Source: src/js/views/maps/DrawToolView.js

"use strict";

define(["backbone", "models/connectors/GeoPoints-CesiumPolygon", "models/connectors/GeoPoints-CesiumPoints", "collections/maps/GeoPoints"], function (
) {
   * @class DrawTool
   * @classdesc The DrawTool view allows a user to draw an arbitrary polygon on
   * the map. The polygon is stored in a GeoPoints collection and displayed on
   * the map using a connected CesiumVectorData model.
   * @classcategory Views/Maps
   * @name DrawTool
   * @extends Backbone.View
   * @screenshot views/maps/DrawTool.png
   * @since 2.27.0
   * @constructs DrawTool
  var DrawTool = Backbone.View.extend(
    /** @lends DrawTool.prototype */ {
       * The type of View this is
       * @type {string}
      type: "DrawTool",

       * The HTML classes to use for this view's element
       * @type {string}
      className: "draw-tool",

       * Class to use for the buttons
       * @type {string}
      buttonClass: "map-view__button",

       * Class to use for the active button
       * @type {string}
      buttonClassActive: "map-view__button--active",

       * @typedef {Object} DrawToolButtonOptions
       * @property {string} name - The name of the button. This should be the
       * same as the mode that the button will activate (if the button is
       * supposed to activate a mode).
       * @property {string} label - The label to display on the button.
       * @property {string} icon - The name of the icon to display on the
       * button.
       * @property {string} [method] - The name of the method to call when the
       * button is clicked. If this is not provided, the button will toggle the
       * mode of the draw tool.

       * The buttons to display in the toolbar and their corresponding actions.
       * @type {DrawToolButtonOptions[]}
      buttons: [
          name: "draw", // === mode
          label: "Draw Polygon",
          icon: "pencil",
        // {
        //   name: "move",
        //   label: "Move Point",
        //   icon: "move",
        // },
        // {
        //   name: "remove",
        //   label: "Remove Point",
        //   icon: "eraser",
        // },
          name: "clear",
          label: "Clear Polygon",
          icon: "trash",
          method: "reset",
          name: "save",
          label: "Save",
          icon: "save",
          method: "save",

       * The buttons that have been rendered in the toolbar. Formatted as an
       * object with the button name as the key and the button element as the
       * value.
       * @type {Object}
      buttonEls: {},

       * The current mode of the draw tool. This can be "draw", "move",
       * "remove", or "add" - any of the "name" properties of the buttons array,
       * excluding buttons like "clear" and "save" that have a method property.
      mode: false,

       * The Cesium map model to draw on. This must be the same model that the
       * mapWidget is using.
       * @type {Map}
      mapModel: undefined,

       * A reference to the MapInteraction model on the MapModel that is used to
       * listen for clicks on the map.
       * @type {MapInteraction}
      interactions: undefined,

       * The CesiumVectorData model that will display the polygon that is being
       * drawn.
       * @type {CesiumVectorData}
      layer: undefined,

       * The GeoPoints collection that stores the points of the polygon that is
       * being drawn.
       * @type {GeoPoints}
      points: undefined,

       * The color of the polygon that is being drawn as a hex string.
       * @type {string}
      color: "#a31840",

       * The initial opacity of the polygon that is being drawn. A number
       * between 0 and 1.
       * @type {number}
      opacity: 0.3,

       * Initializes the DrawTool
       * @param {Object} options - A literal object with options to pass to the
       * view
       * @param {Map} options.model - The Cesium map model to draw on. This must
       * be the same model that the mapWidget is using.
       * @param {string} [options.mode=false] - The initial mode of the draw
       * tool.
      initialize: function (options) {
        this.mapModel = options.model;
        if (!this.mapModel) {
          console.warn("No map model was provided.");
        // Add models & collections and add interactions, layer, connector,
        // points, and originalAction properties to this view

       * Sets up the map model and adds the interactions and originalAction
       * properties to this view.
      setUpMapModel: function () {
        this.originalAction = this.mapModel.get("clickFeatureAction");
        this.interactions =
          this.mapModel.get("interactions") ||

       * Sets up the layer to show the polygon on the map that is being drawn.
       * Adds the layer property to this view.
       * @returns {CesiumVectorData} The CesiumVectorData model that will
       * display the polygon that is being drawn.
      setUpLayer: function () {
        this.layer = this.mapModel.addAsset({
          type: "CustomDataSource",
          label: "Your Polygon",
          description: "The polygon that you are drawing on the map",
          hideInLayerList: true,
          outlineColor: this.color,
          highlightColor: this.color,
          opacity: this.opacity,
          colorPalette: {
            colors: [
                color: this.color,

       * Sets up the connector to connect the GeoPoints collection to the
       * CesiumVectorData model. Adds the connector and points properties to
       * this view.
       * @returns {GeoPointsVectorData} The connector
      setUpConnectors: function () {
        const points = this.points = new GeoPoints();
        this.polygonConnector = new GeoPointsVectorData({
          layer: this.layer,
          geoPoints: points,
        this.pointsConnector = new GeoPointsCesiumPoints({
          layer: this.layer,
          geoPoints: points,
        return this.connector;

       * Adds a point to the polygon that is being drawn.
       * @param {Object} point - The point to add to the polygon. This should
       * have a latitude and longitude property.
       * @returns {GeoPoint} The GeoPoint model that was added to the polygon.
      addPoint: function (point) {
        return this.points?.addPoint(point);

       * Clears the polygon that is being drawn.
      clearPoints: function () {

       * Resets the draw tool to its initial state.
      reset: function () {

       * Removes the polygon object from the map
      removeLayer: function () {
        if (!this.mapModel || !this.layer) return;
        this.polygonConnector.set("vectorLayer", null);
        this.pointsConnector.set("vectorLayer", null);

       * Renders the DrawTool
       * @returns {DrawTool} Returns the view
      render: function () {
        if(!this.mapModel) {
          this.showError("No map model was provided.");
          return this;
        return this;

       * Show an error message to the user if the map model is not available
       * or any other error occurs.
       * @param {string} [message] - The error message to show to the user.
      showError: function (message) {
        const str = `<i class="icon-warning-sign icon-left"></i>` +
          `<span> The draw tool is not available. ${message}</span>`;
        this.el.innerHTML = str;

       * Create and insert the buttons for drawing and clearing the polygon.
      renderToolbar: function () {
        const view = this;
        const el = this.el;

        // Create the buttons
        view.buttons.forEach(options => {
          const button = document.createElement("button");
          button.className = this.buttonClass;
          button.innerHTML = `<i class="icon icon-${options.icon}"></i> ${options.label}`;
          button.addEventListener("click", function () {
            const method = options.method;
            if(method) view[method]();
            else view.toggleMode(;
          if(!view.buttonEls) view.buttonEls = {};
          view.buttonEls[ + "Button"] = button;

       * Sends the polygon coordinates to a callback function to do something
       * with them.
       * @param {Function} callback - The callback function to send the polygon
       * coordinates to.
      save: function (callback) {
        if(callback && typeof callback === "function") {

       * Toggles the mode of the draw tool.
       * @param {string} mode - The mode to toggle to.
      toggleMode: function (mode) {
        if (this.mode === mode) {
        } else {

       * Sets the mode of the draw tool. Currently only "draw" and false are
       * supported.
       * @param {string|boolean} mode - The mode to set. This can be "draw" or
       * false to indicate that the draw tool should not be active.
      setMode: function (mode) {
        if (this.mode === mode) return;
        this.mode = mode;
        if (mode) {
          if (!this.listeningForClicks) this.setClickListeners();
        } else {

       * Sets the style of the button with the given name to indicate that it is
       * active.
      activateButton: function (buttonName) {
        const buttonEl = this.buttonEls[buttonName + "Button"];
        if(!buttonEl) return;

       * Resets the styles of all of the buttons to indicate that they are not
       * active.
      resetButtonStyles: function () {
        // Iterate through the buttonEls object and reset the styles
        for (const button in this.buttonEls) {
          if (this.buttonEls.hasOwnProperty(button)) {
            const buttonEl = this.buttonEls[button];

       * Removes the click listeners from the map model and sets the
       * clickFeatureAction back to its original value.
      removeClickListeners: function () {
        const handler = this.clickHandler;
        const originalAction = this.originalAction;
        if (handler) {
          this.clickHandler = null;
        this.mapModel.set("clickFeatureAction", originalAction);
        this.listeningForClicks = false;

       * Set listeners to call the handleClick method when the user clicks on
       * the map.
      setClickListeners: function () {
        const view = this;
        const handler = (this.clickHandler = new Backbone.Model());
        const interactions = this.interactions;
        const clickedPosition = interactions.get("clickedPosition");
        this.mapModel.set("clickFeatureAction", null);
          "change:latitude change:longitude",
          () => {
        this.listeningForClicks = true;
        // When the clickedPosition GeoPoint model or the MapInteractions model
        // is replaced, restart the listeners on the new model.
          function () {
            if (view.listeningForClicks) {
        handler.listenToOnce(this.mapModel, "change:interactions", function () {
          if (view.listeningForClicks) {

       * Handles a click on the map. If the draw tool is active, it will add the
       * coordinates of the click to the polygon being drawn.
       * @param {Number} [throttle=50] - The number of milliseconds to block
       * clicks for after a click is handled. This prevents double clicks.
      handleClick: function (throttle = 50) {
        // Prevent double clicks
        if (this.clickActionBlocked) return;
        this.clickActionBlocked = true;
        setTimeout(() => {
          this.clickActionBlocked = false;
        }, throttle);
        // Add the point to the polygon
        if (this.mode === "draw") {
          const point = this.interactions.get("clickedPosition");
            latitude: point.get("latitude"),
            longitude: point.get("longitude"),
            height: point.get("height"),
            mapWidgetCoords: point.get("mapWidgetCoords"),

       * Clears the polygon that is being drawn
      onClose: function () {

  return DrawTool;