Source: src/js/models/maps/MapInteraction.js

"use strict";

], function (
) {
   * @class MapInteraction
   * @classdesc The Map Interaction stores information about user interaction
   * with a map, including the current position of the mouse, the feature that
   * the mouse is currently hovering over, and the position on the map that the
   * user has clicked, as well as the current view extent of the map.
   * @classcategory Models/Maps
   * @name MapInteraction
   * @since 2.27.0
   * @extends Backbone.Model
  const MapInteraction = Backbone.Model.extend(
    /** @lends MapInteraction.prototype */ {
       * The type of model this is.
       * @type {String}
      type: "MapInteraction",

       * Overrides the default Backbone.Model.defaults() function to specify
       * default attributes for the Map.
       * @returns {Object} The default attributes for the Map.
       * @property {GeoPoint} mousePosition - The current position of the mouse
       * on the map. Updated by the map widget to show the longitude, latitude,
       * and height (elevation) at the position of the mouse on the map.
       * @property {GeoPoint} clickedPosition - The position on the map that the
       * user last clicked.
       * @property {GeoScale} scale - The current scale of the map in
       * pixels:meters, i.e. The number of pixels on the screen that equal the
       * number of meters on the map/globe. Updated by the map widget.
       * @property {GeoBoundingBox} viewExtent - The extent of the currently
       * visible area in the map widget. Updated by the map widget.
       * @property {Features} hoveredFeatures - The feature that the mouse is
       * currently hovering over. Updated by the map widget with a Feature model
       * when a user hovers over a geographical feature on the map.
       * @property {Features} clickedFeatures - The feature that the user last
       * clicked. Updated by the map widget with a Feature model when a user
       * clicks on a geographical feature on the map.
       * @property {Features} selectedFeatures - Features from one or more
       * layers that are highlighted or selected on the map. Updated by the map
       * widget with a Feature model when a user selects a geographical feature
       * on the map (e.g. by clicking)
       * @property {Boolean} firstInteraction - Whether or not the user has
       * interacted with the map yet. This is set to true when the user has
       * clicked, hovered, panned, or zoomed the map. The only action that is
       * ignored is mouse movement over the map.
       * @property {String} previousAction - The previous action that was
       * performed on the map. This may be any of the labels in the Cesium
       * ScreenSpaceEventType enumeration:
       * {@link}
       * @property {Feature|MapAsset|GeoBoundingBox} zoomTarget - The feature or
       * map asset that the map should zoom to. The map widget should listen to
       * this property and zoom to the specified feature or map asset when this
       * property is set. The property should be cleared after the map widget
       * has zoomed to the specified feature or map asset.
      defaults: function () {
        return {
          mousePosition: new GeoPoint(),
          clickedPosition: new GeoPoint(),
          scale: new GeoScale(),
          viewExtent: new GeoBoundingBox(),
          hoveredFeatures: new Features(),
          clickedFeatures: new Features(),
          selectedFeatures: new Features(),
          firstInteraction: false,
          previousAction: null,
          zoomTarget: null,

       * Run when a new Map is created.
       * @param {MapConfig} attrs - An object specifying configuration options
       * for the map. If any config option is not specified, the default will be
       * used instead (see {@link MapInteraction#defaults}).
      initialize: function (attrs, options) {
        try {
        } catch (e) {
          console.log("Error initializing a Map Interaction model", e);

       * Connects the MapInteraction model to events from the map widget.
      connectEvents: function () {
        this.listenTo(this, "change:previousAction", this.handleClick);

       * Listens for the first interaction with the map (click, hover, pan, or
       * zoom) and sets the 'firstInteraction' attribute to true when it occurs.
      listenForFirstInteraction: function () {
        const model = this;
        if (model.get("firstInteraction")) return;
        const listener = new Backbone.Model();
          function (m, eventType) {
            if (eventType != "MOUSE_MOVE") {
              model.set("firstInteraction", true);

       * Expands the camera events that are passed to the MapInteraction model
       * from the map widget by creating a 'moveStartAndChanged' event. This
       * event is triggered after the camera starts moving if and only if the
       * camera position changes enough to trigger a 'cameraChanged' event. This
       * event is useful for triggering actions that should only occur after the
       * camera has moved and the camera position has changed.
       * @since 2.27.0
      listenForMoveStartAndChange: function () {
        if (this.moveStartChangeListener) {
        const listener = new Backbone.Model();
        const model = this;
        this.moveStartChangeListener = listener;
        listener.stopListening(model, "moveStart");
        listener.listenTo(model, "moveStart", function () {
          listener.listenToOnce(model, "cameraChanged", function () {
            listener.stopListening(model, "moveEnd");
          listener.listenToOnce(model, "moveEnd", function () {
            listener.stopListening(model, "cameraChanged");

       * Handles a mouse click on the map. If the user has clicked on a feature,
       * the feature is set as the 'clickedFeatures' attribute. If the map or layer is
       * configured to show details when a feature is clicked, the feature is
       * also set as the 'selectedFeatures' attribute.
       * @param {MapInteraction} m - The MapInteraction model.
       * @param {String} action - The type of mouse click event that occurred.
       * All except LEFT_CLICK are ignored.
      handleClick: function (m, action) {
        if (action !== "LEFT_CLICK") return;
        // Clone the models in hovered features and set them as clicked features
        const hoveredFeatures = this.get("hoveredFeatures").models;
        let clickAction = this.get("hoveredFeatures")
        if (clickAction == null) {
          clickAction = this.get("mapModel")?.get("clickFeatureAction");
        if (clickAction === "showDetails") {
        } else if (clickAction === "zoom") {
          this.set("zoomTarget", hoveredFeatures[0]);
        // TODO: throttle this?

       * Sets the clicked position to the current mouse position.
      setClickedPositionFromMousePosition: function () {
        const mousePosition = this.get("mousePosition");
        const coords = {
          longitude: mousePosition.get("longitude"),
          latitude: mousePosition.get("latitude"),
          height: mousePosition.get("height"),
          mapWidgetCoords: mousePosition.get("mapWidgetCoords"),

       * Set the position for either the mousePosition or clickedPosition
       * attribute. Creates a new GeoPoint model if one doesn't already exist
       * on the attribute.
       * @param {'mousePosition'|'clickedPosition'} attributeName - The name of
       * the attribute to set.
       * @param {Object} position - An object with 'longitude' and 'latitude'
       * properties.
       * @returns {GeoPoint} The corresponding position as a GeoPoint model.
      setPosition: function (attributeName, position) {
        let point = this.get(attributeName);
        if (!point) {
          point = new GeoPoint();
          this.set(attributeName, point);
        return point;

       * Sets the position on the map that the user last clicked.
       * @param {Object} position - An object with 'longitude' and 'latitude'
       * properties.
       * @returns {GeoPoint} The clicked position as a GeoPoint model.
      setClickedPosition: function (position) {
        return this.setPosition("clickedPosition", position);

       * Sets the position of the mouse on the map.
       * @param {Object} position - An object with 'longitude' and 'latitude'
       * properties.
       * @returns {GeoPoint} The mouse position as a GeoPoint model.
      setMousePosition: function (position) {
        return this.setPosition("mousePosition", position);

       * Set the pixel:meter scale of the map. Creates a new GeoScale model if
       * one doesn't already exist on the scale attribute.
       * @param {Object} scale - An object with 'meters' and 'pixels'
       * properties.
       * @returns {GeoScale} The scale as a GeoScale model.
      setScale: function (scale) {
        let scaleModel = this.get("scale");
        if (!scaleModel) {
          scaleModel = new GeoScale();
          this.set("scale", scaleModel);
        return scaleModel;

       * Set the extent of the map view. Creates a new GeoBoundingBox model if
       * one doesn't already exist on the viewExtent attribute.
       * @param {Object} extent - An object with 'north', 'east', 'south', and
       * 'west' properties.
       * @returns {GeoBoundingBox} The view extent as a GeoBoundingBox model.
      setViewExtent: function (extent) {
        let viewExtent = this.get("viewExtent");
        if (!viewExtent) {
          viewExtent = new GeoBoundingBox();
          this.set("viewExtent", viewExtent);
        return viewExtent;

       * Set the feature that the mouse is currently hovering over.
       * @param {Cesium.Entity|Cesium.Cesium3DTileFeature|Feature[]} features -
       * An array of feature objects selected directly from the map view.
      setHoveredFeatures: function (features) {
        this.setFeatures(features, "hoveredFeatures", true);

       * Set the feature that the user last clicked.
       * @param {Cesium.Entity|Cesium.Cesium3DTileFeature|Feature[]|Object[]}
       * features - An array of feature objects selected directly from the map
       * view.
      setClickedFeatures: function (features) {
        this.setFeatures(features, "clickedFeatures", true);

       * Set the feature that is currently selected.
       * @param {Cesium.Entity|Cesium.Cesium3DTileFeature|Feature|Object[]}
       * features - An array of feature objects selected directly from the map
       * view.
      selectFeatures: function (features) {
        const model = this;
        this.setFeatures(features, "selectedFeatures", true);

       * Set features on either the hoveredFeatures, clickedFeatures, or
       * selectedFeatures attribute. If the replace parameter is true, then the
       * features will replace the current features on the attribute.
       * @param {Cesium.Entity|Cesium.Cesium3DTileFeature|Feature[]|Object[]}
       * features - An array of feature objects selected directly from the map
       * view.
       * @param {'hoveredFeatures'|'clickedFeatures'|'selectedFeatures'} type -
       * The type of feature to set.
       * @param {Boolean} [replace=true] - Whether or not to replace the current
       * features on the attribute with the new features.
      setFeatures: function (features, type, replace = true) {
        try {
          const model = this;

          // Create a features collection if one doesn't already exist
          if (!model.get(type)) model.set(type, new Features());

          // Remove any null, undefined, or empty features
          if (Array.isArray(features)) features = features.filter((f) => f);
          if (features instanceof Features) {
            features = features.filter((f) => !f.isDefault());

          // Empty collection if features array is empty (and replace is true)
          if (!features || features.length === 0) {
            if (replace) model.get(type).set([], { remove: true });

          // Ignore if new features are identical to the current features
          const currentFeatures = model.get(type);
          if (
            features &&
            currentFeatures &&
            currentFeatures.length === features.length &&
          ) {

          const assets = _.reduce(
            (mapAssets, layers) => {
              return mapAssets;
            new MapAssets(),

          const newAttrs = => ({ featureObject: f }));

            .set(newAttrs, { remove: replace, parse: true, assets: assets });
        } catch (e) {
          console.log("Failed to select a Feature in a Map model.", e);

  return MapInteraction;