define(["backbone", "models/accordion/AccordionItem"], (
) => {
* @class Accordion
* @classdesc A model representing an accordion with nested accordion items
* @classcategory Models
* @augments Backbone.Model
* @constructs
* @augments Backbone.Model
* @since 2.31.0
const Accordion = Backbone.Model.extend(
/** @lends Accordion.prototype */
/** @inheritdoc */
type: "Accordion",
* Note: Do not set a "easing" attribute on this model. It seems to break
* semanticUI accordion.
* @returns {object} Default attributes for an Accordion model.
* @property {boolean} exclusive - Only allow one section open at a time.
* @property {string} on - Event on title that will cause accordion to
* open. Commonly set to "click".
* @property {boolean} animateChildren - Whether child content opacity
* should be animated. Note: may cause performance issues with many child
* elements.
* @property {boolean} closeNested - Close open nested accordion content
* when an element closes.
* @property {boolean} collapsible - Allow active sections to collapse.
* @property {number} duration - Duration in milliseconds of the opening
* animation.
* @see {@link}
* for more information on accordion settings.
* @see {@link} for easing options.
* @property {Function} onOpening - Callback function before an element
* opens. Takes the active content as an argument.
* @property {Function} onOpen - Callback function after an element is
* open. Takes the active content as an argument.
* @property {Function} onClosing - Callback function before an element
* closes. Takes the active content as an argument.
* @property {Function} onClose - Callback function after an element is
* closed. Takes the active content as an argument.
* @property {Function} onChanging - Callback function before an element
* opens or closes. Takes the active content as an argument.
* @property {Function} onChange - Callback function when an element opens
* or closes. Takes the active content as an argument.
* @property {boolean} styled - Whether to use Semantic UI styles for the
* accordion.
* @property {boolean} inverted - Whether to use an inverted color scheme
* for the accordion (dark background with light text).
* @property {boolean} fluid - Whether the accordion should take up the
* full width of its container.
defaults() {
return {
exclusive: true,
on: "click",
animateChildren: true,
closeNested: true,
collapsible: true,
duration: 300,
onOpening: null,
onOpen: null,
onClosing: null,
onClose: null,
onChanging: null,
onChange: null,
styled: true,
inverted: false,
fluid: true,
/** @inheritdoc */
initialize(attributes, _options) {
const items = attributes?.items || [];
const collection = new Backbone.Collection(items, {
model: AccordionItem,
this.set("items", collection);
* Get the children of an item by its id
* @param {string} id - The id of the parent item
* @returns {AccordianItem[]} An array of AccordianItem models
getChildren(id) {
return this.get("items").where({ parent: id });
* Get the root items of the accordion. Root items are those without a
* parent attribute or with an empty string as the parent attribute.
* @returns {AccordianItem[]} An array of AccordianItem models
getRootItems() {
return this.get("items").filter((item) => !item.get("parent"));
return Accordion;