Source: src/js/models/geocoder/Prediction.js

'use strict';

define(['backbone'], (Backbone) => {
  * @class Prediction
  * @classdes Prediction represents a value returned from a location
  * autocompletion search.
  * @classcategory Models/Geocoder
  * @since 2.28.0
  * @extends Backbone.Model
  const Prediction = Backbone.Model.extend(
    /** @lends Prediction.prototype */{
       * Overrides the default Backbone.Model.defaults() function to specify
       * default attributes for the Map
       * @name Prediction#defaults
       * @type {Object}
       * @property {string} description A user-friendly description of a Google
       * Maps Place.
       * @property {string} googleMapsPlaceId Unique identifier that can be 
       * geocoded by the Google Maps Geocoder API.
      defaults() {
        return { description: '', googleMapsPlaceId: '' };

       * @typedef {Object} PredictionOptions
       * @property {string} description A string describing the location
       * represented by the Prediction. 
       * @property {string} googleMapsPlaceId The place ID that is used to
       * uniquely identify a place in Google Maps API. 
      initialize({ description, googleMapsPlaceId, } = {}) {
        this.set('description', description);
        this.set('googleMapsPlaceId', googleMapsPlaceId);

  return Prediction;