"use strict";
], (Backbone, _, Utilities, BioontologyClass, BioontologyOntology) => {
// The type that defines an ontology in the BioPortal API
const ONTOLOGY_TYPE = "http://data.bioontology.org/metadata/Ontology";
// The number of items to remove from the cache if it is full
// The number of milliseconds to wait before caching new items
* @class BioontologyResults
* @classdesc A collection of items returned from the BioPortal API. So far
* this collection is capable of storing Bioontology Classes and Ontologies.
* @class BioontologyResults
* @classcategory Collections/Ontologies
* @augments Backbone.Collection
* @since 2.31.0
* @class
const BioontologyResults = Backbone.Collection.extend(
/** @lends BioontologyResults.prototype */ {
/** @inheritdoc */
// eslint-disable-next-line object-shorthand
// Must use a function expression for `model` otherwise Backbone does not
// handle properly handle model instantiation.
model: function model(attrs, options) {
if (
attrs["@type"] === ONTOLOGY_TYPE ||
attrs.ontologyType === ONTOLOGY_TYPE
) {
return new BioontologyOntology(attrs, options);
return new BioontologyClass(attrs, options);
* @inheritdoc
* @param {object} _attributes - The attributes to initialize the collection with
* @param {object} options - The options to initialize the collection with
* @param {boolean} [options.autoCache] - Whether to automatically cache new items
initialize(_attributes, options) {
this.autoCache = _.debounce(this.cache, CACHE_DEBOUNCE_TIME);
if (options?.autoCache !== false) {
this.listenTo(this, "add", this.autoCache);
/** @returns {BioontologyClass[]} All BioontologyClass models in this collection */
classes() {
return this.models.filter((model) => model.type === "BioontologyClass");
/** @returns {BioontologyOntology[]} All BioontologyOntology models in this collection */
ontologies() {
return this.models.filter(
(model) => model.type === "BioontologyOntology",
* Fetches information for all ontologies in the collection. params use
* the defaults in the BioontologyOntology model if not provided.
* @param {string[]} ontologies - The acronyms of the ontologies to fetch,
* otherwise all ontologies in the collection will be fetched.
* @param {string[]} [include] - The fields to include in the response.
* @param {boolean} [includeViews] - Whether to include views
* @param {boolean} [displayContext] - Whether to include context.
* @param {boolean} [displayLinks] - Whether to include links.
) {
const ontologiesToFetch = ontologies
? this.where({ acronym: ontologies })
: this.ontologies();
const attrs = {
Object.keys(attrs).forEach((key) => {
if (attrs[key] === undefined) delete attrs[key];
ontologiesToFetch.forEach((ontology) => {
error: (model, response) => {
model.set("errorText", response.responseJSON.error);
* Fetches the names of all ontologies in the collection that do not have
* a name.
* @param {boolean} [checkCache] - Whether to check the browser's
* storage for the names of the ontologies before fetching them.
fetchOntologyNames(checkCache = true) {
const ontologies = this.ontologies();
const missingOntologies = ontologies.filter(
(ontology) => !ontology.get("name"),
if (!missingOntologies.length) return;
let missingAcronyms = missingOntologies.pluck("acronym");
if (checkCache) {
const foundOntologies =
const foundAcronyms = foundOntologies.map(
(ontology) => ontology.acronym,
missingAcronyms = missingAcronyms.filter(
(acronym) => !foundAcronyms.includes(acronym),
if (!missingAcronyms.length) return;
* Fetches the names of the ontologies from the browser's storage cache
* @param {string[]} acronyms - The acronyms of the ontologies to fetch
* @returns {BioontologyOntology[]} The ontologies with names
fetchOntologyNamesFromCache(acronyms) {
const collection = this;
const cached = this.getItemsFromCache(acronyms);
const cachedWithNames = cached.filter((ontology) => ontology.name);
const updated = [];
cachedWithNames.forEach((cachedOntology) => {
const ontologyToUpdate = collection.get(cachedOntology.acronym);
ontologyToUpdate.set("name", cachedOntology.name);
return updated;
/** Store the collection in the browser's storage */
cache() {
// Only add new items to the cache. Do not overwrite existing items.
const currentCache = this.getItemsFromCache();
const currentCacheIds = currentCache.map((item) => item.id);
const newModels = this.filter(
(item) => !currentCacheIds.includes(item.id),
// Keep cache storage small by removing unnecessary properties
const removeProps = ["@context", "links"];
const newItems = newModels.map((model) =>
Utilities.toJSONWithoutDefaults(model, removeProps),
const cache = currentCache.concat(newItems);
* If the cache is full, remove the oldest 100 items and try to cache again
* @param {object[]} cache - The cache to store
cacheWithRetry(cache) {
try {
localStorage.setItem("bioontologyResults", JSON.stringify(cache));
} catch (error) {
if (error.name === "QuotaExceededError") {
const newCache = cache.slice(CACHE_REMOVAL_SIZE);
} else {
throw error;
* Retrieve classes & ontologies from the browser's storage, if available
* @param {string[]} ids - The unique identifiers of the items to get,
* otherwise all items available in the cache will be restored.
* @returns {object[]} The items from the cache
getItemsFromCache(ids) {
let cache = localStorage.getItem("bioontologyResults");
cache = cache ? JSON.parse(cache) : [];
if (!cache || !cache.length) return [];
if (ids) {
return cache.filter((item) => ids.includes(item.id));
return cache;
* Restore classes & ontologies from the browser's storage and adds them to
* the collection.
* @param {string[]} ids - The unique identifiers of the items to restore,
* otherwise all items available in the cache will be restored.
* @param {boolean} silent - Whether to suppress the "add" event
* @returns {BioontologyClass[]} The restored items
restoreFromCache(ids, silent = false) {
const items = this.getItemsFromCache(ids);
return this.add(items, { silent });
/** Remove all items from the browser's storage */
clearCache() {
* Convert all classes in the collection attributes to use in the
* Accordion model
* @param {string} root - The root ontology or subtree
* @returns {object[]} The classes as Accordion items
classesToAccordionItems(root) {
const classes = this.classes();
return classes.map((cls) => {
const accordionItem = cls.toAccordionItem();
const { parent } = accordionItem;
accordionItem.parent = parent === root ? "" : parent;
return accordionItem;
return BioontologyResults;