Introduction to Data Visualization

data vis

Data visualization is a great tool to explore and communicate your data. Learn the basics of ggplot2 and other data vis packages.
Image credit: Art by Allison Horst


ggplot2 is a popular and powerful package for visualizing data in R. This lesson introduces you to the basic components of working with ggplot2 and inspires you to keep exploring the endless possibilities this package provides regarding data visualization. We also briefly introduce the leaflet and dt packages to create interactive maps and tables.


  • Basic knowledge of R and RStudio
  • Familiarity with the packages dyplr and tidyr

Learning Goals

  • Introduce the basics of the ggplot2 package to create static plots
  • Understand how to use ggplot2’s theme abilities to create publication-grade graphics
  • Learn the basics of the leaflet package to create interactive maps


2 hours