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To make some direct-from-API workflows functional (e.g., Qualtrics surveys, etc.). It is necessary to quickly test whether a given R session "knows" the API token. This function returns an error if the specified token type isn't found and prints a message if one is found


token_check(api = "qualtrics", secret = TRUE)



(character) API the token is for (currently only supports "qualtrics" and "github")


(logical) Whether to include the token character string in the success message. FALSE prints the token, TRUE keeps it secret but returns a success message


No return value, called for side effects


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Check whether a GitHub token is attached or not
token_check(api = "github", secret = TRUE)
} # }
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Check whether a Qualtrics token is attached or not
token_check(api = "qualtrics", secret = TRUE)
} # }