Source: src/js/collections/Units.js

"use strict";

], function ($, _, Backbone, X2JS, EMLUnit) {
   * @class Units
   * @classdesc Units represents the Ecological Metadata Language units list
   * @classcategory Collections
   * @extends Backbone.Collection
  var Units = Backbone.Collection.extend(
    /** @lends Units.prototype */ {
      model: EMLUnit,

      comparator: function (unit) {
        return (
          unit.get("_name").charAt(0).toUpperCase() + unit.get("_name").slice(1)

       * The URL of the EML unit Dictionary
      url: "",

      /* Retrieve the units from the tagged EML Github Repository */
      fetch: function (options) {
        if (typeof options != {}) var options = {};

        var fetchOptions = _.extend({ dataType: "text" }, options);

        return, fetchOptions);

      /* Parse the XML response */
      parse: function (response) {
        // If the collection is already parsed, just return it
        if (typeof response === "object") return response;

        // Otherwise, parse it
        var x2js = new X2JS();
        var units = x2js.xml_str2json(response);

        return units.unitList.unit;

  return Units;