Source: src/js/models/CollectionModel.js

/* global define */
    function($, _, Backbone, uuid, Filters, SolrResults, DataONEObject, Filter, FilterGroup, Search) {

  * @class CollectionModel
  * @classdesc A collection of datasets, defined by one or more search filters
  * @classcategory Models
  * @name CollectionModel
  * @extends DataONEObject
  * @constructor
	var CollectionModel = DataONEObject.extend(
    /** @lends CollectionModel.prototype */{

    * The name of this Model
    * @type {string}
    * @readonly
    type: "Collection",

    * Default attributes for CollectionModels
    * @type {Object}
    * @property {string[]} ignoreQueryGroups - Deprecated
    * @property {FilterGroup} definition - The parent-level Filter Group model that represents the collection definition.
    * @property {Filters} definitionFilters - A Filters collection that stores definition filters that have been serialized to the Collection. The same filters that are stored in the definition.
    * @property {Search} searchModel - A Search model with a Filters collection that contains the filters associated with this collection
    * @property {SolrResults} searchResults - A SolrResults collection that contains the filtered search results of datasets in this collection
    * @property {SolrResults} allSearchResults - A SolrResults collection that contains the unfiltered search results of all datasets in this collection
    defaults: function(){
      return _.extend(DataONEObject.prototype.defaults(), {
        name: null,
        label: null,
        originalLabel: null,
        labelBlockList: ["new"],
        description: null,
        formatId: "",
        formatType: "METADATA",
        type: "collection",
        definition: null,
        definitionFilters: null,
        searchModel: null,
        searchResults: new SolrResults(),
        allSearchResults: null

     * The default Backbone.Model.initialize() function
    initialize: function(options){

      //Call the super class initialize function, options);

      this.listenToOnce(this.get("searchResults"), "sync", this.cacheSearchResults);

      //If the searchResults collection is replaced at any time, reset the listener"change:searchResults")
      this.on("change:searchResults", function(searchResults){
        this.listenToOnce(this.get("searchResults"), "sync", this.cacheSearchResults);
      // Update the search model when the definition filters are updated.
      // Definition filters may be updated by the user in the Query Builder,
      // or they may be updated automatically by this model (e.g. when adding
      // an isPartOf filter)."change:definition");
      this.on("change:definition", function(){
        this.stopListening(this.get("definition"), "update change");
          "update change",
      }, this);

      //Create a search model
      this.set("searchModel", this.createSearchModel());

      // Create a Filters collection to store the definition filters. Add the catalog
      // search query fragment to the definition Filter Group model.
      this.set("definition", new FilterGroup({ catalogSearch: true, nodeName: "definition" }));
      this.set("definitionFilters", this.get("definition").get("filters"));

      // Update the blocklist with the node/repository labels
      var nodeBlockList = MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalLabelBlockList");
      if (nodeBlockList !== undefined && Array.isArray(nodeBlockList)) {
        this.set("labelBlockList", this.get("labelBlockList").concat(nodeBlockList));

     * updateSearchModel - This function is called when any changes are made to
     * the definition filters. The function adds, removes, or updates models
     * in the Search Model filters when models are changed in the collection
     * Definition Filters.
     * @param  {Filter|Filters} model The model or collection that has been
     * changed (filter models) or updated (filters collection). This is ignored.
     * @param  {object} record     The data passed by backbone that indicates
     * which models have been added, removed, or updated. If the only change was
     * to a pre-existing model attribute, then the object will be empty.   
    updateSearchModel: function(model, record){
      try {
        var model = this;
        // Merge the updated definition Filter Group model with the Search Model collection.
          { merge: true }

      } catch (e) {
        console.log("Failed to update the Search Model collection when the " +
        "Definition Model collection changed, error message: " + e);

    url: function(){
      return MetacatUI.appModel.get("objectServiceUrl") + encodeURIComponent(this.get("id"));

     * Overrides the default Backbone.Model.fetch() function to provide some custom
     * fetch options
    fetch: function(){
      var model = this;

      var requestSettings = {
        dataType: "xml",
        error: function(){

      //Add the authorization header and other AJAX settings
      requestSettings = _.extend(requestSettings, MetacatUI.appUserModel.createAjaxSettings());
      return, requestSettings);

     * Sends an AJAX request to fetch the system metadata for this object.
     * Will not trigger a sync event since it does not use Backbone.Model.fetch
    fetchSystemMetadata: function(options){

      if(!options) var options = {};
      else options = _.clone(options);

      //Get the active alternative repository, if one is configured
      var activeAltRepo = MetacatUI.appModel.getActiveAltRepo();

      if( activeAltRepo ){
        baseUrl = activeAltRepo.metaServiceUrl;
        baseUrl = MetacatUI.appModel.get("metaServiceUrl");

      //Exit if no base URL was found
      if( !baseUrl ){

      var model = this,
        fetchOptions = _.extend({
          url: baseUrl + encodeURIComponent(this.get("id") || this.get("seriesId")),
          dataType: "text",
          success: function(response){
            model.set(, response));
          error: function(){
        }, options);

        //Add the authorization header and other AJAX settings
        _.extend(fetchOptions, MetacatUI.appUserModel.createAjaxSettings());


     * Overrides the default Backbone.Model.parse() function to parse the custom
     * collection XML document
     * @param {XMLDocument} response - The XMLDocument returned from the fetch() AJAX call
     * @return {JSON} The result of the parsed XML, in JSON. To be set directly on the model.
    parse: function(json){

      //Start the empty JSON object
      var modelJSON = {},

      //Iterate over each root XML node to find the collection node
      $(response).children().each(function(i, el){
        if( el.tagName.indexOf("collection") > -1 ){
          collectionNode = el;
          return false;

      //If a collection XML node wasn't found, return an empty JSON object
      if( typeof collectionNode == "undefined" || !collectionNode )
        return {};

      //Parse the collection XML and return it
      return this.parseCollectionXML(collectionNode);


     * Parses the collection XML into a JSON object
     * @param {Element} rootNode - The XML Element that contains all the collection nodes
     * @return {JSON} The result of the parsed XML, in JSON. To be set directly on the model.
    parseCollectionXML: function( rootNode ){

      // Get and save the namespace version number. It should be 1.0.0 or 1.1.0. Version
      // 1.0.0 portals will be updated to 1.1.0 on save. We need to know which version
      // while parsing to keep rendering of the old versions of collections/portals
      // consistent with how they were rendered before MetacatUI was updated to handle
      // 1.1.0 collections/portals - e.g. the fieldsOperator attribute in filters.
      var namespace = rootNode.namespaceURI,
          versionRegex = /\d\.\d\.\d$/g,
          version = namespace.match(versionRegex);
      if(version && version.length && version[0] != ""){
        this.set("originalVersion", version[0])

      var modelJSON = {};

      //Parse the simple text nodes = this.parseTextNode(rootNode, "name");
      modelJSON.label = this.parseTextNode(rootNode, "label");
      modelJSON.description = this.parseTextNode(rootNode, "description");
      //Create a Filters collection to contain the collection definition Filters
      var definitionXML = rootNode.getElementsByTagName("definition")[0]
      // Add the catalog search query fragment to the definition Filter Group model
      modelJSON.definition = new FilterGroup({ objectDOM: definitionXML, catalogSearch: true });
      modelJSON.definitionFilters = modelJSON.definition.get("filters")

      //Create a Search model for this collection's filters
      modelJSON.searchModel = this.createSearchModel();
      // Add all the filters from the Collection definition to the search model as a single
      // Filter Group model.

      // If we are parsing the first version of a collection or portal
      if(this.get("originalVersion") === "1.0.0"){
        modelJSON = this.updateTo110(modelJSON);

      return modelJSON
     * Takes parsed Collections 1.0.0 XML in JSON format and makes any changes required so
     * that collections are still represented in MetacatUI as they were before MetacatUI
     * was updated to support 1.1.0 Collections.
     * @param {JSON} modelJSON Parsed 1.0.0 Collections XML, in JSON
     * @return {JSON} The updated JSON, compatible with 1.1.0 changes
    updateTo110: function(modelJSON){
      try {
        // For version 1.0.0 filters, MetacatUI used the "operator" attribute to set the
        // operator between both fields and values. In 1.1.0, we now have the
        // "fieldsOperator" attribute. (Since "AND" was the default, only the "OR"
        // operator is ever serialized). Therefore, if a version 1.0.0 filter has "OR" as
        // the operator, we should also set the "fieldOperator" to "OR".
          if(filterModel.get("operator") === "OR"){
            filterModel.set("fieldsOperator", "OR")
        }, this);
        return modelJSON
      } catch (error) {
        console.log("Error trying to update a 1.0.0 Collection to 1.1.0 " + 
        "returning the JSON unchanged. Error details: " + error );
        return modelJSON

     * Generate a UUID, reserve it using the DataOne API, and set it on the model
    reserveSeriesId: function(){

      // Create a new series ID
      var seriesId = "urn:uuid:" + uuid.v4();

      // Set the seriesId on the portal model right away, since reserving takes
      // time. This will be updated in the rare case that the first seriesId was
      // already taken.
      this.set("seriesId", seriesId);

      // Reserve a series ID for the new portal
      var model = this;
      var options = {
        url: MetacatUI.appModel.get("reserveServiceUrl"),
        type: "POST",
        data: { pid: seriesId },
        tryCount : 0,
        // If a generated seriesId is already reserved, how many times to retry
        retryLimit : 5,
        success: function(xhr){
          // If the first seriesId was taken, then update the model with the
          // successfully reserved seriesId.
          if(this.tryCount > 0) {
            model.set("seriesId", $(xhr).find("identifier").text());
        error : function(xhr) {
          // If the seriesId was already reserved, try again
          if (xhr.status == 409) {
              if (this.tryCount <= this.retryLimit) {
                  // Generate another seriesId
         = { pid:"urn:uuid:" + uuid.v4() };
                  // Send the reserve request again
          // If the user isn't logged in, or doesn't have write access
          } else if (xhr.status = 401 ){
            model.set("isAuthorized", false);
          } else {
            parsedResponse = $(xhr.responseText).not("style, title").text();
            model.set("errorMessage", parsedResponse);
      _.extend(options, MetacatUI.appUserModel.createAjaxSettings());

     * Creates a FilterModel with isPartOf as the field and this collection's
     * seriesId as the value, then adds it to the definitionFilters collection.
     * (which will also add it to the searchFilters collection)
     * @param {string} [seriesId] - the seriesId of the collection or portal
     * @return {Filter} The new isPartOf filter that was created
    addIsPartOfFilter: function(seriesId){
      try {
        // If no seriesId is given
          // Use the seriesId set on the model
            seriesId = this.get("seriesId");
          // If there's no seriesId on the model, make and reserve one
          } else {
            //Create and reserve a new seriesId
            seriesId = this.get("seriesId");

            // Set a listener to create an isPartOf filter using the seriesId once
            // the series Id is set. Just in case the first seriesId generated was
            // already reserved, update the isPartOf filters on the subsequent
            // attempts to create and resere an ID.
            this.on("change:seriesId", function(seriesId){


        // Create the new isPartOf filter attributes object
        // NOTE: All other attributes are set in Filter.initialize();
        var isPartOfAttributes = {
          fields: ["isPartOf"],
          values: [seriesId],
          matchSubstring: false,
          operator: "OR"
        // Remove any existing isPartOf filters, and add the new isPartOf filter
        // NOTE:
        // 1. Changes to the definition filters will automatically update the
        // Search Model filters because of the listener set in initialize().
        // 2. Add the new Filter model by passing a list of attributes to the
        // Filters collection, instead of by passing a new Filter, in order
        // to trigger 'update' and 'change' events for other models and views.
        var filterModel = this.get("definitionFilters").add(isPartOfAttributes);
        return filterModel
      } catch (e) {
        console.log("Failed to create and add a new isPartOf Filter, error message: " + e);

     * Gets the text content of the XML node matching the given node name
     * @param {Element} parentNode - The parent node to select from
     * @param {string} nodeName - The name of the XML node to parse
     * @param {boolean} isMultiple - If true, parses the nodes into an array
     * @return {(string|Array)} - Returns a string or array of strings of the text content
    parseTextNode: function( parentNode, nodeName, isMultiple ){
      var node = $(parentNode).children(nodeName);

      //If no matching nodes were found, return falsey values
      if( !node || !node.length ){

        //Return an empty array if the isMultiple flag is true
        if( isMultiple )
          return [];
        //Return null if the isMultiple flag is false
          return null;
      //If exactly one node is found and we are only expecting one, return the text content
      else if( node.length == 1 && !isMultiple ){
        return node[0].textContent.trim();
      //If more than one node is found, parse into an array

        return, function(node){
          return node.textContent.trim() || null;


     * Updates collection XML with values in the collection model
     * @param {XMLDocument} objectDOM the XML element to be updated
     * @return {XMLElement} An updated XML element
    updateCollectionDOM: function(objectDOM){

      // Get or make objectDOM
        if (this.get("objectDOM")) {
          var objectDOM = this.get("objectDOM").cloneNode(true);
        } else {
            // create an XML collection element from scratch
            var objectDOM = $(this.createXML()).children()[0];

      // Set schema version. May need to be updated from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0.
      // The formatId is the same as the namespace URI.
      var currentNamespace = this.defaults().formatId;
      // The NS attribute name could be xmlns:por or xmlns:col
          if(attr.value !== currentNamespace){
            var newObjectDOM = this.createXML().documentElement;
            while (objectDOM.firstChild) {
            objectDOM = newObjectDOM
      }, this);

      // Remove definition node if it exists in XML already

      // Get the filters that are currently applied to the search.
      var definitionSerialized = this.get("definition").updateDOM();

      //If at least one filter was serialized, add the <definition> node
      if (definitionSerialized.childNodes.length) {

      // Get and update the simple text strings (everything but definition)
      // in reverse order because we prepend them consecutively to objectDOM
      var collectionTextData = {
        description: this.get("description"),
        name: this.get("name"),
        label: this.get("label")
      }, function(value, nodeName){

        // Remove the node if it exists
        // Use children() and not find() as there are sub-children named label

        // Don't serialize falsey values
        if(value && (typeof value == "string" && value.trim().length)){
          // Make new sub-node
          var collectionSubnodeSerialized = objectDOM.ownerDocument.createElement(nodeName);
          // Append new sub-node to the start of the objectDOM


      return objectDOM;


     * Initialize the object XML for a brand spankin' new collection
     * @return {Element}
    createXML: function() {

      var xmlString = "<col:collection xmlns:col=\"\"></col:collection>",
          xmlNew = $.parseXML(xmlString),
          colNode = xmlNew.getElementsByTagName("col:collections")[0];

      // set attributes
      colNode.setAttribute("xmlns:xsi", "");
      colNode.setAttribute("xsi:schemaLocation", "");

      this.set("ownerDocument", colNode.ownerDocument);


    * Creates a new instance of a Search model with a Filters collection.
    * The Search model is created and returned and NOT set directly on the model in
    * this function, because this function is called during parse(), when we're not ready
    * to set attributes directly on the model yet.
    * @return {Search}
    createSearchModel: function(){
      var search = new Search();
      // Do not set "catalogSearch" to true, even though the search model is specifically
      // created in order to do a catalog search. Instead, we set the definition
      // filterGroup model catalogSearch = true. This allows us to append the query
      // fragment with ID fields AFTER the catalog query fragment.
      search.set("filters", new Filters());
      return search;

    * This is a shortcut function that returns the query for the datasets in this portal,
    *  using the Search model for this portal. This is the full query that includes the filters not
    *  serialized to the portal XML, such as the filters used for the DataCatalogView.
    getQuery: function(){

      return this.get("definition").getQuery();


     * Creates a copy of the SolrResults collection and saves it in this
     * model so that there is always access to the unfiltered list of datasets
     * @param {SolrResults} searchResults - The SolrResults collection to cache
    cacheSearchResults: function(searchResults){

      //Save a copy of the SolrResults so that we always have a copy of
      // the unfiltered list of datasets
      this.set("allSearchResults", searchResults.clone());

      //Make a copy of the facetCounts object
      var allSearchResults = this.get("allSearchResults");
      allSearchResults.facetCounts = Object.assign({}, searchResults.facetCounts);


     * Overrides the default Backbone.Model.validate.function() to
     * check if this portal model has all the required values necessary
     * to save to the server.
     * @param {Object} [attrs] - A literal object of model attributes to validate.
     * @param {Object} [options] - A literal object of options for this validation process
     * @return {Object} If there are errors, an object comprising error
     *                   messages. If no errors, returns nothing.
    validate: function(attrs, options) {


        var errors = {};

        // Validate label
        var labelError = this.validateLabel(this.get("label"));
        if( labelError ){
          errors.label = labelError;

        // Validate the definition
        var definitionError = this.get("definition").validate(attrs, options);

            type = this.type.toLowerCase();
            errors.definition = "Your dataset collection hasn't been created. Add at " +
              "least one query rule below to find datasets for this " + type +
              ". For example, to create a " + type + " for datasets from a specific " +
              "research project, try using the project name field.";
          } else {
            // Just show the first error for now.
            errors.definition = Object.values(definitionError)[0]

        if( Object.keys(errors).length ) {
          return errors;
        } else {



     * Checks that a label does not equal a restricted value
     * (e.g. new temporary name), and that it's encoded properly
     * for use as part of a url
     * @param {string} label - The label to be validated
     * @return {string} - If the label is invalid, an error message string is returned
    validateLabel: function(label){


        //Validate the label set on the model if one isn't given
        if(typeof label != "string" ){
          var label = this.get("label");

        //If the label is not a string or is an empty string
        if( typeof label != "string" || !label.trim().length ){
          //Convert numbers to strings
          if(typeof label == "number"){
            label = label.toString();
            var type = this.type.toLowerCase();
            return "Please choose a name for this " + type + " to use in the URL.";

        // If the label is a restricted string
        var blockList = this.get("labelBlockList");
        if( blockList && Array.isArray(blockList) ){
            return "This URL is already taken, please try something else";

        // If the label includes illegal characters
        // (Only allow letters, numbers, underscores and dashes)
          return "URLs may only contain letters, numbers, underscores (_), and dashes (-).";

        //Trigger an error event



	return CollectionModel;