Source: src/js/models/maps/assets/Cesium3DTileset.js

'use strict';

  function (
  ) {
     * @classdesc A Cesium3DTileset Model is a special type of vector layer that can be used in
     * Cesium maps, and that follows the 3d-tiles specification. See
     * {@link}
     * @classcategory Models/Maps/Assets
     * @class Cesium3DTileset
     * @name Cesium3DTileset
     * @extends MapAsset
     * @since 2.18.0
     * @constructor
    var Cesium3DTileset = MapAsset.extend(
      /** @lends Cesium3DTileset.prototype */ {

         * The name of this type of model
         * @type {string}
        type: 'Cesium3DTileset',

         * Options that are supported for creating 3D tilesets. The object will be passed
         * to `Cesium.Cesium3DTileset(options)` as options, so the properties listed in
         * the Cesium3DTileset documentation are also supported, see
         * {@link}
         * @typedef {Object} Cesium3DTileset#cesiumOptions
         * @property {string|number} ionAssetId - If this tileset is hosted by Cesium Ion,
         * then Ion asset ID. 
         * @property {string} cesiumToken - If this tileset is hosted by Cesium Ion, then
         * the token needed to access this resource. If one is not set, then the default
         * set in the repository's {@link AppConfig#cesiumToken} will be used.

         * Default attributes for Cesium3DTileset models
         * @name Cesium3DTileset#defaults
         * @extends MapAsset#defaults
         * @type {Object}
         * @property {'Cesium3DTileset'} type The format of the data. Must be
         * 'Cesium3DTileset'.
         * @property {VectorFilters} [filters=new VectorFilters()] A set of conditions
         * used to show or hide specific features of this tileset.
         * @property {AssetColorPalette} [colorPalette=new AssetColorPalette()] The color
         * or colors mapped to attributes of this asset. Used to style the features and to
         * make a legend.
         * @property {Cesium.Cesium3DTileset} cesiumModel A model created and used by
         * Cesium that organizes the data to display in the Cesium Widget. See
         * {@link}
         * @property {Cesium3DTileset#cesiumOptions} cesiumOptions options are passed
         * to the function that creates the Cesium model. The properties of options are
         * specific to each type of asset.
        defaults: function () {
          return Object.assign(
              type: 'Cesium3DTileset',
              filters: new VectorFilters(),
              cesiumModel: null,
              cesiumOptions: {},
              colorPalette: new AssetColorPalette(),
              icon: '<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><path d="m12.6 12.8 4.9 5c. 0 .8l-5 5c-.2.1-.5.1-.8 0l-4.9-5a.6.6 0 0 1 0-.8l5-5c.2-.2.5-.2.8 0ZM6.3 6.6l5 5v.7l-5 5c-.2.2-.6.2-.8 0l-5-5a.6.6 0 0 1 0-.8l5-5c.2-.1.6-.1.8 0Zm11 7.8 1.7 1.8c. 0 .8l-.2.3c-.2.2-.6.2-.8 0l-1.8-1.8c-.2-.3-.2-.6 0-.9l.2-.2c.3-.2.6-.2.9 0ZM22 9.7l1.7 1.8c. 0 .8l-3.3 3.4c-.2.2-.6.2-.9 0l-1.7-1.8a.6.6 0 0 1 0-.8L21 9.7c.3-.2.6-.2.9 0Zm-6-.2 1.7 1.7c. 0 .9l-2 2c-.2.2-.6.2-.9 0l-1.7-1.8c-.2-.2-.3-.6 0-.8l2-2c.3-.3.6-.3.9 0ZM12.6.3l4.9 5c. 0 .8l-5 4.9c-.2.2-.5.2-.8 0L6.8 6a.6.6 0 0 1 0-.8l5-4.9c.2-.2.5-.2.8 0Zm6.2 6.3 1.8 1.7c. 0 1L19 10.7c-.3.3-.7.3-1 0L16.6 9c-.3-.2-.3-.6 0-1l1.4-1.3c.3-.3.7-.3 1 0Z"/></svg>',
              featureType: Cesium.Cesium3DTileFeature

         * Executed when a new Cesium3DTileset model is created.
         * @param {MapConfig#MapAssetConfig} [assetConfig] The initial values of the
         * attributes, which will be set on the model.
        initialize: function (assetConfig) {
          try {

  , assetConfig);

            if (assetConfig.filters) {
              this.set('filters', new VectorFilters(assetConfig.filters))

          catch (error) {
              'There was an error initializing a 3DTileset model' +
              '. Error details: ' + error

         * Creates a Cesium.Cesium3DTileset model and sets it to this model's
         * 'cesiumModel' attribute. This cesiumModel contains all the information required
         * for Cesium to render tiles. See
         * {@link}
         * @param {Boolean} recreate - Set recreate to true to force the function create
         * the Cesium Model again. Otherwise, if a cesium model already exists, that is
         * returned instead.
        createCesiumModel: function (recreate = false) {

          try {

            // If the cesium model already exists, don't create it again unless specified
            const currentModel = this.get('cesiumModel')
            if (!recreate && currentModel) return currentModel

            const model = this;
            const cesiumOptions = this.getCesiumOptions();
            let cesiumModel = null

            if (!cesiumOptions) {
              model.set('status', 'error');
              model.set('statusDetails', 'No options were set for this tileset.');


            // If this tileset is a Cesium Ion resource set the url from the asset Id
            cesiumOptions.url = this.getCesiumURL(cesiumOptions) || cesiumOptions.url;

            cesiumModel = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset(cesiumOptions)
            model.set('cesiumModel', cesiumModel)
              .then(function () {
                // Let the map views know that the tileset is ready to render
                model.set('status', 'ready');
                // Listen to changes in the opacity, color, etc
                // Set the initial visibility, opacity, filters, and colors
              .otherwise(function (error) {
                // See
                let details = error;
                // Write a helpful error message
                switch (error.statusCode) {
                  case 404:
                    details = 'The resource was not found (error code 404).'
                  case 500:
                    details = 'There was a server error (error code 500).'
                model.set('status', 'error');
                model.set('statusDetails', details)
          catch (error) {
              'Failed to create a Cesium Model within a 3D Tileset model' +
              '. Error details: ' + error

         * Checks whether there is an asset ID for a Cesium Ion resource and if
         * so, return the URL to the resource.
         * @returns {string} The URL to the Cesium Ion resource
         * @since 2.26.0
        getCesiumURL: function () {
          try {
            const cesiumOptions = this.getCesiumOptions();
            if (!cesiumOptions || !cesiumOptions.ionAssetId) return null
            // The Cesium Ion ID of the resource to access
            const assetId = Number(cesiumOptions.ionAssetId)
            // Options to pass to Cesium's fromAssetId function. Access token
            // needs to be set before requesting cesium ion resources
            const ionResourceOptions = {
              accessToken: cesiumOptions.cesiumToken ||
            // Create the new URL and set it on the model options
            return Cesium.IonResource.fromAssetId(assetId, ionResourceOptions);
          catch (error) {
              'There was an error settings a Cesium URL in a Cesium3DTileset' +
              '. Error details: ' + error

         * Set listeners that update the cesium model when the backbone model is updated.
        setListeners: function () {
          try {

            // call the super method

            // When opacity, color, or visibility changes (will also update the filters)
            this.stopListening(this, 'change:opacity change:color change:visible')
              this, 'change:opacity change:color change:visible', this.updateAppearance

            // When filters change
            this.stopListening(this.get('filters'), 'update')
            this.listenTo(this.get('filters'), 'update', this.updateFeatureVisibility)

          catch (error) {
              'There was an error setting listeners in a Cesium3DTileset' +
              '. Error details: ' + error

         * Sets a new Cesium3DTileStyle on the Cesium 3D tileset model's style property,
         * based on the attributes set on this model. 
        updateAppearance: function () {
          try {
            const model = this;
            // The style set on the Cesium 3D tileset needs to be updated to show the
            // changes on a Cesium map.
            const cesiumModel = model.get('cesiumModel')

            if(!cesiumModel) return

            // If the layer isn't visible at all, don't bother setting up colors or
            // filters. Just set every feature to hidden.
            if (!model.isVisible()) {
     = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileStyle({
                show: false
              // Indicate that the layer is hidden if the opacity is zero by updating the
              // visibility property
              if (model.get('opacity') === 0) {
                model.set('visible', false);

              // Let the map and/or other parent views know that a change has been made
              // that requires the map to be re-rendered
            } else {
              // Set a new 3D style with a  function that Cesium will use to shade each
              // feature.
     = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileStyle({
                color: {
                  evaluateColor: model.getColorFunction(),
              // Since the style has to be reset, re-add the filters expression. This also
              // triggers the appearanceChanged event

          catch (error) {
              'There was an error updating a 3D Tile style property in a Cesium3DTileset' +
              '. Error details: ' + error

         * Updates the Cesium style set on this tileset. Adds a new expression to the
         * show property that will filter the features based on the filters set on this
         * model.
        updateFeatureVisibility: function () {
          try {

            const model = this;
            const cesiumModel = this.get('cesiumModel')
            const filters = this.get('filters')

            // If there are no filters, just set the show property to true
            if (!filters || !filters.length) {
     = true
            } else {
              const expression = new Cesium.StyleExpression()
              expression.evaluate = function (feature) {
                const properties = model.getPropertiesFromFeature(feature)
                return model.featureIsVisible(properties)
     = expression

          catch (error) {
              'There was an error  in a Cesium3DTileset' +
              '. Error details: ' + error

         * Given a feature from a Cesium 3D tileset, returns any properties that are set
         * on the feature, similar to an attributes table.
         * @param {Cesium.Cesium3DTileFeature} feature A Cesium 3D Tile feature
         * @returns {Object} An object containing key-value mapping of property names to
         * properties.
        getPropertiesFromFeature: function(feature) {
          if (!this.usesFeatureType(feature)) return null
          let properties = {};
          feature.getPropertyNames().forEach(function (propertyName) {
            properties[propertyName] = feature.getProperty(propertyName)
          properties = this.addCustomProperties(properties)
          return properties

         * Return the label for a feature from a Cesium 3D tileset
         * @param {Cesium.Cesium3DTileFeature} feature A Cesium 3D Tile feature
         * @returns {string} The label
         * @since 2.25.0
        getLabelFromFeature: function (feature) {
          if (!this.usesFeatureType(feature)) return null
          return feature.getProperty('name') || feature.getProperty('label') || null

         * Return the Cesium3DTileset model for a feature from a Cesium 3D tileset
         * @param {Cesium.Cesium3DTileFeature} feature A Cesium 3D Tile feature
         * @returns {Cesium3DTileset} The model
         * @since 2.25.0
        getCesiumModelFromFeature: function (feature) {
          if (!this.usesFeatureType(feature)) return null
          return feature.primitive

         * Return the ID used by Cesium for a feature from a Cesium 3D tileset
         * @param {Cesium.Cesium3DTileFeature} feature A Cesium 3D Tile feature
         * @returns {string} The ID
         * @since 2.25.0
        getIDFromFeature: function (feature) {
          if (!this.usesFeatureType(feature)) return null
          return feature.pickId ? feature.pickId.key : null

         * Creates a function that takes a Cesium3DTileFeature (see
         * {@link}) and
         * returns a Cesium color based on the colorPalette property set on this model.
         * The returned function is designed to be used as the evaluateColor function that
         * is set in the color property of a Cesium3DTileStyle StyleExpression. See
         * {@link}
         * @returns {function} A Cesium 3dTile evaluate color function
        getColorFunction: function () {
          try {
            const model = this;
            // Opacity of the entire layer is set by using it as the alpha for each color
            const opacity = model.get('opacity')

            const evaluateColor = function (feature) {
              const properties = model.getPropertiesFromFeature(feature);
              let featureOpacity = opacity;
              // If the feature is currently selected, set the opacity to max (otherwise the
              // 'silhouette' borders in the map do not show in the Cesium widget)
              if (model.featureIsSelected(feature)) {
                featureOpacity = 1
              const rgb = model.getColor(properties)
              if (rgb) {
                return new Cesium.Color(,,, featureOpacity);
              } else {
                return new Cesium.Color();
            return evaluateColor
          catch (error) {
              'There was an error creating a color function in a Cesium3DTileset model' +
              '. Error details: ' + error

        * Gets a Cesium Bounding Sphere that can be used to navigate to view the full
        * extent of the tileset. See
        * {@link}.
        * @returns {Promise} Returns a promise that resolves to a Cesium Bounding Sphere
        * when ready
        getBoundingSphere: function () {
          const model = this;
          return this.whenReady()
            .then(function (model) {
              const tileset = model.get('cesiumModel')
              const bSphere = Cesium.BoundingSphere.clone(tileset.boundingSphere);
              return bSphere


    return Cesium3DTileset;
