"use strict";
define(["backbone", "collections/ontologies/BioontologyResults"], (
) => {
* @class BioontologyBatch
* @classdesc A model that fetches data from the BioPortal API using the batch
* endpoint. This can be used to store data about classes that have been
* fetched from BioPortal, and to fetch additional classes as needed.
* @classcategory Models/Ontologies
* @since 2.31.0
* @augments Backbone.Model
const BioontologyBatch = Backbone.Model.extend({
/** @lends BioontologyBatch.prototype */
* The default attributes for this model. All attributes not documented here
* are detailed on the BioPortal API docs:
* https://data.bioontology.org/documentation.
* @returns {object} The default attributes for this model
* @property {Backbone.Collection} collection - The collection of classes
* fetched from BioPortal
* @property {string} apiKey - The API key to use for requests to BioPortal.
* If not set, the appModel's API key will be used.
* @property {string} apiBaseURL - The base URL for the BioPortal API.
* @property {string} ontologyPrefix - A string to prepend to ontology
* acronyms to form the full ontology ID for batch requests. Note that this
* is not the same as the ontology URL, as the ID starts with http not
* https.
* @property {string[]} ontologies - The ontologies to search for classes
* in, in order of priority. Only the acronyms are needed.
* @property {string[]} include - The fields to include in the response.
* @property {string[]} classesToFetch - The classes (classIds) to fetch
* from BioPortal.
defaults() {
return {
collection: new BioontologyResults(),
apiKey: null,
apiBaseURL: MetacatUI.appModel.get("bioportalApiBaseUrl"),
ontologyPrefix: "http://data.bioontology.org/ontologies/",
ontologies: MetacatUI.appModel.get("bioportalOntologies"),
include: ["prefLabel", "definition", "subClassOf", "hasChildren"],
classesToFetch: [],
* Initialize the Bioontology mode
* @param {object} attributes - The model attributes
* @param {string} attributes.apiKey - An alternative API key to use. If not
* set, the appModel's API key will be used.
* @param {object} _options - The options object
initialize(attributes, _options) {
// Fall back to the appModel's API key if one is not provided
if (!attributes?.apiKey && !this.get("apiKey")) {
this.set("apiKey", MetacatUI.appModel.get("bioportalAPIKey"));
/** @inheritdoc */
url() {
return `${this.get("apiBaseURL")}/batch`;
* Add classes from a response to the collection. This method is async and
* will return a promise that resolves when the collection has been updated.
* @param {object} response - The response from the BioPortal API
* @param {string|object} [ontology] - Provide to include the ontology acronym
* to store as an attribute on the class models
* @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the collection has
* been updated
async addClassesFromResponse(response, ontology) {
const collection = this.get("collection");
let parsedResponse = Object.values(response).flat();
const updated = new Promise((resolve) => {
this.listenToOnce(this.get("collection"), "update", resolve);
if (ontology) {
parsedResponse = parsedResponse.map((cls) => ({
collection.add(parsedResponse, { parse: true });
return updated;
* Create a payload for a batch request to the BioPortal API.
* @param {string[]} classes - The classes to fetch
* @param {string|object} ontology - The ontology acronym or object with
* acronym stored in the "ontology" property
* @returns {string} The JSON stringified payload
createBatchPayload(classes, ontology) {
const acronym =
typeof ontology === "object" ? ontology.ontology : ontology;
const ontologyId = `${this.get("ontologyPrefix")}${acronym}`;
const payload = {
"http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Class": {
collection: classes.map((cls) => ({
class: cls,
ontology: ontologyId,
display: this.get("include")?.join(",") || "prefLabel,definition",
return JSON.stringify(payload);
* Create the headers for a request to the BioPortal API.
* @returns {object} The headers object
* @property {string} Content-Type - The content type of the request
* @property {string} Authorization - The authorization header with the API
* key
createHeaders() {
return {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: `apikey token=${this.get("apiKey")}`,
* If some of the classes to fetch are already in the collection, remove
* them from the list of classes to fetch.
filterClassesToFetch() {
const classesToFetch = this.get("classesToFetch");
const collection = this.get("collection");
const existingClasses = collection.pluck("@id");
classesToFetch.filter((cls) => !existingClasses.includes(cls)),
* Make a batch request for a given set of classes and a single ontology.
* @param {string[]} classes - The classes to fetch
* @param {string} ontology - The ontology to search in
* @returns {Promise<object>} A promise that resolves to the response from
* the BioPortal API
async fetchClassesFromOntology(classes, ontology) {
try {
const payload = this.createBatchPayload(classes, ontology);
const response = await fetch(this.url(), {
method: "POST",
headers: this.createHeaders(),
body: payload,
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`);
return await response.json();
} catch (error) {
return null;
* Record an error that occurred during the fetch process.
* @param {Error} error - The error that occurred
recordError(error) {
const currentErrors = this.get("errors") || [];
this.set("errors", [...currentErrors, error]);
* Move the classes that were not found to the list of classes not found. This
* should be called after all classes have been fetched.
moveClassesToNotFound() {
const classesNotFound = this.get("classesNotFound") || [];
const leftOverClasses = this.get("classesToFetch") || [];
this.set("classesNotFound", [...classesNotFound, ...leftOverClasses]);
this.set("classesToFetch", []);
* Wait for the fetch process to complete. This will return a promise that
* resolves when the fetch process is complete.
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} A promise that resolves to true if the fetch
* process is complete, and false if it is not complete
async waitForFetchComplete() {
if (this.get("status") === "fetching") {
await new Promise((resolve) => {
this.listenToOnce(this, "fetchComplete", resolve);
return true;
return false;
* Initialize the fetch process. This will set the status to "fetching" and
* set the list of classes to fetch to the provided classes.
* @param {string[]} classes - The classes to fetch
initializeFetch(classes) {
this.set("status", "fetching");
const leftOverClasses = this.get("classesToFetch");
this.set("classesNotFound", leftOverClasses);
this.set("classesToFetch", classes);
* Fetch classes from the BioPortal API. This method is async and will
* return a promise that resolves when the classes have been fetched.
* @returns {Promise<object[]>} A promise that resolves to an array of
* objects containing the classes fetched from BioPortal
async fetchFromOntologies() {
const ontologies = this.get("ontologies");
const responses = [];
ontologies.forEach(async (ontology) => {
const classesToFetch = this.get("classesToFetch");
if (!classesToFetch.length) {
const response = await this.fetchClassesFromOntology(
).catch((error) => {
return null;
if (response) {
await this.addClassesFromResponse(
ontology.label || ontology,
// Update the list of classes to fetch based on what was found
return responses;
* Finalize the fetch process. This will set the status to "fetched" and
* trigger the "fetchComplete" event.
finalizeFetch() {
this.set("status", "fetched");
* Fetch classes from the BioPortal API. This method is async and will
* return a promise that resolves when the classes have been fetched.
* @param {string[]} classes - The classes to fetch
* @returns {Promise<Backbone.Model[]>} A promise that resolves to an array
* of Backbone models
async fetchClasses(classes) {
try {
if (await this.waitForFetchComplete()) {
return this.fetchClasses(classes);
const responses = await this.fetchFromOntologies();
return responses.flatMap((response) =>
response ? response.classes : [],
} catch (error) {
return [];
} finally {
* Gets the models for given classes. For classes that exist already, the
* model will be fetched from the collection. For classes that do not exist
* yet, the bioportal API will be queried. The promise will resolve when all
* models have been fetched.
* @param {string[]} classes - The classes to fetch
* @returns {Promise<Backbone.Model[]>} A promise that resolves to an array
* of Backbone models
async getClasses(classes) {
const existingClasses = this.getCachedClasses(classes);
const newClasses = await this.fetchClasses(classes);
return [...existingClasses, ...newClasses];
* Get the models for classes that have already been fetched from BioPortal.
* @param {string[]} classes - The class IDs to get models for
* @returns {Backbone.Model[]} The models for the classes that have already
* been fetched
getCachedClasses(classes) {
const collection = this.get("collection");
const models = collection.filter((model) => classes.includes(model.id));
return models;
return BioontologyBatch;