Source: src/js/models/connectors/Geohash-Search.js

/*global define */
define(['backbone', "models/maps/assets/CesiumGeohash", "collections/SolrResults", "models/Search"],
  function(Backbone, CesiumGeohash, SearchResults, Search) {
  'use strict';

  * @class GeohashSearchConnector
  * @classdesc A model that creates listeners between the CesiumGeohash MapAsset model and the Search model.
  * @name GeohashSearchConnector
  * @extends Backbone.Model
  * @constructor
  * @classcategory Models/Connectors
  return Backbone.Model.extend(
    /** @lends GeohashSearchConnector.prototype */ {

         * @type {object}
         * @property {SolrResults} searchResults
         * @property {CesiumGeohash} cesiumGeohash
        defaults: function(){
                searchResults: null,
                cesiumGeohash: null

         * Sets listeners on the CesiumGeohash map asset and the SearchResults. It will get the geohash facet data
         * from the SolrResults and set it on the CesiumGeohash so it can be used by a map view. It also updates the 
         * geohash level in the SolrResults so that it can be used by the next query.
         * @since 2.22.0
        startListening: function(){
            this.listenTo(this.get("searchResults"), "reset", function(){
                //Set the new geohash facet counts on the CesiumGeohash MapAsset
                let level = this.get("cesiumGeohash").get("geohashLevel");
                this.get("cesiumGeohash").set("geohashCounts", this.get("searchResults").facetCounts["geohash_"+level] );
                this.get("cesiumGeohash").set("totalCount", this.get("searchResults").getNumFound() );

                //Set the status of the CesiumGeohash MapAsset to 'ready' so that it is re-rendered
                if(this.get("cesiumGeohash").get("status") == "ready"){
                    this.get("cesiumGeohash").set("status", "ready");
            this.listenTo(this.get("cesiumGeohash"), "change:geohashLevel", function(){

