        //   }
        //   catch (error) {
        //     console.log(
        //       'There was an error validating a CesiumTerrain model' +
        //       '. Error details: ' + error
        //     );
        //   }
        // },

        // /**
        //  * Creates a string using the values set on this model's attributes.
        //  * @return {string} The CesiumTerrain string
        //  */
        // serialize: function () {
        //   try {
        //     var serializedTerrain = '';

        //     return serializedTerrain;
        //   }
        //   catch (error) {
        //     console.log(
        //       'There was an error serializing a CesiumTerrain model' +
        //       '. Error details: ' + error
        //     );
        //   }
        // },


    return CesiumTerrain;
