Source: src/js/models/maps/assets/CesiumImagery.js

'use strict';

  function (
  ) {
     * @classdesc A CesiumImagery Model contains the information required for Cesium to
     * request and draw high-resolution image tiles using several standards (Cesium
     * "imagery providers"), including Cesium Ion and Bing Maps. Imagery layers have
     * brightness, contrast, gamma, hue, and saturation properties that can be dynamically
     * changed. 
     * @classcategory Models/Maps/Assets
     * @class CesiumImagery
     * @name CesiumImagery
     * @extends MapAsset
     * @since 2.18.0
     * @constructor
    var CesiumImagery = MapAsset.extend(
      /** @lends CesiumImagery.prototype */ {

         * The name of this type of model
         * @type {string}
        type: 'CesiumImagery',

         * Options that are supported for creating imagery tiles. Any properties provided
         * here are passed to the Cesium constructor function, so other properties that
         * are documented in Cesium are also supported. See
         * {@link}
         * and
         * {@link}.
         * @typedef {Object} CesiumImagery#cesiumOptions
         * @property {string|number} ionAssetId - If this imagery is hosted by Cesium
         * Ion, then Ion asset ID. 
         * @property {string|number} key - A key or token required to access the tiles.
         * For example, if this is a BingMapsImageryProvider, then the Bing maps key. If
         * one is required and not set, the model will look in the {@link AppModel} for a
         * key, for example, {@link AppModel#bingMapsKey}
         * @property {'GeographicTilingScheme'|'WebMercatorTilingScheme'} tilingScheme -
         * The tiling scheme to use when constructing an imagery provider. If not set,
         * Cesium uses WebMercatorTilingScheme by default.
         * @property {Number[]} rectangle - The rectangle covered by the layer. The list
         * of west, south, east, north bounding degree coordinates, respectively. This
         * will be passed to Cesium.Rectangle.fromDegrees to define the bounding box of
         * the imagery layer. If left undefined, the layer will cover the entire globe.

         * Default attributes for CesiumImagery models
         * @name CesiumImagery#defaults
         * @extends MapAsset#defaults
         * @type {Object}
         * @property {'BingMapsImageryProvider'|'IonImageryProvider'|'TileMapServiceImageryProvider'|'WebMapTileServiceImageryProvider'} type
         * A string indicating a Cesium Imagery Provider type. See
         * {@link}
         * @property {Cesium.ImageryLayer} cesiumModel A model created and used by Cesium
         * that organizes the data to display in the Cesium Widget. See
         * {@link}
         * and
         * {@link}
         * @property {CesiumImagery#cesiumOptions} cesiumOptions options that are passed
         * to the function that creates the Cesium model. The properties of options are
         * specific to each type of asset.
        defaults: function () {
          return _.extend(
              type: '',
              cesiumModel: null,
              cesiumOptions: {},
              // brightness: 1, contrast: 1, gamma: 1, hue: 0, saturation: 1,

         * Executed when a new CesiumImagery model is created.
         * @param {MapConfig#MapAssetConfig} [assetConfig] The initial values of the
         * attributes, which will be set on the model.
        initialize: function (assetConfig) {
          try {
  , assetConfig);

            if (assetConfig.type == 'NaturalEarthII') {
            else if (assetConfig.type == 'USGSImageryTopo') {


          catch (e) {
            console.log('Error initializing a CesiumImagery model: ', e);

         * Initializes a CesiumImagery model for the Natural Earth II asset.
         * @param {MapConfig#MapAssetConfig} [assetConfig] The initial values of the
         * attributes, which will be set on the model.
        initNaturalEarthII: function (assetConfig) {
          try {
            if (
              !assetConfig.cesiumOptions || typeof assetConfig.cesiumOptions !== 'object'
            ) {
              assetConfig.cesiumOptions = {};

            assetConfig.cesiumOptions.url = Cesium.buildModuleUrl(
            this.set('type', 'TileMapServiceImageryProvider')
            this.set('cesiumOptions', assetConfig.cesiumOptions);
          catch (error) {
              'There was an error initializing NaturalEarthII in a CesiumImagery' +
              '. Error details: ' + error

         * Initializes a CesiumImagery model for the USGS Imagery Topo asset.
         * @param {MapConfig#MapAssetConfig} [assetConfig] The initial values of the
         * attributes, which will be set on the model.
        initUSGSImageryTopo: function (assetConfig) {
          try {
            if (
              !assetConfig.cesiumOptions || typeof assetConfig.cesiumOptions !== 'object'
            ) {
              assetConfig.cesiumOptions = {};
            this.set('type', 'WebMapServiceImageryProvider')
            assetConfig.cesiumOptions.url = ''
            assetConfig.cesiumOptions.layers = '0'
            assetConfig.cesiumOptions.parameters = {
              transparent: true,
              format: 'image/png',
            this.set('cesiumOptions', assetConfig.cesiumOptions);
            if (!assetConfig.moreInfoLink) {
              this.set('moreInfoLink', '')
            if (!assetConfig.attribution) {
              this.set('attribution', 'USGS The National Map: Orthoimagery and US Topo. Data refreshed January, 2022.')
            if (!assetConfig.description) {
              this.set('description', 'USGS Imagery Topo is a tile cache base map of orthoimagery in The National Map and US Topo vectors visible to the 1:9,028 scale.')
            if (!assetConfig.label) {
              this.set('label', 'USGS Imagery Topo')
          catch (error) {
              'There was an error initializing USGSImageryTopo in a CesiumImagery' +
              '. Error details: ' + error

         * Creates a Cesium ImageryLayer that contains information about how the imagery
         * should render in Cesium. See
         * {@link}
         * @param {Boolean} recreate - Set recreate to true to force the function create
         * the Cesium Model again. Otherwise, if a cesium model already exists, that is
         * returned instead.
        createCesiumModel: function (recreate = false) {

          var model = this;
          const cesiumOptions = this.getCesiumOptions();
          var type = this.get('type')
          var providerFunction = Cesium[type]

          // If the cesium model already exists, don't create it again unless specified
          if (!recreate && this.get('cesiumModel')) {
            console.log('returning existing cesium model');
            return this.get('cesiumModel')


          var initialAppearance = {
            alpha: this.get('opacity'),
            show: this.get('visible')
            // TODO: brightness, contrast, gamma, etc.

          if (type === 'BingMapsImageryProvider') {
            cesiumOptions.key = cesiumOptions.key || MetacatUI.AppConfig.bingMapsKey
          } else if (type === 'IonImageryProvider') {
            cesiumOptions.assetId = Number(cesiumOptions.ionAssetId)
            delete cesiumOptions.ionAssetId
            cesiumOptions.accessToken =
              cesiumOptions.cesiumToken || MetacatUI.appModel.get('cesiumToken');
          } else if (type === 'OpenStreetMapImageryProvider') {
            cesiumOptions.url = cesiumOptions.url || ''
          if (cesiumOptions && cesiumOptions.tilingScheme) {
            const ts = cesiumOptions.tilingScheme
            const availableTS = ['GeographicTilingScheme', 'WebMercatorTilingScheme']
            if (availableTS.indexOf(ts) > -1) {
              cesiumOptions.tilingScheme = new Cesium[ts]()
            } else {
              console.log(`${ts} is not a valid tiling scheme. Using WebMercatorTilingScheme`)
              cesiumOptions.tilingScheme = new Cesium.WebMercatorTilingScheme()

          if (cesiumOptions.rectangle) {
            cesiumOptions.rectangle = Cesium.Rectangle.fromDegrees(

          if (providerFunction && typeof providerFunction === 'function') {
            let provider = new providerFunction(cesiumOptions)
              .then(function () {
                // Imagery must be converted from a Cesium Imagery Provider to a Cesium
                // Imagery Layer. See
                model.set('cesiumModel', new Cesium.ImageryLayer(provider, initialAppearance))
                model.set('status', 'ready')
              .otherwise(function (error) {
                // See
                let details = error;
                // Write a helpful error message
                switch (error.statusCode) {
                  case 404:
                    details = 'The resource was not found (error code 404).'
                  case 500:
                    details = 'There was a server error (error code 500).'
                model.set('status', 'error');
                model.set('statusDetails', details)
          } else {
            model.set('status', 'error')
            model.set('statusDetails', type + ' is not a supported imagery type.')


         * Set listeners that update the cesium model when the backbone model is updated.
        setListeners: function () {
          try {

            var cesiumModel = this.get('cesiumModel')

            // Make sure the listeners are only set once!

            this.listenTo(this, 'change:opacity', function (model, opacity) {
              cesiumModel.alpha = opacity
              // Let the map and/or other parent views know that a change has been made
              // that requires the map to be re-rendered

            this.listenTo(this, 'change:visible', function (model, visible) {
     = visible
              // Let the map and/or other parent views know that a change has been made
              // that requires the map to be re-rendered
          catch (error) {
              'There was an error setting listeners in a cesium Imagery model' +
              '. Error details: ' + error

         * Gets a Cesium Bounding Sphere that can be used to navigate to view the full
         * extent of the imagery. See
         * {@link}
         * @returns {Promise} Returns a promise that resolves to a Cesium Bounding Sphere
         * when ready
        getBoundingSphere: function () {
          return this.whenReady()
            .then(function (model) {
              return model.get('cesiumModel').getViewableRectangle()
            .then(function (rectangle) {
              return Cesium.BoundingSphere.fromRectangle3D(rectangle)

         * Requests a tile from the imagery provider that is at the center of the layer's
         * bounding box and at the minimum level. Once the image is fetched, sets its URL
         * on the thumbnail property of this model. This function is first called when the
         * layer initialized, but waits for the cesiumModel to be ready.
        getThumbnail: function () {
          try {
            if (this.get('status') !== 'ready') {
              this.listenToOnce(this, 'change:status', this.getThumbnail)

            const model = this
            const cesImageryLayer = this.get('cesiumModel');
            const provider = cesImageryLayer.imageryProvider
            const rect = cesImageryLayer.rectangle
            var x = (rect.east + rect.west) / 2
            var y = (rect.north + rect.south) / 2
            var level = provider.minimumLevel

            provider.requestImage(x, y, level).then(function (response) {

              let data = response.blob
              let objectURL = null

              if (!data && response instanceof ImageBitmap) {
                objectURL = model.getDataUriFromBitmap(response)
              } else {
                objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(data);

              model.set('thumbnail', objectURL)
            }).otherwise(function (e) {
              console.log('Error requesting an image tile to use as a thumbnail for an ' +
                'Imagery Layer. Error message: ' + e);
          catch (error) {
              'There was an error getting a thumbnail for a CesiumImagery layer' +
              '. Error details: ' + error

         * Gets a data URI from a bitmap image.
         * @param {ImageBitmap} bitmap The bitmap image to convert to a data URI
         * @returns {String} Returns a string containing the requested data URI.
        getDataUriFromBitmap: function (imageBitmap) {
          try {
            const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
            canvas.width = imageBitmap.width;
            canvas.height = imageBitmap.height;
            const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
            // y-flip the image - Natural Earth II bitmaps appear upside down otherwise
            // TODO: Test with other imagery layers
            ctx.translate(0, imageBitmap.height);
            ctx.scale(1, -1);
            ctx.drawImage(imageBitmap, 0, 0);
            return canvas.toDataURL();
          } catch (error) {
              'There was an error converting an ImageBitmap to a data URL' +
              '. Error details: ' + error

        // /**
        //  * Parses the given input into a JSON object to be set on the model.
        //  *
        //  * @param {TODO} input - The raw response object
        //  * @return {TODO} - The JSON object of all the Imagery attributes
        //    */
        // parse: function (input) {

        //   try {

        //     var modelJSON = {};

        //     return modelJSON

        //   }
        //   catch (error) {console.log('There was an error parsing a Imagery model' + '.
        //     Error details: ' + error
        //     );
        //   }

        // },

        // /**
        //  * Overrides the default Backbone.Model.validate.function() to check if this if
        //  * the values set on this model are valid.
        //  * 
        //  * @param {Object} [attrs] - A literal object of model attributes to validate.
        //  * @param {Object} [options] - A literal object of options for this validation
        //  * process
        //  * 
        //  * @return {Object} - Returns a literal object with the invalid attributes and
        //  * their corresponding error message, if there are any. If there are no errors,
        //  * returns nothing.
        //    */
        // validate: function (attrs, options) {try {

        //   }
        //   catch (error) {console.log('There was an error validating a CesiumImagery
        //     model' + '. Error details: ' + error
        //     );
        //   }
        // },

        // /**
        //  * Creates a string using the values set on this model's attributes.
        //  * @return {string} The Imagery string
        //    */
        // serialize: function () {try {var serializedImagery = "";

        //     return serializedImagery;
        //   }
        //   catch (error) {console.log('There was an error serializing a CesiumImagery
        //     model' + '. Error details: ' + error
        //     );
        //   }
        // },


    return CesiumImagery;
