Source: src/js/collections/metadata/eml/EMLAnnotations.js

"use strict";

define(["jquery", "underscore", "backbone", "models/metadata/eml211/EMLAnnotation"],
function($, _, Backbone, EMLAnnotation){
   * @class EMLAnnotations
   * @classdesc A collection of EMLAnnotations.
   * @classcategory Collections/Metadata/EML
   * @since 2.19.0
  var EMLAnnotations = Backbone.Collection.extend(
    /** @lends EMLAnnotations.prototype */

      * The reference to the model class that this collection is made of.
      * @type EMLAnnotation
      * @since 2.19.0
      model: EMLAnnotation,

      * Checks if this collection already has an annotation for the same property URI.
      * @param {EMLAnnotation} annotation The EMLAnnotation to compare against the annotations already in this collection.
      * @returns {Boolean} Returns true is this collection already has an annotation for this property.
      * @since 2.19.0
      hasDuplicateOf: function(annotation){


          //If there is at least one model in this collection and there is a propertyURI set on the given model,
          if( this.length && annotation.get("propertyURI") ){
            //Return whether or not there is a duplicate
            let properties = this.pluck("propertyURI");
            return properties.includes(annotation.get("propertyURI"));
          //If this collection is empty or the propertyURI is falsey, return false
            return false;

          console.error("Could not check for a duplicate annotation: ", e);
          return false;


      * Removes the EMLAnnotation from this collection that has the same propertyURI as the given annotation.
      * Then adds the given annotation to the collection. If no duplicate is found, the given annotation is still added
      * to the collection.
      * @param {EMLAnnotation} annotation
      * @since 2.19.0
      replaceDuplicateWith: function(annotation){


          if( this.length && annotation.get("propertyURI") ){
            let duplicates = this.findWhere({ "propertyURI": annotation.get("propertyURI") });


          console.error("Could not replace the EMLAnnotation in the collection: ", e);



  return EMLAnnotations;