Source: src/js/models/filters/FilterGroup.js

/* global define */
define(["jquery", "underscore", "backbone", "collections/Filters", "models/filters/Filter" ],
  function ($, _, Backbone, Filters, Filter) {

    * @class FilterGroup
    * @classdesc A group of multiple Filters, and optionally nested Filter Groups, which
    * may be combined to create a complex query. A FilterGroup may be a Collection
    * FilterGroupType or a Portal UIFilterGroupType.
    * @classcategory Models/Filters
    * @extends Backbone.Model
    * @constructs
    var FilterGroup = Backbone.Model.extend(
    /** @lends FilterGroup.prototype */{

          * The name of this Model
          * @type {string}
          * @readonly
        type: "FilterGroup",

         * Default attributes for FilterGroup models
         * @type {Object}
         * @property {string} label - For UIFilterGroupType filter groups, a
         * human-readable short label for this Filter Group
         * @property {string} description - For UIFilterGroupType filter groups, a
         * description of the Filter Group's function
         * @property {string} icon - For UIFilterGroupType filter groups, a term that
         * identifies a single icon in a supported icon library.
         * @property {Filters} filters - A collection of Filter models that represent a
         * full or partial query
         * @property {XMLElement} objectDOM - FilterGroup XML
         * @property {string} operator - The operator to use between filters (including
         * filter groups) set on this model. Must be set to "AND" or "OR".
         * @property {boolean} exclude - If true, search index docs matching the filters
         * within this group will be excluded from the search results
         * @property {boolean} isUIFilterType - Set to true if this group is
         * UIFilterGroupType (aka custom Portal search filter). Otherwise, it's assumed
         * that this model is FilterGroupType (e.g. a Collection FilterGroupType)
         * @property {string} nodeName - the XML node name to use when serializing this
         * model. For example, may be "filterGroup" or "definition".
         * @property {boolean} isInvisible - If true, this filter will be added to the
         * query but will act in the "background", like a default filter. It will not
         * appear in the Query Builder or other UIs. If this is invisible, then the
         * "isInvisible" property on sub-filters will be ignored.
         * @property {boolean} mustMatchIds - If the search results must always match one
         * of the ids in the id filters, then the id filters will be added to the query
         * with an AND operator.
        defaults: function () {
          return {
            label: null,
            description: null,
            icon: null,
            filters: null,
            objectDOM: null,
            operator: "AND",
            exclude: false,
            isUIFilterType: false,
            nodeName: "filterGroup",
            isInvisible: false,
            mustMatchIds: false
            // TODO: support options for UIFilterGroupType 1.1.0 
            // options: [],

        * This function is executed whenever a new FilterGroup model is created. Model
        * attributes are set either by parsing attributes.objectDOM or ny extracting the
        * properties from attributes (e.g. attributes.nodeName, attributes.operator, etc)
        initialize: function (attributes) {

            attributes = {}

            this.set("isUIFilterType", true);

          // When a Filter model within this Filter group changes, or when the Filters
          // collection is updated, trigger a change event in this filterGroup model.
          // Updates and Changes in the Filters collection won't trigger an event from
          // this model otherwise. This helps when other models, collections, views are
          // listening to this filterGroup, e.g. when the collections model updates the
          // searchModel whenever the definition changes.
          this.on("change:filters", function(){
            this.stopListening(this.get("filters"), "update change");
              "update change",
              function(model, record){
                this.trigger("update", model, record)
          }, this);

          var newFiltersOptions = {};
          var catalogSearch = false;

            this.set("catalogSearch", true)

          // Set the attributes on this model by parsing XML if some was provided,
          // or by using any attributes provided to this model
          if (attributes.objectDOM) {
            var groupAttrs = this.parse(attributes.objectDOM, catalogSearch);
          } else{
            ["label", "description", "icon", "operator",
             "exclude", "nodeName", "isInvisible"].forEach(function(modelAttribute){
              if(attributes[modelAttribute] || attributes[modelAttribute] === false){
                this.set(modelAttribute, attributes[modelAttribute])
            }, this);

          if (attributes.filters) {
            var filtersCollection = new Filters(null, newFiltersOptions);
            this.set("filters", filtersCollection);

          // Start a new Filters collection if no filters were provided
            this.set("filters", new Filters(null, newFiltersOptions))

          if (attributes.mustMatchIds) {
            this.set("mustMatchIds", true);
            this.get("filters").mustMatchIds = true;

          // The operator must be AND or OR
          if( !["AND", "OR"].includes(this.get("operator")) ){
            // Set the value to the default
            this.set("operator", this.defaults()["operator"])


        * Overrides the default Backbone.Model.parse() function to parse the filterGroup
        * XML snippet
        * @param {Element} xml - The XML Element that contains all the FilterGroup elements
        * @param {boolean} catalogSearch [false] - Set to true to append a catalog search phrase
        * to the search query created from Filters that limits the results to un-obsoleted
        * metadata.
        * @return {JSON} The result of the parsed XML, in JSON. To be set directly on the model.
        parse: function (xml, catalogSearch = false) {

          var modelJSON = {}

            return modelJSON

          // FilterGroups can be either <definition> or <filterGroup>
          this.set("nodeName", xml.nodeName);

          // Parse all the text nodes. Node names and model attributes always match
          // in this case.
          ["label", "description", "icon", "operator"].forEach(
                modelJSON[nodeName] = this.parseTextNode(xml, nodeName)

          // Parse the exclude field node (true or false)
          if( $(xml).find("exclude").length ){
            modelJSON.exclude = (this.parseTextNode(xml, "exclude") === "true") ? true : false;
          // Remove any nodes that aren't filters or filter groups from the XML
          var filterNodeNames = [
            "filter", "booleanFilter", "dateFilter", "numericFilter", "filterGroup",
            "choiceFilter", "toggleFilter"
          filterXML = xml.cloneNode(true)
            .not(filterNodeNames.join(", "))

          // Add the filters and nested filter groups to this filters model
          // TODO: Add isNested property for filterGroups that are within filterGroups?
          var filtersOptions = {
            objectDOM: filterXML,
            isUIFilterType: this.get("isUIFilterType"),

            filtersOptions.catalogSearch = true

          modelJSON.filters = new Filters(null, filtersOptions);

          return modelJSON;

        * Gets the text content of the XML node matching the given node name
        * @param {Element} parentNode - The parent node to select from
        * @param {string} nodeName - The name of the XML node to parse
        * @param {boolean} isMultiple - If true, parses the nodes into an array
        * @return {(string|Array)} - Returns a string or array of strings of the text content
        parseTextNode: function (parentNode, nodeName, isMultiple) {
          var node = $(parentNode).children(nodeName);

          //If no matching nodes were found, return falsey values
          if (!node || !node.length) {

            //Return an empty array if the isMultiple flag is true
            if (isMultiple)
              return [];
            //Return null if the isMultiple flag is false
              return null;
          //If exactly one node is found and we are only expecting one, return the text content
          else if (node.length == 1 && !isMultiple) {
            return node[0].textContent.trim();
          //If more than one node is found, parse into an array
          else {

            return, function (node) {
              return node.textContent.trim() || null;


         * Builds the query string to send to the query engine. Iterates over each filter
         * in the filter group and adds to the query string.
         * @return {string} The query string to send to Solr
        getQuery: function(){

          try {

            // Although the logic used in this function is very similar to the getQuery()
            // function in the Filters collection, we can't just use
            // this.get("filters").getQuery(operator), because there are some subtle
            // differences with how queries are built using the information from
            // filterGroups, especially when the exclude attribute is set to true.

            var queryString = ""
              return queryString

            // The operator to use between queries from filters/sub-filterGroups
            var operator = this.get("operator")

            // Helper function that adds URI encoded spaces to either side of a string
            var padString = function(string){ return "%20" + string + "%20" };
            // Helper function that appends a new part to a query fragment, using an
            // operator if the initial fragment is not empty. Returns the string as-is if
            // the newFragment is empty.
            var addQueryFragment = function(string, newFragment, operator){
              if(!newFragment || (newFragment && newFragment.trim().length == 0) ){
                return string
              if(string && string.trim().length){
                string += padString(operator)
              string += newFragment
              return string
            // Helper function that wraps a string in parentheses
            var wrapInParentheses = function(string){
              if (!string || (string && string.trim().length == 0)) {
                return string
              // TODO: We still want to wrap in parentheses in cases like "(a) OR (b)" and
              // "a OR (b) or c" but not in cases like (a OR b)
              // var alreadyWrapped = /^\(.*\)$/.test(string);
              // if (alreadyWrapped) {
              //   return string
              // }

              return "(" + string + ")"

            // Get the list of filters that use id fields since these are used differently.
            var idFilters = this.get("filters").getIdFilters();
            // Get the remaining filters that don't contain any ID fields
            var mainFilters = this.get("filters").getNonIdFilters();

            // If the filterGroup should be excluded from the results, then don't include
            // the isPartOf filter in the part of the query that gets excluded. The
            // isPartOf filter is only meant to *include* additional results, never
            // exclude any.
              var isPartOfFilter = null;
              idFilters.forEach(function(filterModel, index){
                if(filterModel.get("fields")[0] == "isPartOf"){
                  idFilters.splice(index, 1);
                  isPartOfFilter = filterModel
              }, this)

            // Create the grouped query for the id filters (this will have the isPartOf
            // filter query if exclude is false, and will not have it if exclude is true)
            var idFilterQuery = this.get("filters").getGroupQuery(idFilters, "OR").trim();
            // Make the query fragment for all of the filters that do not contain ID fields
            var mainQuery = this.get("filters").getGroupQuery(mainFilters, operator).trim();
            // Make the query string that should be added to all catalog searches
            var categoryQuery = ""
              categoryQuery = this.get("filters").createCatalogSearchQuery().trim()
            // Make the query string for the isPartOf filter when the filter group should
            // be excluded
            var isPartOfQuery = ""
              isPartOfQuery = isPartOfFilter.getQuery().trim();


              // The query is constructed like so for filter groups with exclude set to true:
              // ( ( -( mainQuery OR idFilterQuery ) AND *:* ) OR isPartOfQuery ) AND categoryQuery
              // Build the query string piece by piece:

              // 1. mainQuery
              queryString += mainQuery;
              queryString = wrapInParentheses(queryString)
              // 2. ( mainQuery OR idFilterQuery )
              if (idFilterQuery.trim().length){
                idOperator = this.get("mustMatchIds") ? "AND" : "OR"
                queryString = addQueryFragment(queryString, idFilterQuery, idOperator)
                queryString = wrapInParentheses(queryString)
              // 3. -( mainQuery OR idFilterQuery )
                queryString = "-" + queryString
              // 4. ( -( mainQuery OR idFilterQuery ) AND *:* )  - see Filter model
              // requiresPositiveClause for details on why positive clause is
              // needed here
              if (queryString.trim().length) {
                queryString = addQueryFragment(queryString, "*:*", "AND")
                queryString = wrapInParentheses(queryString)
              // 5. ( ( -( mainQuery OR idFilterQuery ) AND *:* ) OR isPartOfQuery)
              if (isPartOfQuery){
                queryString = addQueryFragment(queryString, isPartOfQuery, "OR")
                queryString = wrapInParentheses(queryString)
              // 6. (-( mainQuery OR idFilterQuery ) AND *:* OR isPartOfQuery) AND
              //    categoryQuery
              queryString = addQueryFragment(queryString, categoryQuery, "AND")
            } else {

              // The query is constructed like so for filter groups with exclude set to
              // false: ( mainQuery OR idFilterQuery ) AND catalogQuery where
              // idFilterQuery includes the isPartOfQuery

              // 1. mainQuery
              queryString += mainQuery;
              queryString = wrapInParentheses(queryString)
              // 2. ( mainQuery OR idFilterQuery )
              if (idFilterQuery.trim().length) {
                queryString = addQueryFragment(queryString, idFilterQuery, "OR")
                queryString = wrapInParentheses(queryString)
              // 3. ( mainQuery OR idFilterQuery ) AND catalogQuery
              queryString = addQueryFragment(queryString, categoryQuery, "AND")

            return queryString

          } catch (error) {
            console.log("Error creating a query for a Filter Group, error details:" +

         * Overrides the default Backbone.Model.validate.function() to check if this
         * FilterGroup model has all the required values.
         * @param {Object} [attrs] - A literal object of model attributes to validate.
         * @param {Object} [options] - A literal object of options for this validation
         * process
         * @return {Object} If there are errors, an object comprising error messages. If
         * no errors, returns nothing.
        validate: function(){

          try {
            var errors = {};

            // The operator must be AND or OR
            if( !["AND", "OR"].includes(this.get("operator")) ){
              //Reset the value to the default rather than return an error
              this.set("operator", this.defaults()["operator"]);

            //Exclude should always be a boolean
            if( typeof this.get("exclude") !== "boolean" ){
              // Reset the value to the default rather than return an error
              this.set("exclude", this.defaults().exclude);

            // Validate label, icon, and description for UI Filter Groups 
              var textAttributes = ["label", "icon", "description"];
              // These fields should be strings
              _.each(textAttributes, function(attr){
                if( typeof this.get(attr) !== "string" ){
                  // Reset the value to the default rather than return an error
                  this.set(attr, this.defaults()[attr]);
              }, this);
              // If this filter group is not empty, and it's a UI Filter Group, then
              // the group needs a label to be valid.
              if(!this.isEmpty() && !this.get("label")){
                // Set a generic label instead of returning an error
                this.set("label", "Search")
            // There must be at least one filter or filter group within each group,
            // and each filter must be valid.
            if( this.get("filters").length == 0 ){
              errors.noFilters = "At least one filter is required."
                if( !filter.isValid() ){
                  errors.filter = "At least one filter is invalid.";

            if( Object.keys(errors).length ) {
              return errors;
            } else {

          } catch (error) {
            console.log("Error validating a FilterGroup. Error details: " + error);

         * isEmpty - Checks whether this Filter Group has any filter models that are not
         * empty.
         * @return {boolean} returns true if the Filter Group has Filter models that are
         * not empty
        isEmpty: function(){
          try {
            var filters = this.get("filters");
            if(!filters || !filters.length){
              return true
            var subFilters = filters.getNonEmptyFilters();
            if(!subFilters || !subFilters.length){
              return true
            } else {
              return false
          } catch (error) {
            console.log("Error checking if a Filter Group is empty. Assuming it is not." +
            " Error details: " + error);
            return false

         * Updates the XML DOM with the new values from the model
         * @param {object} [options] A literal object with options for this serialization
         * @return {XMLElement} An updated filterGroup XML element
        updateDOM: function(options){

          try {

            // Don't serialize an empty filter group
              return null

            // Clone the DOM if it exists
            var objectDOM = this.get("objectDOM");

              objectDOM = objectDOM.cloneNode(true);
            } else {
              // Create an XML filterGroup or definition element from scratch
                var name = this.get("nodeName");
                objectDOM = new DOMParser().parseFromString(
                  "<" + name + "></" + name + ">",
                objectDOM = $(objectDOM).find(name)[0];


            // label, description, and icon are elements that are used in Portal
            // UIFilterGroupType filterGroups only. Collection FilterGroupType filterGroups
            // do not use these elements.

              // Get the new values for the simple text elements
              var filterGroupData = {
                label: this.get("label"),
                description: this.get("description"),
                icon: this.get("icon")
              // Serialize the simple text elements
    , function (value, nodeName) {
                // Don't serialize falsey values
                if (value) {
                  // Make new sub-node
                  var nodeSerialized = objectDOM.ownerDocument.createElement(nodeName);
                  // Append new sub-node to objectDOM

            // Serialize the filters
            var filterModels = this.get("filters").models;

            // TODO: Remove filter types depending on isUIFilterType attribute?
            // toggleFilter and choiceFilter are only allowed in Portal UIFilterGroupType.
            // nested filterGroups are only allowed in Collection FilterGroupType.

            // Don't serialize falsey values
            if (filterModels && filterModels.length) {
              // Update each filter and append it to the DOM
              _.each(filterModels, function (filterModel) {
                if (filterModel) {
                  var filterModelSerialized = filterModel.updateDOM();

            // exclude and operator are elements used only in Collection FilterGroupType
            // filterGroups. Portal UIFilterGroupType filterGroups do not use either of
            // these elements.
              // The nodeName and model attribute are the same in these cases.
              ["operator", "exclude"].forEach(function(nodeName){
                // Don't serialize empty, null, undefined, or default values
                var value = this.get(nodeName);
                if( (value || value === false) && value !== this.defaults()[nodeName] ){
                  // Make new sub-node
                  var nodeSerialized = objectDOM.ownerDocument.createElement(nodeName);
                  // Append new sub-node to objectDOM
              }, this);

            // TODO: serialize the new <option> elements supported for Portal
            // UIFilterGroupType 1.1.0
            // if(this.get("isUIFilterType")){
            //  ... serialize options ...
            // }

            return objectDOM
          } catch (error) {
            console.error("Unable to serialize a Filter Group.", error);
            return this.get("objectDOM") || "";



    return FilterGroup;