Source: src/js/views/searchSelect/ObjectFormatSelectView.js

], function ($, _, Backbone, SearchableSelect, ObjectFormats) {
   * @class ObjectFormatSelect
   * @classdesc A select interface that allows the user to search for and
   * select a DataONE object format
   * @classcategory Views/SearchSelect
   * @extends SearchableSelect
   * @constructor
   * @since 2.15.0
   * @screenshot views/searchSelect/ObjectFormatSelectView.png
  var ObjectFormatSelect = SearchableSelect.extend(
    /** @lends ObjectFormatSelectView.prototype */
       * The type of View this is
       * @type {string}
      type: "ObjectFormatSelect",

       * className - Returns the class names for this view element
       * @return {string}  class names
      className: SearchableSelect.prototype.className + " object-format-select",

       * Label for the input element
       * @type {string}
       * @since 2.15.0
      inputLabel: "Select one or more metadata types",

       * Text to show in the input field before any value has been entered
       * @type {string}
       * @since 2.15.0
      placeholderText: "Type in a metadata type",

       * Whether to allow users to select more than one value
       * @type {boolean}
       * @since 2.15.0
      allowMulti: true,

       * Setting to true gives users the ability to add their own options that
       * are not listed in this.options. This can work with either single
       * or multiple search select dropdowns
       * @type {boolean}
       * @default true
       * @since 2.15.0
      allowAdditions: true,

       * Render the view
       * @return {ObjectFormatSelect}  Returns the view
       * @since 2.15.0
      render: function () {
        try {
          var view = this;

          // Ensure the object formats are cached
          if (typeof MetacatUI.objectFormats === "undefined") {
            MetacatUI.objectFormats = new ObjectFormats();

          // If not already synced, then get the object formats
          if (
            MetacatUI.objectFormats.length === 0 &&
              MetacatUI.objectFormats._events &&
          ) {
              "sync error",

          var formatIds = MetacatUI.objectFormats.toJSON();
          var options = _.chain(formatIds)
            // Since the Query Rules automatically include a rule for formatType =
            // "METADATA", only allow filtering datasets by specific metadata type.
            .where({ formatType: "METADATA" })
            .map(function (format) {
              return {
                label: format.formatName,
                value: format.formatId,
                description: format.formatId,

          this.options = options;

        } catch (error) {
          console.log("Error rendering an Object Format Select View.");
  return ObjectFormatSelect;