Source: src/js/models/filters/Filter.js

/* global define */
define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone'],
    function($, _, Backbone) {

  * @class Filter
  * @classdesc A single search filter that is used in queries sent to the DataONE search service.
  * @classcategory Models/Filters
  * @extends Backbone.Model
  * @constructs
  var FilterModel = Backbone.Model.extend(
    /** @lends Filter.prototype */

    * The name of this Model
    * @name Filter#type
    * @type {string}
    * @readonly
    type: "Filter",

    * Default attributes for this model
    * @type {object}
    * @returns {object}
    * @property {Element} objectDOM - The XML DOM for this filter
    * @property {string} nodeName - The XML node name for this filter's XML DOM
    * @property {string[]} fields - The search index fields to search
    * @property {string[]} values - The values to search for in the given search fields
    * @property {object} valueLabels - Optional human-readable labels for the elements of
    * values. Keys are the value and the human-readable label is the value at that key.
    * @property {string} operator - The operator to use between values set on this model.
    * "AND" or "OR"
    * @property {string} fieldsOperator - The operator to use between fields set on this
    * model. "AND" or "OR"
    * @property {string} queryGroup - Deprecated: Add this filter along with other the
    * other associated query group filters to a FilterGroup model instead. Old definition:
    * The name of the group this Filter is a part of, which is primarily used when
    * creating a query string from multiple Filter models. Filters in the same group will
    * be wrapped in parenthesis in the query.
    * @property {boolean} exclude - If true, search index docs matching this filter will
    * be excluded from the search results
    * @property {boolean} matchSubstring - If true, the search values will be wrapped in
    * wildcard characters to match substrings
    * @property {string} label - A human-readable short label for this Filter
    * @property {string} placeholder - A short example or description of this Filter
    * @property {string} icon - A term that identifies a single icon in a supported icon
    * library
    * @property {string} description - A longer description of this Filter's function
    * @property {boolean} isInvisible - If true, this filter will be added to the query
    * but will act in the "background", like a default filter
    * @property {boolean} inFilterGroup - Deprecated: use isUIFilterType instead.
    * @property {boolean} isUIFilterType - If true, this filter is one of the
    * UIFilterTypes, belongs to a UIFilterGroupType model, and is used to create a custom
    * Portal search filters. This changes how the XML is parsed and how the model is
    * validated and serialized.
    defaults: function(){
        objectDOM: null,
        nodeName: "filter",
        fields: [],
        values: [],
        valueLabels: {},
        operator: "AND",
        fieldsOperator: "AND",
        exclude: false,
        matchSubstring: false,
        label: null,
        placeholder: null,
        icon: null,
        description: null,
        isInvisible: false,
        isUIFilterType: false

    * Creates a new Filter model
    initialize: function(attributes){

      if( this.get("objectDOM") ){
        this.set( this.parse(this.get("objectDOM")) );

      if (attributes && attributes.isUIFilterType){
        this.set("isUIFilterType", true)

      //If this is an isPartOf filter, then add a label and description. Make it invisible
      //depending on how MetacatUI is configured.
      if( this.get("fields").length == 1 && this.get("fields").includes("isPartOf") ){
          label: "Datasets added manually",
          description: "Datasets added to this collection manually by dataset owners",
          isInvisible: MetacatUI.appModel.get("hideIsPartOfFilter") === true ? true : false,

      // Operator must be AND or OR
      ["fieldsOperator", "operator"].forEach(function(op){
        if( !["AND", "OR"].includes(this.get(op)) ){
          // Set the value to the default
          this.set(op, this.defaults()[op])
      }, this);


    * Parses the given XML node into a JSON object to be set on the model
    * @param {Element} xml - The XML element that contains all the filter elements
    * @return {JSON} - The JSON object of all the filter attributes
    parse: function(xml){

      //If an XML element wasn't sent as a parameter, get it from the model
        var xml = this.get("objectDOM");

        //Return an empty JSON object if there is no objectDOM saved in the model
          return {};

      var modelJSON = {};

      if( $(xml).children("field").length ){
        //Parse the field(s)
        modelJSON.fields = this.parseTextNode(xml, "field", true);

      if( $(xml).children("label").length ){
        //Parse the label
        modelJSON.label = this.parseTextNode(xml, "label");

      // Check if this filter contains one of the Id fields - we use OR by default for the
      // operator for these fields.
      var idFields = MetacatUI.appModel.get("queryIdentifierFields");
      var isIdFilter = false;
        isIdFilter = _.some( idFields, function(idField) {
          return modelJSON.fields.includes(idField)

      //Parse the operators, if they exist
      if( $(xml).find("operator").length ){
        modelJSON.operator = this.parseTextNode(xml, "operator");
        if( isIdFilter ){
          modelJSON.operator = "OR";

      if( $(xml).find("fieldsOperator").length ){
        modelJSON.fieldsOperator = this.parseTextNode(xml, "fieldsOperator");
        if( isIdFilter ){
          modelJSON.fieldsOperator = "OR";

      //Parse the exclude, if it exists
      if( $(xml).find("exclude").length ){
        modelJSON.exclude = (this.parseTextNode(xml, "exclude") === "true")? true : false;

      //Parse the matchSubstring
      if( $(xml).find("matchSubstring").length ){
        modelJSON.matchSubstring = (this.parseTextNode(xml, "matchSubstring") === "true")? true : false;

      var filterOptionsNode = $(xml).children("filterOptions");
      if( filterOptionsNode.length ){
        //Parse the filterOptions XML node
        modelJSON = _.extend(this.parseFilterOptions(filterOptionsNode), modelJSON);

      //If this Filter is in a filter group, don't parse the values
      if( !this.get("isUIFilterType") ){
        if( $(xml).children("value").length ){
          //Parse the value(s)
          modelJSON.values = this.parseTextNode(xml, "value", true);

      return modelJSON;


    * Gets the text content of the XML node matching the given node name
    * @param {Element} parentNode - The parent node to select from
    * @param {string} nodeName - The name of the XML node to parse
    * @param {boolean} isMultiple - If true, parses the nodes into an array
    * @return {(string|Array)} - Returns a string or array of strings of the text content
    parseTextNode: function( parentNode, nodeName, isMultiple ){
      var node = $(parentNode).children(nodeName);

      //If no matching nodes were found, return falsey values
      if( !node || !node.length ){

        //Return an empty array if the isMultiple flag is true
        if( isMultiple )
          return [];
        //Return null if the isMultiple flag is false
          return null;
      //If exactly one node is found and we are only expecting one, return the text content
      else if( node.length == 1 && !isMultiple ){
        if( !node[0].textContent )
          return null;
          return node[0].textContent;
      //If more than one node is found, parse into an array

        var allContents = [];

         _.each(node, function(node){
           if(node.textContent || node.textContent === 0)
             allContents.push( node.textContent );

        return allContents;


    * Parses the filterOptions XML node into a literal object
    * @param {Element} filterOptionsNode - The filterOptions XML element to parse
    * @return {Object} - The parsed filter options, in literal object form
    parseFilterOptions: function(filterOptionsNode){

      if( typeof filterOptionsNode == "undefined" ){
        return {};

      var modelJSON = {};

        //The list of options to parse
        var options = ["placeholder", "icon", "description"];

        //Parse the text nodes for each filter option
        _.each(options, function(option){
          if( $(filterOptionsNode).children(option).length ){
            modelJSON[option] = this.parseTextNode(filterOptionsNode, option, false);
        }, this);

        //Parse the generic option name and value pairs and set on the model JSON
        $(filterOptionsNode).children("option").each(function(i, optionNode){
          var optName = $(optionNode).children("optionName").text();
          var optValue = $(optionNode).children("optionValue").text();

          modelJSON[optName] = optValue;

        //Return the JSON to be set on this model
        return modelJSON;

        return {};


     * Builds a query string that represents this filter.
     * @return {string} The query string to send to Solr
     * @param {string} [groupLevelOperator] - "AND" or "OR". The operator used in the
     * parent Filters collection to combine the filter query fragments together. If the
     * group level operator is "OR" and this filter has exclude set to TRUE, then a
     * positive clause is added.
    getQuery: function(groupLevelOperator){

      //Get the values of this filter in Array format
      var values = this.get("values");
      if( !Array.isArray(values) ){
        values = [values];

      //Check that there are actually values to serialize
      if( !values.length ){
        return "";

      //Filter out any invalid values (can't use _.compact() because we want to keep 'false' values)
      values = _.reject(values, function(value){
                return (value === null || typeof value == "undefined" ||
                        value === NaN || value === "" || (Array.isArray(value) && !value.length));

        return "";

      //Start a query string for this model and get the fields
      var queryString = "",
          fields = this.get("fields");

      //If the fields are not an array, convert it to an array
      if( !Array.isArray(fields) ){
        fields = [fields];

      //Iterate over each field
      _.each( fields, function(field, i){

        //Add the query string for this field to the overall model query string
        queryString += field + ":" + this.getValueQuerySubstring(values);

        //Add the OR operator between field names
        if( fields.length > i+1 && queryString.length ){
          queryString += "%20" + this.get("fieldsOperator") + "%20";

      }, this);

      //If there is more than one field, wrap the multiple fields in parenthesis
      if( fields.length > 1 ){
        queryString = "(" + queryString + ")"

      //If this filter should be excluding matches from the results,
      // then add a hyphen in front
      if( queryString && this.get("exclude") ){
        queryString = "-" + queryString;
        if (this.requiresPositiveClause(groupLevelOperator)){
          queryString = queryString + "%20AND%20*:*";
          if (groupLevelOperator && groupLevelOperator === "OR"){
            queryString = "(" + queryString + ")"

      return queryString;


     * For "negative" Filters (filter models where exclude is set to true), detects
     * whether the query requires an additional "positive" query phrase in order to avoid
     * the problem of pure negative queries returning zero results. If this Filter is not
     * part of a collection of Filters, assume it needs the positive clause. If this
     * Filter is part of a collection of Filters, detect whether there are other,
     * "positive" filters in the same query (i.e. filter models where exclude is set to
     * false). If there are other positive queries, then an additional clause is not
     * required. If the Filter is part of a pure negative query, but it is not the last
     * filter, then don't add a clause since it will be added to the last, and only one
     * is required. When looking for other positive and negative filters, exclude empty
     * filters and filters that use any of the identifier fields, as these are appended to
     * the end of the query.
     * @see {@link}
     * @see {@link}
     * @param {string} [groupLevelOperator] - "AND" or "OR". The operator used in the
     * parent Filters collection to combine the filter query fragments together. If the
     * group level operator is "OR" and this filter has exclude set to TRUE, then a
     * positive clause is required.
     * @return {boolean} returns true of this Filter needs a positive clause, false
     * otherwise
    requiresPositiveClause: function (groupLevelOperator){

      try {

        // Only negative queries require the additional clause
        if(this.get("exclude") == false ){
          return false
        // If this Filter is not part of a collection of Filters, assume it needs the
        // positive clause.
          return true
        // If this Filter is the only one in the group, assume it needs a positive clause
        if(this.collection.length === 1){
          return true
        // If this filter is being "OR"'ed together with other filters, then assume it
        // needs the additional clause.
        if (groupLevelOperator && groupLevelOperator === "OR"){
          return true
        // Get all of the other filters in the same collection that are not ID filters.
        // These filters are always appended to the end of the query as a separated group.
        var nonIDFilters = this.collection.getNonIdFilters();
        // Exclude filters that would give an empty query string (e.g. because value is
        // missing)
        var filters = _.reject(nonIDFilters, function(filterModel){
          if(filterModel === this){
            return false
          return !filterModel.isValid()

        // If at least one filter in the collection is positive (exclude = false), then we
        // don't need to add anything
        var positiveFilters = _.find(filters, function(filterModel){
          return filterModel.get("exclude") != true;
          return false
        // Assuming that all the non-ID filters are negative, check if this is the first
        // last the list. Since we only need one additional positive query phrase to avoid
        // the pure negative query problem, by convention, only add the positive phrase at
        // the end of the filter group
        if(this === _.last(filters)){
          return true
        } else {
          return false
      } catch (error) {
        console.log("There was a problem detecting whether a Filter required a positive" +
        " clause. Assuming that it needs one. Error details: " + error
        return true

    * Constructs a query substring for each of the values set on this model
    * @example
    *   values: ["walker", "jones"]
    *   Returns: "(walker%20OR%20jones)"
    * @param {string[]} [values] - The values to use in this query substring.
    * If not provided, the values set on the model are used.
    * @return {string} The query substring
    getValueQuerySubstring: function(values){

      //Start a query string for this field and get the values
      var valuesQueryString = "",
          values = values || this.get("values");

      //If the values are not an array, convert it to an array
      if( !Array.isArray(values) ){
        values = [values];

      //Iterate over each value set on the model
      _.each( values, function(value, i){

        //If the value is not a string, then convert it to a string
        if( typeof value != "string" ){
          value = value.toString();

        //Trim off whitespace
        value = value.trim();

        var dateRangeRegEx = /^\[((\d{4}-[01]\d-[0-3]\dT[0-2]\d:[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d\.\d*Z)|\*)( |%20)TO( |%20)((\d{4}-[01]\d-[0-3]\dT[0-2]\d(:|\\:)[0-5]\d(:|\\:)[0-5]\d\.\d*Z)|\*)\]/,
            isDateRange = dateRangeRegEx.test(value),
            isSearchPhrase = value.indexOf(" ") > -1,
            isIdFilter = this.isIdFilter(),
            //Test for ORCIDs and group subjects
            isSubject = /^(?:https?:\/\/orcid\.org\/)?(?:\w{4}-){3}\w{4}$|^(?:CN=.{1,},DC=.{1,},DC=.{1,})$/i.test(value);

        // Escape special characters
        value = this.escapeSpecialChar(value);

        //URL encode the search value
        value = encodeURIComponent(value);

        // If the value is a search phrase (more than one word), is part of an ID filter,
        // and not a date range string, wrap in quotes
        if( (isSearchPhrase || isIdFilter || isSubject) && !isDateRange ){
          value = "\"" + value + "\"";

        if( this.get("matchSubstring") && !isDateRange ){
          // Look for existing wildcard characters at the end of the value string, wrap
          // the value string in wildcard characters if there aren't any yet.
          if(! value.match( /^\*|\*$/ ) ){
            value = "*" + value + "*"

        // Add the value to the query string
        valuesQueryString += value;

        //Add the operator between values
        if( values.length > i+1 && valuesQueryString.length ){
          valuesQueryString += "%20" + this.get("operator") + "%20";

      }, this);

      if( values.length > 1 ){
        valuesQueryString = "(" + valuesQueryString + ")"

      return valuesQueryString;

     * Checks if any of the fields in this Filter match one of the
     * {@link AppConfig#queryIdentifierFields}
     * @since 2.17.0
    isIdFilter: function(){
      try {
        let fields = this.get("fields");
        let values = this.get("values");

          return false
        let idFields = MetacatUI.appModel.get("queryIdentifierFields");
        let match = _.some(idFields, idField => fields.includes(idField));
        //Check if the values are all identifiers by checking for uuids and dois
        if(!match && values.length){
          match = values.every(v => /^urn:uuid:\w{8,}-\w{4,}-\w{4,}-\w{4,}-\w{12,}$|^.{0,}doi.{1,}10.\d{4,9}\/[-._;()\/:A-Z0-9]+$/i.test(v));

        return match;

      } catch (error) {
        console.log("Error checking if a Filter model is an ID filter. " +
          "Assuming it is not. Error details:" + error );
        return false

    * Resets the values attribute on this filter
    resetValue: function(){
      this.set("values", this.defaults().values);

    * Checks if this Filter has values different than the default values.
    * @return {boolean} - Returns true if this Filter has values set on it, otherwise will return false
    hasChangedValues: function(){

      return (this.get("values").length > 0);


     * isEmpty - Checks whether this Filter has any values or fields set
     * @return {boolean}  returns true if the Filter's values and fields are empty
    isEmpty: function(){
      try {
        var fields      =   this.get("fields"),
            values      =   this.get("values"),
            noFields    =   !fields || fields.length == 0,
            fieldsEmpty =   _.every(fields, function(item) { return item == "" }),
            noValues    =   !values || values.length == 0,
            valuesEmpty =   _.every(values, function(item) { return item == "" });

        var noMinNoMax = _.every(
          [this.get("min"), this.get("max")],
          function(num) {
            return (typeof num === "undefined") || (!num && num !== 0);

        // Values aren't required for UI filter types. Labels, icons, and descriptions are
        // available.
          noUIVals = _.every(["label", "icon", "description"], function(attrName){
            var setValue = this.get(attrName);
            var defaultValue = this.defaults()[attrName];
            return !setValue || (setValue === defaultValue)
          }, this)
          return noUIVals && noFields && fieldsEmpty && noMinNoMax

        // For regular search filters, just a field and some sort of search term/value is
        // required
        return noFields && fieldsEmpty && noValues && valuesEmpty && noMinNoMax

      } catch (e) {
        console.log("Failed to check if a Filter is empty, error message: " + e);

    * Escapes Solr query reserved characters so that search terms can include
    *  those characters without throwing an error.
    * @param {string} term - The search term or phrase to escape
    * @return {string} - The search term or phrase, after special characters are escaped
    escapeSpecialChar: function(term) {

      if(!term || typeof term != "string"){
        return "";

      // Removes all the ampersands since Metacat cannot handle escaped ampersands for some reason 
      // See
      term = term.replaceAll("&", "");

      return term.replace(/\+|-|&|\||!|\(|\)|\{|\}|\[|\]|\^|\\|\"|~|\?|:|\//g, "\\$&");


     * Updates XML DOM with the new values from the model
     *  @param {object} [options] A literal object with options for this serialization
     *  @return {Element} A new XML element with the updated values
    updateDOM: function(options){


        if(typeof options == "undefined"){
          var options = {};

        var objectDOM = this.get("objectDOM"),

        if( typeof objectDOM == "undefined" || !objectDOM || !$(objectDOM).length ){
          // Node name differs for different filters, all of which use this function
          var nodeName = this.get("nodeName") || "filter";
          // Create an XML filter element from scratch
          var objectDOM = new DOMParser().parseFromString(
            "<" + nodeName + "></" + nodeName + ">",
          var $objectDOM = $(objectDOM).find(nodeName);
          objectDOM = objectDOM.cloneNode(true);
          var $objectDOM = $(objectDOM);

          //Detach the filterOptions so they are saved
          filterOptionsNode = $objectDOM.children("filterOptions");

          //Empty the DOM

        var xmlDocument = $objectDOM[0].ownerDocument;

        // Get new values. Must store in an array because the order that we add each
        // element to the DOM matters
        var filterData = [
            nodeName: "label",
            value: this.get("label"),
            nodeName: "field",
            value: this.get("fields"),
            nodeName: "operator",
            value: this.get("operator"),
            nodeName: "exclude",
            value: this.get("exclude"),
            nodeName: "fieldsOperator",
            value: this.get("fieldsOperator"),
            nodeName: "matchSubstring",
            value: this.get("matchSubstring"),
            nodeName: "value",
            value: this.get("values"),

          var values = element.value;
          var nodeName = element.nodeName;

          // Serialize the nodes with multiple occurrences
          if( Array.isArray(values) ){
            _.each(values, function(value){
              // Don't serialize empty, null, or undefined values
              if( value || value === false || value === 0 ){
                var nodeSerialized = xmlDocument.createElement(nodeName);
            }, this);
          // Serialize the single occurrence nodes. Don't serialize falsey or default values
          else if((values || values === false) && values != this.defaults()[nodeName]) {
            var nodeSerialized = xmlDocument.createElement(nodeName);

        }, this);

        // If this is a UIFilterType that won't be serialized into a Collection definition,
        // then add extra XML nodes
        if( this.get("isUIFilterType") ){

          //Update the filterOptions XML DOM
          filterOptionsNode = this.updateFilterOptionsDOM(filterOptionsNode);

          //Add the filterOptions to the filter DOM
          if( typeof filterOptionsNode != "undefined" && $(filterOptionsNode).children().length ){


        return $objectDOM[0];
        console.error("Unable to serialize a Filter.", e);
        return this.get("objectDOM") || "";

    * Serializes the filter options into an XML DOM and returns it
    * @param {Element} [filterOptionsNode] - The XML filterOptions node to update
    * @return {Element} - The updated DOM
    updateFilterOptionsDOM: function(filterOptionsNode){


        if (typeof filterOptionsNode == "undefined" || !filterOptionsNode.length) {
          var filterOptionsNode = new DOMParser().parseFromString("<filterOptions></filterOptions>", "text/xml");
          var filterOptionsNode = $(filterOptionsNode).find("filterOptions")[0];
        //Convert the XML node into a jQuery object
        var $filterOptionsNode = $(filterOptionsNode);

        //Get the first option element
        var firstOptionNode = $filterOptionsNode.children("option").first();

        var xmlDocument;
        if (filterOptionsNode.length && filterOptionsNode[0]) {
          xmlDocument = filterOptionsNode[0].ownerDocument;
        if (!xmlDocument) {
          xmlDocument = filterOptionsNode.ownerDocument;
        if (!xmlDocument) {
          xmlDocument = filterOptionsNode;

        // Update the text value of UI nodes. The following values are for
        // UIFilterOptionsType
        ["placeholder", "icon", "description"].forEach(function(nodeName){

          //Remove the existing node, if it exists

          // If there is a value set on the model for this attribute, then create an XML
          // node for this attribute and set the text value
          var value = this.get(nodeName);
          if( value ){
            var newNode = $(xmlDocument.createElement(nodeName)).text(value);

            if( firstOptionNode.length )
        }, this);

        //If no options were serialized, then return an empty string
        if( !$filterOptionsNode.children().length ){
          return "";
          return filterOptionsNode;
        console.log("Error updating the FilterOptions DOM in a Filter model, "+
        "error details: ", e);
        return "";


    * Returns true if the given value or value set on this filter is a date range query
    * @param {string} value - The string to test
    * @return {boolean}
    isDateQuery: function(value){

      if( typeof value == "undefined" && this.get("values").length == 1 ){
        var value = this.get("values")[0];

      if( value ){
        return /[\d|\-|:|T]*Z TO [\d|\-|:|T]*Z/.test(value);
        return false;
     * Check whether a set of query fields contain only fields that specify latitude and/or
     * longitude
     * @param {string[]} [fields] A list of fields to check for coordinate fields. If not
     * provided, the fields set on the model will be used.
     * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if every field is a field that specifies latitude or
     * longitude
     * @since 2.21.0
    isCoordinateQuery: function (fields) {
      try {
        if (!fields) {
          fields = this.get('fields');
        const latitudeFields = MetacatUI.appModel.get('queryLatitudeFields');
        const longitudeFields = MetacatUI.appModel.get('queryLongitudeFields');
        const coordinateFields = latitudeFields.concat(longitudeFields);
        return _.every(fields, function (field) {
          return _.contains(coordinateFields, field);
      catch (e) {
        console.log('Error checking if filter is a coordinate filter. Returning false. ', e);
        return false;
     * Check whether a set of query fields contain only fields that specify latitude
     * @param {string[]} [fields] A list of fields to check for coordinate fields. If not
     * provided, the fields set on the model will be used.
     * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if every field is a field that specifies latitude
     * @since 2.21.0
    isLatitudeQuery: function (fields) {
      try {
        if (!fields) {
          fields = this.get('fields');
        const latitudeFields = MetacatUI.appModel.get('queryLatitudeFields');
        return _.every(fields, function (field) {
          return _.contains(latitudeFields, field);
      catch (e) {
        console.log('Error checking if filter is a latitude filter. Returning false. ', e);
        return false;

     * Check whether a set of query fields contain only fields that specify longitude
     * @param {string[]} [fields] A list of fields to check for longitude fields. If not
     * provided, the fields set on the model will be used.
     * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if every field is a field that specifies longitude
     * @since 2.21.0
    isLongitudeQuery: function (fields) {
      try {
        if (!fields) {
          fields = this.get('fields');
        const longitudeFields = MetacatUI.appModel.get('queryLongitudeFields');
        return _.every(fields, function (field) {
          return _.contains(longitudeFields, field);
      catch (error) {
        console.log('Error checking if filter is a longitude filter. Returning false. ', e);
        return false;

    * Checks if the values set on this model are valid.
    * Some of the attributes are changed during this process if they are found to be invalid,
    * since there aren't any easy ways for users to fix these issues themselves in the UI.
    * @return {object} - Returns a literal object with the invalid attributes and their corresponding error message
    validate: function(){


        var errors = {};
        // UI filter types have 
        var isUIFilterType = this.get("isUIFilterType");

        //---Validate fields----
        var fields = this.get("fields");
        //All fields should be strings
        var nonStrings = _.filter(fields, function(field){
          return (typeof field != "string" || !field.trim().length);

        if( nonStrings.length ){
          //Remove the nonstrings from the model, rather than returning an error
          this.set("fields", _.without(fields, nonStrings));
        //If there are no fields, set an error message
        if( !this.get("fields").length ){
          errors.fields = "Filters should have at least one search field.";

        //---Validate values----
        var values = this.get("values");
        // All values should be strings, booleans, numbers, or dates
        var invalidValues = _.filter(values, function(value){
          //Empty strings are invalid
          if( typeof value == "string" && !value.trim().length ){
            return true;
          //Non-empty strings, booleans, numbers, or dates are valid
          else if( typeof value == "string" || typeof value == "boolean" ||
                   typeof value == "number" || Date.prototype.isPrototypeOf(value) ){
            return false;

        if( invalidValues.length ){
          //Remove the invalid values from the model, rather than returning an error
          this.set("values", _.without(values, invalidValues));

        //If there are no values, and this isn't a custom search filter, set an error
        if ( !isUIFilterType && !this.get("values").length ){
          errors.values = "Filters should include at least one search term.";

        //---Validate operators ----
        //The operator must be either AND or OR
        ["operator", "fieldsOperator"].forEach(function(op){
          if( !["AND", "OR"].includes(this.get(op)) ){
            //Reset the value to the default rather than return an error
            this.set(op, this.defaults()[op]);
        }, this);

        //---Validate exclude and matchSubstring----
        //Exclude should always be a boolean
        if( typeof this.get("exclude") != "boolean" ){
          //Reset the value to the default rather than return an error
          this.set("exclude", this.defaults().exclude);
        //matchSubstring should always be a boolean
        if( typeof this.get("matchSubstring") != "boolean" ){
          //Reset the value to the default rather than return an error
          this.set("matchSubstring", this.defaults().matchSubstring);

        //---Validate label, placeholder, icon, and description----
        var textAttributes = ["label", "placeholder", "icon", "description"];
        //These fields should be strings
        _.each(textAttributes, function(attr){
          if( typeof this.get(attr) != "string" ){
            //Reset the value to the default rather than return an error
            this.set(attr, this.defaults()[attr]);
        }, this);

        if( Object.keys(errors).length )
          return errors;



  return FilterModel;
